Isaias - The man behind

Isaias - The man behind

A Story by SilentTree

Isaias is a beautiful name, in tigrinja it means a person who rules. Maeby thats why we choose him. While every land has had a leder that wasent what they expected, people learn and move on. There are many reasons why we choose bad people to rule our land, mabey there confidence, there intelligent or how they motivet us, they protect and make desicions and reprsent us. Thats whats a leder supposed to be. It is easy for many leaders to cover up their mistakes and sell us an idea of what they want us to belive. Isaias did that. He made sure that we trusted him and we never got to see the bad side of him before it was to late and he allredy had us at his fingertips. While it may have been our fault to have belived such a monster we cant bame neither ourselves or him. Of corse he betrayed us, he kept us in prison for things we never did, he made sure we stayd poor and dident become to famous to attract people from other contries so that we couldent be seen. He made sure to hide us in the dark so that we could never been saved. 
In life we are destined to make bad choices, while it may have sounded very good in the beginning we quicly realise that we made bad choices and sometimes we take responsibility for things we have done or we ignore and hope it goes away. The only common things those two have it that we cant changes them and we are forced to learn from it. That is life. There are also bad luckes, we wish we were born into the perfect family, in the perfect contry and we will have a perfect life with children and a good job. But sometimes life hands us cards that we have to play by. 
While Africa has had bad luch for centries, our condisions had betterd. But our past is keeping us from reaching to our fully potensial. We have leders that were raised when the jim crow laws were a thing and there experience has harden them, mabey it is their experience that makes them this hard shell of a human that thinks only one person can rule. 
It is rather their past that is keeping us slaves, like parents who teaces their children by what they experienced in their life rather that teaching them nowdayes laws. The way they think is outdated and their are many reasons why we should second guess what they are doing. 
Isaias is a man that has ruled Eritrean for 30 years. Those years are a glaze of torture, poverty, begging and trying to take back whats ours. While i despise humans such as this, he is intelligent. While we have been slowely noticing what he is doing, he was alwayes one step ahend of us. He always had this tight grip on the contry and would not let go. We have been suffocating and slowely disappearing. 
Sure i can badmoth him all day but what would that do. I am not trying to set blame or trying to fight destiny or the bad luch cards that whas delt to us but to make awarness. We have been hiding for way to long, we should make progress and accsept the bad luch, but also make with it. So that we can trive and be the successful and fantastick land that we are supposed to be. 

© 2024 SilentTree

Author's Note

I would have preferd it if you gyus could share this to fellow eritreans :).

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Added on September 1, 2024
Last Updated on September 1, 2024
Tags: #free, "power, "fame"



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A Story by SilentTree