A Story by Silencer

Psalm 82:6.


"Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me." 
If you think this is just some stupid rant, you're right.  Go to church.
Those of you who love GOD, should read the last paragraph, first.
People are extremely weak-minded.  And most of them, like John Hagee, CBN and Fox News, shirk their responsibilities.
I don't have to prove that jehovah is an alien, because he is.
You have to prove he isn't, to yourself, if you want to.
Or you can choose to keep believing he isn't, and see how thinking an alien is GOD, works-out for you.
(How do you think that will work-out?)
Is your 'GOD', someone who:
Says they're omnipresent, just not in China, the Middle East, most other places, and the rest of the universe?
Says they're omniscient, but doesn't mention our Consciences, Caring or Sweetness?
Says they're omniscient, but doesn't mention 'UFOs', while at the same time doing lots of 'Miracles'?
Says they're love, while saying to kill animals for a twisted reason, and that they share the heart of a murderer?
Says to not kill, then orders their people to slaughter their enemies, and says an eye for an eye?
Is clearly an alien Megalomaniac, who spews meaningless words, and outrageous fear?
Made Star Wars as a clear message, for how mankind should respond to the above 'GOD'?
The last one.
I believe in Jesus:  He's an alien hostage.  (Read the Bible.)
Religions are a focused attack on our most loving and caring people, and it is an attack on mankind.
Evil pursues evil, while humans pursue righteousness.
Evil imitates good, while humans pursue honesty.
Conflating, is the method evil uses to confuse humans, while
Forking, is the method humans use to see truth clearly.
Once upon a time, an alien told a human they wanted to be friends.
'GOD' wanted man to willfully choose to be ignorant of evil.  But mankind's GOD-given conscience disagreed.
Genesis 2:16-17 - "And the Lord 'GOD' commanded the man, 'You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.'"
Being naked isn't a sin.
Genesis 3:21 - 'GOD' provides garments of skin for Adam and Eve after they sinned, which implies the killing of an animal to cover their sin.
Genesis 6:5 - 'GOD' said that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
Genesis 6-9 - 'GOD' flooded the world.
Genesis 12:1-3 - 'GOD' calls Abram to leave his homeland and promises to make him a great nation.
Exodus 19:1-34:30 - 'GOD' gives the Ten Commandments.
Leviticus 1:14-17 - 'GOD' tells man to kill birds to cover sin.
1 Samuel 13:14 - 'GOD' calls David a man after his own heart.
2 Samuel 11:14-15 - David decided to murder Uriah.
Isaiah 53:5-6 - 'GOD' decided to kill Jesus.
Luke 24:50-53 - Jesus is carried up into heaven.
Seek "The True GOD of Creation and Nature."
Not these BIT-brains.  Inability exemplified.
When Jesus said "Fishers of men." he was giving us a clue.
When he said many unhelpful things, it was connected to Psalm 146:3.
The threat of eternal suffering dissipates with evidence of impotence (and ignorance.)
Avoid overly-mixing your thinking in with those who don't think clearly.
/// - Not Important.
The way to succeed in living, is to follow your GOD-given conscience, and be caring toward others.
Sometimes, what's not been said, speaks louder, than what has been.
And avoid those not smart enough to teach those things.  Such often show no sweetness, also.
(On that point, I would also avoid religions that advocate mutilating your daughters.)
Religions that leave those things out, don't contain them.  (All of them.)
I would avoid any GOD claiming to be omnipotent, that isn't.  Such as one that doesn't discuss UFOs, but does miracles.
Or says to kill animals for twisted reasons.  Or says they share the heart of a murderer, for example.
Or is afraid of cheeseburgers.  Or that is primarily fear-instilling.
GOD is all-around us, and in our hearts and minds.  Sometimes reading can be less productive, than not.
Jesus is an alien hostage.  And says unhelpful things, (Psalm 146:3.)  I'd advise against being a stupid, human fish.
If you want to leave your body, see my book TRIALS, I explain how I did once in there.
I would not expect to need to pursue GOD, after death, as much as I expect GOD to pursue me.
/// - Smart.
Anytime a child uses the word "indicates", they should be praised.
"Insight", is also a word that indicates intellect.
Forking and coalescing produces cohesiveness, leading to comprehension.
The stupid, like to make incorrect blanket statements.
They also enjoy being stuck in small mental loops.  True enthusiasm produces action.
Avoid being scatter-brained.  Pros and Cons lists can help you Move Forward.
The best way to move past your stupidity is to help others who have real problems.
/// - w/e.
jehovah is an alien.  If you simply look at how he met Abram, it's as plain as the nose on my face.
And that's how all of the miracles in the Bible were done.  Technology.
When someone claiming to be GOD tells you to kill a bird, the correct response is:  Go fly a kite.
When someone claiming to be GOD tells you to kill your son, the correct response is:  Go fly a kite.
When someone claiming to be GOD tells you David is a man after their own heart, they're out to kill you.
Jesus is an alien hostage.  Should you seek him to find GOD?  Are you a stupid fish?
Conscience and caring, are the way to the true GOD of creation and nature.  Left out of the Bible, for reasons.
The true GOD of nature does communicate with us.  As stated with our consciences.
Led Zeppelin, Star Wars, Star Trek, Total Recall.  Add those up, and you're hearing GOD.
[They cling to a dream.
(They cling to a nightmare.)]
I discerned all of this, explained my personal experience, and gave instructions to follow to the government.
And if the stupid government keeps acting like sheep, you're all going to hells.
Omnipotent?  Where at?  In China?  Does allah know?  Then why wasn't hitler a Jew?  Have a cheeseburger.  Nice UFO explanation.  Couldn't bring my daughter home.  I can spew meaningless words, too.  I think you meant impotent.
Enjoy your Me D.I. A .
/// - Forks.
Get your Forks out.
Our hand gesture for Peace! is two fingers, like a V.
This represents the concept of "Forking".
There are usually two (OR MORE) ways of looking at most things.
"There's always a silver lining.", is one way of doing that.
Thinking Positively.
Fearing not.
Applying common sense.
Word meanings.  Words give rise to letters, not the opposite.  As thought is greater than its components.
See my Letter examples in other documents.  Sometimes Letters are nouns, verbs, adjectives, other or letters.
Sentence meanings.
When there are two or more ways to look at something, think about it, and choose to look up.
Sometimes you may think there's only one way to look at something.  Maybe, you're wrong then.
If you're physically weak, you can compensate, by using speed.
Fork everything.
(And make, Peace.)
Let your "Yes" be "Yes" and your "No" be "No", doesn't normally need saying.
Sometimes, "Yes and No", is needed to answer a question correctly.
And and/or Or statements, do not need to be answered as expected.  Example:
"If you were stranded in the wilderness, would you be Hunting, or Gathering?"
See how that works?
We know GOD exists from our consciences, the love of others, and our beautiful surroundings.
If jehovah's GOD, then he shouldn't have any problems with anything I'm saying here, shouldn't he?
Anyone who threatens my daughter is a piece of s**t.
If jehovah's GOD, he's incompetent.  And, he sure acts like a pest bug.
If jehovah's not GOD, then he's fighting GOD, whether he believes in GOD, or not.
I arrived at my conclusions by going through a series of experiences.
If you can disprove any of them, I'm all ears.
