A Tainted Love Sent from Hell.

A Tainted Love Sent from Hell.

A Story by Sinny

Why is it you that I love brother?


I can't believe this is happening to me, why of all things must I have been born in a family where the person I love is my sister. My heart was beating faster as she looked at me with such warm eyes that could resemble the sun itself, she was like a angel that was for me and only me.

But fate is cruel....this girl with ebony locks that were as dark as night time sky, having skin with a soft rosy color and her lips being shape as petals of a sweet flower. She was my everything....my other half as she was my only twin.

We were almost the same in every way expect that she was a sweet young girl as for me....I was only but a monster to have such feeling for my sister. Always playing together when we were young as mother and father never notices the feelings were becoming stronger between us.

"Brother come play with me." She always called to me when we were younger, I miss those days were she and I played and were together all the time. Feeling something touch my cheek I looked to see her staring at me with concern. "Brother are you alright?" I smiled at her and nodded my head to make her feel better as my face was turning red a little, she placed her hand on my forehead and then on hers. "Are you sick?" My face turned brighter as I shook my head and laughed lightly. Looking into her eyes I saw how lonely she actually felt as she parted her lips with a sigh, she then started to play with the same hair that we both had as she smiled at me before walking away.  "I'll tell brother when dinner's ready ok." Simply nodding my head I turn to go upstairs to get away from those thoughts for now until later if something happens.

Laying on my bed I tried to drift off into sleep to forget about things at the moment while the wind blow from the open window. Hearing the crickets sing softly I woke up to see that it was late at night as the moon was glowing with the stars, going down the stairs I looked to see her eat by herself realizing that father and mother were out for the night.

"Oh brother your awake, you hungry?" She asked sweetly as I couldn't help myself but smile at her and went to make a plate as I sat across from her. Silence filled the room as we ate and kept to ourselves as it was awkward. Without noticing it we both reached for the salt as our hands touched, blushing lightly I moved my hand away as she took the salt with a sadness that was in her eyes.

I was about to say something when she slowly got up from the table and placed her things in the sink before heading up the stairs just as the door to her room shut. Gritted my teeth together in frustration as I banged my fist against the table, trying to calm down I placed my things in the sink as well and washed the dishes to clear my thoughts.

As time passed by it was going to be 1 o' clock in the morning as I headed upstairs to sleep for the rest of the night, going into my room I changed only in my boxers and shut my window as I turned the lights off and laid in bed. Darkness surrounding me as I was almost consumed into the conscious of sleep when I heard my door open lightly as someone laided down in the bed facing behind me, gasping slightly I felt something soft and warm against my back with small hands clutching on to my waist. My heart was beginning to beat faster as I heard soft breathing in my ear, turning my head I came face to face with my sister's soft warm eyes looking at me.

"Brother.....do you hate me?" I looked at her confused trying to understand what she meant, hate her? Why would I hate someone so beautiful that God had to make us twins for me to love her more now than ever? I spoke to her as I tried not to hurt her feelings as best I could, "No....I'd never hate you, you know that." Tears started to fill her eyes as a stab of pain went through my chest. "Then why has brother been avoiding me, you've been pulling yourself away from me...why?"

"I haven't been avoiding you, I've just had alot on my mind is all." Tears fall down her cheeks as she began to sob softly as a other stab of pain went through me again, I slowly turned and pulled her into a embrace as she stopped sobbing.

"Shhh...it's alright little one, I'm here." I whispered in her ear as I felt her shiver lightly inbetween my arms, looking at her I wipe the tears away from her eyes and kiss her forehead lightly as I saw her face reddened in the darkness. Smiling at her I held her small body tighter against mine as she began to relax and sighed, "Why is it you that I love brother?" My breathing seemed to stop as what she said played in my mind over and over again. "W-What did you say?" She looks at me as she smiled and pressed herself against me, grabbing my hand her placed it in the center of her chest as I felt her heart beats quicken.

