![]() Chapter 8- Castle of Light and Darkness of BetrayalA Chapter by MirageDreamerAs Opal, Ruby, Diamond, and Topaz walked without a word, Flair, Sthy, and Sento kept on talking about how magnificent the Diamond walked over to Opal as they entered the castle, and asked quietly, “Why do you think Destiny is going to do what it is that she will do? Why does she do that?” “I don’t know. She wasn’t there,” said Opal with absolutely no emotion on her face. Even so, Diamond could tell that she was worried. After all, they knew something that could save a friend’s life, but they couldn’t do anything about it. Diamond added as Topaz came over, “What do you think the Oracles have in store for us?” “They said that we all have a greater destiny than dieing, betrayal, or abandonment,” said Topaz. “Abandonment?” said Diamond confused. They had been walking inside the castle for a while, and their footsteps echoed on the crystal floor. The stone seemed to be telling them something, but they didn’t have any time to find out what it was because they spotted Yin-Yang. Behind Yin-Yang, they saw a person. She had red hair with black streaks in it. Her eyes were blue. She had on a long, bright-red velvet dress, with a black belt that was connected by a big gold ring. Opal, Topaz, Diamond, and Ruby all got a little tense. Yin-Yang noticed, and was a little curious as to why. “Welcome,” said the girl. When she said that, she looked at everyone and then stopped at Opal and Ruby, as if she had been told of them. However, Opal and Ruby had never seen her before. She also seemed to have heard of the other Stones. Then she looked at Sthy, and in her eyes a fire was blazing. Sthy seemed like he was trying to remember something… or someone. “Welcome to the “Certainly,” said Rutile. Everyone was shown to their rooms. Then they all ate dinner. Opal, Ruby, Diamond, and Topaz were very cautions all throughout dinner. After dinner, Yin-Yang called them aside and asked, “You all seem to be very cautious around Rutile. Is there a reason?” “Well, we were informed by the Oracles that the next person we see would cause harm to some of us,” said Opal. “I see… If the Oracles told you that, then I shall also keep a watch over her. But for now, it is best that you all get to bed,” finished Yin-Yang. “Very well,” said Opal and Yin-Yang left. Sometime in the dead of night, Rutile went into Sthy’s room. She held her rutile necklace, and put her other hand about a foot over Sthy’s head. Then she whispered something, and her rutile glowed. The next day, everyone met in the center room. Everyone was well rested, except for Sthy who seemed to have a terrible headache. He kept on rubbing his head every now and then. “Sthy, you okay?” asked Flair. “Yeah, just a headache,” said Sthy, with a smile so as not to worry Flair. When everyone was there, Opal started talking. However, she never gave away any important information while Rutile was there. Everyone, except for Rutile, noticed. Every now and then, someone would start talking, but Ruby, Diamond, or Topaz would cut them off before they could say anything of importance. After the meeting, Opal, Topaz, Ruby, and Diamond went off to the side and started talking. “What do you think she’s playing at?” asked Ruby. “I don’t know, but I can bet that Sthy’s headache has something to do with her,” said Opal. “Did you guys see when he first saw her? It seemed like he was trying to remember where he had seen her, or something,” said Diamond. “Yeah, and also she had a look in her eyes… like a look of anger, or betrayal. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good,” added Topaz. “Yeah. Another thing: she seemed to notice us, like she had heard of us,” said Ruby. “Yeah,” agreed everyone. “Yin-Yang is also keeping an eye on her, but we should still be on our guard,” said Opal. Again, everyone agreed. For the rest of the day, everyone just kind of hung around. After all, they couldn’t do any planning with Rutile around. During the day, Flair went over to them. He said, “I noticed that you guys have been acting weird around Rutile… and you’ve also been acting different around me.” No one said anything. After all, they didn’t know what to say. “Is it because my time is coming?” asked Flair. Everyone still said nothing, but they had a surprised and shocked look on their faces. “I thought so. At least I will be with my family and friends who also have had their lives cut short. Anyway, if I must go, I will make sure I go protecting a friend,” finished Flair with a painful smile. Then he started to leave. “Flair,” said Opal. He turned around just in time to get a hug. Opal whispered something to him, and then let him go. He