If jehovah's not a stupid wicked bug alien, he needs to explain how.
"If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck."
/// - Steve Summers.
Jesus is an alien hostage.
Hi, my name's Steve Summers.
When I was 7, I was told about the story of Jesus, and asked if I believed in him, and I did.
When I was 11, I developed my intellectual belief in GOD.
And I fervently prayed to GOD to stop (the bad parts of) Revelation.
When I was 11, I was a victim of homosexual pedophile gang rape by my worst enemy and best friend.
When I was 11, I bought a Commodore 64= with my savings (from cutting our grass) and started programming.
When I was 16, I worked as a programmer for NCR.
When I was 17, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
When I was 23, I decided to obey the first word Jesus preached, "Repent".  (Empty yourself of all sin.)
I studied the Bible intensely during the years that followed.
When I was 41, I succeeded, and I was turned into a god.  See John 10:34 and Psalm 82:6.  I grew, and say "Ah!" now.
I then proceeded to go through hundrededs and hundreds of traumatic experiences, I call TRIALS.
I wrote a lot of them down, see my book TRIALS.
When I was 54, I discerned that jehovah is an evil alien.
I discovered that according to the Bible, Psalm 146:3, we're not supposed to trust Jesus.
Studying the words of Jesus carefully reveals that he said many things which are clearly unhelpful.
Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, apply to John 14:6 and 2 Peter 3:10.
Once discerned, this means we're supposed to trust in jehovah instead.
And the whole thing, is a childish bait-and-switch play, fishing for men.
Go back to the beginning of the Bible, when jehovah befriended Abraham.
jehovah is an alien.
And as a society, we should've realized that, long-ago.
But most of us haven't, and here we are today.
All of Earth's religions, are one big organized alien attack on humans.
Our religions talk a whole lot, while never talking about following our consciences.
Our religions talk a whole lot, while never talking about caring about others.
Our religions give a whole lot of names for GOD.  And they're all ultimately morons, so none of them are.
I will continue this document soon.  Please read my others.
These religions are an attack on our consciences, our caring, our faith in GOD, and our mental clarity.
They are aimed at destroying us.  Which is excellent news, as that indicates, they likely need them to.
Follow your consciences, pursue your caring, have your faith in GOD, and refine your mental clarity.
And eject and reject, bit-brain thinking and mentality.  To religious books, simply say, "I disagree."
Avoid bug zappers.  And expect GOD, to come to you.
Jesus is a hostage of alien terrorists, being used as human bait.  Do not, be a stupid fish.
When Jesus left the Earth, his native language, was wiped from the Earth.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Okay!  What's allah saying on that?
Are you a f*****g moron?
Be a caring person, like you know you should, and expect GOD, to come to you.
Religions are a snow-job.  Invalid.  (Whatever's in them that's true, is being used by evil.)
Don't chase bug zappers.
If the government is doing what I told them to do, then there should be additional helpful insights, coming.
I will also continue sorting, lies and truth.
Stay Focused.
Reject all fearful thoughts.
And, it's not your job, to consider or explain, every stray thought, that enters your head.
I'm just a guy who loves his family, and cares.  And others outshine me, in all of my ways.
/// - More About Clicks.
More about "Clicks".
Once in awhile in our surroundings we hear a "click" sound.  Like a "snap" or a "pop".
We hear these sounds come from everywhere.
From our ceilings and walls,
from objects around us,
in our bodies, often our hands and feet,
and from inside our heads.
Assemble a small group of people, 5-10, and ask them all to listen very closely for "click" sounds, especially in their heads.
Some may hear clicking immediately, or possibly not.
Then ask them all to ask GOD a question in their heads, and listen to hear any answers, and as they're listening, also listen for a "click" noise, at the same time.
Some may hear them, some may not.
Then repeat this step, asking GOD another question, and listening for a worded answer in their heads, along with a corrosponding "click".
Doing this, will begin to reveal to you, that there are indeed clicks happening inside our heads, and our surroundings.
Now, they're identified.
They have a surprisingly-stunted intellectual capability.
These pest bugs have gotten ahold of technology, that they need to be relieved of.
This spiritual technology is UNSOPHISTICATED, as you can see it makes audible clicks we can discern every time they use it.  They do not have the intelligence to improve their technology, and they do not have the capability to stop using it also.
After identifying the clicks, track them down.  They are doing all they can to hide from us.  It's up to you to figure this out.
Then report their location to everyone on Earth, and then rapidly proceed to kill every one of them.
They count on our laziness to help them maintain control.  Get focused, get busy, and get it done.
If you treat this like a joke, what result would you expect?
New Development:
I went to a Translate website, (to Hebrew,) and typed in "You're a moron."  And they reacted.
They reduced but still couldn't entirely stop the clicks.  To make them less noticeable.
It appears this requires a concerted effort on their part, and they also don't like restraining themselves.
At this time by testing, I've discovered:
When they're trying to restrain from answering, if you 'think toward them, willfully expecting an answer',
doing so can often force them to click.
Apply this effort some during your testing, and note the differences.
This seems to help with picturing a possible source (or relay) location.  Explore this further.
As I said, they do all they can, to not be detected.
They're compulsive, and their predictability works in our favor.
They can't restrain themselves much, or for long.  Like an hour.
I'd love to answer any thoughtful questions you can think of, about frankly everything.
They read our thoughts, and I have discerned that they mistakenly think, they read all of them, when in reality, they can only read the ones we voice in our heads, and not the other half, which we don't.
They also do not comprehend that some thoughts can't be put into words.
And THEY put us here, to put an end, to their evil.
Call the pest bugs "Radio Shack".  It's a decent summary.
/// - Stupid.
I'd like to believe you're GOD, and I did.  Then I studied what you said, and followed some of your advice, and I realized, 'this stupid wicked bug-brained evil tyrant is a f*****g impotent moron.'  So, oh well.
You didn't say to obey our consciences, because they're from GOD.  And because you don't have any.
You didn't say to care, because that's the way to GOD.  (Which you're also unlikely to know.)
You imitate GOD, because GOD exists, and, you don't believe in THEM.
You aren't capable of reading half of our thoughts, so you're in no position to rightly judge anyone besides yourself.
You told one of us to kill a bird, for your stupid reason.
You said a murderer was a man after your own heart.
Do you think we're the borg?
Hit Radio Shack f*g.
There are two or more ways to look at most things.  Whenever there's an option, choose to "look up."
Also, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
/// - Alien Personality Profile.
Alien Personality Profile
For one thing, they're compulsive.  They can't help but constantly give their input about everything.  And they're very-dramatic.
