![]() Lip GlossA Story by Sinny![]() My heart fluttered as I was walking down the hall with her, the very essence of beauty and grace.![]() A loud ringing could be heard throughout the halls as it was the end of third period and the slamming of lockers and doors followed with it.
Today felt like just all the others....a normal day in the face of the crowd. My day hadn't been starting off as good as I had forgotten my homework for chemistry and Mrs.Todd was not happy.
"How can today get any worse?" I mumbled to myself as I opened my locker to get ready for English. "Hey Anna you better hurry before Mr. Frederick gives you another detetion slip." I turned my head as I looked to see my best friend Kevin Mitchell running down the hall getting my attention.
"Don't worry I won't, I'll be on time I promise but Kevin shouldn't you be getting ready too?" I asked as I smiled up at him. Kevin stopped near my locker as he was out of breath and leaned against the locker for support.
"Yeah, I already have my stuff in his class, I just came to warn you cause he's not in a good mood today." Kevin chuckled as I shut my locker. Pulling some of my light blonde hair behind my ear I tilted my head in curiousity. "Why what's up his a*s today?" I laughed as Kevin shrugged his shoulders.
We both walked down the hall to class as we entered Mr. Frederick's room just in time as the bell rang. "Glad for you to join us Ms. Williams and Mr. Mitchell." Mr. Frederick was sitting at his desk with his narrow eyes glaring at Kevin and I as we took our seats in the middle row.
"Now class today we will be having a new student as of today and I'd like you all to welcome her." Mr. Frederick announced to the class as the door opened.
Everyone grew silent as she had entered in the classroom with such grace and wonder. She was light skinned with long red locks reaching down to her back as her green cat like eyes looked ahead with confidence. She wore a light blue blouse and a white skirt that showed off her long smooth legs and black heels to make her taller than she already was.
"Hello, My name is Charlotte Bridgette and I hope we'll all be good friends." Her voice sounded like small bells chiming and I felt my heart skip a beat. The way she smiled made my heart beat faster and faster as her eyes stopped to look at me.
My eyes couldn't look away at hers as I felt myself drowning in their depths. My cheeks turned hot and I knew I was blushing as she smiled at me, it only made it worse as I looked away.
"Hmmm your gonna need a new seat, you'll sit by Ms. Williams in the middle row across from her." Mr. Frederick said as Charlotte nodded and made her way next to my seat. Charlotte smiled and sat down to the seat by mine as sweat went down my forehead.
As class began and Mr. Frederick was teaching I tried not to look at her but I felt her gaze on me as I would look to see her smiling at me. My heart pounded more into my chest as the rest of class was a blur, the only thing I remembered was how Charlotte had read out loud to the class in a section of our book Of Mice and Men.
I started to walk out of class when Charlotte tapped my shoulder as I jumped. "Y-Yes Charlotte?" She giggled as this made me blush lightly and look down away from her beauty.
"I was wondering if you could show me around the school since Im still new and everything." Charlotte asked as I nodded my head not realizing what I just agreed to. I looked at her schedule and I nearly fell from excitement, we had the same classes together all day.
As we began to head to class my heart fluttered as I was walking down the hall with her, the very essence of beauty and grace. "Hey I never asked your name." It took me a while until I realized she was talking to me.
"Oh, sorry I'm Hannah Williams, but everyone calls me Anna." I smiled as I felt special that she had asked my name. Today was starting to be a good day after all.
"Well can I call you Hannah if it's alright?" She asked as her cheeks grew a bright red almost as bright as her hair. I nodded as the rest of the day wasn't so bad with Charlotte by my side.
I laid on my bed as today played in my head over and over again. Meeting Charlotte was the best thing that happened to me in my life. I had never felt this way for anyone and I didn't know what to do.
Charlotte said that she wanted to hang out with me tomorrow after school so we could get to know each other and become better friends. In my mind I was happy but my heart ached when she said "to become better friends."
I sighed deeply as I closed my eyes to await sleep and the moment Charlotte and I would be alone to become better friends.
"Hey Anna are you listening?" Kevin looked at me with concern as I stared out watching Charlotte laugh with other girls as she was becoming popular.
"Oh sorry Kevin, what you say?" I asked as Kevin turned his head to the direction I was looking at as he smirked. "Hmmm...Anna I didn't think you'd be the type to be a lesbian." Kevin laughed as I blushes deeply and punched his arm.
"S-Shut up! It's not like that, I only want to be Charlotte's friend." I yelled at him as he smirked and shook his head.
"I doubt that, the way your looking at her I think its more than that." Kevin said as I pulled his ear and ruffled up his black short hair.
"I don't know how I feel right now but I know that I like her more than a friend, but if that's what she wants then I'm fine with it." I said as I watched her look up at me and waved.
