![]() Fighting For SomethingA Story by Simply-Sammy![]() Short Story. The Solution is the Government, Sara tries to protect her family one cool midnight, but something so wrong.![]() It was a dark night, the chilly midnight breeze whispered to the moon so high above. This was her last chance to make everything right, she breathed in deeply and began to walk down the hill. At the bottom she met on one person she hoped to never see again, Harry Fredrick. He was the one who tricked her, that one trick kill 3 people and destroyed many other peoples’ lives, including her own. He turned, his blond hair blowing in the wind, his green eyes rested upon hers. A smile of satisfaction was smeared on his face; she glared at him wishing he was somewhere far away or better yet, dead! It took her only two seconds to decide to come down. This would be the end for her, the end of life. For the next 13 year or so she would be stuck in a hole taking the place for her husband, the man she so longed to hug one last time. The Solution is a cruel, corrupted government, if you are suspected as a trader you are sentenced to a fait worse then death. They stick you in a giant hole 15 feet in the ground, they keep you on the edge of death. Her husband was locked up for betrayal which was her fault. He refused to let her confess, so he did it. During her hunt to try and free him she was instructed by Harry to do unthinkable things. A chill ran through the air, all she wore was a silk night gown; she let the cold numb her body not caring is she lived or died. As they stood there they said nothing for several moments, when Harry finally spoke his voice was scratchy but gentle. “Good evening, I see you have made you choice. Shall we proceed?” He gestured his hands for her to walk ahead on him, she did not move, his face hardened, “was that not are deal? If you came down here tonight I would release your husband and you would take his place?” she laughed “Do you really think I am that stupid?” Harry raised an eyebrow, “I would like to see my husband heading off to the house before I become your slave!” her voiced hardened at the last word. He sighed heavily. A smile twinkled in her eyes a little, she knew him all too well to fall for a trick like that. He reached in and pulled out a walky-talky then cleared his throat and spoke into it, “Bring in the van!” A moment later a black van came screeching down the road. It backed up in to the grass and can to a hard stop. Two hard looking men in black came from the drivers and passenger seat; they headed to the back to open the two large black doors. When they opened the door there sat her husband his mouth was taped he was tired and he had a black eye. When he saw his wife his eyes widened, she stared at his ice blue eyes that matched her sons, they were full of worry and pleading. She ripped her gaze from his, she loved him and this was how it is suppose to be. The men in black shoved him out of the van untying him. As soon as the ropes were off he tarred the tape from him mouth and rushed to his wife. “Don’t do this! Please, Sara look at me!” her foggy blue eyes meant his perching blue ones. He has his hands around her arms, “I love you and I don’t want you to be in that rat hole. It’s a nightmare; I can’t imagine you’re beautiful face in such hell!” tears rolled down his face but his voice did not crack. Sara smiled a weak smile; she wiped away his tears with her thumb. “William, the rightful one should be punished. Our son need you more then I, I would kill myself knowing you were taking my place in the Hell-Hole,” she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him so passionately she felt like she was in heaven. He kissed her right back, she loved the feeling of his lips to hers, they were meant to be. Then William was ripped from her hold being hulled up the hill. She waved one last goodbye as he yelled: “SARA!” she blew him one last kiss, then whispered, “This is how it should be!” Tears ruled down her face, she never liked crying but know she did not care, no one would ever see her again. She would not last 13 years; if she did it would just mean she went insane. Harry painfully shoved her in the van then got in himself. The men in black did not get in the back, instead she saw them pushing William up the hill. The moon shined showing two freashly sharpened blades by each of the men’s sides, again he tricked her. Her family, he son, Harry was a monster. Her body filled with rage; with her right fist she punched him in the face giving him a broken nose. “You’re an a*s!” before he could grab her she jumped from the van. She franticly looked around for a weapon, Harry opened the door, and Sara picked up the nearest rock and threw it at him. He lifted his hand to block his face; the rock missed him by an inch. His laughter only made her rage increase; Sara spotted a gun on Harry’s belt then lunched at him. He fought her off but she managed to loosen the gun before he pushed her off. Popping up she pointed the gun at his head. “You won’t kill me!” he laughed. “You don’t think so! I killed innocent people, you’re guilty of several crimes, it will be easier!” his smile disappeared she put the gun to her side and grabbed him by the ear. “Come with me!” she headed up the hill in a hurry pulling Harry by the ear. The men in black still had William, he was alive. Then they saw her there knifes came out. She pointed the gun at one of the men, the other started to dash up the hill to the house. Sara knew for her son, before she new is she whipped her arm around and shot the gun. The man fell down instantly; Sara gazed at the body in horror. She had never kill a person knowingly, the others were by poison she never knew she was going to kill them. Harry just instructed her in put a certain mix in the wine; it turned out the mix was cyanide. The other man yanked William to his feet by his hair, the placed the blade by his throat. “You just killed my brother; know I kill your husband!” Sara screamed as he was about to dragged the knife across her husband’s throat. She shot the gun, this time hopping to kill him. As the shot was fired William fell to the ground, the man in black was dead but as he fell he cut Williams face and released the knife. William grabbed his face and howled in pain. As they were distracted, Harry ran at for the knife, Sara tried shooting again but it was out of bullets. She swore under her breath, Harry laughed. He forgot her husband and stared to walk to Sara. She did not run is she were to die she did not want to be remembered as a coward. “STAY WAY FROM HER!” William yelled, Harry was inches from her face. He brushed three long black hairs out of her face, she breathes heavily, she was not afraid of death, only the death of her family. Harry raised his hand ready to strike her in the heart when she raised her knee kneeing him in the groined. As he fell the knife dragged along her leg tarring her gown and her flesh. This time she screamed in pain but stayed standing. Putting her foot on the knife she kicked Harry in the face breaking him nose more and a few teeth. Blood spilled out of his mouth as he laughed, “KILL ME!” he was having fun, she picked up the knife and was about to strike him when she threw it the other direction. He stared her down for he knew the fate that laded ahead of him. “No, two have died to night no more shall parish under my actions. As for you, you will rout in the Hell-Hole till your last days,” this pleased her. She knew Harry would rather die than be stuck in the very thing he created. When the police came she explained her story, all of it. When she was done the bodies were collected, her husband was taken to the hospital, Harry hulled in a police car, and she was taken into custody. She stared at the house as her hands were being handcuffed. Then she whispered to the cop. “make sure you take my son to the hospital, his name is Seth.” The cop nodded and had her get into the car. Her sentence was 3 years. She could live through that, as long as she remembered she has a loving husband and a son waiting for her return. © 2011 Simply-SammyAuthor's Note
Added on January 2, 2011 Last Updated on January 2, 2011 Author![]() Simply-Sammy61073, ILAboutI love writing and reading. My spelling/grammar needs work, but I'm getting there. :) I'm 15 and have wrote many short stories, but never finished a full story. more..Writing