![]() "UnknownA Story by Simmirose![]() This is a long short story, and I hope someone takes the time to read it. it does have some strong content in the middle. honest, truthful reviews are really appreciated.![]() “Unknown” Mayra: As the adults leave, for their night out,
Aiden Nick and I stand in front of the doorway of the house, waving them
goodbye. As soon as the door closes Aiden and Nick look at me and grin with
excitement. “Party!!” They both scream and Aiden puts his arm over
my shoulders while Nick pokes me in the rib. I easily squirm free of Aiden's
hold and twist Nick's hand. Not to the point of pain, but just enough to make
him cringe. Aiden laughs at his brother, without loosening my grip on Nick's
hand I do the same to Aiden. “Ow” My eyes glimmer with humor satisfied that I
was still stronger than them and release them. “You can't do that” Nick says with a half annoyed half humored
tone of voice, while messaging his wrists. “Then you can't poke me” “Yes we can” They both say at the same time. Humor escapes
into my eyes again. I look at them; it was so weird when they wore clothes
similar to each other, especially since they were twins. They were at least 6 feet
tall, black spiked hair, blue eyes, a slight tone higher from olive skinned
toned, and a good smile. They were the ideal, Mr. popular and perfect. Girls
dreamed of guys like them, they were their prince charming. Shaking my head with
amusement, I couldn't wait to hear their reason for thinking that they could. “Says who? You have no right” They both nod, grinning white teeth gleaming. “Because we are you're brothers therefore; we
have the right to annoy you as much as we want.” Aiden said with cheer in his voice, while
Nick nods in agreement. “No you aren't” “Yes, stepbrothers if that's what you want” Honestly they had become like brothers to me,
maybe not from the beginning but slowly they did. Aiden, Nick, Jennifer- their
little 9 year old sister who I now considered my own Hermanita-
and Devin, where the family that I had recently been fostered to. I had stayed
with them longer that with any family I've ever had since I was seven. I
usually only stayed no more than two weeks with a family but with the Shelton's
I had stayed for a month and a half. I knew that after I left, this family
would stick with me forever. I sigh. Suddenly I felt a feather touch inside my
mind and I recognized it as Jairo. “Mayra, come outside” “Why? Is something wrong?” “No, I just want to run” The thought of running out in the woods,
free, overwhelmed me. I longed for those moments and I felt joy bubble up
inside of me. I could smell the scent of pine trees, and clean crisp air. The rich, nutrient soil on my fingers, the leaves passing my face,
the chilly air against my skin. This was one of the few things that actually
brought me joy, I cherished every second of it as if it were my last. Lately I
got to run with my cousin Jairo. Our family's split up after my mom's death but
he lived here and we had recently reunited. Now we tried to run every night, enjoying
the comforting feeling of mother Earth engulfing us in her wonder gifts of
nature. “Ok, give me a sec; I need to get una excusa ” “Why?” “Because Devin and Wendy just left and I'm
supposed to take care of Jeniffer with Nick and Aiden” Nick and Aiden were arguing over having a
party tonight and who to invite. Aiden wanted to have it tomorrow night while
Nick wanted it to happen tonight. For being so close to each other they fought
about the weirdest things and neither one of them would back down from their
opinions. Just like their father, Devin, they were hard headed.
“Ok, but apurate” “Ok” Quickly I end my telepathic conversation and
turn to the twins. “Hey” Their attention snaps from their fight, to me “What?” “Mayra, we kind of need to figure out this
party situation” Aiden says “Look I'm going to go take a walk ok?” “But we need you to help us” Nick says with agitation in his voice. “Just call me when you make a decision, I'll
come help” “Be careful” They both say at the same time with worry in
their voices and eyes. I could tell they wanted me to stay because their brows
creased, trying to decide whether or not to take back their answer not that it
would matter, and I would escape any way. “Always am” Walking away into the living room, I head to
the sliding window. I needed an out from them anyway; it was unbearable to stay
with them for that long. Their emotions were becoming too strong and I could
feel the energy boil inside of me. It felt as if I was a volcano and I was about
to erupt from all the emotions, thoughts, and energy from them. Hearing tiny
paws behind me, I instantly know that it's Axle, the Pit bull puppy that I
have come to adore. Kneeling down in front of him I pick him up in my arms.
His white muzzle hitting my cheek as he licks my nose. I adored Axle so much
that he was the only one that I allowed myself to laugh with. “Hi Axle” He barks as if responding, I enter his mind,
knowing that I connected better with him this way. “You can't come with me but I promise I'll
come back and take you on a walk ok?” He whines and I could feel that he wanted to
come with me. “I promise ok?” Finally his understanding enters my mind. “Ok, stay here” Putting him down, I close the door, leaving
him inside the toasty home. Outside the air was chilly but it felt so nice. Jogging to the forest, I jump over a log and phase into my wolf. All my troubles fall away as I become one with my wolf, making them seem insignificant. My paws thump on the ground against the rich, fresh, rejuvenating soil and the twigs and rocks making contact. The colors around me, so
vibrant that it hurts to look at them, the light of the moon illuminating the
leaves and making the water in the river sparkle as if the water had been
replaced by thousands of blue and white diamonds. My snow white fur keeping me
warm from the chill of the air as I begin to run towards Jairo. The leaves
against my muzzle felt like a loving, tender caress and the air scented pure, of snow and pine
trees, of all things nature, rushed into my awaiting lungs. The feeling of freedom and belonging swallowed me.