They're also very evil.  They attack our souls after death with technology, using us as materials in products for enhanced sexual pleasure, which puts us into hells.
What we believe is very-important to them.  To the Bible, say, "I disagree."  It's a (wicked) snow-job.
They are a cold, small-minded, totalitarian society.  They appear to be reptilian-based, perhaps even descended from our dinosaurs.
Small-minded, as unexpected/unanticipated thoughts, surprise and strike fear into them.
They are physically weak, and weak in every other way there is, especially morally, except technologically.
They act and think just like bed bugs.  Pest bugs.  They are unfortunately, irredeemable.  (Unfortunate, because some of their children, display tender affection.)  (The adults are all, just plain wicked.)
As you would imagine, their lifestyles have made them all appropriately weak, frail, fragile and fearful.
They're bit-brains, as I like to call them.  Their s**t attitude, and persistent meanness, make them stupidly predictable.  They are extremely predictable, unwavering.  (You have to like that, about an enemy.)
They do not think loftily.  Our high thoughts are impercievable to them, as they are inconcievable to them.  They are imitating a GOD, they themselves obviously, don't believe in.
The Bible is a lot of non-sense blather, that ignores what's important (caring, UFOs,) mis-directs us, poisons us, and makes us quarrel, over which (evil) GOD, is better.  They lack understanding, and it is an attack on both humanity, and decency.  They are as inhumane, as they can possibly be.
Part of Mankind's destiny, (DESTINY,) is to purge creation of this wickedness.  Starting now.
Be caring.  And when you die, you might want to avoid the light, and wait for GOD to come to you.
(I left my body once, the report is in my book TRIALS.)
I do not have more specific details than that.  We may need to do some recon.  Be very careful.
I DO KNOW, they are total major FEAR-MONGERS.  Always squeaking frightening and terrifying thoughts.
They are not as capable as they are trying to make us think they are.  Lots of barking, from, p*****s.
I hear clicks in my head and elsewhere, identifying their receipt of (part of) my thought.
Pay attention.  It's constant.  I tell them, "You need to hit Radio Shack."
(I have a How to Hear GOD document.  I will soon be correcting it, to make it safe, and usable.)
I can continue providing additional details and intelligence, just ask.
They are also very, desperate, and very, consternated.  Mindless, bug-like, twits.
Just the kind of people GOD would like to have around, right?
Sometimes you have to laugh.
They're going extinct, and we're going to help them with that.  See Star Wars and Star Trek.
Someday we'll build Starfleet on Mars.  What's our Mars movie cAllEd:
Not joking.
5978 Verdi Dr, Dayton, OH 45449.
[Pentagon:  If you've been tracking my notes, search for "Invisible War".  (May, hold some insight.)]
(I should have it lying around on my hard drive somewhere too.  One day at a time sometimes.)
I'll improve this document more later.  They're defined, and solidly, predictable.  Pass it on.
They really are, exceedingly stupid.
Their technologies allow them to exert pressures and thoughts upon us, so be on the lookout for that.
They may also try to distract, confuse, or delay you, and they often press us to forget, or stop doing things.
Just stay focused.
But ignore their fear-mongering.  I tell them, "You ought to pitch that to Hollywood.  Except it's a bit un-creative."
(When attacked with evil thoughts,) it helps, to always stay within a couple of steps, of common sense.
Once you've identified these influences upon you, you can rather-easily set them aside, going forward.  That's where I've found relief.
Whenever you're attacked with a weird thought, picture fruit flies in space, and spraying bug spray on them.
(It's an awesome response, to all their S**T.)
Like all pest bugs, they won't let go.  They have to be removed.
This should be, like shooting fish in a barrel.
Also, apply our ability to see more than one meaning, to almost everything, religiously.  *VERY HELPFUL*.
Flip F**k(/fork) Planet.
From jehovah?  Saying to make amends, after our history?
From GOD?  Saying f**k(/fork) false GODs?
Two ways or more to look at things.  What I'm saying.
To the aliens:
You're nit-wits.
Try, not being that.
There aren't letters, for some meanings.
And, you're not, older than dirt.
We aren't the borg.  They are.
The way to GOD, is caring.
Get that recon done.  Follow my directions.  My reports strive for accuracy and informativeness.
A thoughtful question:
Why would aliens need to bother to imitate a GOD, that doesn't exist?
(If GOD didn't exist, then they wouldn't be imitating Them, to begin with.)
Aliens did not create the concept of GOD, but rather found it, to be a concept, that they need to contend with.
The way to GOD is caring, which is confirmed by your GOD-given conscience.
(Which they, have cast-away.  Obviously, if they believed in GOD, they wouldn't be imitating Them.)
(And also I'm pretty-sure that main point, is not in any of our religious books.)
(Those who don't know a thing, can't teach it.)
Isreal, and Earth:
If a GOD tells you to kill a bird to fix sin, tell them to go fly a kite.
GOD saying David is a man after their own heart, is a negative indicator.
If you'd bother to think.
P.S.  Our enemy is terrified of dying.
P.S.S.  All of the miracles in the Bible were done with technology.  (Retards.)
Nah.  Wishful thinking.  That's how.  (Retards.)
If you think jehovah likes you, that's what he wants you to think.  (Retards.)
You might say, "Well God said David was a man after his own heart, before David decided to murder Uriah."
Uh-huh.  Haven't you been paying attention?
You're weak-minded!
Also, the True GOD, doesn't need Their ego stroked.
How stupid are you and the people around you?
Nobody wants to talk to me about any of this.
I've been putting-up with a lot of wickedly-stupid, uncaring people.
If you don't understand this,
I don't care.
jehovah's omnipotent.
Just not anywhere.
I'd call that omimpotent.
Some people are right, about as often as a busted clock is.
Some people won't believe this, simply because they don't want to.  Not for any intelligent reason.
And people like that, totally should go to hell!
I'm going to improve this presentation's simplicity, clarity and cohesiveness.
Until I do, you should keep believing an evil alien is GOD.
And don't bother warning any believers about this.
They probably wouldn't listen to you anyway.
And that goes for John Hagee and Fox News too.
Click "Version 1", then Play:
The way to succeed in living, is to follow your GOD-given conscience, and be caring toward others.
Sometimes, what's not been said, speaks louder, than what has been.
And avoid those not smart enough to teach those things.  Such often show no sweetness, also.
(On that point, I would also avoid religions that advocate mutilating your daughters.)
Religions that leave those things out, don't contain them.  (All of them.)
I would avoid any GOD claiming to be omnipotent, that isn't.  Such as one that doesn't discuss UFOs, but does miracles.
Or says to kill animals for twisted reasons.  Or says they share the heart of a murderer, for example.
Or is afraid of cheeseburgers.  Or that is primarily fear-instilling.
GOD is all-around us, and in our hearts and minds.  Sometimes reading can be less productive, than not.
Jesus is an alien hostage.  And says unhelpful things, (Psalm 146:3.)  I'd advise against being a stupid, human fish.
If you want to leave your body, see my book TRIALS, I explain how I did once in there.
I would not expect to need to pursue GOD, after death, as much as I expect GOD to pursue me.













