![]() Pt. 2 The Brave League World WarA Story by Kevin![]() We get into depth with how this affecting Comm. Inferno's team and how they are going to handle this situation and why they chose sides![]() Sept. 17, 2023 Chicago, Worldwide center 1:36 p.m. Commander Inferno and Baron Eagle go to The Worldwide center to speak to Major Maroe about hunting down Rocketman and his team. Commander Inferno: So you haven’t found them, what seems to be the problem? Major Maroe: Rocketman and his team have gone dark. Baron Eagle: What do you mean gone dark? They ran out on us 48 hours ago, they couldn’t have gotten far. Commander Inferno: Did you check and recheck your scanners Major Maroe: We did. We had them a few miles out from where you said you last saw them but they just… disappeared. Baron Eagle:Could it be Dylan? he is fast enough to teleport. Commander Inferno:No. Rocketman is fast but teleporting about 10 other people he can only teleport one at a time. Major Maroe: We can send out more drones to track them down. Baron Eagle: What about Divinus? Commander Inferno: It could be her, she does have the power to use her mind to cloak herself and others but she learned it recently so the cloaking won’t last long. Baron Eagle:We have two scientists, Net-wave and Powerwoman. I’m pretty sure they can make some device to find them while cloaked.of Major Maroe: I’ll contact Dr. Alvin and Caroline to get started. Commander Inferno:We’re going to have to move fast, we can’t let them too far. Major Maroe leaves the room. Commander Inferno:While Maroe works on that, I have my own way of finding them. Baron Eagle:What’s your plan? Commander Inferno: I contacted Tom Howard of The Navarro. Baron Eagle: The one that tried to have Eddie killed? Commander Inferno: Yes, but it’s the only way to find them quicker, I know he tried to kill one of my teammates but it’s all we have. Baron Eagle: What do you know about him and The Navarro. Commander Inferno: He runs it, it’s his own military. He can find anyone faster and quicker and gets the job done right. Baron Eagle: You think he be up for that? Commander Inferno: Hunting down heroes and bringing them in. I think he’d be up for that challenge. Baron Eagle:When do I get to meet him? Commander Inferno: Tomorrow, he likes to get things done fast and precise. Baron Eagle: Good can’t wait to meet him. Sept. 17 2023, Building rooftop 8:47 p.m. Lightning Rod and Powerwoman talk. Powerwoman:So why didn’t you choose to go with your brother Dylan.?You said it was about trust. Lightning Rod:I didn’t trust what he said or what he was gonna do was right. What he said to Keith, only made me not want to join him. I know I should’ve gone with him because he’s my brother but I have my opinions. Powerwoman:You two have been through everything. Like you parents, getting your powers and now. Lightning Rod:Did you hear what happened to my parents? Powerwoman: Yes, I heard you went back in time. It’s one thing to not know what happened to your parents but it’s another to see the truth of what happened. Lightning Rod:I held my own mother’s hand when she died and saw my dad run off while RANGE was chasing him. Powerwoman:Do you believe he is still alive? Lightning Rod: I want to believe he actually is and that he is out there but another side of me thinks that it’s not possible. Powerwoman:You have to, you can never give up on hope. Lightning Rod: Thank you Caroline. Powerwoman: Your welcome. Now let me see the face of the guy that saved me a year ago. Lightning takes off his mask. Rodney Light: How do I look? Powerwoman: Good looking as always. Powerwoman kisses Rodney. Sept. 18 2023, Chicago, Worldwide center 12:12 a.m. Baron Eagle and Commander Inferno wait for Tom Howard to arrive. Baron Eagle:Is he almost here? Commander Inferno: Patience is key Richard. Baron Eagle: You said this Tom Howard was quick and Precise. Yet I don’t see him anywhere. Iciclewoman comes walking down from a hallway with Tom Howard. Iciclewoman:Gentlemen, Tom Howard. Commander Inferno: Hello, great to meet finally meet you. They both shake hands. Tom Howard: Let’s get started. The sooner we do the quicker we capture them all. Commander inferno:Yes, let’s get started. Elisa and Richard, I want the two of you to stay here. We won’t take long. Commander Inferno and Tom Howard enter a building.From across the field Rodney talks to Johnson Binds. Rodney Light:How do you feel? seeing the man you worked for before because you thought he was evil. Johnson Binds: Worried, I left because Eddie opened my eyes and helped me see the things The Navarro were doing was wrong.Now I’m thinking, it’s a small world. Rodney Light:Sure is, too small. Rodney continues petting Buster.
Johnson Binds: So tell me about Buster. How did and how does his power work? Rodney Light:When I first met him, he was being tortured by thugs, they were very cruel to him. So I took him in, Net-wave brought him back fully healthy and in shape. I convinced Maroe to let Buster be the first dog to be on the strike force. Oh and his powers, he gets it from his collar, speed, durability, smelling, vision and can create sound blasts. He’s special. Johnson Binds: He sure is. He is going to be great help to bring in Rocketman and his team. Rodney Light: He sure is, him and his own dog team called The Striker Hounds.
Tom Howard and Commander Inferno walk out the building. Tom Howard: Thank you for having me. Commander Inferno: You’re welcome, we’ll start right away. Tom Howard boards his helicopter ???: It’s done sir? Tom Howard: Yes it is Step 2 is completed. Tom Howard looks at his computer and a lists of steps come up. (he reads the first step)Step 1: Set off all missiles across the world. Step 2: Gain the leader of The Brave League’s trust and information. Tom Howard: Let’s start Step 3, shall we. To be continued….. © 2015 KevinReviews
1 Review Added on October 30, 2015 Last Updated on October 30, 2015 Author