Finally reaching the spot where Jairo was, I see the sandy brown muscular
wolf, in front of me. Yelping at me, he sends out his invitation following a challenge. Lifting my muzzle to the moon as he does the same, we howl, making our presence known, and sprint out. Jairo and I run throughout the forest,
jumping up on trees and boulders, into the river and over fallen trees. Feeling as if nothing could stop me, as if
everything possibly could turn out for the better, I push Jairo with my shoulder, sending him tumbling into bushes near by. Growling, he promises revenge. About an hour and half later we decide we needed to head back, Jairo nudges me with his muzzle and pounces away
to his home and I turn to do the same. There was a deadly stillness and silence
falling onto the forest, making me stop dead in my tracks. Slowly, I resume to paw my way through the night forest, Looking up at
the illuminating moon and at my surroundings. Letting go of all my barriers, I allow all my mind blocks to drop, risking
the emotions of anyone near, of the animals or of the Earth to hit me, and I
extend my senses. Without making it obvious that I could feel the difference in
the atmosphere, I try to read the energy and emotions of the creatures, trying
to feel what was happening because someone could be observing me, waiting for a
moment of weakness to attack. I feel the animal's uneasiness and a strange
disturbance on the Earth. Not a single leaf rustled, the wind rock steady, too
steady as if someone was controlling it, the animals dead silent as if afraid to make a move. Something was very wrong so I howl up
at the moon, warning Jairo and his family. Pouncing back towards the house, to
make sure that everyone was inside and safe, I quicken my pace. As I get closer to the house, I
feel the presence of Aiden and Nick near, looking for me; obviously they had
tried to call and were worried that I hadn't answered. Walking in the opposite
direction, slipping by them, but at the last minute they walk in the same direction. The energy begins to crackle inside of me like fire, and his taint in my mind, growing by
the second. He was about to strike again and I knew that I had to phase back. I
couldn't be caught in a vision while being in my wolf. I could get stuck and
not be able to shift back to my human form, or worse, loose myself inside
permanently. Loosing myself would mean that I would not be able to shift back
to human and slowly begin to lose my humanity, and eventually the only thing
left would be my wolf. In a way I would disappear. The exact moment I began to phase, the twins
walk in on me. I knew it was too late, they saw everything. Once I'm back in my
human form, turning towards them, I wait for their reaction. Instantly I feel
Kadan go on alert, ready to come out. Blocking him out of my mind, I focus on
the twins. Their eyes showed pure shock, and their mouths slightly open. They
were in complete denial, and they wanted to believe that they were
hallucinating. I sigh; I guess that, now, Nick really did have the right to call me a freak. “Look-” I hear myself scream while I'm sucked in. Looking around, I see the night sky above me.
Where was I? I try to bend my head back to see, but I was jerked by the hand
groping me by my hair with such force that I felt as if my hair was going to be
ripped out of my scalp at any second, my head ached. I close my eyes, feeling
twigs; rocks, soil and other things rasp against my skin, I knew that I was
being dragged. I wanted to scream out for help but my throat was dry and rough,
and I knew that I had been screaming so hard that I felt as if my throat was
bleeding. Abruptly, whoever was dragging me, stops and tosses me over, landing
on the ground in front of it. I hear the *SMACK of skull against rock. Stars
filled my eyes and jackhammers went off in my head, I hear myself gasp and I
force myself to lift my head, using my voice. “What do you want from me?!” I cry, I felt as if nails were rasping against my throat. “Everything” The tall figure in front of me, responds with a heavy
accent. The figure steps forward and when the illuminating light of the moon
glows over it, I see that it's a man. He is extremely tall, at least 6”4,
muscular, and he held power to him like a second skin. I couldn't see his face
clearly but He smiles twistedly showing his pearl white straight teeth, and
begins to approach me, all the while he begins to unbuckle his belt, never
taking his gaze from my own. I shrink away, feeling a tree trunk behind me, I
begin to wonder if I could get up and sprint out and get help. Maybe I could
out run him. His smile widens as if he could read my thoughts and enjoyed the
thought of a chase, he then takes his leather belt off and folds it in half but
stops and looks above as if considering the thought of the chase. Hope rises in
me; maybe I could make it out of this alive. He shakes his head and chuckles
and returns to walk towards me. He looks me up and down as if deciding where he
wanted to start, considering his options. Suddenly, as if finally making his
decision, He swings at me, and I feel the bitter sting across my face, a small
cry escapes my lips, feeling my cheek turn red. He laughs with sick delight,
continuing to swing at me for what seems hours, each time he stopped to think
of the next location he wanted to hit. I knew that this was important to him,
for he didn't hit me twice in the same spot, he was careful to have hit me in
every single space on my body, not wanting to miss anything. After he tires of
the belt, he resolves to using his fist instead, deciding to make some of the
marks on my body, more prominent. He did this as if he wanted people to know
that yes, he had done this and he was taking credit for it. He was marking me
as his own, his own master fascination. By the end, I can feel the blood
trickle out of my body, while my entire body stung with bitterness. I could see
the bruises begin to form against my pale white skin, which didn't exist
anymore, but was replaced by a pink rosy, flushed tone. Fortunately I pass out,
thankful for escaping this for at least a little bit. . . . . “Wake up” It seemed like that break was too small, I needed more
time. After a good shake I finally snap my eyes open, and find him on top of
me, straddling me. The fabric of his jeans rubbing against my bare legs, it
made me feel dirty. His smile widens and he caresses my cheek with his hand.
They were rough as if he had used them in hard labor, but they were big and
warm against my cold cheek. “That's how I want you” I spit in his face, watching it hit his eyes and run down
his face. I was hoping that by doing this, he would get tired of me and finally
just kill me, ending this. “You disgust me.” His face grows dark, and I swear that I saw the flames of
hell rise in his eyes. He wipes away the spit and narrows his gaze at me. He
doesn't say anything but instead grabs the knife inside his belt, never taking
his eyes away from mine. I wanted to look away but his gaze was hypnotic and
impossible to look away from. He lifts
the knife and the light of the moon above shines on the silver metal; he runs
the smooth, cold edge of it across my neck down to my chest. He suddenly stops
and looks me right in the eye as he digs the knife into my skin. I scream in
agony, feeling the warm blood pool out the wound into his hands. I feel the
knife hit my ribcage, another scream escapes my lips. He smiles and jerks the
knife out bringing tissue and more ruby liquid with it. Maybe I would die from
blood loss, just maybe. “You will do as I say” “Like hell I will” I couldn't say it as loud as I wanted to, my throat felt
as if it would rip apart at any second, it felt dry and raw. I try to move my
hands, but find them above me, tied to the tree trunk the movement causes more
blood to spill into the dirt underneath me making it a mucky brown. I begin to
panic, knowing what was coming. I try to squirm free; it was obvious that he
pleasure from seeing my struggle, for he grinned with satisfaction. He begins
to unbuckle his pants, while chuckling with enjoyment. “No! Please!” His grin widens impossibly, and I continue to squirm, the
bark rasping my wrists and arms and the rocks and twigs poking at my back and
naked skin. “Let me go! Please!” I yell at him crying. Even though I knew it was going to
happen I still cry with hope. I had to think that maybe someone would interrupt
and save me from this. “Don't do this!” “I do what I want” “Please, let me go, I won't tell anyone!” I say hoping that this will convince him to let me go
even though I knew the truth. “That's right, you won't tell anyone, I'll make sure of
that” I wasn't going to get out of this alive; I was going to
die here in the hands of this man. He begins to unbutton his shirt and I look
away with disgust. I look to my right, avoiding his gaze, and find my clothes
piled by the next tree. I feel the frosty air against my skin and the only warm
thing was the blood still pouring out of my wound. Why hadn't I died of blood
loss yet? His shirt is tossed and lands near my clothes. I begin to bawl. “Please!” He turns my face towards him; He places a finger over my
lips, and leans into me. “Shh, Bella. You will enjoy this” I shake my head, with fear. The horrible knowing that no
one was going to come, that this was going to happen and that I was going to
lose my virginity not by choice but by force. I was going to lose one of the most
valuable things to a rapist, a monster who was going to ruin my life forever.
