Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Sinbulvinter

Frey's offered a confusing request, Rema's becoming attatched, and Zekk doesn't seem to like Frey very much


“Frey, Do you want to stay here?”

Rema’s question threw me off guard.  I had just met her a couple weeks ago, and just told her I was raised by a serial killer and enjoyed murdering people because I thought they were useless and this crazy woman wants me to stay here.

Granted, she’s a killer too, and probably doesn’t know anyone else like herself besides me.

“It’s cold out there. You look like you’ve hardly been eating. You’re always beaten up, bleeding, or trying to kill yourself whenever I see you… Plus, you’re all alone out there…  I’m alone here… I just… I’d like you to stay here, just for a little while so you don’t have to be out there all alone in the cold, hungry and hurt.” She looked so sad, it was pathetic.

I thought it over.. I was always cold, and could hardly afford food… It was hard out there, and I hadn’t been able to sleep indoors since the basement before I met her.  And… She does seem to genuinely care and want to help, and she needs someone she can relate to…

F*****g hell, why not?

“Sure…” I answered finally.

She smiled, “Good… I’m glad… I didn’t like thinking about you out there, especially with how hurt you are…”


I knock came to the door the next day and woke me while I was sleeping on the sofa.  Someone was f*****g pounding on the damn door.  I watched Rema rush to it, still tired as she threw it open and greeted the guy she met the other day.  I guessed this was Zekk.

“Hey, Zekk? What’s going on?” Rema asked, rubbing her eyes. “It’s pretty early…”

“Yeah, wanted to talk to ya…” He stepped inside, taking a double take at me. “Who’s this?”

“This is Frey.  I met him a few weeks ago…” She told him. “I think I told you about him.”

He nodded, his eyes still not leaving me. “Yeah, the homeless guy who got shot...  Why’s he here, he get shot again or some s**t?”

“No, he needs a place to stay.”

“Talkin’ ‘bout me like I’m not even here, eh?” I smirked, watching the guy narrow his dark eyes at me.  I could tell this guy already didn’t like me, but hell, pretty much everyone doesn’t like me.

“Sorry,” Rema said quickly. “Give us a few minutes.”

Her and Zekk went into Rema’s bedroom to talk, and I accidently on purpose happened to overhear them.  The guy seemed stressed about something, but he was being very vague.  He mentioned the man from last night, and that he thought someone may have seen him take the body.  Rema was sounding like a kicked puppy - apologizing, promising she’d slow down, thanking him, and saying how much she regretted it.

It surprised me that Rema was a murderer.  She didn’t seem like the type.  She’s got that naive and innocent feel about her, and seems just like a lonely, sad little girl.  She doesn’t seem like the type to take a single life, yet take many.  I guess that came as an advantage for her, no one would see it coming.  People knew I was a freak, and wouldn’t be surprised to hear I killed people, but Rema just seemed like every other girl.

The two spoke for a while in hushed voices, and I heard my name come up several times.  I smirked when I heard jealousy in the guy’s voice as he asked what my deal was and if I was even safe to be around.  He told her I “seemed like a shady guy” and that she “should be careful around people like me.”  It made me chuckle a little to myself.  

The guy looked like your typical wanna-be thug.  Baggy jeans, tacky watches, shitload of tattoos, walked like he was trying to hold his sagging pants up, the whole nine yards.  He seemed pretty shady himself.  I just shrugged it off, figuring he liked her or some s**t and saw me as a threat.

Like I was much of a threat, even if I was interested in her, I wouldn’t have a clue on what to do in a relationship… or even to start one.  Romance seems rather pointless to me.  So I could give a f**k less if the dumb prick wanted Rema.

After about twenty minutes, Zekk left, giving me a glare before he did.  


A couple days came and went, and I ended up sleeping a lot.  My body was more exhausted than I realized, and soon I couldn’t fight the sleep no matter how bad the nightmares got.  I woke up Rema a few times at night, and her nosy a*s asked a bunch of questions I refused to answer.  I still hadn’t told her much about my past, and I didn’t think she needed to know.  It wasn’t something I liked thinking about, much less talking about.

Her roommate, Kacia, and the guy Zekk really didn’t seem to like me at all. But Kacia was fun to screw around with, I found it amusing to scare the hell out of her by standing in the dark in the middle of the room and watching her scream and run to hide whenever she came home.  Rema didn’t seem to approve of my joke.

