![]() Sound IdeasA Poem by Simbles![]() havent really the words to give an apt discription as of yet![]() sound ideas
Just the thoughts in your head
(just the) delusions the mental confusion so intrusive,
such illusive, abusive excuses, the tweaks that loom over your consume..
-caught up in the everything
It's..your "worlds" attempt...at life's compute..
speaks too and from freaks competing complete with weak voices
(as their) forced to talk in (their) boisterous noises,
just to send
happy thoughts to make calm your/thier head,
so/to (one can) keep clear, man and maintain
-Everything has caught up with me
The) mental mountains (the) tall obstacles
they appear to surround your thoughts
as dissonance sends you fighting, not for potential,
looping off course, so of course, insync intime
it sucks you inside tucked into the muck
youll find you lying inbetween seconds
remember clocks are useful when used for
teaching lessons bring escape depends,
try to tame to remain n insane it sends
confounded by noises,
-Dont bow/let social convention win
confudle infused with intrusions
(so) in tune with the minds excuses
remember though they move these delusions
know they're not real see proof when you move
you loose them dont try and find nor use
when indue course insue happy thoughts
delude no more to take away from
ones choices intermixed into confused
deleriant fits it quickly sends you stuck
in quick sands through metathought
that appears as giant mounds of misunderstand
inside from metagrains of my meta's time makes
the minds meta-mortar when demand is high ,
laying thought bricks cemented with the
metacognitive mix, mortor for your thoughts
construct, potential now possible,
Probability fixed
to make you aware
to take you away from fear
from false solace its the inner piece
brought out from being outter place,minds outter pace
just breathe for one second
be at ease with your present self
and apease your surrounding space,
-Make the Day....my own
create a pace to take yourself away
from the same thoughts everyday,
being found lost for days inside the mazes
of my minds confined bits without
a placement no space to breathe need to -just free, get mad
and harness my timeless rage adrenaline
intertwined thoughtless action it pays for
making decisions -i find, when stuck for
answers remember still -inside a caged beast,
confined still it urges to feel alive strong
will standing urgently when these thoughts
squeeze to hurt me, demanding, swiftly
the mind sways inside eluding signs
from the fray, I start finding bits moving
having had a few too many bits still left
over trying to prove when breaking off
from conclusions too easy when breezy,
in and out, your world a well of calamity,
without appreciation, you'll find it hard to
take anything in can't fake the transcend you'll waste it,
leave it to defend extremists,
bipolar inconclusive wound tight,
the state of my mind with no line
to lead nor direct, erase the confines
let thoughts fill the places around, surround,
So I and my frustration fill with annoyance
mends for easy breathing from adrenaline
fueled pulpatations, now leaving me boyant
-Somtimes, Just Run.
when not thinking to become unstuck
with such conviction man can be angry
when not moving leaves one itching
constantly fixing then its vexing honestly
the best thing when the stagnant echoes
start to become mixed into one voice
is to take many pieces find the common ground
and assimilate, Send into one part refine
to design the nieche, we need it,
so take heart when we start at the centre,
grounded away from fear, use it the present,
(dis)this here, to leer and laugh at the jeer
in the dark to make jokes to steer far from there
so that the now can infuse near to the start
empart clear, appears better choices, (the)
support newly hoisted (from) life ambitions,
to help adhear and remark
-Believe in your own Capacity to be alive
make a mission out of lifes vision work out how to embark
to leave with the right to fight out right for the right spark to sight for new heights,
to free the nets
nd catch lifes excess,
i must confess, I was hoisted from the mess .. left in arrears posessed
Unforgiving when living inside my head complex
its all just a test
hitting walls, as my obsessed thoughts pause, making me be here now, no easing in and out, taking in the clear present moment,
so aware of the sound of my heart beat and
me breathing out loud, time to mind whats mine,
my own inside the seed within the psyche,
inspect, not this thing setting off irrational fears
(that) my thoughts project, why? what am i?
why am i giving them, spears, just ammunition to make fire,
whats next asking it questions gives it
life it inspired the flex, i have found at the base,
hard set supports, for the cause, a tight sect,
a great might to hold to protect,
to make heights with new moulds
(to) forsake the fights to inject,
deep inside, a new resolve,
Flights to take away the hurt,
ideo syncrosize tied tight with the best.