If I got out of here, I would never be able to love a man or be touched by a
man again. How could he think that I would enjoy this? He was lying to himself
to make himself feel better or maybe he didn't feel anything at all other than
lust. Realization hit I knew that I had to fight if it was the last thing I
did, but I wouldn't just let him do this. If no one was going to come then I
was going to have to fight myself for my own life. “No! You sick b*****d! Get off of me!” His hands encircle my wrist, above my head and he kissed
my neck. I brace myself, trying not to puke, and I bang my head against his and
gasp. I see starts above my head and feel him lose his balance. He grunts and
grabs me by the hair pulling me back. I see that it is still night, and that
the trees above me are humongous along with all the other trees around us. I
knew that if I had the chance to escape, it would take me a while to find a
road or some help maybe too much time. But maybe he would get lost and not get
to her as fast. “Let me go!” He bangs my head against the tree and feel him get on top
of me once again. Shouldn't someone in my family be worried by now? Shouldn't
someone be out there looking for me? Or had I been that bad of a friend and
daughter, sister for anyone to actually care? Did I deserve this for all that I
had done to others? Was this my fault? “Relax bella” He said satisfied that I had finally shut up. He pushed
aside a couple strands of my golden hair from my face and neck and kissed my
neck once again. I wanted to revolt or knee him but I couldn't he was too
strong and was grasping me to a point that he would be aware of any move I
made. “Someone will find you! I swear you will go to jail and
burn in hell!” He laughed at me and began his assault. My worst
nightmare happened...over and over again. When he violated me, I felt as if who
I was and my very being, was being ripped out of me. He didn't stop, he just
continued the entire night. At one point another man joined in. I closed my
eyes through it all, fighting back, crying and yelling for mercy. They laughed
with amusement, enjoying themselves. How could anybody do this? How could you
enjoy hurting someone so much? I wish I could die, I wish it would all be over. . . . . . As I awoke, I was engulfed with electrifying agony. I
felt as if I was going to die from pain, sweat broke out of my brow. As I
regain consciousness I feel his breath on me. I open my eyes and find him
crouched over my hands. I take this time to try to see what time it was, and it
was still night. I follow my gaze down
to my hands I knew something was wrong because the pain was coming from my
hands. His head suddenly snaps up, looking at me, and smiling. I avoid his gaze
and look down at my hands. Time stops for a moment, my hands were bloody but
what I see is so disturbing that I feel as if I'm going to throw up. The spot
where my thumbs were supposed to be... were missing. He had cut them off. I couldn't
look away from the disgusting site. “Help!” “Shut Up!” He moves closer to me and grabs the knife that he had
used a couple of minutes ago. He makes a cavernous cut on my left index finger,
hitting bone. I make a half pleading half agony cry, and he laughs with
amusement. He reaches behind him and his hand returns with a sharp, small,
silver machete, covered in ruby blood. My blood. “No! You can't do this!” He laughs and swings the machete on to my index finger,
snapping it off of my hand. Agony shakes my body, as blood squirts against his
face as well as mine. His tongue darts out to catch the droplets of blood. I
continue to screech as he does the same with my right index finger. I watch
both of them roll down to a rock near him, joining my thumbs. I wanted to vomit
with revolt. “Let me go!” He reaches to the left, cleans the knife and grabs a
thick needle. The needle was filled with clear liquid. I begin to sob, hoping
that someone would hear me and save me. Yet I knew that it wasn't going to happen,
I knew that I was going to die like this, here. He grabs my arms, extending it,
to see my veins. Once he finds one, he makes a subterranean slash on my arms
and a couple others scattered around my naked body. He inserts the needle into
each slash. I close my eyes, feeling the contents of the needle pour in to my
body. Slowly I start to drift off, but I knew that I wasn't going to die yet.
It wasn't the end yet, and all I could keep thinking was, please let someone
find my body after I'm gone. Kadan: The
moment that Mayra screams, I race out of the woods. With enhanced speed, I catch her just in time before she collapses on to the ground.
Nick and Aiden race towards her, and I feel the ugly beast, roar to life,
inside of me. I place my body protectively in front of Mayra's, growling at the
twins, making my warning crystal clear. Their eyes grow wide while taking a
step to their left, their hands up in surrender. I didn't want anyone near her,
no one but me. Dropping to my knees, Mayra still in my arms, I lye her down, on the grass. The
twins didn't leave; instead they stood there just staring at her as if somehow
trying to protect her from me. Gathering her close, I look down at her face. Her skin stretched over her bones, making her
cheekbones prominent and her eyes sunken in. She looked lost, her eyes glazed,
and her mouth slightly open in a silent cry. Her agonizing screams filled my
mind, replaying itself over and over again. I would never get it out of my
mind, and I knew that until the end of time, that would be my own personal
night mare. It would be the thing keeping me up at night, enabling me from ever letting her out of my sight. Blood tears escaped
her eyes, while blood trickled from her mouth, nose, and ears. The sound of an irate wild beast, escapes my throat. I wanted to have my hands around the throat of the mongrel who was
doing this to her. I couldn't even reach her through our mental path. Cursing I gather her even closer to my body so close that it felt as if we could be one.
Suddenly she begins to convulse and
outcry in my arms. Clenching my jaw I narrow my eyes, this was worse than torture. I couldn't
bear to hear her agonizing shrieks for help. I close, trying to breath. My
soul, heart, and very being was being dug out of my body and burned. Whoever was doing
this was going to pay. I would make sure that he went through the same pain, and
more, that he was putting my life mate through. I would make sure that he was
terminated, I would get my revenge, I swore on that. Mayra stops to convulse for
a while and then convulses again, nonstop. I cover her with my body, knowing
that that she wouldn't want the twins to see her in such a vulnerable state. I
rock her back and forth, more for my own comfort than for hers. “Come on Baby” I whisper against her temple. With a shaky
hand, I move a strand of raspberry red hair, from her face. “Place baby, snap out of it” I kiss her forehead, continuing to rock back
and forth. I tighten my arms around her; as if somehow that would keep her here
with me, or bring her back. “Come back to me” Placing my hands on both sides of her face, I look straight into her dead eyes. This was too much; she had been like this for
over four hours now. “Damn it Mayra! Come back to me now!” After 15 minutes of continuing encouragement , I feel a feather light
caress in my mind. One that I would recognize anywhere. Without hesitation, I grasp it. “Kadan?” She was still holding on, and the fact that
she used our mental communication, made this more intimate. “Yes baby, it's me.
