Old Minds

Old Minds

A Poem by SimplyOlivia

As we grow old

So does the world

Our memories get weaker

Time blurs by

We’re only teenagers

Young, playful, and free

But some of us

Were forced to grow old

We’re so young

But yet so old

Everyone grows old with the world

But what about the young at heart

Who are old at mind

We watch

We observe

As the time flies by

We’ve grown up too fast

Seen too much to last

Walking down

Into the gates of Hell

We’re still so young

But forced to go

All because the ware of our minds

Our minds have been overused

Thoughts of sinful thoughts

Friends watch in agony

Families chase after

Strangers watch

Watch the strange beauty that these old minds contain

Fear is not present in the beautiful bodies with old minds

Their minds locked away the fear.

They had seen much

Done much

And thought much too

No, the minds are not scared

Their heads held high

Ready to walk through the gates

Through the gates of Hell

That hold nothing but flame and sin

The minds find comfort

For they had been consumed

Bitter and broken

From being forced to grow old so soon

© 2011 SimplyOlivia

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Added on September 1, 2010
Last Updated on March 29, 2011



Chattanooga, TN

Sometimes, people say to describe yourself in one word. My word is interesting. I am like a diamond, multi-faceted but still see-through but beautiful to look at and desired, not to mention expensive... more..