I waved back as Charlotte went the other way down the hall to her first class with her other friends. I knew after third period we'd have the rest of the day together as she would drive me home so I could change later on.
The final bell rang signaling for school to be over as the hallways were flooded with teens and teachers leaving for the long weekend. As I stood by my locker with my jacket on I waited for Charlotte as we agreed to meet at my locker.
Rain was pouring outside as you could hear the thunder in the distance making its way through our little town. I pulled up my hood tucking away my light blonde locks away shielding it as I spotted Charlotte in her light red plaid jacket as she held a black umberlla in her right hand.
She smiled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me against her side, we headed out the door into the heavy rain with her opening her umberlla. "Hannah you better stay close so you won't get wet ok?" Charlotte instructed as her umberlla covered us from the rain and leaves that were falling.
My heart was beating rapidly as her grip was tight against my arm as I was pressed more against her form. "C-Charlotte really I'm fine." I stated as deep down I was excited with us being so close together.
Charlotte's car was parked across from the school as it was a midnight blue 2009 Lacrosse. She pulled out her keys as she unlocked the doors as we both climbed inside.
I sat in the front as I looked around inside and everything was normal. Well except for Hello Kitty dices hanging from her mirror as she looked at them and blushed.
"S-Sorry I'm a really big fan of her, she's just so cute I couldn't resist." Charlotte said as she started the car and we drove off to my house so I could get a change of clothes.
We had decided on us hanging out at her house as I was nervous to meet Charlotte's parents, she promised that once we arrived not to be taken back when we arrived.
She pulled into my house's driveway as I hurried to pack my clothes and headed out as I kissed Mom as she miled and waved to Dad as I headed out and got back into Charlotte's car.
"You have everything ready?" I asked her as she nodded and looked straight ahead keeping her eyes on the road.
As we came to a large house a few blocks away from mine I gasped as her house was so much bigger than mine. It was a teal blue as it was a three-story house with a long driveway and two garages with a gated backyard as I could swear that I saw a pool in the back.
She blushes lightly as she pulled into the garage and stopped the car. I was about to open the door until she pulled my arm and made me stop. My lips parted to say something when she looked at me with her green eyes and I blushed.
"Hannah before we go inside I have to tell you something..." Charlotte mumbled as she looked away. I tilted my head and laughed lightly as I covered my hand with hers. "Sure what is it?"
Charlotte was about to speak when the garage lights came on as the side door opened to reveal two men smiling as one was holding a small german shepherd puppy while his black hair spiky up lightly as he wore a black shirt and blue jeans with sandals. The other man had light brown hair to his shoulders was wearing a Hollister blue hoodie with tan shorts and purple slippers.
"We see you brought your new friend Charl, hurry inside so we can meet her." The man with the dog said as he giggled. "Now Charles don't embarrass her or she'll never bring her friend over again." the other man said.
My eyes widened as I looked at the two and noticed two gold rings on their fingers as they held hands. In my mind I was laughing because I never would have thought that Charlotte actually had two fathers! So this was what Charlotte had been worried about, it didn't really bother me. It made me even more determined to try and have a deeper relationship with Charlotte as I would want to have a life wth her like this.
"Robby tell Charlie to stop teasing me!" Charlotte whined as she got out of the car and I did before grabbing my stuff from the backseat.
The man with the dog was named Charles Bridgette as the other man wearing the Hollister hoodie and light brown hair to his shoulders was Robert Bridgette.
"Hello, I'm Robert Bridgette and this gentleman beside me is Charles Bridgette." Robert introduced as I blushed lightly and nodded to them both.
"Hi, Im Hannah Williams, but you can call me Anna." I said as I blushed more as they both smiled and looked at Charlotte as they grinned.
"So this is the girl that our Charl has her eyes on? She is quite pretty and would make a good addition to the family." Charles said as he let the dog down as Charlotte turned a brighter red than I ever saw and ran upstairs.
Robert sighed as he turned to Charles and lightly hits his head as he pouted. "Dumby now Charlotte's embarrassed and upset. She won't talk to you for a while now."
Charles smiled and shrugged his shoulders as they both went into the kitchen before Charles looked back at me and winked. "Make sure to be gentle with her now ok Hannah?"
I blushed as I nodded and walked upstairs as I looked around and found Charlotte in her room sitting on her bed. I looked around at her room and smiled as it was painted a light pink with Hello Kitty around every corner as on her bed was a red comforter with pink pillows and a giant Hello Kitty doll.
"You okay Charlotte?" I asked as I watched her and my heart skipped a beat as she looked up with tears filling her eyes as she wiped them away and pouts. "C-Charlie shouldn't have said that!" She yelled as she covered her face with the pillow.