stayed there for a bit, then left. The day quickly went by after that, and soon it was night again. After everyone ate, they went to bed. This night Rutile went into Opal’s room. She looked at her and said, “Opal… you must die. The Revilers do not wish you to live.” Then she pulled out her sword, and brought it down. However, as it was about to reach Opal, there was another blade. The second blade sent Rutile flying into the wall. With the clang of the swords, Opal awoke. It echoed all throughout the castle, which caused everyone else to awaken. Opal sat up and saw Rutile with her back to the door, and Topaz holding his sword to her throat. Opal quickly got up and drew her sword. But before she could do anything, the door opened and Rutile ran out past everyone who had rushed to see what the noise was. Rutile ran into the center room and down a hall. However, it just led to a room with no way out. She quickly spun around and faced the door. She drew her other sword just as everyone came rushing down and into the room. Topaz swiftly got past her defenses and flung her other sword out of her hand. It skidded across the floor and stopped at Sthy’s feet. As everyone was focused on Rutile, they didn’t notice. “Ah, Daughter of the Stone, I was so close to ending your life. I guess what they told me is true. You are protected by the Divine Spirit of Protection and “What?” exclaimed Diamond and Ruby. “It is true. I am a brother to the Divine Spirit, and friend of the Oracles,” said Topaz. Then he added, “But what I would like to know is how you know that.” Rutile said nothing, but she had a sinister smile on her face. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Sthy lunged for Opal with Rutile’s sword. She dodged, but ended up falling down. As Sthy swung the sword down, Opal raised her arm and her shield appeared. Topaz looked at Rutile, who still had an evil smile. She said, “At least one will die tonight.” Diamond then rushed over to Opal and flung the sword out of Sthy’s hands. “Sthy, snap out of it,” said Sento. “It’s no use,” said Flair sadly. Diamond helped Opal up and Opal took brought out her bow. “What’s the matter, Daughter of the Stone? Why do you not wish to use the stones?” said Rutile. Opal looked at her and said, “If any of my friends are hurt, I shall get my revenge.” “So, the Stone of Peace has some violence in her,” was all Rutile said. Then Sthy lunged at Opal again. However, he quickly turned around and swung at Topaz, which forced Topaz to take his sword and defend himself. In doing so, he had to let Rutile go. Rutile took the opportunity and, quickly maneuvering her way past everyone, escaped. After Sthy had been flung back towards the door, he looked around at everyone. Then he followed Rutile’s lead and ran out the door as well. “What just happened?” asked Sento. “I believe the word is ‘betrayed’,” said Flair a little angrily. “Flair, I noticed that when Sthy first saw Rutile, it looked like he was trying to remember where he had saw her before,” said Ruby. “So you guys know Rutile?” said Sento, with not a clue as to why Sthy had betrayed them. “Yes, we know her. Her full name is Lady Rutile,” clarified Flair. “What!? So not only is she a Stone, but she is also one of the royal family?” said Diamond, shocked. “Yes. She is younger than Ruby. However, I can not understand a few things. One, the fact that you guys didn’t recognize her, although that’s not that big of a deal. What I really don’t understand is how she knows about us,” finished Flair. Everyone was quiet for a bit. Then Opal said, “Anyway, we best not worry about it right now. After all, we have to find Rutile and Sthy. Wait a minute… Where is Yin-Yang?” Everyone looked around, but couldn’t find the dragon. Then Diamond looked outside and found it. When everyone had joined Diamond and Yin-Yang outside, Ruby said, “Yin-Yang, we have a problem. Rutile tried to kill Opal, and then Sthy tried to kill her. In the end, they both escaped.” “I thought something like this would happen, so I have been outside the entire time. No one has come out of that castle. I am sure of it,” said Yin-Yang. “Well, then, they must still be inside,” said Topaz. “I will stand watch out here. Why don’t all of you search the castle,” said Yin-Yang. As everyone went inside, it added, “All of you take caution.” Then it continued guarding the entrance. They all searched the entire castle; the last place was the throne room. “Everyone, watch each other’s back and be safe,” said Opal as she slowly opened the door. Inside, there were all sorts of velvet cloths draped over the walls, and in the center of the back of the room there were two thrones. One was made of