Zekk only came by twice more, and wouldn’t even look at or speak to me.  He insisted on taking Rema out or going into the bedroom to talk to her about his paranoid issues.  He also often voiced his opinion on me.

When Rema went to work, I’d walk around the city and try to find something to do… Usually ending up killing somebody and stuffing their bodies in a dumpster.  Rema seemed to do the same thing, and killed two more people in a single week, then drank herself to sleep each night she committed a murder.

She had done it right after work, told me she needed some extra money and offered sexual favors to a guy in return for some cash.  The guy apparently got too rough and she had a flashback and stabbed him in the stomach.

“It really ain’t that big of a deal.  You’re making it more than it is…” I tried telling her.  She was all broken up, drunk and crying like a child.

“Isn’t a big deal? I killed a man!” She nearly hissed.

“So, sounded like scum to me.”

“Frey, just because someone’s a bad person doesn’t mean they have to die or that they deserve it!” She had these damned morals that really held her back, they did her no good.

“Everyone dies someday, good or bad… Weeding out the bad ones don’t do no harm.” I told her.

She just stared at me with wide eyes, shaking her head, “Do you even have feelings?”

I smirked, “Nope.”

She groaned, running her hand through her hair and pulling. “Well, Zekk’s angry with me again because I’ve been doing it so much… He’s afraid of getting caught and pinned with the murders.”

“Well, he acts like he’s some hard a*s gangster, shouldn’t be so afraid of jail.” I shrugged, watching the offense flood her face.

“Zekk’s helped me a lot, and I don’t want him to go to prison for something I did.”

“So, f****n’ handle your own s**t then.” I sighed, not understanding why she couldn’t grasp such simple things.

She frowned, “So, I’m assuming you’re killing people too.”

“Yup.” I told her bluntly, I had no reason to hide it.

“Don’t you ever feel bad? Don’t you ever wonder about the people you killed or regret it?”

“Nah. People are just cockroaches anyway, f****n’ waste of air.”

“Where do you get these ideals…” She shook her head, grabbing a cig. “That man must have really fucked up your head when you were a kid…”

I narrowed my eyes, stilling.

  “What a rude b***h.”

“Sorry…” She said after a moment, “That was uncalled for… I’m just upset.”

“Yeah… Whatever…” I muttered.

  “She doesn’t understand… She’s had pain and taken lives, but she’s not at your level…”

I nodded to myself and the monster, hearing it stirr inside.

  “She’ll come around.”



Frey was pissed at me all night after that comment I made about the man who raised him.  I could tell I struck a nerve, but I wasn’t sure what I could say to him to make him not so angry.

Frey was different.  He did seem like he had no feelings, regret, or care for anything in this world.  He didn’t even seem to care about himself.  He just thought everyone and everything was worthless, and I knew his thoughts were that way because of whatever happened to him when he was younger - but I still didn’t know how to process that.  

I’ve always been a very emotional person.  Overly sensitive, to the point of being almost a baby.  But I care deeply for people.  I feel pain sharp.  I feel happiness strong.  I feel regret deep.  I couldn’t imagine being any other way.  And I care about Frey, but it hurt to know he probably didn’t care about me…

I was drunk, lonely, and depressed when Zekk called my phone, telling me he handled the body from earlier.

“You sound different, ya okay?  Still shaken up?” He asked.

“No… I’m fine… Just… Frey’s pissed at me.”

“So, the guy’s staying with you now?” He asked, his voice tight.

I nodded like he could see me through the phone, “He doesn’t have anywhere to go, and it’s winter outside right now.  He’s still recovering from whatever happened to him weeks ago…”

“You sure this guy’s safe?  Something about him seems… off…”

“He’s a good guy, just a little strange.” I told him.

“He kills people too, don’t he?”

I paused, my voice not wanting to work for a moment, “How…”

“I could just tell…” He coughed, “Look, I don’t care who you wanna screw around with, but just remember what happened with the last “strange” guy you hooked up with.  Your taste in men hasn’t always been the best.”

“Hey, I dated you so it can’t be that bad!”

He laughed, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right… But seriously… Just be careful of that guy… I don’t like him.”

