![]() Chapter 7- Cave of UnionA Chapter by MirageDreamer“Okay, come on, you guys,” said Opal as she jumped off the boat. The others who were going into the cave jumped off as well. Then Opal looked back and said, “See you soon.” They started for the cave. The forest looked even darker. They would have had no idea where to go, that is if the light of the cave wasn’t there. They made it to the cave safely. When they got there, there was a little tremor. They weren’t sure if it was the earthquakes or the dragon. They slowly made their way. On the inside, there where shining crystals. All over there were quartz which just made it brighter, not to mention the walls were made of white marble. They walked for a while, then had to stop because it was a dead end. Suddenly from out of nowhere came a voice. It said, “Who dares to enter my domain?” Then it seemed as though the wall started to move. Instead, it was the Dragon of Light and Dark. It was huge. The dragon was pure white except for its eyes and swirls all over its body which were a dark deep black. Its wings were huge. One seemed to be the very source of all light, and the other the very source of dark. The swirls on its body came from either the dark or light wing. “Who are you?” it asked. “I am Opal and these are Topaz, Ruby, Diamond, Lapis, and Lazuli of the Stone,” said Opal as they all knelt. “I am Yin-Yang, of Unity. Why do you seek me?” asked Yin-Yang. “We wish to know if you can accompany us to the “Why do you need me to accompany you?” asked Yin-Yang. “We wish to bring peace and harmony back to the world, and we need your help to do so,” said Opal. Yin-Yang said nothing. All of the sudden, there was an earthquake. Yin-Yang looked up through a hole in the cave as if looking for an answer. Then finally, after, Yin-Yang said, “Very well, I shall accompany you on one condition, Child of the Stone,” as it nodded to Opal. “Come here. I have something that the Oracles wish me to give you.” Yin-Yang went over to a huge white marble trunk and went looking through it. After a while, Yin-Yang pulled out a big white book and a pure white bag. Opal went over to Yin-Yang and the dragon gave her the book and the bag. “You must keep these. The Oracles wish you to have them,” said Yin-Yang. Suddenly there was a huge earthquake. Some of the marble started to crack and small bits started to fall, followed by bigger ones. Yin-Yang quickly blasted them with a beam of light, and they shattered into fine grains of sand. “Quick out, everyone,” called Lapis. “Yin-Yang,” called Opal, as they all ran for the cave entrance. “Go, Child of the Stone. I will meet you all at the Opal and everyone else had gotten out. They quickly made their way through the forest and got to the boat. Then they all quickly got on and pushed away from the island. “So, did you guys get the water down?” asked Opal with a smile. “…Uh… yeah… So what’s next?” asked Sthy. “Diamond, can you?” asked Opal. “Sure,” said Diamond. “Uh, Ruby, we are heading for the Opal went into her room and closed the door after Marshmallow, Lapis, and Topaz had gone in. “So what happened?” asked Marshmallow. As Lapis told her, Topaz went over to where Opal was and she opened the book. It didn’t have any title, but it did have a black sun in the center of the cover and on all four of the corners. Inside it was something written in the same language as The Book of Oracle Secrets. “Topaz, can you read it?” asked Opal with a sigh. “No, I can’t. Maybe we should talk to the Oracles,” suggested Topaz. Opal got out the Mirror of the Oracles, and there in it were the Oracles. “Ah, Topaz, it is nice to see thee once more,” said Air. “I apologize for the disturbance, but I can not read the book you had Yin-Yang give me,” said Opal. Then Topaz added, “We thought you might be able to.” “Yes, we can, but you will find out its meaning in time. We are here to help, but this you must discover on your own,” said Fire. “I see. Might you be able to tell us more about the dark shadow and the Deceiver?” asked Opal. Next Earth spoke and she said, “All we can tell you about the dark shadow is that it quickly approaches and it will be the next person you meet. Then Dark said, “Do not be deceived by its appearance. Also beware! It will bring one of your friends over to its side and you will lose a friend.” “What? Who will be lured over and who will