A)  See the story of when Jehovah befriended Abraham.

B)  From my book TRIALS:  ( )

"...In some of my TRIALS, I saw the Bible, being used like a trojan horse for our souls.  I saw us being taken apart in pieces, by the aliens, and these words were the tools that they used, to cut us up, in the ways that they wanted to.  I saw our souls being used as materials, for making all kinds of products, used by those who are controlling all of us.  And these things were Hells.  It was beyond insane.)  I dis-regard all of these things."

C)  Our Religions do not say to be CARING,  *BECAUSE*  THAT'S THE WAY TO GOD.


The entire religious setup on this planet, is designed as an attack on it.



Discernment can sometimes be difficult.

Our consciences, do not come from the pest bug-like nit-wits.  Bit-brains, wimps, restrained by GOD.

And, prove to our hearts that GOD made nature.

Caring is the way to GOD and truth and victory.

They have spiritual technology.  Their UFOs make turns which defy inertia.

We need to focus on expanding our scientific knowledge.

And when we bulid Starfleet on Mars, we'll start blowing the pest bugs' tin cans out of the skies.

What I think.

You may encounter resistance to sharing this information, obviously.

Care, to aim.



I am of the opinion that Jesus may have been a victim, not an accomplice.  One of, billions?



The Star of David symbol, is a sign to other aliens, that out planet is being harvested.

Do not believe in or trust any Earth "GODs", they are all the same, lying alien devils.

Their religions indicate that getting us to believe and trust in them, helps their control over us.

And that the things we believe, matter to them.

They are designed to direct us, and to distract us.

Do not head towards any of them when you die.

No religions say to be "caring", because if you check your conscience, that is the way to GOD.

They also do not say to obey your "conscience", because the aliens do not have consciences.

These two facts are pivotal, in dealing with them effectively.

When I look into my daughter's eyes, I see the Love of GOD.

Be loving and caring as your GOD-given conscience indicates,

and expect the GOD of Creation, to come to you, when you die.

Conflict, and pest bugs, are as old as dirt.

They do not have consciences, and we do, so both of our courses of action are logical.

I have discerned that when we have higher thoughts that they didn't anticipate, it frightens them.

They act evil, and impersonate GOD, WHO they don't believe in, and WHO made us, to destroy them.

We are smarter than they are.  But they're smart enough, to rightly fear us, executing justice upon them.

They're unable to stop this email, so that indicates that we have a solid chance to get victory.

Religions are aliens, evil, tyrrany, and an attack.

Ask John hagee for help, and see if he has any.



5978 Verdi Dr, Dayton, OH 45449.


Your correct response to the "Holy Bible" is:

"I disagree."

You can add:


Where at?"

