There is a real reason i write, not beacuse i want fame, money or power but beacuse i am not heard. I do not wish to stay in a country that is not mine. I do not want to be surrodened by people that dont know me. I do not want to stay in a country that was not designed for me, i do not wat to sta in a country where i have to languges. I do not want to stay in a country where i have two identeties.
I feel like an inturder. Beacuse this is not my home. I am tired of not hearing people like me on the news, i am tired of haveing to pay to call my grandparents but most of all i am tired of not beaing heard.
I want to come up with soultions and discuss affairs, i want to find wayes to improve life to thoose who want it. I want people to look at my conuntry and think "That is a great land" I want people to throw theire wepones away beause they wont be needed.
Why cant we talk, why cant people be heard?