![]() AloneA Poem by Simone V. MinAll alone Once again, I amble in the dark night of your soul Your refuge, your dungeon Where peace and solitude are mimicked by isolation The lingering scent of cigarette smoke Scattered empty bottles of Double Black towering over used rock glasses The melancholic singing of keys in ebony and ivory-- unyielding echoes in the piercing cold Wrapped in darkness I close my eyes To search for you… Pitch black The almost imperceptible evanescent glint
of a weeping ice ball Trapped in a rock glass, soaking in numbness-- I see you Hiding in the shadows Slumped, arm resting atop a knee Fingers flicking before cradling that stick
between your quivering lips Staring desolately at the silver-speckled
expanse above Breathing in, deeply Breathing out, steadily A sharp trail of smoke rises in the still air And crystalline droplets glisten I gaze at you… Clutching my chest, I keel over in tremendous pain Squeezing my eyes shut Grief, yearning, loneliness Rage, despair, emptiness All at once, streaming endlessly down my face Muted cries escaping through my clenched teeth Writhing as my barely beating heart yet again struggles to hold
itself together Broken and bleeding, a thousand times over Tethered to this misery Concealing, enduring, at times
faltering Leaving traces for someone to see Hoping for someone to find you,
release you But even as you pretend to show what
you fail to hide No one understands, no one comes, let
alone stays Only I Am here © 2020 Simone V. Min |
Added on August 20, 2020 Last Updated on August 20, 2020 Tags: depression, darkness, emptiness, loneliness, rage, sadness, hopelessness, despair, grief, yearning Author