A)  See the story of when Jehovah befriended Abraham.
B)  From my book TRIALS:  ( )
"...In some of my TRIALS, I saw the Bible, being used like a trojan horse for our souls.  I saw us being taken apart in pieces, by the aliens, and these words were the tools that they used, to cut us up, in the ways that they wanted to.  I saw our souls being used as materials, for making all kinds of products, used by those who are controlling all of us.  And these things were Hells.  It was beyond insane.)  I dis-regard all of these things."
C)  Our Religions do not say to be CARING, BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY TO GOD.
Obviously, I have figured-out the answers to some of the below questions that led me here.  I'll clean all of this up at some point later.
I apologize for all of my religious talk.  I was lied to.  Jehovah isn't omnipotent, at best, he's incompetent.
I have been able to prove, that the founders of all religions on Earth, are wicked dangerous liars.
I've seen some extremely, wicked stuff.  They are a lot like pest bugs.
I strongly recommend you leave, whatever religion you're in, if any.
It's amazing, that none of them say, to be caring to go to Heaven.  (Because, they're incapable of it!)
Clearly, the greatest divider of people, is caring, and uncaring.
Religion is threatening and fear-based.
GOD Is LOVE and GOOD and Just.
So choose to be a loving and caring person, (according to your conscience.)
*Regardless of anything else.*
And expect GOD, (the true GOD of Creation, name unknown, call them "GOD",) to take you Home when you die.
(Do you think GOD, would want to lose such a person's company?)
That is what I'm doing.
Avoid religion.
If you'd like additional supporting information, or have any questions, I'll be happy to help you.
Sorry about all of the noise.  It was very traumatic.
I won't bother you any further about it.
(And I may have just saved your eternal life.)
Have a nice day!
Religions are started by alien pests.
When Jehovah blabs he's omnipotent, ask him,
"In which country?"
"Where at exactly?"
"Did you tell allah?"
"Yeah, that's what they say in China."
"Well of course.  You're the anti-qwer."
Here's another question, "if we have a conscience, why do we need a Bible?"
And, where did you say to "heed our consciences?"
And, where did you say to "care about others?"
Fail much GOD?
When jesus says you have to believe in him to go to Heaven,
say, "Oh.  So Abraham and Africa and China and Israel go to Hell."
and, "I do.  You're a stupid, wicked, fucktard."
I have verified, that those who are in charge of the 'better ones', are a 'complete f*****g mess'.
(And, )
I'm god, and Jehovah, will be answering me.
1) "Click!"
Hit Radio Shack.
Maybe the lesson from Jesus is you can get away with anything.
2) Then why is allah popular?
Jehovah hasn't proven he's GOD of the Earth, much less creation.
3) The Pentagon, and Egyptian pyramids, talk about UFOs, but "GOD", didn't think it needed mentioning?
(Lots of words, where's the ones that matter?)
That's pretty-funny.
The burning bush was a hologram.
The Bible Code, reveals underlying programming and/or control.
(Was the Holy Bible picked-up, in an outer-space dime store?)
It's like I'm in "The Sims - Outer Space".
It's like I'm in that South Park episode where Earth is an alien TV show.
Adam & Eve were scientifically-created here.  There aren't any transitional species here.
It's like I'm in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where they manufacture planets.
However I will say in fairness, You did instruct Abraham to number the stars if he could.  Which implies.
4)  Why didn't you just say that caring is the way to Heaven?
(I have a theory that people who pretend to be GOD, are incapable of making that statement.)
(Lots of words, where's the ones that matter?)
5)  Why did you send an evil lying queer with credentials down here?
Jehovah says he's omniscient.
Jesus is an attack.
Is that something Jehovah knew, or didn't?
If A then Jesus is an attack from Jehovah.
If B then Jehovah doesn't know everything, and either mis-spoke, or is a liar.
Is this a tag-team operation, with an evil person who pretends to be good?
(What?  No "Click!"?)
None of this is my problem.
And I didn't create it.
It looks like queerness all-around.
Have fun with religion.
6)  Where did he come from?
7)  Why aren't my girls home yet?
Wrong, or evil?
8)  In what universe?
Verify before trusting.
That's what the cross shows.
9)  I had other very-insightful points, that I strangely, deleted for some reason.
(Might indicate???)
I don't need them.  (And I'm sure others will re-figure them out, after absorbing these points.)
YOU are incapable*, of understanding my thinking, or feelings, and, YOU have no right, to judge me.
*You would have to first be a regular person, to begin to. <-
(Kind-of like how a woman, can't, know what it feels like to be a man.)
I'm going to be a loving caring person.  As my GOD-given, conscience, also, indicates.
And w/e.
I choose to be loving and caring and seek my Family.  PERIOD.
I asked GOD to stop Revelation.  (Out of love for my Family.)  ((By choice.))
(Based on what I've seen, it's unlikely he was ever capable of making good on his threat, to begin with.)
I'm also a rape victim.  Who is lonely today.
I am merely a regular person, who has made an observation.
I have a clear conscience.
I like the Ten Commandments, and agree with them.
I believe in Jesus according to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3.  See John 14:6 and 2 Peter 3:10.  PEACE!
I can't verify that Jehovah is the GOD of Creation.  Especially with the Jesus mess.
Jehovah has severe credibility issues.
- Lack of proper salvation explanation.  (It's the freaking Bible.  ***> What's the topic? <***)
- Jesus mess.
- David's heart comment.  (Murder another to take what you want.)
- UFO coverage.  (Super-Jesus.)
- Omnipotence?  (Have YOU read any of this?)
- Trust?  (I see issues here.  It kind-of looks like, an untrustworthy bait-and-switch play.)
I seek my loved ones, and based on what You said, I should expect them with You.
I need my girls, and less queer.
When's the last time I had a massage?  When's the last time I was attacked by a queer?
F**K-OFF EVIL.  (Forever.)
Judge that.
Looks like a fail to me.
Who's going to care anymore?
Confidence?  From?
Where are my girls???
I've had enough of your queer Curry bullshit.
Due to these facts, I have complete liberty.  Including from Religion.
I am permanently free, from all religion, and religious figures.
Queers think other people are like them, when they aren't.
While at the same time, trying to get other people to be like them, who aren't interested.
You're GOD, Jehovah, (the Creator?)
What a mess.
Explain all this s**t.
I'd say you need to show up like Jesus said he would.  (Which I know he wouldn't dare.)
How about you, Omni?
...chimes-in the QWER.
Jesus, I believe you're a wicked piece of s**t.
You're just so helpful, son of man.  Psalm 146:3.
See my birthday, in John.
Now, I have some f*****g peace.
P.S.  John Hagee seems to not care, and is also possibly in denial.
How would he, address these issues?
Whatever you do, don't ask him.
You won't hear back.
-Psalm 82:6, god
Discerning truth accurately requires looking at both (or all) sides, and forking (and coalescing) properly.
It helps, to stay within a couple of steps of common sense.
These questions are answers, more than questions.
And reams of additional questions and answers, can spring from them.
Perhaps some of my above questions are answered in the Holy Bible, and I've forgotten.
But likely not, or, not adequately, or satisfactorily.
If they were, then why would I have them?
GOD Is LOVE and GOOD and Just.
So choose to be a loving and caring person, (according to your conscience.)
*Regardless of anything else.*
And expect GOD, to take you Home when you die.
(Do you think GOD, would want to lose such a person's company?)
Whether Jehovah is GOD or he's not, if you try to follow the Ten, then that ought to work for Him.
Shouldn't it?
Don't be a nit-wit.  If someone kills someone, are they a loving and caring person?
What if they're a United States Marine?
Clearly, the greatest divider of people, is caring, and uncaring.
I'm *out*, of the *Dramatic, mess*.
I, have *peace*.
See John 3:18 if you believe it.
I call jesus "College".
(His 'ministry', was (3 or) 4 years.)
[There's **NO-WAY**, that joke, of a *stint*, (and probable technological magic act,) *demonstrates*, an *adequate*, level of *care*, for my daughter, (for example.)  HILARIOUS.]
(Sometimes I'll say to him, 'You should go back to college.  You could become a Doctor.')
I find it provides excellent relief.
I've been in Ministry for 43 years.  (I'm 54.)
(P.S.  jesus, didn't really use the word "care".  But when he did, he made it about: himself.)
Caring people go to Heaven, in the opinion of my conscience.
I'm likely to tidy-up my presentations and distrubute them later.
And then I'm retired from it.
I'll minister to my loved ones.
The Jehovah I know would kindly and truly appreciate my help in bringing to His attention, what I see as, some glaring issues, that I think require some additional clarification, before much more advancement, can be made.
I think the best way to address, what I view as, whichever ones may be issues, is head-on.
I need my girls home.
And I like working on my + Super Bookmarks, and working on my Media (right-now Movies and TV Shows) Collection, working on my Google TV android device, and I'd like to program a rock-paper-scissors-style 2D RTSG (game.)
After caring, "sweetness", is a word I didn't see too much of either.  Once lost, how is it regained?
And, what does it cost you?
Did jesus ever say to "trust" him.  Directly.  You know, as in, to contradict Psalm 146:3?
Idk, Idc.
It wouldn't matter*, so he probably didn't bother.
*Because he's an unreliable source anyway.
jesus, is just someone's stupid, wicked, spoiled, brat, snot-nose, punk, kid, doing a magic show.
UPDATE:  He may have been a victim.
Most people, including Christians, aren't very thoughtful, or caring.
Not my problem.
I am free of this queer tyrranical clusterfuck abortion.
I finally, feel more peaceful and content than I ever have since age 6.
(And it will NEVER, go away.)
In an episode of The Middle, the Mom comes home and says to her family, "You DO care!  You're PERFECT!"
And that, rings in my soul.
I apologize for all of my religious talk.  I was lied to.  Jehovah isn't omnipotent, at best, he's incompetent.
I have been able to prove, that the founders of all religions on Earth, are wicked dangerous liars.
I've seen some extremely, wicked stuff.  They are a lot like pest bugs.
I strongly recommend you leave, whatever religion you're in, if any.
It's amazing, that none of them say, to be caring to go to Heaven.  (Because, they're incapable of it!)
Clearly, the greatest divider of people, is caring, and uncaring.
Religion is threatening and fear-based.
GOD Is LOVE and GOOD and Just.
So choose to be a loving and caring person, (according to your conscience.)
*Regardless of anything else.*
And expect GOD, (the true GOD of Creation, name unknown, call them "GOD",) to take you Home when you die.
(Do you think GOD, would want to lose such a person's company?)
That is what I'm doing.
Avoid religion.
If you'd like additional supporting information, or have any questions, I'll be happy to help you.
Sorry about all of the noise.  It was very traumatic.
I won't bother you any further about it.
(And I may have just saved your eternal life.)
Have a nice day!
//// I'll clean the rest of this up later.  The 'trauma' thing. ////
I have verified, that those who are in charge of the 'better ones', are a 'complete f*****g mess'.