"This is what brother does to me, my heart beats faster and faster without me realizing it." My eyes widened as she then placed my hand on her breast and spoke again as tears filled her eyes, "My body becomes hotter too, brother your the only one I love and have ever loved."

What I was hearing now really true? She loved me just as much as I loved her, no....it can't be this is wrong what we feel for eachother is wrong.....it can't be right. Her tears fall down on my cheek as she looked at me intensely as the moonlight was shining on her skin, making it glow softly like the moon. "Brother....doesn't love me?" I didn't say anything as she looked away and gets up, she was then about to leave when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me as I parted my lips before whispering to her. "We can't.....love eachother, you should know that." 

She smiled lightly as she moved closer and lightly brushed her lips against mine as just I groaned in disapproval, pushes her away I breathed heavily as she onto the floor and was shaking in fear. Her eyes widened as tears fell down her cheeks making her eyes red and puffy. "W-Why....brother, I see the way you look at me...when no ones around....brother loves me too."

Shaking my head I look away from her not wanting to see the hurt in both our eyes. "Your wrong......I-I don't love you." She looked at me as she felt like she was going to break in pieces, "Your lying!" She slowly got up and moves away as she screamed at me. "Brother's lying! I know you are.....your nothing but a lair!" I glared at her as I got up and started to walk to her as she moved away, "Stay away!" I backed her up against the wall as tears continued to stream down her beautiful face.

I wiped them away from her eyes as I tilted her had to the side to look at her better, her eyes were even more red and puffy as she bit her rosy lips to stop a sob from coming out, with her nightgown barely hanging on her body seemed to just want to be ripped to shreds. I know this was wrong.....it was a sin to love this girl.....your flesh and blood as well as your twin, she was the other part of me that I craved for as she craved for me......we wanted eachother.

Moving closer to her I smiled and lightly pressed my lips against hers as she groaned in protest, pressing my body against her as she gasped with my lips on top of hers. She tried to pull away as I knew she didn't want to....but I had hurt her feelings. She wanted to get away but I had lied to her, my dearest sister and person that I loved deeply. She was hurt just as much as I was as I parted from her lips to look at her again.

Her eyes seemed clouded as she stopped struggling with me, she looked at me as her lips pouted. "B-Brother...." I smiled at her as I kissed her again only with more force as I felt my body become more hotter as she moaned my name, rubbing my tongue against hers was killing both of us as I moved away from her.

"Your being so good little one..." She smiled lightly as I gently carried her to my bed and laid her down as I held on to her and kissed her lips one more time as she kissed back. We intertwined our hands together as she whispered to me, "Brother, I love you."  KIssing her forehead I pulled the covers on us as we drifted to sleep before I spoke to her as well. "I love you too."

I knew we could never be together, not in a world that would consider this a taboo.....twins as lovers was unheard of, but for now we would keep her realationship and secret from the world as we will be together someday.....away from the people that wouldn't understand our love for one a other. This was a gift from hell itself as we would become one even if mother and father knew, We would both love eachother until the day we both die and live in hell for the rest of our lives.

This is a tainted love that was sent from hell itself.......

© 2009 Sinny

Author's Note

I hope that everyone likes ^^

it's my own creation.....

My Review

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Thanks very much

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is a very sad and touching story. The subject is both tender and taboo. I liked the story, but there are many errors in the wrting itself, technical in nature only, which you can easily fix by editing. I gave you some examples in the first few paragraphs. Anything in plain () should be added. [Anything inside() inside of {} should be changed to what it says inside the {} while removing what is inside the () ] Is that understandable? I should probaly find a better way to put that but I hope you understand. Just read it out loud and you should be able to find the other spelling or wording problems. Or just message me and I can come back and take the time to run thru the whole thing for you. Again, I loved the story line and the way it conveys a taboo feeling.