-Be true youll always yourself then youll find where you need to be is always with the like minded ones
instead of keeping me looking over my shoulder,
no fixing that now if your older, no,
cant stop twitching when someone comes closer.....
skitsing out from the voices.. the haze
that sends me stuck inside my mind for days
so many times i tend to find its to hard
too hear any one part just blends need to recreate to cleanse
-Conviction. Believe. Its that simple.
The back round noise..its like...static,
its in the air, cant see it but its there it chatters
much toyed with when the heads best defence, the decision centre,
the heart and its choices the rhythm that sets the sounds' now all messed best be poised to make words clear if only to hear,
-Find clarity though relaxed focus....breathe.. feel it.
The fears you know that own your fears,
so you dont leave you alone with it near it wont do,
instead just smeer facts dont sheer open
and break amas a fake clarity, what do you
think you would hear when you dont flow
to this, you know i spose,
you dont/wont notice it
see most react so relax dont show
to the jeer, not the fear, just steer away,
know the worst things are choices left with
the sad voices and tears, stings brings movements
new reasons for the new thoughts through the day
impact acknowledge infact that the pains real
or go insane for the fear that to retreive
the grief leaves too many to peer into the
hard parts the dark choices the sharp bits,
befitting the pieces most often one would
keep left old in the lost, hold in a black box
helps with moving when one chooses to be discreet,
-Know whats real whats not. whats relavent, Always know what time it is.
else we'll lose and spill if theres a breach
purge all and hit delete, having not yet the time to feel complete.
Make anew
move your feet
else how would one know,
when some things with inanimate life bodies
make exemptions unseen a lifeforce
making extending connections, exceptions
so to take from a place, to remove ones findings,
observtions do indue time, help you to be aware to
make and leave good impressions take and
teach lessons mixing into the new perspective,
new grooves, new movements, imbew the thought space
with true intuitions decide,
to find how if one could
you first need to know about,
whats out and around
tho you wouldnt but in time
reactions compound and coincide
learning when relevance revealing
coinciding interactions then when here
a few times again and again you will find
the right type, the right glasses for the right vision,
Listen out to hear stories from around you
sensing out of sight, the few still hidden,
right before me movements from animals
the ground and its riddims sends to me
gathering information for listening
being intune freeing the veiw
illuminating communications between
the inanimate and unseen chattering
stories stored in gathering spaces
-The trees and landscapes breathe and speak just the same as any, most never wait long enough to hear it.
yet see from where it is some things
are going not even yet knowing where
it is YOU have been, where they have
to be again when again its needed to
reconnect to the ebbing flow invisible
threads feed it to be making an unseen
connection to natures life force, transperant,
life's momentum, to judge if its worth taking
from a space to truly be where you found it
to judge in a new place unfamiliar
just react to your surroundings, |
be at a solid pace to help refine
to deduce whether what your taking
is mine so as to help find/design
it a use or confide it recluse
-Dont take what isnt yours, you never know what something might be for.
often we make them when moments are
taken through sing songs random items
and clothing too through photos the(hoping)
coping momentos, (mechanisms) designated to
remind or forget, follow the line back to
remind me of whats mine again or wind tight
a reminder (to/and) leave this space to never
return to this time again.
-memories a best kept as a reminder to live.
Without a reason to be, see clear when your
finding something to trust in ,
light sights often what might become an actual something,
somethings often end up perhaps as an actual fun thing
then the fun brings
some ten funs
then tends to send
for the bend
the end one
just fun for some friends
when friends fund funs ten tons of friends mung,
made to support more on the mend,
into colour therapy minds should end, win one,
won then when tons are done and none left to spend,
fun times commence, head again sings
seeing signs heeding the finds
freeing at the right path at last its mine the right time to shine, i must!
my minds lust inside of me,
finally in line,(now(that)
songs sing in time with my insticts,
strong feelings intune its true
this song is mine
freeing indicators of beeing happy
just usually a free mind
-elation well sing you immortal.
some seeing things from a new view,
with no difference to contrast nor compare (who)
the frey will find
when it sends for the lowly the few left behind,
I'm affraid they stayed!
affreyed dangling from edges,
its true, scattered crew just hanging from the ledges,
i dont get this, deep inside,
i feel theyve been made to accept it,
i feel this intensive, quietly, deep inside
a most immersive social incentive, not one iota,
mock fun, just the quota of who gets what when the
few get some not true when the who gets nothing ?
