![]() Rocketman & Lightning RodA Story by Kevin![]() These two average beings and brothers of each other. Rodney and Dylan Light, face tough times when a call about their unexplainable dead parents. Horrible accidents happen that turn these two, Heroes.![]() March 3, 2003 Nevada Cyrus Light: Lauren, there is nothing we could do. Lauren Light: I know, I just wish that our boys would be safe with the decision we made. Cyrus Light : They will be, If we haven't sent them with my parents, they would be in serious danger. Lauren Light: I see what you mean honey. Where are they? When did they say they be here? Mystery Vehicles approach Cyrus and Lauren Light. ???: Are you ready? Cyrus Light: Yes, I have my equipment and research. Where are we going? ???: Don't worry, where you two are going no one will even know you two exist. Lauren Light: Ok Let's go. ???: Get in.Nevada March 4, 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Light get in the car and drive away. Cyrus Light: Are you feeling ok? Lauren Light: Yes I just doubt the decision we made. Cyrus Light: Lauren. Dylan and Rodney will be ok, we just have to accept it. Lauren Light:It's not the decision we made to keep them safe. Cyrus did we make the right decision for us. Cyrus Light: That you just have to believe on your own mind. ???: We will be there soon, you two will be in good hands. ???: Did you here about who they found frozen in the ice. ???: Yeah, apparently he is from the 40's or something like that. An explosion occurs sending the cars in flames with the agents dead and Cyrus and Lauren getting out to survive. Cyrus Light: ughh, Lauren where are you? Lauren light: Cyrus, just keep moving, I'll die knowing our sons are safe. Cyrus Light: no no no, Lauren. Cyrus walks for hours but is approached by a group of goons. ???: Get him, Go!!!, don't let him get away. Cyrus runs as fast as he can but is then hit on the head. ???: Sir, we got him. Jably Reese: You thought you'd get away didn't you, take him in. Cyrus Light: What do you have against my family? just let us be. Jably Reese: Isn't revenge sweet. I have plans for you Light. Cyrus Light: I rather be drowning or burning than be any part of your plans. Jably Reese: You have no choice. two down two to go. July 5, 2019 Chicago Rodney is found working in an abandoned garage and his brother Dylan comes in to try to make him see clearly the decision he is making. Dylan Light: Rodney? Why do you keep trying for this? You're wasting your time and money on this, owning a very successful garage dream. Rodney Light: Dylan, you always do this, it's my dream not yours. Just let me be and let me fulfill it. Dylan light: I just don't want you wasting your time on this. You're a grown man and you need a job , if this is a so-called job. Rodney Light: Exactly what you just said, I'm a grown man, I can make my own decisions and if owning a garage is what I wanna do. Then I'm gonna do it. Dylan Light: Rodney, even the guys at the police station always tell me what you do for a living, and I'm just standing there with a blank, nervous look because I can't tell them you're 20 years old with no job. Rodney light: Why let it bug you? I'm doing what is different. How many people do you know own garages? Dylan light: You don't really own the garage, nothing is considered abandoned. Plus you don't even have permits to claim this place. Rodney light: Well, It was abandoned, which means no one was here when I found it. So I own it. Dylan Light: Look, I've been taking care of you since our parents died and our grandparents were put in the senior center. As you're older brother, it's my job to make sure you're on the right path. Rodney Light: Why do you have to bring up our parents, it gives me chills or makes me scared or sad that they just disappeared when I was only 5. Dylan Light: I know it makes me wonder too. They would want you to doing something in your life that matters and can benefit others. Rodney Light: I agree with what you think they would want. It's still not going to change my mind about my dream. Dylan Light: just remember you're going to do something that brings meaning into your life. Rodney Light : ok. Dylan Light: ok. What else is going on in your life besides this? Rodney Light: Nothing much, I never really have anything new say because you're always there. Dylan Light: Ha, just being responsible. Rodney Light: Well let the leash loose or while your at it, alot loose. How's that girl you been seeing, ummm what's her name? Dylan light: Rebecca. Rebecca Rance. Rodney Light: Yeah, what did you two do for July 4th yesterday. Dylan Light: Nothing much, we just hung out at her sister's and after that we went out for dinner, then to the park to the park to watch the fireworks. Rodney Light: I met her a few times but I don't really know her. Dylan Light: She is busy time to time. What did you do yesterday? Rodney Light: I just hung out with Eddie