I can't believe this is happening to me, why of all things must I have been born in a family where the person I love is my sister. My heart was beating faster as she looked at me with such warm eyes that could resemble the sun itself, she was like a(n) angel(,) that was for me and only me.

But fate is cruel....this girl with ebony locks that were as dark as (the)night {(time) remove} sky, having skin with a soft rosy color and {(her)remove} lips {(being)delete} shape(d) {(as)delete} (like) petals of a sweet flower. She was my everything....my other half as she was my only twin.

We were almost the same in every way {(expect)=except} that she was a sweet young girl(,) as for me....I was {(only but) reverse?} a monster to have such feeling(s) for my sister. Always playing together when we were young(,) as mother and father never notice{(s) d} the feelings were becoming stronger between us.

"Brother come play with me." She always called to me when we were younger{(,) .} I miss those days {(were) when} she and I played and were together all the time. Feeling something touch my cheek(,)I looked to see her staring at me with concern. "Brother are you alright?" I smiled at her and nodded {(my head) Not nessescary to add this after nodded} to make her feel better as my face was turning {(red a little) reverse}{(,) .}She placed her hand on my forehead and then on hers. "Are you sick?" My face turned brighter as I shook my head and laughed lightly. Looking into her eyes(,) I saw how lonely she actually felt(,)as she parted her lips with a sigh(,){.}{(she then) reverse} started to play with the same hair that we both had(,) as she smiled at me before walking away. "I'll tell brother when dinner's ready ok." Simply nodding my head I turn(ed) to go upstairs to get away from {(those) these} thoughts for now(.) {(until later if something happens.) Not sure if you are wanting him to have something happen with the feelings or if you want him to be rid of the feelings, either way this should be worded differently.}

Laying on my bed(,) I tried to drift off into sleep to forget about things {(at) for}the moment(,) while the wind blow from the open window. Hearing the crickets sing softly(,) I {(woke up) awoke} to {(see) find} that it was late at night(,) as the moon was glowing with the stars{(,) .} Going down the stairs(,) I {(looked to see her eat) saw her eating} by herself(.) {(realizing that father and mother were out for the night.) It accorded to me that mom and dad must have left for the night.}

"Oh brother your awake, you hungry?" She asked sweetly as I couldn't help myself but smile at her(.) {(and) I}went to make(myself) a plate {(as I) and} sat (down)across from her. Silence filled the room as we ate and kept to ourselves(,) {(as) remove} it was awkward. Without noticing it(,) we both reached for the salt(at the same time,) as our hands touched, blushing lightly(,)I moved my hand away as she took the salt {(with a) I could see the) sadness that was in her eyes.

I was about to say something when she slowly got up from the table and placed her things in the sink before heading up the stairs just as the door to her room shut. Gritted my teeth together in frustration as I banged my fist against the table, trying to calm down I placed my things in the sink as well and washed the dishes to clear my thoughts.

As time passed by it was going to be 1 o' clock in the morning as I headed upstairs to sleep for the rest of the night, going into my room I changed only in my boxers and shut my window as I turned the lights off and laid in bed. Darkness surrounding me as I was almost consumed into the conscious of sleep when I heard my door open lightly as someone laided down in the bed facing behind me, gasping slightly I felt something soft and warm against my back with small hands clutching on to my waist. My heart was beginning to beat faster as I heard soft breathing in my ear, turning my head I came face to face with my sister's soft warm eyes looking at me.

"Brother.....do you hate me?" I looked at her confused trying to understand what she meant, hate her? Why would I hate someone so beautiful that God had to make us twins for me to love her more now than ever? I spoke to her as I tried not to hurt her feelings as best I could, "No....I'd never hate you, you know that." Tears started to fill her eyes as a stab of pain went through my chest. "Then why has brother been avoiding me, you've been pulling yourself away from me...why?"

"I haven't been avoiding you, I've just had alot on my mind is all." Tears fall down her cheeks as she began to sob softly as a other stab of pain went through me again, I slowly turned and pulled her into a embrace as she stopped sobbing.