I'm right here.” I send her reassurance. “Mayra you have to
come back” I demand “I can't” “Yes you can” “No, I can't. This
one is too strong” “What's to strong?” “Kadan, I’m losing myself.” *Silence “How I
can help?” “You can't” I feel her start to give up and panic strikes me. “Mayra, you can't
give up” “It's too much.” The Mayra I loved and knew never complained,
even if she was trembling with agony, she kept quiet. Now that she was complaining I knew that
this was serious and that we were in trouble. “I'm here baby, I
always will be. You're not alone.” Slowly sliding into her mind, I find her in a
hurricane of pain. Instantly she blocks me out, shame in her mind. “Stop!” “Mayra, don't turn
away from me” “I don't want you to
see me like this!” * Scream “Mayra please” She hesitates and I feel as if I've lost her. “I don't have the
strength.” “Yes you do, just be
the fighter that I know you are” Slowly, I feel her gather up energy and
strength. I look down at her, and it disturbed me to see her covered in blood. “Here” Aiden hands me Kleenex, looking at him, I then take them, returning back to Mayra to try to clean her up. “I can't” I hear softly, she sounded tired and
defeated. “Listen to me Mayra,
you will come back to me, you will fight and you will do it now!” “He won't stop, I'm
stuck” “Tell me what to do” “Get me out of here” “Where” “Anywhere with walls” I easily pick her up; cradling her in my
arms. I turn to the twins. “I need somewhere to take her, somewhere
where your parents won't walk in” “They aren't here right now but when they
come back they won't go check the Guest house, take her there” Nick responds quickly, and I jog there “Almost there baby” “Hurry” “Hang in there” When I reach the door I kick it open, and
walk to the bedroom. I gently lay Mayra on the bed, and feel her touch start to
fade “Mayra stay with me” “I'm trying” “Go tell your parents some excuse, to you
being here, and Mayra not. One that will keep them away” Aiden nods and runs to the main house “Mayra, wake up” “O God!” “What is it?!” *scream “Mayra” “I can't pull out.
Give me a minute” “No, Mayra gets out
now!” Suddenly Mayra arches high from the bed, and slumps back into the bed. Silence fills my mind. “Mayra?” “Mayra!” An agonizing screech fills the house, and
then abruptly stops. Her eyes snap open. “Kadan?” Her eyes roll back, and she wasn't in my
mind. Utter silence engulfs the room. She was either gone or unconscious. Her
eyes stared up at the ceiling, empty, Looking like a corpse. No this couldn't be happening. NO! She
couldn't be gone! I wouldn't accept it no. I felt as if I was going to die, the
tears began to well up in I throat and around my eyes. I gather her up in my
arms. The very reason for my existence was gone. “Mayra! Wake up now!” I shake her trying to wake her up “Damn it Mayra! Don't do this! You can't
leave me!” The tears escape onto her cold pale cheeks.
I knew that this was going to affect every single person and thing alive. I
knew that I couldn't go on without her and everyone was going to pay for this.
Anger welled up inside of me and I felt my canines lengthen. Nothing would stop
me from becoming the cold blooded monster I had tried to fight. All I saw was
red, and craving for revenge. I begin to put her back on the bed when a hand
touches my soldier. “What did you do?” Aiden screams at me, lunging towards me. I
easily stop him with one hand and throw him back into the next room. Not caring if he was hurt, as the darkness settled over me. I set her
down when she takes a breath. Time stops suddenly all that mattered was if that
that breath was real. Hope that she was alive rose in me causing new emotions
to rise in me. She grasps my arm. “Don't let me go. I'm cold” She says with a rasped voice. The air is
knocked out of me and new tears fall against her cheek. Shaking my head, I tighten my arms around her and cradling her in my arms once again and I lie
on the bed with her in my arms. “Never, I'll never let you go.” She nods against my chest and tries to take
deep breaths. I knew that it was costing her. “Mayra merge yourself completely with me.” Panic rose in her mind “Why” Merging was a scary thing to do. When you did
it, that other person was completely inside your mind and could see everything
in your mind. Your deepest secrets, memories, desires, everything. I needed to
merge with her so that I could help her breath, by merging someone, with
special powers, could heal someone and when close to dying, keep their soul
close to them. Preventing death. “So I can help you breath” “I don't need help” “Mayra don't do that” “Do what?” “Don't turn from me when you are vulnerable,
I need you to trust me.” “I barely started talking to you a day ago
and you want me to trust you?” “You are my soul mate, yes I want you to
trust me and turn to me when you are dealing with anything hard so merge with
me” “We are not soul mates, you can't possibly
know that.” “I knew the moment I saw you” She tries to shake her head but fails; I
enter her mind finding her in piercing agony. “Mayra do it now by your choice or I will do
it” I couldn't stand to see her like this any
longer. I feel her give up and allow her mind blocks to drop, giving me access
to merge with her. Without hesitation I enter. At the same time I wrap the
blanket around us trying to get her temperature back in control. I see all of
her but I decide to ignore it, wanting Mayra to tell me all of these things
herself. I begin to help her breath and control her body functions. I hear her
gasp and automatically look down at her. Her eyes filled with awareness. “What is it?” “I'm about to have more repercussions but I
need you to listen to me ok?” I nod with apprehension. “You need to contact Bryony and her friends;
she's the only one who can help me” Jealousy and anger rose in him. Did she think
that he couldn't take care of her? He could and would do a better job that any
bunch of witches and Faes could. “Easy vamp. You don't have the affinity for
Earth and they do.” “How do I contact her?” “Use my mental path with her and tell her
that I need her help again, she'll understand.” “Ok” “Hurry, and don't be freaked out by the
repercussions ok?” I nod, I would never get scared or back away
from her just because of some repercussions to curses she had. Suddenly the
nose mouth and ear bleeds begin and, since fully merged with her, he could feel
the outrageous migraine. This was going to be a long night. Bryony: Something was wrong. I could feel mother
Earth's children crying for help. I look to my group of friends that had the
same expression on their faces. Drustan, Adrik and Aurora, the faes and violet
and Jackson, Witches like me. “Do you feel it?” Aurora asked with tears in her chocolate
brown eyes and we all nod in agreement. “What's happening? I can feel the pain of the
Earth” Violet said, holding her coal black hair
against her head. “I don't know but I don't like it.” Adrik said, putting his arm over Aurora,
comforting her while Jackson did the same to violet and Drustan to me. “Bryony” Panic
rise in me, a male voice was coming from the line that Mayra and I used to
communicate. “Who is this?” “It's Kadan” “What are you doing using my line with Mayra?
