![]() Chapter 5- Stone ClanA Chapter by MirageDreamerDuring the night on the boat, Opal went outside and took out the Mirror of Oracles. She called upon the Oracles and they appeared. “I am sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if the dark shadow you saw was the shadow goblin?” asked Opal. The one to speak had fiery-red long hair and bright eyes that looked like fire. She had on a long dress that was blue at the very bottom, changing to the colors of fire as it went up. “No, that was not the dark shadow we foresaw. That shadow you have not met yet. Another thing: beware! There is a traitor among you who will be revealed to you soon enough,” answered the Oracle Fire. “I sense that thou has more questions,” said the next one, who had long light-blue hair and bright yellow eyes like the sun. Her dress was long and light-blue with bits of white everywhere. Her name was Air. “Yes. I was wondering, do you know the guy who gave me this mirror?” asked Opal. The next to talk was the Oracle with long, dark-greenish-blue hair. She had light-blue coral-like eyes. She wore a long, deep-sea-blue dress. Her name was Water and she answered, “He is one who knows of us and your future. He is there to help, so whenever you need him he will appear. Next time you see him, please tell him, ‘Accompany the gem of hope and peace and make sure that no harm comes to her.’ Will you give him this message?” “Yes, I will,” said Opal. Then she added, “I was wondering, for my brother’s sake, do you know where my parents are?” The next Oracle to speak had long bright-green hair, brown eyes like the trunk of a tree, and wore a long dark-deep-green dress. Her name was Earth and she answered, “We know where your parents are, but we must not say. all we can tell you is that you will meet them.” “I understand and thank you. I must go. Day is coming,” said Opal. “Daughter of the Stones, you should know where to look for the legendary dragon. You will find the Dragon of Light and Dark on the The last Oracle to speak was the one that had long dark-black hair and black eyes. She wore a long deep-black dress. Her name was Dark and she said, “You will find the Deceiver in the Then Light added, “Also remember that in the end there is no end.. So go forth, Child of the Stone, and bring peace and hope back into your twisted and confused world. One last thing, they are in the Then Dark added, “Remember if you need us, you know we are always here. Farewell, for now.” “Farewell, thank you, and I shall deliver your message,” said Opal, then put the mirror away. She suddenly remembered that the guy had something written on that piece of cloth tied around his neck. So she translated what she had written down and it translated to ‘Topaz Protector of the old way and fighter of the Divine Spirits - Topaz’ “Topaz! So he is a Stone. Let’s see… topaz… topaz, ah, faithfulness, and opal is hope, and ruby is happiness. But he is also a Divine Spirit,” said Opal. “What was that about?” whispered Sento to himself. Opal thought she heard something, so she stayed perfectly still and listened. “Uh, oh,” whispered Sento. Opal heard that and quickly found Sento. “Oh, hi, Opal,” was all Sento said. “What are you doing up?” asked Opal. “Well…” said Sento, at a loss for words. “Hum… Ah,” said Opal as her face lit up. “What?” said Sento a little worried. “Nothing,” said Opal with a smile, “is there some reason you are up?” “Well, um, you see… oh boy… I couldn’t sleep,” said Sento. “Oh, I see,” said Opal as she walked over to him. As she passed him, she said with a smile on her face, “Next time you might want to have something to say before I see you.” Then she went inside, just in time to see Sheeshy going into her room. “Could she be the one?” whispered Opal to herself. She ran outside and jumped off the boat on the opposite side from where Sento was. She changed into a water phoenix before she hit the water. She flew to Sheeshy’s window to look in and listen. “So is it going well?” “Yes. They haven’t even realized that I was the one who was in the forest. How are you doing with the City of “We got the city, but it’s completely empty. No one in sight.” “Well, what about magical items?” “None. It’s completely clean. Anyway we will keep looking for them, but in the meantime you find out all you can about those who you are traveling with. SS out.” “Sheeshy out.” Opal quickly flew through her window and changed back to her original from. She didn’t even notice Ruby in her room. “Hey,” said Ruby as Opal jumped. “Oh, good, it’s you. Ruby, we have a problem,” said Opal plainly. “Why? What is it?” asked Ruby. “Sheeshy. She’s with the Experimenters,” said Opal. “What! Oops, what do you mean?” asked Ruby shocked. “I heard her. She was talking to SS,” said Opal. “SS, as in Supreme Savior?” said Ruby. “Yeah, they got to the City of “That’s good. If the Experimenters got any of those magical items, we would have a problem,” said Ruby. “Yeah, they could find out how to destroy them or at least make them useless,” said Opal. “Wait! Doesn’t Sheeshy have some items?” said Ruby. “We need to get them,” said Opal. The next day they landed on an island that was basically just a huge ring of mountains with lots of really big trees all over. That day Opal and Ruby told Marshmallow, Chocolate, Lapis, and Lazuli about the conversation and what they knew. “Okay, so while we distract her, you get her items,” whispered Opal to the others. “Hey, Sheeshy, I was wondering something,” said Opal as she and Ruby went over to Sheeshy. The others snuck up behind her. “What is it?” asked Sheeshy, completely unaware of Marshmallow’s