![]() Horrid Wonderful LoveA Story by Silverrodd![]() Sad story, guys watch out!![]()
It was hot outside, the day of my 16th birthday and I stayed cool lying on the field under a tree at my school. I was writing in my journel about random things like stupid things my friends said during classes. I usually use my journel to wine and conplain but today didn't feel like one of those days.
The bell rang so I reluctantly gathered my stuff and walked to class. I caught the occasional glimpse of passerbys and glared at them. One thing you should know about me is that I hate to be stared at. I always have. Unless I'm your friend or I'm engaging conversation with you, then I better not be stared at, end of story. The real reason I dont like being stared at is because, I hate my appearance! I'm albino so that means I have white skin, white hair, and pink eyes. PINK! My personality is eaay enough to explain though, I'm funny. I don't really care about anything that includes thinking either (which basically means I hate school). Well anyways, now I'll take you into the past, and its not pretty, for me. Lot of Months Ago... "Hey, Elissa, come here!" Chris Cobalt called to me. "What's up?" "So homecoming is coming up, and I was wondering if you and I could go together?" I dropped my jaw in astonishment, Chris, the football star of sophomore year, was asking me, the albino freak, to the dance so I answered cautiously, "This is a prank isn't it?" "What? No, think you're fun to hang with and you'll definately get us noticed. It will be fun, I promise," he said reassuring me. Timidly, I answered, "Sure, I've got nothing better to do. This better not be a prank! Umm, I'll see ya around then." "Awesome, I'll pick you up at around 8:00!" As I walked away from him I supressed a large smile, this was my first real date after all! It was going to be perfect. So the weeks slowly passed and Chris and I started hanging out. He told me about his family and his job at his dad's work. I told him about my family and my "glitch" as I call it. He turns out to be a relatively nice guy and he defends me when people offend me. He started coming to my house and my family leached onto him like bacon. There was no doubt about it, i was in love. It was the night of the dance and I was wearing a blue dress that leveled out my eye color and tanned my skin a little. I saw Chris's car pull up in my driveway and put on my heels. For once in my life I felt... normal. Chris complimented me, "Wow, you look... beautiful." "Thanks, I try," I said beaming. When we got to the dance, people started staring at me. My spirits couldn't be lowered tonight. Chris claimed a table and set is overcoat on the chair. "Would you like some punch?" he asked me. I nodded and sat down. When he left I became self conscious. People started staring and I ignored them. I remember constantly hoping he'd hurry up. I was about to go looking for him when he returned with our drinks. I took a sip when another girl came up. "Hi, I'm Jessica, Chris's ex, nice to meet you," she said extending her arm. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress that matched her earings and shoes. "Do you mind if I sit here?" "I dont, do you Chris?" He eyed her suspicuosly before giving a curt nod, "I guess. Elissa, can I have a talk with Jessica?" "Ummm, sure go ahead." In a few minutes, my date came back and sat down. We talked and a slow song came on. Chris stood up and outstretched his arm, "Will you dance with me?" I took his hand and we progressed to the dancefloors switching spots with singles and groupies. He then put his hands on my waste and I rested on his shoulders, and we revoled in a circle as one with the music. I am guilty of wishing he would kiss me, and that's when my wish came true. He lifted my chin with his thumb, leaned in, and connected his lips with mine. It was so simple but it felt so complex. All my troubles left me and I kept dancing. The time came when the dance ended. For me it was a success. I had gathered my stuff and sat waiting at the table. Time passed and I started to worry. That's when I saw the letter on the table. It read, "Hi Elissa, thank you for helping me, I will always remember this! Me and Jessica are back together again! I went home with her, hope you dont mind. -love Chris" I collapsed on the floor, breathless. This was all a scheme, it was fake, and a joke! It felt so real to me, so tangible and perfect. But i was part of a plot, a scam. Suddenly I burst into tears. He did'nt just use me, he had to leave me here with no ride. My pink eyes were now a completly red the whites were red as well so I bet I look like some kind of demon. I called my mom and she came to the school. She opened her arms and I ran into them, bawling like a baby. "Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?" My mom tried to comfort me with soft whispers of reasurrance and the talk that some body would fall in love with me for me. I didn't believe her though. Love was a scam to me now. I tranfered schools, and tried to forget this thing ever happened to me. A few months passed and I slowly recovered. In fact, I'm better now, I found another guy at the school. He's albino, like me, and we started dating. To this day I will feel sorry for not myself, but for that poor guy who has to use other girls to win the affections of other girls. So that's it, I think I'll go back to my tree and write in my journel. © 2012 SilverroddAuthor's Note
Added on April 21, 2012 Last Updated on April 21, 2012 Author![]() SilverroddAboutMy name is Maddy and I am extremely close to being 15 years old. Like less.than a month close. I am a major nerd and I love being one. I love Doctor Who and Harry Potter. I love video games like Skyri.. more..Writing