![]() Observations of a sick mindA Poem by Simbles![]() inspired by living around and inside of mental illness for years i hope for some of you that you can relate and for others that you might never have to <3![]()
Its something that for many is really quite hard to say
not one for externalizing when caught in such a haunting curse its tantalizing when you fail to find the right words let alone the confidence to express and converse at a need to not let others feel the hurt so sits looping verse that sits inside the forefront of your head waiting to never be heard especially when saying anything outside of those who understand that often when not in the right space or faced with those who pretend saying they know how it is will just makes it all worse in the end its often not because they're self loathing nor because they don't want to be heard its definitely not because they want life left a mess seems to be quite absurd though i digress no not for any other reason then they don't want to be the ones to push on to others that kind of pain and hurt that's if your even able to understand how in the first place it became I often find that those open to the observations of their own sick mind don't often leave behind blame as its hard for people who've always been happy to understand those who seem to them by design completely insane and in command Its hard for those who don't know what its like to live in a life full of constant cycles of manic mind fulls of stress these people are in great need of attention especially when they often do try for others to make extensions for human interaction wanting to make connections with loved ones family and friend only to break out and be brave just to come off as behaving unfriendly and people often turn quickly to reject them as people are selfish an amount most immense in this case taking it personally and then taking offense Its so easy when stuck in the mind for so long for one to simply forget... to forget simple social graces when exchanging words of my last few conversations "I made a mess" so I find most of the time since then I'm not really in a way to even feign interest So I'll try to brush up and practice when I'm anxious and attempting to relax...but the fact is, attempting to do two things at the same time...without doing one..... counter intuitive and it cant be done, I can at least tell you that then comes the worst thing as I go to say the words that in my mind I've been rehearsing ill start to say something with what i thought was a straight face, and in my own defence... since the last I'd tried each time so much time had past... so much that without realising I end up making a silly face framed with a frown concentrating ,so much so, that I suppose its really quite impressive But I end up coming across a bit strong for most and for some even a bit aggressive Its a comfortable place to know where it is the mind tends to wander when left alone with only your thoughts bliss for those who know no matter how far it goes it always seems to once again come home ", ...but of course" ... unless your not able to make inside a quiet place, in your head, for your mind to let loose your mind and find that sense of wonder to be able to ponder away to travel yonder its quite surprising how often people get caught up with themselves for the rest best left in small doses it happens so much so they never see passed their own faces let alone their noses now imagine if in that same time your blissful ignorance is instead fistfuls of hindrance fuelled by abusive obsessive demons most compulsive constantly interjecting while your trying to make sense amidst the confusion... trying to find the loose ends in your mind you might spend days, weeks, years at a time... loosing conviction...and becoming all to real as inside you feel like your starting to loose it and once lost forever impossible to remove them, not knowing which way is where, becoming too scared slowly numbing the brain into something stupid having in time become so submissive to those oppressive "thoughts of mine"(in a robot voice) so much so that no longer the want for the use of the brain exists as just the thought of thoughts becomes most intrusive its hard to see the logical progression when your always making references to delusions when obsession is trying to make sense... of non-sequitur illusions the light you want i think you'll find has always been waiting close, near by your side waiting for the day where those steps you might take towards the decision to finally trust inside your inner most faith to take the steps to find that shining light as it turns out it was just within earshot around a corner out of sight instead of letting these creatures lead you astray instead of letting them take all the things you love inside instead of letting them take the most out of each day instead of wasting those precious years of time away wasting so many steps in life off all kinds dont let the present be haunted by the ghosts of the past wasted steps now best left lost in your mind life lessons and progressions regressing inside to stay into distant memories all these just wasted efforts all of them lost in vane now that you've let them take you away from your own ability to make choices to make decisions instead you've left your brain in a state that's no longer with a voice as now they've injected you with a life view most toxic so stuck still you remain as they have infected your insides taking away from the veins of your life the source transformed now a willing hostage making your life's fight flightless as you are no longer becoming youv no effort for nothing branded beyond tame your will for life like a useless limb became lame leaving yourself open to possibilities is the only way one day you might succeed inside your endeavors when once you've found your mind is your friend your smile will extend as long as a piece of twine or string the smile stays forever you'll hear your self say this time said in your own voice Today is the day I've finally made a change I've made the choice and I'm not going back not ever smile shining forever whether the day is shining or raining content with whatever finally happy and never complaining life's much better such a light one so bright that I'm sure you'll never ever again.. find yourself lightless when sightless inside the dark if you loose your
path and get lost inside your head its the order of things that those who live life so perfect are easy to neglect and then of course in turn quick to forget that in order to truly find balance in life you'll find that you first need to loose your step. something my Ma always said its something so simple and yet...quite profound... Never will you see the good things coming towards you when your constantly staring at the ground © 2021 SimblesAuthor's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on March 1, 2020 Last Updated on April 27, 2021 Tags: observations of a sick mind, Off the chest, How it is, life living with mental illness, insight into a certain kind of s, anxiety, paranoia, insane, trauma, PTSD, post-trauma Author![]() SimblesPerth. , Streya, AustraliaAboutIts not a deplorable thing. People can have ideas... They might not make sense to anybody else or even to themselves at times, sometimes in itself is a paradox inside a paradox inside a pair of socks .. more..Writing