and Elisa. Dylan Light: What did the 3 of you do? Rodney Light: Well first Eddie was hilarious, he arm wrestled every guys at the party and when ever a guy came on to Elisa and she didn't like him. Eddie would just scare them away. Dylan Light: Haha, wow, What was Elisa doing? Rodney Light: other than giving signals to Eddie, she invited a few friends to join us and she quickly ended up with them. So it was basically me and Eddie the whole night. Dylan Light: Did you and Eddie doing anything while Elisa was with her friends? Rodney Light: We just walked around Chicago. Dylan Light: All of Chicago? Rodney Light:Yeah, we just talked and walked. Dylan Light: Rodney I have to go it's getting late. Rodney LIght: It's only 7:20. Dylan Light: I know but I have stuff I need to do and plus my place is an hour from here anyways. Rodney Light: Alright goodnight. Dylan Light: Goodnight. Dylan leaves Rodney's garages and drives home and on the way he gets a call. Dylan Light: Hello? ???: ( Breathing) Dylan Light: Who is this? ???: I've been watching you, waiting for you. Dylan Light: REally?. you have to know that I. ???: That you're a cop.I also you will try and track this call. Dylan Light: How do you know I'm a cop? ???: I know exactly who you are and your brother Rodney. Dylan Light: I'll tell you one thing. ???: No, I'll tell you one thing. You and your brother are soon no more Dylan Light: I like to see you try Mysterio. ???: Haven't you ever wondered what happened to your parents? Dylan Light: I know what happened, they died when I was 6, not much I remember. ???: oh Dylan, there is alot you and your brother Rodney don't know, why they left, or if they're still alive or not. Dylan Light: You don't know a thing about my parents. ???: Cyrus and Lauren Light, age 40 and 42 when they disappeared or did they. Your mother a nurse or was that her job. Your father worked as a pilot for an airport or was that even his job. Dylan Light: Who are you? What do you want? ???: You and your brother should watch your backs. Because I'm coming for you when you least expect it. Dylan quickly hangs up the phone. In fear for Rodney he calls him and tells him about the call (phone rings) Dylan Light: Come on. ( phone rings) Dylan Light: Rodney please pick up the phone. Rodney Light: Dylan? Dylan Light: Rodney? aww man your ok. Rodney Light: I got worried a minute ago and still am. Dylan Light: You got the call didn't you? Rodney Light: Yeah what was that about. Dylan Light: The strange guy knows who we are. Rodney Light: I know and our parents too. After he said he knows what happened to them, it gave me chills and my heart was in deep fear, so I just hung up. Dylan Light: We should stay together so nothing happens. Rodney Light: ok come to my place. Dylan Light: Lock all the doors until I get there. Don't go outside, open the door even if you here a sound for anything. Dylan makes it to Rodney's house and both don't sleep well. Knowing what could be coming to them. 2 weeks later. Rodney Light: Dylan, what's the plan today? Dylan Light: I think we can cool down now . Rodney Light: That call still freaks me out. Dylan Light: The guys are doing whatever they can. You know Ryan Reblin right? Rodney Light: yeah Dylan Light: He thinks it's just a prank call. Rodney Light: Really, Isn't he your close partner. He should really be on this. Dylan Light: I know, I've also noticed something about him. Rodney light: What? Dylan light: Ever since I told him about the call. He hasn't been himself. Rodney Light: That's weird. Dylan Light: Sure is, Anyways I have to go to the doctor. Will you be ok by yourself. Rodney Light: Really? Dylan light: Sorry just making sure. Rodney Light: I'll be fine, I'm gonna head to the garage. Dylan Light: ok, later. Rodney Light: Later As Dylan goes to see his doctor . Rodney sees and electrical wire hanging off of his garage roof and tries to fix it himself. With puddles or water all over the parking area. Rodney Light: What is that.?My garage my problem. I'll fix it myself Rodney Light: How did this get detached. While on the roof, Rodney finds a electrical baton. Which is extremely dangerous when in contact with electricity. Rodney Light: What is this thing. With Rodney not paying attention, the electrical wire hits him in the face, falling backwards off the later into the puddle of water, with the baton still in his hand. Rodney Light: (groans)(groans) That hurt, shocked a bit. Great now Im wet. The electrical wire falls off the roof, going contact with the water. Covering the parking lot with electricity. Rodney Light: NO no no no. AAAHHH,AAHH, AAAHHH!!!! With the electric baton still in his hand. The electricity enters his body and electrifies his heart. Along with the rest of his body. Rodney Light: AAHHH!!! AS Rodney falls to the ground, laying in the field of electricity, 2 pedestrians, hearing the screaming run to the entrance of Rodney's garage.