What did you do to her?” I hear him growl “I didn't do anything but she's in trouble,
before she passed out she told me to contact you, she said that only you and
your friends could help her.” By the tone of his voice I could tell that he
didn't like to admit that he needed help. I still don't understand why he was
with Mayra and why he would care enough to help her and listen to her to
contact me but I could tell that he was serious. Something was wrong and Mayra
must be in some serious trouble to have called me. “What's wrong? What's happening?” “I can't explain it but hurry I don't think
she has a lot of time” Terror strikes me. “We are on our way” “We have to go” I say to my friends and quickly get up, sprinting
towards the woods. This was the fastest way to get to the Shelton's house. “What's wrong?” Drustan asks. I look back at them and decide
to just let them hear the conversation I had had with Kadan. I didn't have time
to tell them myself. My mind raced with endless possibilities of what happened
to Mayra. Maybe she got shot, or there was an energy overload. Or maybe she
fell from her motorcycle or she got in a fight with a supernatural. “O my gosh!” Aurora and Violet gasp at the same time with
fear. I nod and suddenly I'm picked up by Drustan and see that Adrik and
Jackson had done the same with Aurora and Violet. They picked up their speed,
the forest blurring past us. “Ask him where they are” Jackson says “Kadan where are you guys?” “Guest house” “Ok” “Guest house” All three boys nod and head in that
direction. When we get there I see that the door is barely attached to the door
by its hinges and I guessed that Kadan had kicked it. I feel Aiden come running
towards us and I automatically react “Hey Aiden why don't you back inside” “Like hell, I know what's going on” “Let him in, he saw everything” Kadan's deep rich voice demands and informs
us from inside the house. Aiden doesn't even wait; instead he walks by us and
barges inside. We all walk inside and find Nick with hollow haunted eyes. Kadan
was lying on the bed with Mayra wrapped in his arms, His hold on her was
protective and possessive, yet it was gentle and loving. I couldn't suppress my
gasp and neither could any of my friends. Mayra looked like a dead corpse but a
corpse going through a bloody seizure. I race over to her and notice Kadan
tense. Slowly Drustan, Aurora, and Adrik join me and Mayra's seizure slows down
to a stop. Kadan moves of strand of hair from her face, in a loving gentle manner.
He kisses her forehead and Mayra's eyes slowly begin to open, but it was an
obvious effort. Mayra and Kadan were wholly mesmerized on each other and I
never imagined that Kadan could have a soft side. Mayra: It was becoming too strong; too many people were
in the room. I could feel Kadan's panicking fear and anger, Aiden's and Nick's
disbelief, worry, and fear. Bryony and her friends were all curious about what
was happening and why Aiden and Nick were here. Also on why Kadan was here. I
was about to erupt, I could feel it inside of myself, my brain felt as if a
bullet had gone through it but unfortunately hadn't shut it off. The emotions
from the vision were still sizzling inside of me but now I had their emotions
as well. I wanted to shut off but I knew that that would freak them out, and at
some point I didn't care, I was ready to succumb but Aiden and Nick deserved an
explanation. I force myself to look at Bryony knowing that she would want
answers along with everyone else. She instantly kneels down in front of me. “Mayra what happened?” “I promise to explain but I need you to do
something for me first.” My voice was strained, barely being able to
catch my breath. She nods with resistance. “Tell me” Suddenly I feel Adrik, Drustan and Aurora
lean in. Next to me I feel Kadan tense, for some reason I felt the need to
reassure him. “Kadan, please” “I don't want any of them near you” “You don't own me, besides I need them to
help me” “I could help you” I could hear and feel his longing to do more
than protect me and I didn't understand it yet I still wanted to comfort him “I bet you could but you don't have the
affinity, Bryony does. Please I need you to stay with me” “I won't leave you” “Ok” I was becoming tired and it was becoming hard
to stay awake. I could feel the longing to close my eyes and rest for a while,
just a nap. “Mayra stay with me” “I am” “I need you to form a circle, and start it
off. The things are in my bag” My bag, I had left it in the forest! I needed
it. When I begin to panic, Kadan makes small caresses on my arm, my face still
buried in his warm, muscular chest. His hold on me tightens while kissing my
forehead. I didn't understand why I was allowing him to do this, I didn't let
anyone touch me, let alone comfort me. Another thing ticked my mind, when he
was touching me, I didn't feel the emotions as bombarding or as personal as I
normally did. It was as if he kept them at bay, it felt nice yet scary. I was
used to living with my pain and everyone else's pain, I felt empty without it.
Suddenly Aiden appeared in front of me with my black leather bag. Relief washes
over me, I look at him, clear gratitude displaying in my eyes. Kadan reaches
for it nodding to Aiden, and hands it to Bryony. Quickly Violet, Drustan,
Adrik, Aurora and Bryony begin to form the circle in front of me. I watch Jackson walk outside, and I know that
he is going to make sure that we aren't interrupted. Appreciation began to
surface for this group of people, a rare emotion for me. I can feel Kadan's
gaze intensely on me, it never wavered, and he didn't look away. I knew that we
would have to talk but I wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. I look up
at the twins, Nick and Aiden were both standing by the door, their attention
divided by me and by what the witch and Fea group were doing. They looked
freaked out, their eyes wide and their protective and defensive stand proved
it, plus I could smell their fear. Since I could easily control their mind, I
look in and see that their scare was more for me then for themselves. They
didn't know what the group was doing and they were scared about what it was
going to do to me, they were freaked out because of my “Episode” and of how
Kadan was acting towards me. They were stronger than I had thought, they were
taking this quite well, and it surprised me. With the strength that I have
left, I snuggle in closer to Kadan needing to feel warm; my body hadn't
regained control of its normal capacities. He easily brings me closer to him,
my body easily fitting into his, as if we were made that way on purpose. No!