© 2017 Sinbulvinter

Author's Note

Okay, so... Frey's finally off the streets (good for him), but cue Zekk starting to become an asshole (foreshadowing!).
This is wrapping up the first act of Tasteless, and everything starts going to hell in the next chapters. lol.

Yeah, multi-chapter story. So read the previous ones!

Let me know what you think! I've really enjoyed getting all the feedback, so keep it coming!
Any thoughts or comments I am very grateful for. Let me know if you notice any errors in this as well. Thank ya!!

My Review

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Hmmm strange that her comment would bother him. Interesting that Zekk still seems to care for Rema, why else would he help her with the bodies?

I liked this part

I found it amusing to scare the hell out of her by standing in the dark in the middle of the room and watching her scream and run to hide whenever she came home.

Made me laugh!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah Zekk does care for her at this point in the story, and helps her because of that.

.. read more

7 Years Ago

Haha yeah he is a funny a*****e
Aloha, interesting chapter. I'm very intrigued by Zekk. He's hiding something. Why did he and Rema break up? Lots of questions to be answered. I'm looking forward to the next few chapters. Izzy

Posted 7 Years Ago

So as expected, Frey took up the offer of staying with Rema.. but that was funny to read him going around scaring Kacia like a kid lol

Also him sneaking up to listening Zekk's and Rema's conversations was fun to read ;p seems more like he doesn't trust her..

I think Rema seems pretty much confused about her killing human thing. At least Frey owns up to having no feelings...

I can hardly imagine Frey getting into the romance bit with anyone let alone Rema.. but who knows :p

Zekks does sound shady now. Makes me wonder what happened for them to break up and yet Rema didn't end up killing him and still he's around helping her. Could be that he's still got his hopes high for her.. A lot of questions as always...

A small thing, in this line here:
"I knock came to the door...."
should be "A" in the start.. I feel stupid pointing this out but couldn't resist lol ;p hope you don't mind ;)

Another interesting chapter to read...

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Well, as it seems, most of my readers like one more than the other, and it's usually Frey everyone l.. read more
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Probably that is where my inclination is as well 😉 😛

7 Years Ago

Yeah, appearently people like reckless jerks who don't know when to keep their mouth shut. Lol.
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There is something about Zeek that I really want to know more. He is kinda bit hiding something. Good chapter. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Zekk is a shady guy, and you'll figure out more soon, actually the next chapter he shows his true co.. read more
This is where its going to get quite tense I fee. AS I have learnt - Frey is not any good with socialising, awkward I guess you could say and its becuase of the monster whch lurks inside his head. Getting close to Rema will be nigh on impossible as 'his monster' could strike at any time. But then we have the fascination of Rema hitting back - Rema vs Frey....hmmm interesting to say the least - Romance - nah most certainly not BUT I feel Rema is either being naive or is she playing it up. The reason why I say this, is because they are both killers in their own different ways BUT I cant help feeling who is playing who and also will Zekk intervene at all. Questions...Questions.
You see, I get the feeling that there is misdirection going on, as Frey listened in on Zekks and Remas conversation. This is telling me that he doesn't trust her (even though Rema is helping him) and 'his monster' is subsconciously telling him to listen. -I could be wrong BUT I guess I will have to wait and see. Poor old Kacia though - Frey standing in the corner and scaring the crap out of her just by doing nothing. - Nice touch though.
What I like about Frey is that he accepts help (kicking and screaming) But yet he still doesnt give anything much away and is very blunt with his words in this chapter which backs up his social awkwardness.
I still feel that this ain't going to end well, but I can't quite work it out yet.So rather than say how I think it might end; I will read another chapter and see if becomes cleare. But what you have done here is that you have really made me think deeply about all possbile outcomes and that is a good thing for the writer to do to the reader.

Once again, another captivating chapter.


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and reviewing! Your long and thoughtout comments always make my day.

read more
Im seeing specks of romance. I think Rema might be catching feelings for Frey. I think Frey have feelings too but is in denial. Her ex seems really jealous so i know he go start some s**t. I also think hes a killer to. I wonder if he knows Frey. Cant wait for the next chapter!!!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Good catch. Yeah, Rema has feelings for Frey - but Frey's confused and socially and emotionally awk.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yes, Please upload the next chapter!!!!!!!

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6 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2017
Last Updated on April 19, 2017
Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes



Ephrata, PA

I am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..


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