???#1: What is going on here? ???#2: Over there. ???#1: What the. How? ???#2: There's a man in there!!! call 911 ???#1: on it. operator: 911 what is your emergency? Ambulance and Fireman come to get Rodney out of the electricity field and rush him to Lakeridge hospital. Meanwhile, Dylan goes to see his doctor. Receptionist: Mr. Dylan Light, Dr. Chaoski will now see you. Dylan Light: Thank you. DR.Chaoski: Hello Mr Light. Dylan Light: Hello Dr. Dr.Chasoki: You may have a seat there. So everything seems to be in order. DYlan Light: It's just a check up right? Dr. Chaoski: Yes, why are you scared? Dylan Light: Ha, actually no I'm not. Dr.Chaoski: Good. Dr.Chaoski goes to his desk and pulls out a tray with a suspicious needle and a serum. Dylan Light: D. Chaoski, what are you hiding there? Dr. Chaoski: You know Dylan. The only kind of doctors you should be afraid of are those like me. Dr. Chaoski stabs Dylan in the chest with the needle. Dylan Light: wha.Why? Dr.Chaoski: It's not nice to hang up on people. Dylan Light: You. You're the mystery man. Who are you? Dr.Chaos: They call me Jably reese, but many more call me Dr. Chaos. Dylan Light: Dr.Chaos, I thought it was Dr. Nutjob. You said last time you knew what really happened to my parents. I'm here now, now TELL ME!!! Dr.Chaos: Since you only have minutes til your end i'll tell you. First, I was there 16 years ago. They didn't put up much of a fight. Dylan Light: What, you're the reason they're gone. Dr.Chaos: Ooh, that is only tip of the iceberg. You see your parents worked for an agency, and your father Cyrus Light, had very valuable research. Research that could advance humanity and change what we believe is "corrupted". On the night they left you and your brother. It was because their superiors thought it were to be safe and boy were they wrong. Your Mother Lauren Light, highly trained in combat, we needed to catch her off guard. So whatever way to do it than blow up the car she was in. Dylan Light: You, you killed her? Dr. Chaos: Precisely. Your father was more valuable, not just for the research, nut for something else. Dylan Light: What do you mean? D.Chaos: More valuable to me, just for research, when your mother died. He ran and ran and ran. But a mouse can't out run or hide from a cat. The cat can either catch it the first time or wait for it to come out the hole. Dr.Chaos: Poor Cyrus Light didn't get a chance to hide. Dylan Light: You caught him? then he's alive and you know where he is. Dr.Chaos: Alive, possibly. Where he is, no clue. Dr.Chaos: You ran out time, look at the clock. Dylan Light: Aah, mm Dr.Chaos: The serum will poison your body, allowing your heart to beat rapidly until it explodes and the poison destroys your nervous system. Dylan Light: Nooo!!!! Dr. Chaos: enjoy your last minutes. Dr.Chaos walks and Dylan struggling to stay alive, passes out. Then later found and taken to Lakeridge Hospital. Rodney wakes up in Lakeridge Hospital Rodney Light: Aww. What happened? Doctor: You're ok, you're in Lakeridge Hospital. Rodney Light: All I remember is falling, screaming and light. Doctor: Wow Rodney Light: What is it? Doctor: It's amazing. Your able to stand and not a single part of your body is fried. Rodney Light: Huh? Doctor: I'm going to run more tests. As Rodney wonders why he is still alive and that he should not have survived that accident.As he reaches to get a drink of water, lightning shoots out of his fingers. Rodney Light: What just happened? Rodney the loses control and starts shooting lightning all over the room.
