Only these four walls for company
Whispers awaken me
They're mocking me
Smothering me
Heavy breath burdens me
Screaming within
No more tears left to cry
Yet I console thee
But you disgust me
So confused can't work it out
The beast to my beauty you've become
abuse in a nutshell ..well done simba ... inner suffering is just as and probably more harmful than a beaten face and body ..both painful and crippling ..and both imprison ..its the way abusers do things isn't it >;[ bits of editing ...L4 They're not their ; L6 burdens not burderns ;) this is a subject that always needs a strong voice ...there is so much tragedy surrounding abuse as women (most of the time) are trapped between pain and a system that is also shackled at times ... so many women report only to be told we can't do anything until he hurts you ..not counting the internal terror and demeaning that is constant ...i really like your closing that claims the beauty true
You will break these walls my dear, You will, when the time is right, and You will have the courage to say "STOP" for the pain, Your room will turn to one with no boundaries... will become a new world, as You start looking to it differently, You only need some time, but still, You must be willing, knowing during it, that You will recover.
if You look to a bright side, aren't these four walls which create Your poem here? isn't the pain which inspired You to write? then, let us thinking about it as a "different" way to be creative too :)
all the very best for You, I send You the warmest and brightest of wishes*
I read intense pain and agony from emotional or perhaps physical abuse. A violent "significant other" whose behavior and/or words keep one trapped, if not locked inside a structure, certainly caged within the mind, constantly tormenting and torturing, offering no chance for escape. It's a sad tale, though well-crafted and poetically delivered.
Welcome back to the Cafe. Good to read your work again.