![]() Ch1 - RepercussionsA Chapter by SinTrustless![]() Can you live with the repercussions of your actions?![]()
The night air was cold with an autumn breeze.
The leafs rustled, barely revealing the figure in the branches. Walking on the ground, was a caravan. They walked with lanterns to keep the darkness at bay. The figure in the branches gently leaped to the next tree, tracking the caravan. Watching them from the safety of the tree tops. The caravan stopped, a soldier walked to the door of one carriages. "Sir, we're stopping for the night." From inside a voice spoke, "No, keep going. He's out there, I just know it. If we stop... Just keep going!" The soldier seemed to sigh, and walked to the driver relaying the information. So the caravan continued on. The figure followed as well, observing. Patience was a most valued trait. The rear guards were beginning to fall behind. They'd been walking all day only to keep walking well into the night. Their exhaustion was evident. The spacing was becoming worse and worse. Just then, the figure gently walked up a tree branch. The carriage came under and the figure dropped down. Before the sleepy soldiers could react, the figure forced open the door. Inside were two large men, fat from a soft and luxurious life-style. The lantern inside illuminated the intruder. It was a male, with dark red hair, dark blood stained armor and purple eyes. The men were obviously horrified. They looked to each other, before quickly insisting the other was the male's target. The guards, began approaching behind the male, weapons drawn. The male's eyes watched both men insist the other must be the target. It was pitiful. As they squabbled, the intruder stepped forward sending a red spike thru the man on the right's neck. The man gurgled, and when the spike withdrew the man dropped. The other man feared moving, lest the assassin's attention turn to him as well. The assassin glanced to the other man, whom gulped with fear. They stared a long moment, before the assassin turned about to leave. As he did, he looked to the guards who were frozen. The assassin glanced back, and the man was frozen. The carriage didn't move. Everything had simply stopped. Except him. He looked about, perplexed by the situation. Just then two men approached, they had white hair with black stripes. They didn't carry weapons, and their clothing was of an Asian style, being colored in white and black. "Purpura?" One said, the accent wasn't local. The male stepped out of the carriage completely, eyeing both men. The other man spoke, "We have been sent to retrieve you." The male glanced them both, before seeming to sigh. He formed two blood swords, he didn't intend to go without a fight. The first man spoke again, "Please put away your weapons. We are offering you a chance to come willingly." Purpura eyed them both cautiously, before he decided to let the blood soak back into his armor. "We appreciate the gesture." The first said. The second spoke, "Please, come forth." he said holding out a small circle in his palm. Purpura eyed them both as he approached, he began to extend his hand when the man spoke. "This device is attuned to you, and will transport you directly to our lord." Purpura took his hand back a bit, eyeing the man with suspicion now. The first man spoke approaching, "Lord Tempus will explain all when you arrive." Purpura paused, looking to each of them. Tempus. He knew he knew the name somewhere. But where? It escaped him. He felt he would regret it, but took the device from the male. The instant his fingers touched it, he felt his gut wrench. Suddenly the wrenching sensation vanished, and he fell to his knees. He pulled his mask down, only to cough up a bit of blood. He sighed, and stood up holding the device. Infront of him, stood a male with long pure white hair. The male was dressed in an exquisite kimono, also purely white. "Right on schedule." The male said, his voice calm and soothing. Purpura looked to the male, and instantly felt like he should know who this was. The male turned and walked, "Come now, we have much to discuss." Purpura didn't follow, he just stood. The male stopped and looked back to Purpura. "You truly did not pay attention during the religious studies." Purpura eyed him, before the male walked back over to Purpura. The male was taller than Purpura, before leaning down to be exactly eye level. "I am Lord Tempus, Chronicler of all that there is, has been or ever will be. And you have spent the last two centuries testing my patience." Purpura felt his gut sink a bit, now he knew where he'd heard the name. Lord Tempus. The God of Time. Tempus stood tall, "I see you recall." He began to walk again, "Now, follow. Before I decide to just outright punish you for mocking the laws of time." Purpura hurried after. The god of time was known as one of the more patient gods, but as the god said he'd spent the last two centuries practically laughing at the laws of time. They entered a room with a sphere in the middle. A pendulum swung in the back, not that Purpura could see a clock attached anywhere. Tempus walked over to the