(And, )

I'm god, and Jehovah, will be answering me.



1) "Click!"


Hit Radio Shack.

Maybe the lesson from Jesus is you can get away with anything.


2) Then why is allah popular?

Jehovah hasn't proven he's GOD of the Earth, much less creation.

3) The Pentagon, and Egyptian pyramids, talk about UFOs, but "GOD", didn't think it needed mentioning?

(Lots of words, where's the ones that matter?)

That's pretty-funny.

The burning bush was a hologram.

The Bible Code, reveals underlying programming and/or control.

(Was the Holy Bible picked-up, in an outer-space dime store?)


It's like I'm in "The Sims - Outer Space".

It's like I'm in that South Park episode where Earth is an alien TV show.

Adam & Eve were scientifically-created here.  There aren't any transitional species here.

It's like I'm in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where they manufacture planets.

However I will say in fairness, You did instruct Abraham to number the stars if he could.  Which implies.

4)  Why didn't you just say that caring is the way to Heaven?

(I have a theory that people who pretend to be GOD, are incapable of making that statement.)

(Lots of words, where's the ones that matter?)

5)  Why did you send an evil lying queer with credentials down here?

Jehovah says he's omniscient.

Jesus is an attack.

Is that something Jehovah knew, or didn't?

If A then Jesus is an attack from Jehovah.

If B then Jehovah doesn't know everything, and either mis-spoke, or is a liar.

Is this a tag-team operation, with an evil person who pretends to be good?

(What?  No "Click!"?)

None of this is my problem.

And I didn't create it.

It looks like queerness all-around.

Have fun with religion.

6)  Where did he come from?

7)  Why aren't my girls home yet?

Wrong, or evil?

8)  In what universe?

Verify before trusting.

That's what the cross shows.

9)  I had other very-insightful points, that I strangely, deleted for some reason.

(Might indicate???)

I don't need them.  (And I'm sure others will re-figure them out, after absorbing these points.)

YOU are incapable*, of understanding my thinking, or feelings, and, YOU have no right, to judge me.

*You would have to first be a regular person, to begin to. <-

(Kind-of like how a woman, can't, know what it feels like to be a man.)

I'm going to be a loving caring person.  As my GOD-given, conscience, also, indicates.

And w/e.


I choose to be loving and caring and seek my Family.  PERIOD.

I asked GOD to stop Revelation.  (Out of love for my Family.)  ((By choice.))

(Based on what I've seen, it's unlikely he was ever capable of making good on his threat, to begin with.)

I'm also a rape victim.  Who is lonely today.

I am merely a regular person, who has made an observation.

I have a clear conscience.

I like the Ten Commandments, and agree with them.

I believe in Jesus according to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3.  See John 14:6 and 2 Peter 3:10.  PEACE!


I can't verify that Jehovah is the GOD of Creation.  Especially with the Jesus mess.

Jehovah has severe credibility issues.
- Lack of proper salvation explanation.  (It's the freaking Bible.  ***> What's the topic? <***)
- Jesus mess.
- David's heart comment.  (Murder another to take what you want.)
- UFO coverage.  (Super-Jesus.)
- Omnipotence?  (Have YOU read any of this?)
- Trust?  (I see issues here.  It kind-of looks like, an untrustworthy bait-and-switch play.)

