The day was hot, very hot. Sweat poured down my face as I trudged through the endless sand of Egypt. The unbearable thirst I was experiencing was a result of a full day under Egypt's sun. Since I was low on water, I allowed the the feeling to go unquenched. I knew that if I didn't find civilization today I would die out here in the middle of this over sized sand-trap. Suddenly, I heard the dull thudding of hooves sinking into the sand. Before I could even turn around I was forced onto my hands and knees by a searing pain in my right shoulder. Looming over me was an Egyptian soldier mounted on a horse with a set of reins in one hand, a bow in the other. Buried into my right shoulder was an arrow with a wooden shaft and red feathers on it. The soldier began speaking in what was obviously Egyptian, I didn't know how to speak Egyptian. A wave of nausea gripped me because of the intensity of the pain. I took one final look at the soldier before I passed into the gaping black void that beckoned me from the inside of my own mind. That was the last thing I remembered before waking up in the cell. I felt as if this time I'd gone to far, pushed my luck just over the limit. So now, I was stuck here. Possibly forever. As I went to sleep on the floor of the cell I found myself hoping that this time I wouldn't wake up.