![]() No OneA Poem by Simone V. Min
Ablaze with everything I am
Not a mere twinkle reaches you One of countless nameless others Will all that remains ever be enough for you to behold me? I never can hold a candle to your adored moon--your light in the coldest and darkest of nights If only I were as close, would I be worthy to hold your gaze? I hear past your ethereal voice Hidden between the sincere words and the enchanting melodies lies your heart--confused, wandering, lonely; adrift this emptiness Existing in one galaxy Born hundreds of light-years apart Dreaming of holding, loving you Will our orbits ever cross? Or are we destined to be lost? Having given in to waiting Burning 'til darkness takes over Now all astir because of you The light you shine, the pain you hide Must I forget ever knowing? A lifetime in obscurity Awakened to your existence Knowing I can never reach you Aching, desperately wanting Out of reach--be still, be still
© 2020 Simone V. Min |