Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Sinbulvinter

More lives are taken


Warning: Does contain violence that leads to murder, disturbing imagery and inner character thoughts, blood and gore, mentions of domestic violence, descriptions of mental disorders, and subjects that may disturb or upset the reader.


I wandered the area, my footsteps echoing on the pavement under the bridge. My eyes looked around, searching for someone to bleed out.  I didn’t care who… Someone had to die.  The Monster wouldn’t leave me alone until it was done.

It’s growl echoed in my head, “kill, kill, kill!” I felt sick to my stomach, my head ached and eyes burned.  Everything started fading in and out, and then I could only see through a red haze.

I walked towards a man sitting by himself, his items lined up beside him on the blanket he was sitting on.  He messed with a cell phone, and peered up at me as I walked straight for him.

“What’s your problem, Freak?” I heard his words, but I didn’t care to process them… Or rather, my body and The Monster controlling it didn’t care.  I just grabbed my knife and flipped it open, swiping at him wildly.

He barely moved, out of pure instinct. His eyes widened and he cussed, falling onto his back and looking up at me. “Get the f**k away, you scarred up lookin’ creep!”

I slashed at him again, cutting into his arms as he held them up for protection.  I saw the blood bubble up, staining the jean jacket he was wearing.  I saw the fear in his eyes, and the Monster smiled sadistically.

“The f**k!?” He reached for his phone, but I shoved the blade into his hand and covered his mouth when he screamed.

“Don’t be so petty.” I heard my voice say, but it didn’t sound like me. “It’s just a little blood…”

“Freak!” He shouted against my hand.

“So quick to label…” I shook my head, chuckling as he bit into my hand.

I drew back and kicked his phone away, bending down to his level and resting my arms on my knees.  I watched him like a hawk, my head tilted as he scrambled backwards into the wall.

“Get… Get away! What the f**k are you? Get away!”

He looked at me like I was the monster I heard in my head.  The freak I always thought of myself as.  He was shaking with fear, trying to find a way to get away from me, but I could tell by the look in his eyes he knew it was hopeless.

“Shh, Shh… No need to cause such a fuss… Damn, you sound like a f*****g child.”  It was the monster, using my body and my voice… It sounded so calm, nonchalant, indifferent. Everything I tried to sound like.


I rolled my eyes, letting out a dramatic sigh. “Okay, coward.” With that, my blade slid gracefully across his neck.  It cut deep through the flesh, and blood squirted through the air and poured down his shirt.  He tried to scream, but no sound came out - Just blood. Crimson bubbled over his lips, down his chin and mixed with the mess on his neck.  

I watched his eyes, full of fear and confusion. He choked for a while, then the life started leaving his eyes and his body stopped struggling.  He just faded away and only a vessel was left.  It was always so interesting to watch a soul leave a body… I wondered where it went.

Satisfied, the monster let go and tucked itself away deep in my chest as I limped back to my spot and laid down, covering myself in a dirty blanket and closing my eyes.  Sleep came surprisingly easy… Yet, so did the nightmares.


Work was busy and overbearing.  The customers today were extremely rude and the manager was giving me s**t again.  I barely made any tip money, and again was worried of how I’d pay my bills.  I walked down the sidewalks, heading home after I got off at Eight.  It was dark already, and the night was another cold one.  I stopped at the liquor store to pick up a bottle and started it as soon as I stepped back outside.

Behind me, I heard footsteps.  It was a man who had been following me for a few blocks, a few yards behind but close enough to notice he was tailing me.  I felt my chest tighten and I walked quicker, chewing on my lip after I took another swig of the bottle.  My thoughts raced, paranoia setting in.  All people were evil.  I was never safe.  Everyone wanted to hurt me.  I’d never be safe.

Flashbacks hit me hard and I couldn’t contain myself. I just knew, deep down, I wasn’t going to be safe unless I dealt with the stalker.  I turned on my heel in a flash and ran towards him while we walked an empty street.  My knife sunk into his stomach in what felt like seconds and I couldn’t stop myself from twisting and stabbing.  

I saw surprise and fear, shock and confusion, emotions swirled in his eyes and I realized too late, he wasn’t following me at all… I was just being paranoid.

The shame hit like a brick wall.  The guilt.  The regret.  The self-hatred.  I felt nothing but pain… I’d never be able to stop… I could never be normal at this rate.  No matter how hard I tried, the dark side always found a way to come forth and hurt people.

I dragged his body into a dark alley, looking around for witnesses or cameras before I dialed Zekk.

His voice greeted me and I instantly told him I needed help.

“What happened?” He sounded worried and panicked. “You hurt?”

“No… No… I… It happened again.” My tears began to choke me, welling in my throat.  They started to spill out of my eyes and I couldn’t stop them.

A few seconds of silence. “Just tell me where you are…”

He found me in less than ten minutes, and asked no questions as he loaded the body into his trunk.  He looked me over, his features stressed and tense. “You need a ride home?”

I nodded, unable to speak without crying.