and Chocolate’s paws going onto her pack, pulling out her magical items, and giving them to Lapis and Lazuli. “I was wondering where you came from " like which town or city?” asked Opal. “Oh, I came from Sretnemirepxe.” “You know, that’s strange,” said Opal, as Sento, Sthy and Flair came over after tying up the boat. “I thought that everyone who lives in Sretnemirepxe were Experimenters.” Ruby added, “Even if they are Children of Light, they are made into spies.” Sthy and Sento listened for her answer. “You know I forgot about that day in the forest, the first day I met Sthy, Flair, and Sento,” said Opal with a smile on her face. Sthy and Flair got a shocked look on their face as if they just remembered. Sheeshy knew it was useless now, so she turned around ready to run. Lapis and Lazuli had blocked off all possible escape routes in that direction. The others had by now blocked all of the other escape routes. “What are we going to do about her?” asked Sthy. “Our clan will take care of her,” said Opal. Then she flicked her right wrist and her flute appeared. She began to play and suddenly, from out of nowhere, came all different dragons flying with riders astride them. “Lady Opal, Lord Ruby,” said one of the riders. “Hi, Sthyler, can you take her to the Chamber and deal with the traitor,” said Ruby. “Right away, my Lord,” said the boy. Then he got onto the dragon and his dragon grabbed Sheeshy and took her away. “Lord? Lady? Are you guys royalty?” asked Sthy. “Well, we are next in line. That is, after our parents,” said Opal. “So why don’t we go back to the house and get some rest, food, clean clothes, and a few things.” They all went to the “house,” which was more of a palace. It was a huge palace and the inside looked bigger than the outside. As Opal had gone off down a corridor, Ruby showed Sthy and Sento around. They all changed into different clothes while theirs got cleaned. They changed into silver, long-sleeved, silk shirts and black paints. Ruby had a small thin crown that a prince would wear; in the very center was a decent size ruby. Then they went to eat. They were going to eat on the balcony. When they got there, they sat down and a little after Opal came out. She wore a long, silver, silk dress with long sleeves and she had on a small, thin, silver crown with a decent size opal in it. “Wow, you look great,” said Sento as she sat down. “Thanks. You guys, look good, too,” said Opal. “So where to next?” asked Sthy. “I found out that we need to go to the “Well, okay, so tomorrow we will leave,” said Ruby. “After all, we want to get back in time for Lunar,” said Opal. “Yeah, you guys have to see the Stone clan celebrate. Their Peace ceremony is great and that’s just the beginning. The other ceremonies are great, also.” They all ate and then Opal disappeared again. “Where did Opal go?” asked Sthy. “My sister is always running off like that,” said Ruby. “Sister!?” exclaimed both Sthy and Sento. “Yeah, what did you think we were?” asked Ruby. “Anyway, she probably went to the treasure room.” Ruby pointed to a door. “Can I?” asked Sento. “Sure,” said Ruby. “Opal, you in here?” called Sento as he opened a huge gold door. Inside, there were millions of silver shelves with glass doors and gold handles. “Yeah,” came Opal’s voice. “Uh, where are you?” asked Sento. Suddenly, Opal popped her head out of a row about six or so away from the door. “Oh, hey, so what are you doing in here?” asked Sento. “Getting some things for the trip, and putting some things away,” said Opal as Sento joined her. “Cool! There are so many weapons and shields and magical items,” said Sento. “Yeah,” said Opal with a smile. “What?” asked Sento. “Nothing,” said Opal. “So can you tell me more about this Earth of yours?” asked Opal, as she put away the things that she got from Sheeshy " except for the bag of food and drink. She took all of the things out of the pack and put the pack away. She got a pack that could hold twenty things and put everything in that one. “Sure,” said Sento. As he told Opal about Earth, she got a few more things. She added an indestructible, really long, silver chain and a small jewelry box that could hold ten necklaces, thirty rings, fifteen bracelets, and three crowns. She put the silver ring that could change into a bow into the jewelry box. Instead, on her left middle finger she put a silvery gold ring with an indented crescent moon; it could change into a silvery light-gold bow, and when you pull back the string a silver arrow appears with a diamond arrowhead tied to it by a gold silk string. The next rings she put in were a gold one that had a silver sun on it and a silver one that had a gold moon on it (those two were really hard to find). The gold one could change into a gold flute that let the player call upon creatures to help, then they would leave. The silver one changed into a flute that would allow the player to call upon spirits to help, then they would leave. The last ring was the Ring of Peace. It had something written on it in the ancient language of the Oracles. No one was quite sure what power that ring held. She didn’t take any necklaces, but she did take a bracelet. It was black silver and had twirled around it a thin piece of moon gold. The bracelet would allow you to speed up or slow down time. That one she put on her right wrist. Then she put the jewelry box into her pack. In the end, she had a Box of Treasures (the jewelry box), Endless Money Sack, Bag of Food and Drinks, Staff of Elements, Oracle Mirror, Indestructible Moon Chain, Chain of Stars, and a map of Thiethittis and all its secret places. “Earth sounds more