"Shhh...it's alright little one, I'm here." I whispered in her ear as I felt her shiver lightly inbetween my arms, looking at her I wipe the tears away from her eyes and kiss her forehead lightly as I saw her face reddened in the darkness. Smiling at her I held her small body tighter against mine as she began to relax and sighed, "Why is it you that I love brother?" My breathing seemed to stop as what she said played in my mind over and over again. "W-What did you say?" She looks at me as she smiled and pressed herself against me, grabbing my hand her placed it in the center of her chest as I felt her heart beats quicken.

"This is what brother does to me, my heart beats faster and faster without me realizing it." My eyes widened as she then placed my hand on her breast and spoke again as tears filled her eyes, "My body becomes hotter too, brother your the only one I love and have ever loved."

What I was hearing now really true? She loved me just as much as I loved her, no....it can't be this is wrong what we feel for eachother is wrong.....it can't be right. Her tears fall down on my cheek as she looked at me intensely as the moonlight was shining on her skin, making it glow softly like the moon. "Brother....doesn't love me?" I didn't say anything as she looked away and gets up, she was then about to leave when I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me as I parted my lips before whispering to her. "We can't.....love eachother, you should know that."

She smiled lightly as she moved closer and lightly brushed her lips against mine as just I groaned in disapproval, pushes her away I breathed heavily as she onto the floor and was shaking in fear. Her eyes widened as tears fell down her cheeks making her eyes red and puffy. "W-Why....brother, I see the way you look at me...when no ones around....brother loves me too."

Shaking my head I look away from her not wanting to see the hurt in both our eyes. "Your wrong......I-I don't love you." She looked at me as she felt like she was going to break in pieces, "Your lying!" She slowly got up and moves away as she screamed at me. "Brother's lying! I know you are.....your nothing but a lair!" I glared at her as I got up and started to walk to her as she moved away, "Stay away!" I backed her up against the wall as tears continued to stream down her beautiful face.

I wiped them away from her eyes as I tilted her had to the side to look at her better, her eyes were even more red and puffy as she bit her rosy lips to stop a sob from coming out, with her nightgown barely hanging on her body seemed to just want to be ripped to shreds. I know this was wrong.....it was a sin to love this girl.....your flesh and blood as well as your twin, she was the other part of me that I craved for as she craved for me......we wanted eachother.

Moving closer to her I smiled and lightly pressed my lips against hers as she groaned in protest, pressing my body against her as she gasped with my lips on top of hers. She tried to pull away as I knew she didn't want to....but I had hurt her feelings. She wanted to get away but I had lied to her, my dearest sister and person that I loved deeply. She was hurt just as much as I was as I parted from her lips to look at her again.

Her eyes seemed clouded as she stopped struggling with me, she looked at me as her lips pouted. "B-Brother...." I smiled at her as I kissed her again only with more force as I felt my body become more hotter as she moaned my name, rubbing my tongue against hers was killing both of us as I moved away from her.

"Your being so good little one..." She smiled lightly as I gently carried her to my bed and laid her down as I held on to her and kissed her lips one more time as she kissed back. We intertwined our hands together as she whispered to me, "Brother, I love you." KIssing her forehead I pulled the covers on us as we drifted to sleep before I spoke to her as well. "I love you too."

I knew we could never be together, not in a world that would consider this a taboo.....twins as lovers was unheard of, but for now we would keep her realationship and secret from the world as we will be together someday.....away from the people that wouldn't understand our love for one a other. This was a gift from hell itself as we would become one even if mother and father knew, We would both love eachother until the day we both die and live in hell for the rest of our lives.

This is a tainted love that was sent from hell itself.......

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2009



Canton, OH

The name's Sin. I write anything that goes through my mind as I'm a little sick. so you should bear with my writing for now as my stories involve sickness,sadness,loneliness, and things in this wo.. more..

Lip Gloss Lip Gloss

A Story by Sinny