Mayra stop you can't think that way! But what else would explain my reactions
to everything about him? There wasn't, but no I wouldn't accept it, there had
to be another explanation. There had to be. He snuggles the blanket into me,
trying to bring his body heat into mine. For a vampyre, his temperature was
oddly warm, hot even. “Okay Mayra, what else do we do?” The circle was to my right, Earth facing me,
a handful of rich soil in its presence, water a glass half full of clean pure
water, in its presence, and fire A red candle taking its presence next and
finally making the circle complete was wind, a light match in its presence. I
could feel the elements gathering their strength awaiting their order. I felt
the urge to feel them surrounding me, engulfing me in their pure glorious
presence and gifts. I sigh, lifting my
head from Kadan's chest. “I need you to help me cast it, I could do it
myself but I don't think that my power alone will help me enough.” “Wait, you have the affinity for Earth?” Drustan and Violet asked, their brows
creasing with curiosity. I could feel their confusion, as well as Kadan's. “How is that possible?” “I'll explain everything” Bryony nods answering their questioning
stares. “Ready?” Bryony nods and I hold up my hand “Hold on.” I turn to look at Kadan, deciding to tell him
privately. “I need you to let me go” “No” “Kadan-” “No I am not letting you go, if they want to
do something then fine but I am not letting you go. Deal with it.” “Who do you think you are?” Anger began to bubble
up inside of me. He had no right to tell me what to do no body would control me
and that I would make sure of. “You will not control me, try to do it
again and you will regret it. I'm not asking you permission” “Neither am I” My eyes narrowed at him, I could feel my wolf
come into awareness ready to come out. Bryony must of have sensed it for she
stepped in. “Look Kadan I need you to let her go, she
needs to be able to move to conduct the circle” “I'm not letting her go and anyone wanting to
try otherwise will end up dead.” “Ok, ok, well can you at least give her some
room? You can sit behind her.” I shoot her an accusing look. Kadan was
getting the feeling that he could order me around and that wasn't going to
happen. He thought that he owned me and he didn't, no one did no one ever
would. I could feel Kadan thinking about Bryony's idea and finally agrees. He
shifts me into a half laying position and places himself behind me. I'm forced
to sit with my back laying on his chest, my body between his legs. If I had my
strength there was no way that he would get away with this and he wouldn't. “You are not getting away with this” I spit at him, anger dripping from my words “I just did” “Watch yourself” I turn my attention back to the twins. Aiden
and Nick had both risen from their position on the wall and had come closer to
us. Anger was clearly displayed on their face and for once I agreed with them. “I don't like this” Nick says with clear displeasure in his
voice. “Kadan you should leave, I think Nick and I
can take over.” Aiden says raising his eyebrow, challenging
Kadan. Both Nick and Aiden crossed their arms over their chests, signaling that
they weren't backing down. Kadan scuffs, staring at them, returning the
challenging look. His arms around me tighten and I see both Nick's and Aiden's
jaw twitch. “i think I'll stay but thank you for the
advice” “Just because you are our friend doesn't mean
you can abuse your welcome, now I think we asked you to leave.” Nick says warning him. “And I think I said that anyone trying to
move me from her would end up dead.” I find my voice at that moment hating him for
saying that. “If you lay a finger on them I will
personally kill you” Hatred engulfed my words. Everyone looked at
me, eyes gone wide with surprise. I could feel Kadan's hurt at what I said to
him, since I was fully merged with him, I could see that it hurt him that I
would kill him for Aiden and Nick. He wanted me to take his side. “Now all three of you shut up I need to do
this because I can already feel it coming back on.” I sigh looking at Bryony who nods. I begin my
chant while she begins hers with her friends “Mother Earth, I call
to you for aid, for I can’t do this alone. Allow your children to surround me,
acknowledge me as one of your own. Allow me to be embraced by the sea, bless me
with your children of wind, fire, and green. Let the water wash it all away,
while the wind ends its stay. Let the fire burn it through, and the greens push
it to be removed. Heal me from this ache, and bring me to a peaceful lake.
Mother Earth I thank you for this aid, for not allowing me to be in pain. I
thank you for, blessing me with your children. Earth I summon you, for I need
you help shelter me from the pain Water I summon you, wash away all the blood
and energy. Fire I summon you, burn away all the hatred, and death. Wind I
summon you blow away all the screams for help, and all the tears. Mother Earth
I ask you to surround me in your arms healing me from the inside out, please
help me figure this out. Please allow the soul lost today to cross over and
rest at bay.” Instantly, one by one, I feel the elements
surround me and enter me. I felt the beauty of the gifts wash, burn blow and
push away all the ugliness. Bryony along with her other friends finish at the
same time as me. They didn't know of the killing so they didn't mention it,
plus everyone had their own specific chant but somehow when said together they
always finished at the same time. I could feel Kadan and the twins tense as the
rays of color from the elements came towards me and enveloped me. Finally we
end it with our last stanza. “I give myself wholly to you. Earth, water,
fire, and wind I summon you back to your mother's side.” The energy was ready to be released and I knew
this would cause trouble for many. I open my eyes feeling the blood release
form my mouth and nose, Kadan quickly begins to clear it up. “No Kadan let it drip I need the release.” “You've lost too much blood” “I'll regain it, but I need to release my energy,
I need you to tell Violet to get to big cups filled with warm water and bring
them to me.” “Ok” “Violet, Mayra says that she needs you to get
two big cups of warm water and bring them to her.” Violet's gaze shifts to me and I nod in
reassurance. Bryony breaks the circle and Drustan and Adrik continue to stare
at me, while Kadan tries to comfort me. “I can do it” Nick says and Violet smiles. “Come help me” They both walk to the kitchen, and silence
fills the room I look around trying to find the time when Jackson comes inside. “The Shelton's came about an hour ago, what
did you say to them?” He asks Aiden, who shrugs his shoulder as if
no big deal. “I told them that Nick and I invited friends
over and we were in the guest house, Jen had fallen asleep and Mayra had gone
to her cousin's house. They don't come over here when we have friends over.” “What are you looking for?” “What time is it?” “Two in the morning” “Shouldn't your parents be worried where you
are?” “No, I'm, usually out this late any way” I begin to release the merge with him and
wonder what he did during those times. Maybe he was with his clan or… with a
girl. I push the thought away, why would I care what he was doing? It didn't
affect me at all so why did it seem to matter so much? And why did I hope that
he wasn't with a girl. Suddenly sleep yelled my name and I was ready to
succumb. I turn towards everyone. “Something is about to happen but don't get
freaked out.” Awareness rises in Kadan and Aiden as well as
everyone else. “I'm going to shut down; this means I will
stop all my organs. I won't be breathing, my heart will stop-” “You won't be able to reach me through my
mind” I say to Kadan, only wanting him to know that “- and you won't be able to wake me up. I
will lose my body temperature and it will look as if I’m dead, but I won't be.
I'll be able to wake up. Just don't freak out ok?” I say raising my eyebrows and everyone stared
back at me with shocked expressions. I could feel Kadan and The twins’
rejection to this coming up. “Look if I try to sleep normally then another
“Episode” will happen and quite frankly I don't feel like going through one
right now. This will help me heal quicker just don't completely break the
circle. I need to be surrounded by the elements.” They
all nod. “You should go get some rest, it's getting
late” “I'm not leaving” “You need rest” “I'll sleep here, but I'm not leaving you” I knew that I wouldn't be able to change his
mind and I was too tired to argue. I turn to the others, and they all shook
their heads. “Adrik, Drustan, Jackson, Violet and Aurora
you guys don't have to stay. I will explain but you guys don't have to stay” “I'm staying, I don't trust that vamp. And
whether you like it or not, friends don't leave friends in tough situations” Adrik and Drustan said “Or in a any situation” Violet and Aurora say at the same time. I did
consider them friends sort of but not really. I didn't sit with them, or hang
out with them on weekends. We barely even talked but it was only because I
couldn't stand the presence of anyone. “Aren't there rooms here?” Jackson asks to Aiden and Nick who looked
pissed. Their eyes narrowed with frowns on their faces. “Yes, you can take them Aiden and I will take
the couches in the living room. I shake my head. “No you guys go to the house and get sleep.” “Like hell we will” Aiden says with anger. “We aren't leaving you” Kadan growls behind me “I can take care of her” “We don't care. We aren't leaving our sister
alone. Deal with it.” Nick says with a growl. “Stop, now. I need you to stop your emotions
are becoming too strong. Now if you aren't going to leave then go to your rooms
and get rest. Now.” I say forcing the compulsion in my voice.