dangerous than here,” said Opal as she climbed down some stairs. “I’m not so sure about that. So, you have everything?” asked Sento as he and Opal started to walk for the door. “Yeah. Oh, that reminds me, I have some things to do,” said Opal when they got outside. “You want me to come with?” asked Sento. “No, it’s okay. Why don’t I have someone show you around… oh,” said Opal, as she spotted a girl. The girl didn’t wear what most other girls wore. She had on what looked like a warrior’s uniform, but for girls. It was a silver shirt with silver pants, but she also had a piece of silver silk cloth tied around her waist to look like a skirt. She had long black hair tied up with a silver hair tie and, even tied up, it was long; she left two pieces of hair hanging down over her shoulder and those two pieces slowly changed to silver. She had dark purple eyes, like an amethyst. She also wore two rings and a bracelet. One ring was on her left hand on her middle finger; that one was for a bow with the arrows that just appear. The other ring was on her right hand on her middle finger and that one was for a sword. The bracelet was on her left wrist and was for a shield. Like Opal, Ruby and the other Stones, she had on a silver necklace. Her stone was a diamond, so Sento guessed that her name was Diamond. (Seeing Diamond, he realized the Stone boys had gold chains while the Stone girls had silver.) “Hey, Diamond, it’s good to see you again. Where’s Lazulite?” said Opal as she called over to the girl. The girl looked over and her face lit up. “Opal, it’s good to see you. She’s probably outside,” called Diamond back as they both ran over to each other and gave each other a hug. Lazulite was a dark-blue and light-purple dragon. “When did you get back?” asked Diamond. “About half an hour ago. I was just going to look for you,” said Opal. “By the way, I have two favors to ask,” said Opal, as she put her hands together. “What are they?” asked Diamond, as if she was used to being asked for favors from Opal. “The first one is, if possible, can you and Lazulite come with me on my travels?” asked Opal and then waited for an answer, which didn’t take long. “Sure! I’d love to, and I’m sure Lazulite would love to come as well. After all, it’s been a while since she’s seen Lapis and Lazuli,” exclaimed Diamond. “Good. And, two, do you think you could show him around just until I get back? I’ll only be about fifteen minutes. Please…” asked Opal as Sento came over. Diamond looked at Opal, then at Sento, and said, “No more than fifteen minutes. I want you to tell me about what you’ve been up to,” said Diamond. “Of course! Thanks,” called Opal back, as she ran off down the hall. Sento and Diamond just looked at each other. Opal had gone off to look for Topaz. She found him after about ten minutes. He was standing by one of the big lakes that were around the palace. “Topaz,” called Opal. Topaz looked over to where Opal was. “Well, I guess you found me,” said Topaz with a smile. He still had the hooded cloak. “Um, the Oracles asked me to give you a message,” said Opal. At the mention of the Oracles, Topaz looked at her. “The message was, ‘Accompany the gem of hope and peace and make sure that no harm comes to her,’ and that was all,” said Opal. Topaz turned to her, then looked up at the sky. Then he took off the hood and knelt before her. He had bright black hair with bright blue tips and silvery blue eyes. He said, “Well, then, I shall accompany you on your quest. I shall accompany you until you do not need my service anymore.” He wove a thin piece of silver thread in her hair and told her, “Now, whenever you need my help, I shall come.” “Aren’t you going to come with us though?” asked Opal. “Yes, but not as a human,” said Topaz. Then he changed into a blue-flamed phoenix with black eyes and a tint of silver. He said, “I don’t prefer people to see me as a human” as he flew by Opal. “So you are a shape shifter as well,” said Opal. “We best get back. Diamond is going to kill me.” When Opal and Topaz got back, Diamond was teaching Sento how to wield a sword. He wasn’t doing too well. “Hey, Diamond, don’t kill him,” said Opal as she went over just in time to catch Sento as he fell back. “Oh, sorry,” said Sento as he quickly got up. “Who’s the phoenix?” asked Diamond. “His name is Topaz. He’s going to come with us,” said Opal. “So what happened when you were out looking for Lord Onyx and Lady Sard?” asked Diamond, as they started over to the balcony. The balcony overlooked a blue, crystal-clear lake. Beyond, there was an emerald green field. If you looked beyond that, you could see mountains with all sorts of different colors, which were every different kind of stone ever discovered. Opal and Diamond looked out over the kingdom. They were in a huge castle with huge fields and lakes. The sky over it seemed bluer than ever and was filled with hundreds of dragons, some playing, others practicing for fights. It was a magnificent kingdom, probably the most peaceful place in all of Thiethittis. Opal and Diamond told each other what they had done since Opal had left. For some reason, Sento started to think about Earth, so he took out the mirror that allowed him to see Earth during 2090. Opal and Diamond talked until night. Then everyone went to bed. © 2011 MirageDreamer |
Added on March 12, 2011 Last Updated on March 12, 2011 Author![]() MirageDreamer... who knows *shrug*..., FLAboutmeow V =^-.-^= I’m an amateur writer and love writing just as much as i love reading manga, drawing, listening to music, and watching anime I write my stories while seeing them play out as.. more..Writing