Quotes That Inspire Challenge:
Choose your favorite 2-4 lines and write a poem in response to those lines.
My Flower Child
by Cartooner
She's my wild violet unfolding in my arms.
She weaves roses in her hair,
wears the scent of peonies against her skin.
I've never danced naked in moonlight,
but with her I'm sure I would.
I want to hold her close, her body sliding over mine
as the moon rises and then tangles us in shadow.
Unfurl me layer by layer,
uncover light few lovers ever see.
The lines that stood out for me were:
I've never danced naked in moonlight,
but with her I'm sure I would.
And my response:
I've never danced
naked in moonlight... (Tumbling Tercets)
He inspires me to feel
the softness and silence of light,
to cup my hands just enough
to let some of it spill through…
rinsing our feet as it falls,
pooling for us to splash in
as we dance and stir the mist~
swirling residual wishes,
hopes we share and embrace
Zsanece Brown was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1976. Much of her poetry is inspired by dreams and love, longing and the comfort found in silence. Her work has often been described as bordering on t.. more..