They all blink as if trying to shake it off, except for Kadan and Bryony, who
just shook her head and smiled at me following her friends. This position was
becoming uncomfortable and, reading my thoughts, Kadan carefully changes his
position laying me down completely on the bed. He lies next to me and he wraps
his arm around my waist bringing me into the shelter of his body. I adjust my
head using his arm as a pillow and burrow my face in his chest. He readjusts
the blanket around us and his warmth wraps around me. I breathe in his scent.
He smells like the forest fresh, pine trees, freedom. I can feel his chuckle
against my cheek. “You know I can read your thoughts right” I nod, suddenly embarrassed. “It's time” I feel and hear him take a sharp breath. “I need to” “I can keep the night mares away.” “But not the visions. It has to be done.” I say to him and snuggle in closer before I
begin the shutdown. Slowly I slow down my breathing, my blood flow and finally
heart, giving into peaceful rest. Kadan: I feel the exact moment she does it because
emptiness fills my mind. I knew that this is what it would feel like if she
really died. Even though I knew she was asleep it didn't stop me from trying to
reach her mind and total blackness and emptiness receives me. Taking deep
breaths I focus on keeping her warm and sleeping myself. . . . I feel the feather light caress in my mind,
pushing aside the never ending emptiness. I hear her heart begin to beat, the
flow of her blood return and her intakes of air. I tighten my hold on her,
looking down at her pale skin returns to its normal tan tone, and her body heat
returns to normal. Heat swallows us inside the blanket making it feel like and
inferno. Slowly her eyes begin to flutter open and a smile slowly appears on my
face, surprisingly she returns me the same smile. She has never smiled at me and
at that moment that was all that mattered, I knew that for that smile, I would
do anything. “Good morning” “Morning” “How are you feeling?” “Better, did you rest?” “I tried” “You need to rest” “I'm fine” “Can you feel it?” I nod;
everyone had awakened and were looking at us intently. I sigh bringing her
closer into me and look at our company, waiting for an explanation. This was
going to be a long morning. Mayra: I move away from the comfort of hiding behind
Kadan and force myself to look at our gathering crowd. Aiden and Nick race to
my side. “Mayra are you ok?” “Right now yeah, but I really need to teach
you guys how to shelter your emotions.” I say resisting the urge to rub my temples. “I'm guessing you are all waiting for an
explanation.” I say without opening my eyes, I feel
everyone’s head nod. I sigh. “First I need to know what you two saw” I say mentioning to Aiden and Nick “We... we saw you turn from a wolf to... to
you” Nick says with an uncertain voice. “I was afraid of that” I think to myself but nod. “Ok, I don't know where to start but here we
go. I'm a werewolf” “But wait those things exist?” “Yeah, they do and many other things as well” “Wait but you have the affinity for Earth.
I've never heard of a were or vamp. having those kinds of abilities.” “I'm not like other werewolves, unfortunately
but before I tell you guys anything else I need to know that you will not tell
anyone else this” When I said that I really implied that to
Kadan, I knew that his clan was interested in what I was but I didn't trust
them or want them to know. “If you do I will know, and I will hunt you
down.” Everyone goes silent but I meant it. “That includes you Kadan” “I know” I sigh and finally open my eyes. I get up
from my position next to Kadan, who also gets into a sitting position but
retains possession of my hand. I look to my right and find the two glasses
filled with water. I turn back to Bryony, Drustan, Adrik, Violet Aurora,
Jackson, Aiden and Nick. “I have other gifts, Bryony you can feel
energy right?” She nods “Well I can do that to and more. I can
control it I use it to control Elements.” They all squint their eyes and frown in
confusion. I feel Kadan tense next to me “Control energy?” Aiden asks confused I nod “I'll show you, Jackson can you help me?” The midnight black haired boy nods and comes
towards me. “So energy is floating around us right? Well
I 'm going to use it control the water that Jackson is going to pour into my
palms” Jackson raises an eyebrow and I nod. I face
my palms upward and he grabs the two glasses and begins to pour them. I hear a
couple gasps, instead of the water making a mess they form into a sphere above
my hands. I begin to make a circular motion and the spheres begin to spin. I
look away and see that everyone was staring open eyed. “How is it possible?” “I'm not sure but I use this to rid myself of
the energy that your emotions produce.” “What?” Nick asks and again I nod. “I’m able to feel everyone’s and anyone’s
emotions at any given distance. If I enter their mind, or connected with their
mind, I can control them. Remembered why you asked me why I was always alone?” I ask Nick “Yeah?” “That's why. I can still feel them but the
physical barriers make them easier to bear” “Is that why you told us to never touch you?” Violet asked, smart girl. “Yeah. If I touch someone then I
automatically connect to their mind. I see every single thing you've ever
thought, all your memories and secrets. Everything. Plus I will feel those
emotions on a personal level. I can easily control your mind and I don't like
that I can do that” “But you get them to do what you want” Adrik says “Maybe but I pay a price for that” “That's what you meant went you told me you
had your own reasons for acting the way you did huh?” Nick asks and I nod. Still twirling the Water
spheres in my hands, I thought that the energy would get released but with
everyone in the room, it was quickly replaced. Kadan was staying silent, too
silent. Maybe he was giving this information to his clan. “I’m not” He reassures me but I don't believe it. “What do you mean you have the affinity for
Earth? What does that mean?” Aiden asks with curiosity I look at Bryony. I couldn't completely
explain this without exposing her friends and her. “It’s fine you can say” Six voices fill my head. I nod. “Do you believe in witches Aiden?” “I'm not sure what I believe in exactly at
this point.” I nod understanding what he meant. “Well they are and you know some of them” “What?” I nod “Bryony, Violet and Jackson are witches and
they have the affinity for Earth. That means that they are the children of
Mother Earth and that they can connect with the four elements and with Earth
its self.” Aiden and Nick turned their shocked gazes at
Bryony, Violet and Jackson. “Drustan, Aurora, and Adrik are Fea's. They
also connect with Earth but have more enhanced abilities with it.” Aiden and Nick couldn't tear their gazes away
and eventually Bryony, Violet, Jackson,
Drustan, Aurora, and Adrik began to laugh. Slowly the twins began to smile. “I know it's a lot to take in but you need to
know that it's vital that you know” They nod “So why were they surprised when you said you
had the affinity for Earth?” Aiden asks “The only super naturals known to have those
kind of abilities or any ability to do with Earth are nymphs, witches, Fea’s,
Fairies and other Earth born creatures. Vampyres Werewolves and other shape
shifters don't have those kinds of abilities. Instead we have enhanced
abilities such as cunning eyesight, smell, hearing, speed, ability to heal, and
other physical abilities.” “Why do you?” Nick asks “I don't know. But like them I can call the
elements, connect to Earth but I can also connect with nature. I'm able to
touch any part of nature and feel what has happened there.” “Is that why you wanted me to take you away
from the forest?” “Yeah, I was also beginning to feel the
Earth's emotions” “What was happening to you in the forest?” Bryony asks and I hesitate not wanting to
remember any of it. “Mayra please we deserve to know.” Aurora says and I nod. Kadan's hand squeezed
my own. He began a soothing circular motion with his thumb in my inner wrist. I
sigh “I have another capacity. This one is what
causes what you guys saw. Since I can feel emotions my ability is really useful
for murders. I feel every single emotion that the victim and or the killer are
having. I feel everything that they are going through. If they are being
tortured, I feel it as if it was happening to me. If I am asleep, I could have
visions of what they saw during these strong emotions. The downfall is that I
could never get those voices out of my head. I'm tainted with the killer’s
touch. The repercussions to all of these three abilities are nose bleeds, mouth
bleeds, seizures, migraines, energy overload, pain, and shutting down.” Silence fills the room. I could feel that
they were feeling pity for me and I despised it. I shake my head anger erupting
inside of me “No ok? I don't want your pity for me I don't
need it! I live my life the way it is and that's it. I learned to accept it.