After he got rid of the body, dumping it over the bridge.  He bought me some food and we talked for a while.  I told him about the flashbacks and paranoia, how I was thinking more and more about my husband since Jack showed up.  I also mentioned Frey, which seemed to make Zekk uneasy for some reason.  He offered what advice he could, and listened to what I had to say while we sat in the car and ate in private.  Then he drove me home and I went straight into my bedroom and pulled my covers over my head.  

I dreamt of monsters and death.  Creatures eating me alive and turning me into one of them.  I saw my ex-husband, laughing before he suddenly flashed to an angry expression and began choking me.  I saw memories I’d rather forget, felt injuries that healed years ago.  I felt the loneliness, pain, and worthlessness all over again. Then… I saw the knife covered in blood, his motionless body, and myself turn into the monster I killed.

© 2017 Sinbulvinter

Author's Note

Okay, Chapter seven is rather short, so eight's coming up too.
This is really just a kill chapter, and kinda shows the differences in the ways they kill and their reactions. Also shows Frey's Monster and it's control over him a bit more.
For those who were wondering, Frey does have Multiple Personality Disorder, but his Monster is also thought of as a demon which has possessed him. He's kind of a screwed up guy, and the thing harasses him and will take control of him like described here. It also has a mind of it's own. It can be viewed for now as a MPD alter, or as an actual demon. Up to the reader. XD

Oh and, this is a multi chapter story. So read the previous chapters if you haven't. Thank ya!

Any feedback and comments are awesome to me, and make me very happy! XD

My Review

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A short but great chapter, I like how they both kill differently. I like that Zekk takes care of Rema. Nicely written.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

They're very different people, and kill for different reasons, so they kill pretty differently.
read more
I like how you provide psychological explanations on this matter and how you take care of your characters. I like FRey than Rema still. Rema is common. Frey is so unique. I want to have a character like Frey. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

I'm glad you like the story and characters. It really means a lot. Frey is a rather different char.. read more
The contrast between the two killings is very vivid. I liked how you wrote Frey's kill scene. The details in it caused me to almost vomit lol I hate blood but I loved reading it 😛
Some really catchy lines especially after Frey is done with the killing.

I'm wondering what Izzy is wondering too. About Zekk and Rema being in a relationship...

This was short but rich in details!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Well I wouldn't say you or the book is tasteless 😉

7 Years Ago

Haha, maybe not, maybe so
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Lmao okay 😂😛
Aloha, you've penned some really good lines in this chapter, I loved the following:

"With that, my blade slid gracefully across his neck"

"He just faded away and only a vessel was left. It was always so interesting to watch a soul leave a body… I wondered where it went"

His monster has an iron grip, I really like the way you portray the constrasts of Frey and Rema. Rema is a knee jerk reaction but later feels the weight of her actions. Again we see Zekk, the cleanup guy. I wondered if they are in a romantic relationship? Izzy

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

In the early chapters, I had a lot of fun writing F.. read more
Island Hippy

7 Years Ago

You're welcome
Bloody good writing, but you scare the bejeezus out of me. I don't really live in New Zealand, I live in... in .... I think it is in Africa...somewheer. I started to watch a 'Hamibal' movie once, and he took the top of the skull off and started to feed his the victim's own brains to him...... I was out of there, pronto. You are a very good writer. Please try a nice benign fairy story next. Please~!!!!!!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Haha, I could always try, but I doubt I could make it work. lol

7 Years Ago

I have every confidence in you. You are a good writer, you can write anything. I await with expectat.. read more

7 Years Ago

Cereal killers. Oh God, that's rich! Hah!
I really am loving the monster in Freys head, you have demonstrated througout numerous chapters that it has him in a vice like grip. And you literally kick this chapter off with a brief yet quite graphic scene of Frey giving into the monsters demands and completely losing the plot.

' With that, my blade slid gracefully across his neck' - This line was beautiful.
Frey was frickin AWESOME in this piece - you once again demonstrated really well his disturbed mind.

Her piece started off as tense. Stalker scenes/people following people have always been a favourite of mine and when you started a sentence with - ' Behind me, I heard footsteps.' I knew I was going to enjoy the rest. You didn't disappoint. The images of Rema running towards what she thought was a stalker were again brief BUT yet very clear. Obivously the killings are very different - Frey gets taken over by the monster and feels good.Rema just reacts and then afterwards feels bad and has her nightmares. Which leaves me with the question - Will Freys 'monster' tell him to kill Rema OR will Rema react to something that Frey does and kill him.
It maybe be way out there thinking and I might be completely wrong BUT I don't think it will end good for one of them.

Another great piece. Thank you so much for sharing.


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

I shall keep doing my reviews as I most definately have the appetite to carry this story through to .. read more

7 Years Ago

Yay! I'm glad to hear you're willing to keep reading and reviewing. =)
And yeah, that's ho.. read more

7 Years Ago

OF COURSE I WILL CONTINUE - There was never a shadow of a doubt about it. Serial killers/horror/gore.. read more
The killings are so different but, I don't think either of them wanted to kill. Something took over them and made them do it. Very interesting!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Good catch! That's what i've been trying to put across with Frey and Rema, they're both very differ.. read more

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 9, 2017
Last Updated on April 22, 2017
Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes



Ephrata, PA

I am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..


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