sphere, Purpura stood next to him. "I have recently come across a problem. The future of the world seems set on a path of destruction. My abilities allow me to see all time lines, and their affects on the future." He was quiet, a moment. "That is why I have let your transgressions slide. But I digress. As I searched for the moment that caused this destruction I came across one moment. If it can be prevented, then the fate of the world will change drastically." Purpura shifted his weight a bit, was the god of time hiring him to assassinate someone? Tempus sighed, "Now, I have tried everything within my power to prevent it. However each attempt either fails, or it happens later. I consulted the others, and I now have a solution. You, Purpura, you must prevent a death." Purpura shook his head in a sigh, that didn't seem to hard. Perhaps he could just kill the person who killed them. Act as a body guard until Tempus was satisfied. Playing bodyguard forever didn't seem a great thing. But Tempus was the god of time, perhaps once satisfied he'd get sent back in time. Was that how time duties worked? Purpura shrugged, and crossed his arms. Tempus looked to him, "Can I assume you will help?" Purpura sighed, and nodded. "Good, because you are the only one who can prevent this woman's death..." Tempus waved his hand over the sphere, and it faded to show an image. The image cleared and Purpura felt himself groan with his whole body. It was the Heartless queen, he cursed his luck. How was he possibly suppose to prevent the death of a woman who hated him. Purpura shook his head, he was out. He didn't care if he got punished, he'd more likely be killed by the Queen than ever save her. He turned to leave. Suddenly the entrance disappeared. Purpura turned back to Tempus in annoyance. Tempus walked over and spoke calmly, "Only you can prevent her death." Purpura wished he could yell, explain why that was ridiculous and stupid. Tempus put his hand out, and gently caught the scarf that Purpura was currently wearing as a long belt. "This is why you are the only one who can stop this." Purpura hit the scarf with his arm, so it slid from Tempus's hand. Tempus walked to the sphere, "I know you do not care for this woman. But be aware, I only care that her death is not at the hands of the person who gave you that scarf." Purpura clutched the scarf gently. Tynan had given him this scarf. It had once been purple with beautiful designs, it now was stained with blood like the rest of his clothing. Tempus stared at the sphere, seeming to contemplate the image. "Every agent I sent, failed for the same reasons. One, she probably deserves to die. But mostly because all attempts to stop Tynan were hopeless." The image of the queen faded showing one of Tynan. "He is extremely suspicious of all, hates his mother immensely, is a trained strategist, extremely gifted shadow demon and probably deserves to be the one to kill her... Given all that she has put him thru... However, every version of the future, where he kills her is bleak." Tempus was quiet, as Pupura simply stared at the image. Tempus continued, "Something about him killing her changes him. He refuses peace, or treaties of any sort. He becomes one of the most ruthless rulers in Heartless history. His rule begins some of the worst genocides in history. I cannot determine what it is exactly that killing her does to him, or why it affects him so." Purpura stared for a long moment, he felt like he knew why. He had always maintained an emotional disconnect from each target. His school had taught him long ago that killing with emotion tore at one's own soul. That, plus his mother's pleading, had been the only thing stopping him from killing his own sister. But Tynan was destined to kill his own mother. Even if Tynan only felt hatred for her, it would tare at him. Killing her would likely not satisfy Tynan's hatred, and thus the issues Tempus had mentioned. It was a theory anyway. "I do believe that you can stop him though. He trusts you, more than anyone else. Which... isn't much, but it's something. So, I task you to do anything and everything to stop this. Keep the clock, it'll grant you time demon abilities. Push the button in the middle to come back here. Otherwise you'll figure out the controls." Purpura examined the little clock, with a slightly mischievous smile. Tempus waved his hand, and the sphere returned to it's original form. "If I learn you are abusing the clock, I will personally age you to death and force you thru un-birth until I am satisfied." Purpura clutched the clock a bit. Tempus gave a smile, "I will return you home, but do be quick. You have a year before the natural course brings him to his first chance to kill her. Do try to talk him out of it." Tempus gave a quick wave of his hand. Purpura felt his gut wrench again, before he realized he was back home.
© 2016 SinTrustless |
StatsAuthor![]() SinTrustlessAboutSharing a world I created long ago. The stories are organized here by the main character. --------------------- Purpura's story (Marked by pictures of hands)- Purpura, Main story (Finished) T.. more..Writing