Rodney Light: Ooh man Rodney in shock tries to cover his hands, by putting them in his pockets then runs out the room. Dylan wakes up in Lakeridge Hospital. Doctor:Easy sir, we found you passed out in a room in another area.You're in Lakeridge Hospital. Dylan Light: ok. Just a little in shock right now. Doctor: Don't worry you're in safe hands. Let me check your heartbeat.Ooh my. Dylan Light: What is it? Dr.Chaos: Normally a heart beats 70 times per minute, but it seems your is beating 70 times per second.
Dylan Light then jumps from one side of the room to the other.
Doctor: How'd you get there? Dylan Light: I don't know. Dylan then uncontrollably runs lightning speed out of the room. Then lightning speeds all across every hall. Dylan Light: How do I stop? What happened to me?
Then Dylan runs into Rodney, uncontrollably lightning shots Dylan to stop him. Dylan Light: Rodney? how?how did you do that. Rodney Light: Me? how are you running like a human rocket? Dylan Light: Something happened to us. Rodney Light: Yeah, I was trapped in a electricity field. Dylan light: I was stabbed by a crazy doctor, who said a serum he given me was suppose to kill me but gives me superspeed Rodney Light: Wait a minute, did we get superpowers? Dylan Light: Shh. keep it down. No one can know about this. Rodney Light: Why? imagine the attention. Dylan Light: You're also forgetting the wrong kind of attention. Rodney Light: ok, so what do we do with these powers? Dylan Light: For good. Like the crazy doctor, I wanna protect people from people like him. Rodney Light: Also protect people from the kinds of accidents that happened to me. Dylan and Rodney go to a more private area to discuss their power abilities, purpose of helping people, what Dylan has learned, also names. Next crime, 4 days later. Police radio: Attention,attention all units dangerous armed men in pursuit. Proceed with Extreme caution. 2 strange figures from the rooftops make their way to the ground to stop the dangerous, armed men. Armed man#!: We have dangerous weapons, we will fire and we don't care who we hit. The armed man gets knocked out. Armed man #2: What the? Armed man #3: Get in the cars. Electric gloves appear and shorten out the cars. Armed man #4: SHOOT HIM!!! Lightning Rod: Electric gloves, courtesy of a smart man I know. Armed man#5: Shoot him now. Lightning Rod blasts the armed man into a car. Lightning Rod: Him, is called Lightning Rod. Rocket-man: Is that really important right now. Lightning Rod: I just wanted them to know whose creaming them. Armed man#2: KILL THEM Rocket-man: ok(runs toward the armed man) my name is Rocket-man. Armed man # 4: Aahh. Police officer: Sir, permission to fire? Police officer: No, They're allies. Armed man#2: Get up. Armed man #3: shoot them. Armed man #4: KILL THEM!!! Lightning Rod: BRING IT ON!! Rocket-man: On your left. Lightning Rod: Got it. Armed man#3:(moans) Armed man #2: Get him. Rocket-man: One don't blink. Armed man #2: Ughh Armed man #1: Umm, run. Police officer: Not so fast. Tthe armed man pulls out a shogun Lightning Rod zaps him Armed man #!: AAAHH!!!. Lightning Rod: Well thats that. Police officer: Take them all in and the weapons Police officer: Yes sir police officer: And as for you 2. Rocket-man and Lightning Rod disappear into the night. They are both seen on the roof. Lightning Rod: Any danger comes to this city. Rocket-man: We'll be there to stop it. Lightning Rod: If you do watch out. Rocket-man: Because we'll be there to stop you. Bonus: 4 months later A man is killed by Dr.chaos Dr.Chaos: Pathetic. ???: Sir, what is our next plan of attack? Jably Reese: I've grown stronger since I last met them 4 months ago.Within that time, I've received greater powers than they have ever imagined. ???: Sir, the scientist would like to see you. Dr.Chaos walks downstairs and sees what the scientists have for him. Dr.Coil:Mr. Chaos the projects have been ready.Almost. Dr.Chaos:Almost, been ready. You miss the part that I have sources to make these projects come to life. The volunteer. Dr.Coil: The military man. Dr.Chaos: Ex-military man, his very first assignment is to show our new " protectors" who we are. to do that. The weaponized suite, this is when Chaos is born. To be continued.... © 2015 KevinFeatured Review
3 Reviews Added on June 12, 2015 Last Updated on June 12, 2015 Author