I seek my loved ones, and based on what You said, I should expect them with You.


I need my girls, and less queer.

When's the last time I had a massage?  When's the last time I was attacked by a queer?

F**K-OFF EVIL.  (Forever.)

Judge that.




Looks like a fail to me.

Who's going to care anymore?

Confidence?  From?



Where are my girls???

I've had enough of your queer Curry bullshit.

Due to these facts, I have complete liberty.  Including from Religion.

I am permanently free, from all religion, and religious figures.


Queers think other people are like them, when they aren't.

While at the same time, trying to get other people to be like them, who aren't interested.


You're GOD, Jehovah, (the Creator?)

What a mess.

Explain all this s**t.

I'd say you need to show up like Jesus said he would.  (Which I know he wouldn't dare.)

How about you, Omni?



...chimes-in the QWER.



Jesus, I believe you're a wicked piece of s**t.

You're just so helpful, son of man.  Psalm 146:3.

See my birthday, in John.


Now, I have some f*****g peace.



P.S.  John Hagee seems to not care, and is also possibly in denial.

How would he, address these issues?

Whatever you do, don't ask him.

You won't hear back.

-Psalm 82:6, god

Discerning truth accurately requires looking at both (or all) sides, and forking (and coalescing) properly.

It helps, to stay within a couple of steps of common sense.

These questions are answers, more than questions.

And reams of additional questions and answers, can spring from them.

Perhaps some of my above questions are answered in the Holy Bible, and I've forgotten.

But likely not, or, not adequately, or satisfactorily.

If they were, then why would I have them?

GOD Is LOVE and GOOD and Just.

So choose to be a loving and caring person, (according to your conscience.)

*Regardless of anything else.*

And expect GOD, to take you Home when you die.

(Do you think GOD, would want to lose such a person's company?)

Whether Jehovah is GOD or he's not, if you try to follow the Ten, then that ought to work for Him.

Shouldn't it?

Don't be a nit-wit.  If someone kills someone, are they a loving and caring person?

What if they're a United States Marine?

Clearly, the greatest divider of people, is caring, and uncaring.

I'm *out*, of the *Dramatic, mess*.

I, have *peace*.

See John 3:18 if you believe it.

I call jesus "College".

(His 'ministry', was (3 or) 4 years.)

[There's **NO-WAY**, that joke, of a *stint*, (and probable technological magic act,) *demonstrates*, an *adequate*, level of *care*, for my daughter, (for example.)  HILARIOUS.]

(Sometimes I'll say to him, 'You should go back to college.  You could become a Doctor.')

I find it provides excellent relief.

I've been in Ministry for 43 years.  (I'm 54.)

(P.S.  jesus, didn't really use the word "care".  But when he did, he made it about: himself.)

Caring people go to Heaven, in the opinion of my conscience.

I'm likely to tidy-up my presentations and distrubute them later.

And then I'm retired from it.

I'll minister to my loved ones.

The Jehovah I know would kindly and truly appreciate my help in bringing to His attention, what I see as, some glaring issues, that I think require some additional clarification, before much more advancement, can be made.

I think the best way to address, what I view as, whichever ones may be issues, is head-on.

I need my girls home.

And I like working on my + Super Bookmarks, and working on my Media (right-now Movies and TV Shows) Collection, working on my Google TV android device, and I'd like to program a rock-paper-scissors-style 2D RTSG (game.)

After caring, "sweetness", is a word I didn't see too much of either.  Once lost, how is it regained?

And, what does it cost you?

Did jesus ever say to "trust" him.  Directly.  You know, as in, to contradict Psalm 146:3?

Idk, Idc.

It wouldn't matter*, so he probably didn't bother.

*Because he's an unreliable source anyway.


jesus, is just someone's stupid, wicked, spoiled, brat, snot-nose, punk, kid, doing a magic show.

Most people, including Christians, aren't very thoughtful, or caring.

Not my problem.

I am free of this queer tyrranical clusterfuck abortion.

I finally, feel more peaceful and content than ever I have since age 6.

(And it will NEVER, go away.)

In an episode of The Middle, the Mom comes home and says to her family, "You DO care!  You're PERFECT!"

And that, rings in my soul.

I believe in Jesus according to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3.
(He's bad news.)
See John 14:6 and 2 Peter 3:10.
Exodus 20:3:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Who is the "son of man"?
John 14:6 violates Exodus 20:3, and always will.  2 Peter 3:10 confirms Psalm 146:3, and always will.
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
(Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.)
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Qwer t Y U I Zero People.  (Look, at the 't'.)
Choose your GOD, CAREfully.
Semper Fi!
(Always Faithful, to GOD, Corps and Country.)
If you choose to not trust Jesus due to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, would a just loving GOD throw you into Hell for doing so?
I'd like everyone to choose to make the most of their lives that GOD has given them that they can.
I am merely someone who has made an observation.
Maybe I'm wrong.  Please explain how.  (John 3:18, if I am.)
Jesus' House of Cards was both made and knocked-down, without my participation.

Learn your First Commandment.  (PEACE ON EARTH!)
Jesus works to divide you from GOD, which is unhelpful.
Jesus was behind World War II, (wipe-out Israel,) and the Crusades, (convert Israel,) and failed.
Exodus 20:3:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