Life goes on. So stop now” They looked away from me, they understood why
I felt this way but it didn't stop them from feeling bad for me. Kadan came
closer to me and I could tell that he also felt bad for me but he was mad at
the others for feeling that way towards me. “So is that why you were always in pain? Why
you were always bleeding?” Bryony asks “Yup, public places do that to me.” “I knew that somehow you were involved with
murders.” Aurora says. Kadan growls and places himself
in front me along with Aiden and Nick. Drustan, Adrik and Jackson place
themselves in front of Aurora. Their anger and fear was too much “Stop Now.” I say in a calm even voice but my tone held
power. Everyone looked at me controlling themselves. “What do you mean by that Aurora and I swear
if anyone else starts a fight all throw all this energy at you guys?” I sigh returning to twirling the spheres in
my hands and tilting my head at Aurora waiting for her answer. She clears her
throat. “I don't know but I had a feeling that
somehow you were tied to the killings. I knew that not in a bad way.” I nod. Everyone returns to their original
spots except for Nick and Aiden who stayed at my side. Kadan sat back down next
to me. “Yeah what happened yesterday was the killer
making its second strike.” “What did he do?” Jackson asks. Suddenly a frost settles over
me, bringing back the screams of last night, all the beatings, the cuts, the
rape. His taint in my mind growing as the memories surface. I close my eyes not
wanting to remember. Suddenly I was back in the forest, his hands on me, the
blade cutting into my skin, demanding his sick satisfaction. “Mayra” I feel a hot breath against my cheek. “Mayra listen to me, you are ok. You are
right here, with me. Listen to my voice feels your body close to mine.” I feel Kadan's strong arms around me, the
soft bed under me. I feel Aiden's and Nick's concern and Kadan's hate for
reminding me of last night. I shudder turning to answer Jackson's
question. “Maybe I can tell you later but all you need
to know is that he isn't finished with her. He's taking his sick time. I'll
have another vision soon.” Everyone in the room nods. “Aiden, Nick I need you to pass me the cups
and place them beneath my palm ok?” They both nod in union and place them under
my hand. Slowly I release the water back into the cups. I get up from the bed
walking towards the door. I feel Kadan, Aiden and Nick follow me. I turn
towards the others “You should go; your parents must be worried
thank you for all your help. I will be forever in debt to you” “No you don't that's what friends are for” “Where are you going?” “I need to run” I nod towards them and run out into the
forest not caring if anyone saw. I leap into the air and shift. Feeling my
muscles quiver with strength, freedom erupting inside of me. Running with all
my strength, I finally make it into the forest, a decently deep amount. I stop
raising my muzzle and howl. Howl everything I had inside of me out. For the
first time in a long time I begin to whimper. My wolf feeling, all my distress
and pain. I shift back into my human form, collapsing on the ground. I begin to
sob, for all the girls that were killed, for my mom and for the first time, for
me. I knew the exact moment when Kadan came. He didn't say anything. Instead,
he just knelled down in front of me. He put his arms around me, cradling me and
easily picked me. I snuggled into him, burying my face into his chest. He
suddenly sits down with me in his lap. He kisses my forehead, whispering
soothing words into my ear. I let him comfort me, just allowing him to hold and
caress me. I spent a couple minutes like that. After, he didn't pressure me to
tell him anything. Instead, he brought me into the shelter of his arms and we
walked through the forest. Days later, as I sit on my tree with Jairo,
gazing out at the forest, trying to catch up on all the years that we had
missed out on. As he begins to talk about the shift, the killer begins to
escape my mind. Instantly, I knew that the killer had been mortally injured and
he was dying. His taint in my mind shrank by the second. You would think that I
would feel relief but no instead I felt agonizing pain. It was like a bullet being shot into my head,
but not killing me. My brain tissues being mutilated by piercing blades of a
blender. A warm liquid began to flow down my ears, following its path down my
neck. The smell of blood, bombarding me, making me feel light headed as images
swirled. “Mayra? Are you ok?” I shake my head, at him as well as to try to
shake away the sensation. The forest floor seemed to get closer and closer, at
the last moment I find my senses and land on the balls of my feet, crouched.
Jairo lands in the same position, next to me, his brows knit together in worry. “Are you okay?” “I’m fine” “Why did you fall off?” “I landed, didn’t I?” Defensive at the insult he threw me. When you
told a Vampyre or a werewolve that they fell off or that they did something
clumsy that a normal human would do, it was considered a huge insult. I may be
in pain but I landed better than he did. He holds up his hands in surrender. I
drop on the floor, taking deep breaths in. Jairo sits next to me and hands me a
tissue, I wipe at the blood while the butchering sensation continues on.
Suddenly I feel as if my brain was going through a grinder, I grasp my head, a
light cry escaping my lips. Jairo wraps his arms around me until total silence
fills my head. He was dead, forever gone. Yet so were the girls that he killed,
along with the happiness of those families. © 2012 SimmiroseAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on October 12, 2012 Last Updated on October 17, 2012 Author