-lonely living vicariously though others misfortunes, some prefer JUST laughs, make jokes and share them instead
When the one gets all
the few get the scrapes
take the waste that falls
when most take to nothing
wasted moods facing the brood
to do akward laughing
half hearting, weak will freaks the meek fills,
peaks leaking starting to leak shrills still
I scream i bream to the top until i feel clean,
then release it, the stress
the spill the mess overflowing
then stops evens out and fill
til satisfied knowing it chills at the top
i have my excuses for cognitive dissonance
I use my elusive endusive, the placebo,
-Running is good fo excercise, Problematic though, when trying to stay foused .
rationalise the weakness thought inside if we go,
when we slow, then we know, that we slow slowly
as we rationalize a backwards flow,
leave left out the back bone
disregard the spine
but then somehow still..pride lives within small crowds,
crowned the slight few because we created them,
the unique staying true to themselves
keep moving around being loud,
with the right prowess the right head place,
see we told them gist when we gave them
listings perquisites to being free,
to me is a need still, being a free me
requisition to face free
just takes you away as it comes
inside the presence, it hums,
most evident i too would have confidence
if i knew only what i was told to beleive,
that no matter what I will progress to grow,
advance to succeed to be something even though
to most i show, i have no sense of direction
so sheltered from the world not knowing of hardships,
hate hurt obsessions, flowing with temperaments fragile
amidst the recessions, life defeats or the fact that
all people have feelings and everybody bleeds
- We're all mostly useless before having a reason to life, dont stress
I too wish to be born of the right crew
so i too can mine the earth, who,
i might even fight to mine right the way through . . . .
Consume? (so we can show that) it fits, the worst,
it actually hurts. when in tune, making room,
(then) movements make growth spurts,
taking to the one day you too can say
i finally left the womb from who you
most likely moved to nothing moving with
the loom i assume instead of musting
self entrusting, touching must leave a lush zing
a rush when thusly thrusting despite the sparse,
nothing disgusting about climbing lust when
-Dont just accept life. Make life, acceptable.
to those impacting hard fast facts its well
known that to be free to rewrite the cast
we must do to see to fight the farce
it shows a few secrets
perhaps too many if too were any
where theyd need to be if only
to hear many fascinating exacts,
to hear secrets, i beleive that this does appear to sing,
true quite, frequent its sheer love
a cheer shove comes here so too clear whats left, Enter You sent-You wont be able to make people listen, you just have to show them
clear the stress of those left with an invest
none need fear, move on to leave hints to help
find back doors to support the glints in the distance
hints of what must be friends those
who know only how to flow through the cause
through making same the intuitive decisions,
in the distant shroud, life signs move through the misting,
the claws In which I confide do inside,
find too the pivot that i would refine
-Youv always known, secretely, that your loved ones where always, in the disance waiting. For you to become their
support strange angles
through to the clouds veiw
to talk to tamed angles
so i to might find who i might be
see then what it is I might do through life and
its grand design from such distance through much
mist its still permits me hints of family arriving
of others hiding i can tell i know well
the signs and smells of mine
-Clouds are perhaps a little too comfortable
i can easy tell where youll find them
refining, coinciding, spending time aligning
redefine the repetiours ofthe mind tasking, ask when
atop the cannopy, where the breeze stops,
thats where we lost the trail of this well kept plot.
The agenda of the tree tops tease lots
free hot mentions of relenting and venting free this well deserved advent so venture on so then one can
give it to me,
stop that which is preventing,
-Dont let other people live your life.
set your TIME free taking to creating overthetop obstacles,
superfluis making this an illusive task
on a confusing path abusing the to do list
this is a pain that isnt amongst the used
its ruthless
your makers fate something that makes you takes to
feeling useless, when idols leave with
the thoughts that theres no one there when theres no one else, noone to veiw bits, no, dont lose it, you live here as well so choose it. you shouldnt need a mirror to tell, just groove with the movements, really ask yourself how long has it been since you started looping inside this hell,
-Stop No Donting, Dont Let you bully you out of your own life.