I set my stuff down on the floor and sat down on the bed as I reached out pulling the pillow away. "It's alright, he's not that bad actually and Robert defended you when you ran up here." I giggled as she blushed deeply and looked away from me.
There was a awkward silence that followed as I waited for her to say something but she didn't. My lips parted to say something when she looked up and stared at me as she had a look in her eyes. I didn't understand the look as she slowly got up as she leaned close to me and I could smell the scent of her sweaty skin.
Charlotte leaned closer until our lips were mere inches away when Robert and Charles yelled upstairs. "Charlotte are you ad Hannah coming downstairs to eat or what?" This made us both jump as we scooted away from each other as my face was as hot as the sun and my cheeks a deep red.
Charlotte turned away as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her. "Let's go so we can listen to my new CD of Panic at the Disco I know you'll love it Hannah." I nodded my head as we hurried downstairs and joined Robert and Charles for dinner.
After dinner Charlotte and I changed into our night clothes as I was in the bathroom and just finished changing into blue boy shorts and a black tanktop with little cherries on them. I had pulled my hair up in a ponytail as I rubbed my brown eyes and yawned.
As I opened the door I saw Charlotte in a pink shorts with red shirt that read "Kiss me and I'll kiss you anywhere." She had put on pink lip gloss that made her lips more pouty and shine even more. I blushed deeply as I thought back to when we almost kissed as I closed the door just as she leaned down and put a CD in her stereo.
"Oh your back Hannah it took you long enough, oh nice tanktop." She blushes lightly and moved some of her red hair away from her face as she pressed play and skipped to number 6 on the CD. As the music played I couldn't help but ask. "What's this song? And is this Panic at the Disco?"
She nodded and giggled as she started to dance. "Yep, its their new CD Vices & Virtues. And the song is called Ready to Go."
My body couldn't help but move to the beat of the song as my nerves were on fire and moved with Charlotte as we danced together to the music. But as I wasn't paying attention I tripped on one of her pillows and we knocked each other on the bed.
"O-Ouch! S-Sorry Charlotte are you ok?" I asked as I rubbed my head and looked down to see her looking at me. My hands were on both sides near her head as her red locks were spread across the bed and I could feel how soft her locks were wth my fingers tangled in her hair.
My face grew hot as my cheeks were red and I started to pull away until one of her hands reached up and caress my cheek as I gasped. Charlotte stared into my eyes as she leaned close to me and whispered.
"Hannah can I kiss you?" Charlotte asked as I blushed more and my lips parted to speak when her lips vpressed against mine. I gasped as I could taste the cherry flavored lip gloss on her lips. It was so sweet and delicious, I felt her move and turned the position as she was on top of me and pressed me against the bed as she pressed more into me.
My mind was spinning out of control as I moaned lightly as I felt her tongue explore my mouth and I rubbed mine against hers as I blushed deeply hearing her moan in my mouth as we pulled away from each other with saliva dripping from our mouths.
"C-Charlotte?" I began to ask until she hugged me tightly and rubbed my head while running her fingers though my hair.
"Hannah, is it wrong if I like you more than a friend?" Charlotte asked as she blushed deeply and looked at me.
I blushed and shook my head as I leaned forward and kissed her lips again. "N-No, I was gonna ask you the same thing."
Charlotte's eyes sparkled as she kissed me more and I could feel her hands roam my body as I moaned more and whimpered. Charlotte pulled away and placed her hands on my breasts as I gasped and moved away.
"H-Hannah?" Charlotte looked hurt as I blushed deeply and shook my head. "C-Charlotte I-I like you and everything but I-I'd want to wait for that." I blushed more as Charlotte smiled and kissed my hands as she then kissed my neck and licked up to my lips as I whimpered.
"Alright Hannah, your just too cute for me to resist so I'll wait but next time I'll show you how to explore my body as I explore more of yours..." Charlotte's hands reached down between my thighs as her fingers lightly betwwen them as I moaned loudly and she whispered, "Shh I don't want Robby or Charlie to hear us."
I blushes deeply and Charlotte kissed me again and I could taste the cherry lip gloss on my lips as she giggled and moved her hands away. "Remember Hannah, I'll be patient and wait but only if you promise to be my girlfriend."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Charlotte wanted me to be her girlfriend! I smiled and kissed her lips again as we slept together. The only thing in my mind was the cherry flavored lip gloss that was now on both of our lips as I held her hand lacing our fingers together in the dark.
© 2011 SinnyAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 20, 2011 Last Updated on April 10, 2011 Author![]() SinnyCanton, OHAboutThe name's Sin. I write anything that goes through my mind as I'm a little sick. so you should bear with my writing for now as my stories involve sickness,sadness,loneliness, and things in this wo.. more..Writing