silver and the other of gold. In both of the thrones, there were small diamonds. The gold throne had silver spiraling around it, and the silver one had gold spiraling around it. Also they noticed that, for some reason, part of this floor was red, although all of the other floors were clear crystal. The red seemed to merge with the crystal, as if something had been spilt. And there sitting on the gold throne was Rutile, while standing next to her was Sthy. “If you enter this room, you best be prepared to take our lives,” said Rutile with absolutely no emotion on her face. Her voice was slightly shaking for some reason, but she tried to cover it up with calmness. Everyone was a little concerned about taking Sthy’s life, but then they remembered what the Oracles said so they all walked in. The doors closed behind them. Rutile held out her hand and said, “So be it.” Suddenly, Sthy came rushing forward and lashed out at Opal, but she dodged and swung at him with her sword. Everyone else spared no time in trying to capture Sthy. It took them about three minutes to catch him. By now, Rutile had gotten up and had taken out her sword. She attacked Topaz, who was holding Sthy. Topaz started to fight with Rutile, while Sthy slowly crept to the side and waited for his chance. Then when Opal was in striking distance, he swung his sword. At this point, Opal couldn’t dodge, and Topaz couldn’t get to her. The next thing they all knew, there was blood on the ground… Flair’s blood. Opal looked up and swung her sword furiously. However, Sthy fell back and only got a small cut on his arm. “Oh crap. I can’t leave anything to him,” said Rutile, as she helped Sthy up and they ran out the door. Everyone went over to Flair, but didn’t get too close so as to give him room. In everyone’s eyes there were tears. As the crystal got redder and drank up Flair’s crimson-red blood, Opal went next to Flair and slowly stroked his head. Flair remembered what Opal had told him before, “In the end there is no end, and we shall accomplish our task " for the world, for all that have been killed, and for you.” Slowly, they all saw his life fade away, and his body disappeared from reality. Opal looked up through a window to the clear blue sky and whispered, “Oracles watch over him. Let us have the strength and courage to do what must be done, and to right the wrongs that have been done.” Even though many of them knew that this would happen, it was still hard for them. For Sento who knew nothing of it, it was the hardest. Then from out of nowhere, “Flair has fulfilled his destiny, and in the process has saved a life and merged with the “Oracles, I pray that you had a good reason for this,” whispered Yin-Yang, as he looked out the same window that Opal had looked out before. Opal then stood up and wiped the tears from her face and said, with no emotion but pure anger, “Rutile, I will not go back on my word. You will regret the day you became our enemy.” After everyone had been comforted and was certain of their plan, they decided to leave for the It was early in the morning and Opal was up. She had been looking through her things, and decided that today she would use the stones to fight when she had to. “Opal, you’re up early,” said Topaz as he came out. “Yeah,” said Opal a little sadly. “What’s wrong?” asked Topaz concerned. “Well, it’s just that Flair is gone, and we might have to… well,” said Opal, but she couldn’t get the words to come out. “We will probably have to kill Sthy and Rutile,” finished Topaz. “Rutile, she…” said Opal, and her emotion changed from sadness to anger at the mention of Rutile. “But then there’s Sthy,” said Opal and grew sad again. “If it should come to that, think of it this way. At least he will be with Flair,” said Topaz. Sento was watching, and he thought to himself, ‘That’s right. We have to be prepared to take Sthy’s life…’ Then he went outside and went over to Opal. As Topaz left, he asked, “Hey, Opal, could I have some last-minute tips?” “Sure,” said Opal with a smile. Then she told him, “Don’t die. Other than that, you have the basics down.” Sento was a bit startled by the ‘don’t die’ thing, but he knew why she said that. So they all had breakfast and the Animals of Light changed back into their original form. Opal went into her room and closed the door, and took out the Mirror of the Oracles. © 2011 MirageDreamer |
Added on March 12, 2011 Last Updated on March 12, 2011 Author![]() MirageDreamer... who knows *shrug*..., FLAboutmeow V =^-.-^= I’m an amateur writer and love writing just as much as i love reading manga, drawing, listening to music, and watching anime I write my stories while seeing them play out as.. more..Writing