hard for all else looping inside the fear aswell , so dont enduce it , It refuses, deludes as it consumes its intruders, it is the moment of thought given to difuse your improvements, so stop over thinking, make movements, just do ITS hard yes i know that though did you know it has a name and its partly yours as a matter of fact its actually human it does matter just actually needs a few seconds to breathe factually too some room to prove it,
given the chance to grow,
roots spew with movement
shoots embedding in life,
no excuses, refuse them
no fear for looming improvements,
confusion becoming skewed,
with resolve so steady
its already evolving
momentous insistence
so slow and heavy,
life flowing,
ready with nothing it needs, loose grip?
-You must construct
not an option its confident and grows,
showing.. knowing the support is there
a new soul design lit like the sun
the warm smile becoming the new way
a true face with the due style
new sightings, exciting in tune with the timing
finding the line to align with the laughs just for fun
no need for fights nor hiding in the shadows, repeats..none, no time for re runs nor a design to ignor this ones unique its new just a beam
shon just to see, just for me, not two.
thrust into the world out in view, the just regime
a new definition, sent thru to you intime
a relentless sustain, re play an endless design
as you wake from the mind to live each day,
endlessly sends into the bottomless,
inside means to descend,
mending parts for a/the (a)team to defend
create (to make) explosive notions
making a new celestial being
made from fire, its strong endless motions
making our sun and its infinite exploding oceans,
-Sympatico, My beloved familiar.
such devotion to keeping warm this one
to keep in the form our new view on how
why and who to become, lit by the sun.
the best kept, best dressed, best informed
kept taught
The new ways of forgiving being in life living life to give for no slight leaves repercussion when tables tip the ability splits, not able when fable, emit, sight excess, move right to it, impressed,
Ah yes, this the tall one that fits best,
So blessed
the display, the respect, the new loves,
be proud, move towards, stand up straight with shoulders back and eyes forward as we find new wealth given while being kept in a free reform free far from the frey and the torn free from confinement,
-Stand Tall
Now being informed by the rays
as the sun plays tales of such emotion
much the expanse, emansive the advancing notions, solids dancing and turning to water fluent movements dances to show slow motion, slowly show me sight as light becomes frozen forms in the ozone, forms beads of white as life sworms to appear as spheres little white balls of clear light
beading life as the day becomes near to night so the sun may shed its spears so that the ultra violet, might appear as the light fades leaves here with not a sight more, not til the encore,
free what's left of the day to the night,
watch its impending gloom as it wants for the sky
a dark emissary tending
to the spark for its a tomb for lights
dark chasms infusing sending bending mending hues
defending the time of the day
for the blue such time too
is ending now hence violet is
commencing styling a fence that fits to appear with the right bends, sit bent light for a tight spectrum, the night freedoms,
the life light eclection the purple hardened collection is quite transparent
while all are asleep dreaming and little ones are sans parents,
completing the needs with such guile,
kept sweetlings asleep,
much while keeping quiet,
feet so spry, almost a fly, not confined,
as a ghost skipped from floating to flying high
just a ghostly hosting of dreams floating
out here in the open, chosen so as to
quietly watch over your dreams
their task from given by divine light it seems,
was chosen to mind the strey so they might
fast protect the dreamscape in the evenings
from what lurks in the dark in the blacks of the suns absence,
hatching thoughts in the time of the meek,
seeks from the dust, the insides of stars
overdue dusk departs leaving red skies of rust the morning due warning for metal dream horse still fearless on course flying clear in the sky to appear just before the first rays of the morning sun falling from the skies sight the purple at true heights keeping us informed so that the purple night light the night watch mend reset can rest as violets return into the sky as the skies view (turns/spews) bright hues again when from black blue turns back again into fused light
-Life © 2022 SimblesAuthor's Note
Added on September 24, 2022 Last Updated on September 24, 2022 Tags: FLOW, SOUND IDEAS, GREAT REMINDERS, SURVIVAL, THRIVING, APPRECIATING LIFE Author![]() SimblesPerth. , Streya, AustraliaAboutIts not a deplorable thing. People can have ideas... They might not make sense to anybody else or even to themselves at times, sometimes in itself is a paradox inside a paradox inside a pair of socks .. more..Writing