![]() His name was Charlie.....A Story by Sinny![]() Playing with him I thought it'd be fun, without realizing it he was gone.![]() Mom and I were going to spend time together for a change unlike how all Dad and I do is watch his friends and him play with people I don't really know that well, nor do I want to know. They seem like strangers to me as they smell of a odor that isn't nice like Mommy. Something like smoke and dirt surrounding me as my lungs would be filled with the odor as my nose would burn lightly from the very air I was beathing. Smiling lightly at her I squeeze her hand tightly with my small one as it didn't seem to effect her much, I wasn't going tolet go even if she said so. Because once I let go she would all but soon disappear from my world as the only other people around me would be the strangers of my Dad and nothing but the smoke they seemed to love alot. "Here we go hunny." My mom spoke to me and a soft and gentle voice as she kisses my cheeks lightly, giggling as she did this I turned to look and see a small park infront of us. As my bright eyes looked around I saw other children playing and laughing with their mommy and daddy. Something sharp then seemed to hit my chest as I saw there was nothing at all on me or near me. Shaking my head I ignored it for now as Mommy and I sat down on the bench, patting my head I looked up at her to see her eyes watching all the other children playing and having fun. "Mommy?" Looking back at me she smiled as she then let go of my hand, she wanted me to have fun with the others as I smiled at her before running to the playground and began to play with some other girls as we played tag. I would often look back to see my mommy talking with other women who were probably these other kids mommy, as she would wave at me from time to time. Playing hide and seek I was suppose to find the other kids as I searched behind trees, trash cans, benches, the swings,and each the slide. But I only found three of them as I had to find four more before they could reach base. While looking for them I accidentally bumped into someone as I fell back in the dirt as my light green shorts was covered in mud and grass, looking up I saw a man holding his hand out for me as I tried to reach for him. Gently pulling me up I smiled lightly at him as he smiled back. As I began to wipe the grass and mud off my shorts I saw that he was laughing to himself as he helped me wipe as much as I could off my shorts, I looked at him as I began curious about this man. He was very tall and was wearing almost dark colors as his face seemed to remind me of how Daddy use to look when he was with Mommy.
"Thanks mister." I said to him as I became to giggle lightly, I then saw as he sat down on the grass near a tree as I sat down with him. The wind was blowing a soft breeze as it tickled my skin I giggled again. "What's your name little one?" I couldn't help but smile as I answered his question even though I remembered how Mommy and Daddy said to never talk to strangers but this man seemed different, he didn't seem to be a stranger to me or in my eyes anyway. "I'm Lily." He smiled at me and patted my head as his voice sounded like Daddy when he seemed happy with his friends or me, "It's nice to meet you Lily, you can call me Charlie." I then started to laugh as I heard his name, it was like that little boy in that movie about a chocolate factory. "What's so funny Lily?" He asked me as he was laughing with me, I shook my head as I stopped laughing and smiled at him. "Nothing Charlie you just seem so nice for a grown up." Something else about this man I noticed at that moment, his eyes seemed kinda sad as I said that as I was more curious to know what was wrong with him. "What's wrong Charlie?" He shook his head and smiled as he then looked away as he spoke, "Not all grown ups are nice Lily." "But your different Charlie...you seem very nice to me." I began to say as I looked to see the playground was far off a little in the distance as I saw that I must have walked to far and looked for the other kids. Charlie looked at me and then the playground as he smiled. "Does Lily want to get back to her friends now?" Nodding my head I looked to see it would take a while to get back, standing up I was about to start walking when Charlie grabbed my hand and stooped me. "You shouldn't go alone Lily, something might happen." Tilting my head I wanted to know exactly what could happen to me as I waited for him to say something else but he didn't. "Well could Charlie walk with me then?" He smiled lightly as he began to stand up as he held my hand tightly in his, we began to walk as we talked lightly while playing a game with him to pass the time. Playing with him I thought it'd be fun, without realizing it he was gone. I saw that I was then sitting on a bench as I looked to see that I was by the playground again, looking around I saw that he was gone. Just as I turned my head my Mommy then came running up to me as she hugged me tightly. "M-Mommy?" I looked to see that she was crying as she eyes were puffy and red like the time when Daddy took me away from her. "Lily you scared me to death! Never do that again." I didn't really understand what I exactly did but I simply nodded my head as she smiled and kissed me over and over again. But as I was looking out into the distance I couldn't help but wonder, what happened to my new friend Charlie?
© 2009 SinnyAuthor's Note
Added on June 30, 2009 Author![]() SinnyCanton, OHAboutThe name's Sin. I write anything that goes through my mind as I'm a little sick. so you should bear with my writing for now as my stories involve sickness,sadness,loneliness, and things in this wo.. more..Writing