die?” asked Opal. “If we tell you, you can not do anything to prevent it. You must let the events unfold with all of their consequences,” said Light. Then she waited for their answers. “Very well,” said Topaz. Opal nodded in agreement, and asked “Who are they?” “Sthy will be lured over and Flair will die,” answered Light. “What? But Flair is Sthy’s friend! Why would he…” said Opal. By now, Marshmallow and Lapis had joined them and they were equally surprised. Next to speak was Water, “Yes, he is, but betrayal is just that. However, do not worry. Flair will go to the place that all Animals and Children of Light go when gone, and remember what we told you.” Opal said, “In the end there is no end, so Flair will still live as a spirit. Will anything at any point happen to Ruby, Diamond, or any of the other Stones?” asked Opal. “No, you Children of the Stone all have a greater destiny than dieing, betrayal, or abandonment,” said Dark. Opal and the others left that subject as satisfied as they could be. Topaz then asked, “So what of the Deceiver?” Suddenly, a different Oracle appeared. She had silky light-purple hair and dark-deep-purple eyes. She had on a dress that started with a really light " almost white " purple; then as it went down, the purple got darker and darker until it changed into black. It was just like Opal’s dress, but purple. She said “I hoped that you would not ask about that.” “Well, then, what of the Lord and Lady?” asked Marshmallow. “Ah, I had hoped that you would not ask that, as well,” said Spirit. “Why?” asked Lapis. All of the Oracles were silent. Then Topaz understood, but he didn’t show it. “Opal, we are there,” called Ruby from outside. “You must go, Child of the Stone. Just as my sisters said, if you should ever need help, we are here,” said Spirit. “We thank you,” said Opal. Before they left, Air said, “Remember, thou must not try and change what is, or is going to be. Everything happens for a reason.” Then they left. The Oracles looked to where they had been with not a word. Then Spirit whispered, “We are sorry for the suffering you all will endure.” Opal ran back into the room and got the mirror. She quickly put it into her pack, then when outside again. Outside there was a pure gold and silver crystal castle. It seemed to shine as brightly as the sun, yet the light didn’t hurt one’s eyes. Ruby and Diamond went over to Opal. Then Ruby whispered, “Are you okay?” Opal whispered back to both of them, “The Oracles told me that Sthy will betray us, and Flair will die.” She added quickly, “They also said that, if they told us, we could not try and change it. Water mentioned that Flair will become a spirit, and be with the other Children and Animals of Light who have had their lives cut short, but their existence is still eternal. Also Air mentioned that everything happens for a reason,” finished Opal, as Ruby and Diamond started to show they understood. Diamond said, “Fine. What happens, happens; and what will happen, will happen.” Opal quickly added as they got off the boat, “The next person we see will be the cause of it, no matter what they look like, so take caution.” Ruby and Diamond looked at her and nodded. Before they walked in, Opal and the others who knew what awaited them told Marshmallow, Chocolate, Lapis, and Lazuli. They all decided that it would be safest if they changed, so Marshmallow changed into a silver chain with an opal pendant, and Opal put it on. Lapis changed into a silver dragon pin, which Opal pinned to her scarf. Chocolate turned into a gold chain with a ruby pendant, and Ruby put it on. Lazuli changed into a gold dragon pin, which Ruby pinned to his shirt under his jacket. Last, Lazulite changed into an iron dragon pin, which Diamond pinned to the silver silk cloth she had tied around her waist. Opal, Diamond, Ruby, and Topaz walked to the castle, knowing what would happen. Flair and Sthy walked in, not knowing that at least one of them would never leave there. Sento, on the other hand, was just happy to be off the boat. © 2011 MirageDreamer |
Added on March 12, 2011 Last Updated on March 12, 2011 Author![]() MirageDreamer... who knows *shrug*..., FLAboutmeow V =^-.-^= I’m an amateur writer and love writing just as much as i love reading manga, drawing, listening to music, and watching anime I write my stories while seeing them play out as.. more..Writing