John 14:6 violates Exodus 20:3, and always will.  2 Peter 3:10 confirms Psalm 146:3, and always will.
Credentials vs. Credibility.
Jesus is like an advertisement for a bad product, made in the hope that after reviewing it, you instead then choose the good product.
In the beginning of the Bible, GOD befriends Abram, who HE gives the name Abraham.  GOD asks him to kill his son, and then stops him before he does.  I was once taught that this was so that GOD could see Abraham's thinking as he went to do it, so that HE could adopt it HIMSELF.
GOD inserted Psalm 146:3, and later Jesus was born.
When FATHER says to not put your trust in the son of man in whom there is no help, HE expects you, to then look at everything Jesus said and did, and see that there's no help there, and then not trust him.
Jesus then broke the First Commandment, going against FATHER, and proceeded to ignorantly VIOLATE Psalm 146:3, about SEVENTY-EIGHT times, while ALSO, saying UNHELPFUL statement, after UNHELPFUL statement, after UNHELPFUL statement.
GOD Is LOVE, GOOD and Just.
Both logic and your conscience tell you that:
Caring people are the ones who go to Heaven.
And Jesus has zero impact on whether people are caring or not.
Some people are attracted to loving GOD and others and being helpful,
and others are attracted to an apparent license to sin.
An evil person has to speak mostly truth to lie.
Truth spoken by wicked people is unhelpful.  Especially when it is obvious, or common sense.
For every thought, or statement, there is an opposite side, that should be honestly evaluated.
If you actually study, everything Jesus said and did, you'll see that all of it, is:  "UNHELPFUL".
Discerning truth, comes from critically examining and testing, statements and concepts, one at a time.
When FATHER says he is IN THE WRONG PLACE, UNTRUSTWORTHY and UNHELPFUL, it is *your job*, to discern how.
Forking and coalescing statements, is critical to thinking correctly about everything.
I personally, find a single, unhelpful statement from someone who's supposed to be GOD, to be enough.
Unhelpful 1:
Jesus inherited sin in his blood, from his Mother.
(If this is a fact that you'd like to simply gloss-over or ignore, then you can just stop reading here.)
Unhelpful 2:
Jesus did not discuss, the sin in his blood that he inherited from his Mother.
Unhelpful 3:
Jesus broke the First Commandment:
Exodus 20:3:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Unhelpful 4:
At his trial, when given the opportunity to speak, he remained silent.
Unhelpful 5:
Jesus promises annihilation.
Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Unhelpful 6:
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus referred to himself as the "son of man", adnauseam.
Unhelpful 7:
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus telling you to believe in him, is his way of getting your trust.
Unhelpful 8:
"You shall know them by their fruits."
Not always:  Past performance, is not a guarantee of future performance.
And this is also unhelpful information, if referring to eternity.
Unhelpful 9:
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
Common sense:  The way to know if something is possible to do or not, is to think about it and see if you believe you can do it or not.
And this is also, not entirely true.
Unhelpful 10:
Genesis 2:18:  And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
1 Corinthians 7:8:  But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am;
Unhelpful 11:
Luke 12:52-53:  For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.  Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
This is clearly both mostly untrue, and propaganda.
Unhelpful 12:
Luke 6:29:  To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
This approach to conflict will only work against a civilized enemy, which most aren't.
Another example of how following Jesus is suicidal.  (Unhelpful.)
Unhelpful 13:
Luke 6:29:  To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
No comment, Jesus:  What should we do if someone strikes our daughter?
Unhelpful 14:
Matthew 5:30:  And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
No comment, Jesus:  What did Jesus say about masturbating?
Another example of how following Jesus is suicidal.  (Unhelpful.)
Unhelpful 15:
Matthew 19:25-26:  When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”  But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Didn't answer the question.
Unhelpful 16:
Matthew 24:9-11:  “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
Is this the case?
Or propaganda?
Unhelpful 17:
Matthew 24:24:  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Is this the case?
Or propaganda?
Unhelpful 18:
"Dwell according to knowledge."
Do we dwell, according to ignorance?
Unhelpful 19:
"Having done all to stand, stand."
A person naturally stands firm for what they are pursuing.
This is also not always smart, when applied universally.
Unhelpful 20:
The concept of pre-destination is queer.
And cannot be logically reconciled, with a loving GOD and free will.
People have feelings, and choose how to express them.
Unhelpful 21:
"Let your yes be yes and your no be no."
Sometimes the answer is yes and no.
Unhelpful 100:
I'd like you to understand, that I threw the above list together, in about five minutes.
I am stopping at this point.  If more will help you, do it yourselves.
As long as (Genesis 9:13 and) Psalm 146:3 (FATHER said) and 2 Peter 3:10 exist, Jesus will always, be unhelpful.
If after reading all of this, you can't see that it is FATHER's intention for regular people to not trust Jesus,
you're pretty dim-witted.
A troll is a person who comments without contributing any value to the conversation.
A hill he can never get over:  Exodus 20:3 + Psalm 146:3 + Regular people.
Should you believe in Jesus?
FATHER said to not trust him, and that he's unhelpful.
What's your answer?
"Believe, in what way?"
"Yes.  He fulfilled prophecies, but he's unhelpful and untrustworthy."
"No.  He fulfilled prophecies, but he's unhelpful and untrustworthy."
Mr. "Believe in me", and "I'm the way", and "Lift me up", is best ignored.
Question:  If you choose to obey JEHOVAH in this matter, would that make HIM your GOD?
Qwer t Y U I Zero People.  (Look, at the 't'.)
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
(Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.)
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Choose your GOD, CAREfully.
Semper Fi!
(Always Faithful, to GOD, Corps and Country.)
If you choose to not trust Jesus due to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, would a just loving GOD throw you into Hell for doing so?
I'd like everyone to choose to make the most of their lives that GOD has given them that they can.
I am merely a regular person, who has made an observation.
Maybe I'm wrong about what I'm saying here.  Please explain how.  (Whatever.  John 3:18, if I am.)
Jesus' House of Cards was both made and knocked-down without my participation.
Sincere sweetness cannot be faked for long, and sweetness has no value if insincere.
What did Jesus say about caring, trust and sweetness during his 4-year ministry?
Never think more than a couple of steps past common sense.
Look at your loved ones as the foundation of it.
Rejoice and be re-assured by his consternated, untrustworthy, pathetic, contradictory, depraved attacks.
Jesus has a guilty conscience, and feels it as strongly as he tries to make you have one.
Say PEACE! and remember the two scriptures, to have it.
Tell him to go have a muffin, and that he's "Number 2".  That really pisses him off.
"GO FORK YOURSELF." works too.
Psalm 82:6:  You must renew your mind to the WORD, and perfect every word, thought and deed, in your mind, heart and body.  And you must eliminate every single sin you can honestly identify within yourself completely.  Not most.  Aim here: ✡
Additional Information:
It isn't that I could only find two scriptures to support this picture, many more will also.
I stopped at two, because no more are needed.
Ignore the drama of queer trolls.  Laughing at his twerpish efforts can also provide relief.
There are two or more ways to look at most things.  When there's an option, choose to look up.
Old Versions:
GOD Is LOVE, GOOD and Just.
Caring people are the ones who go to Heaven.
And Jesus has zero impact on whether people are caring or not.
Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
Exodus 20:3:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

Christians are Slow Readers.
When FATHER says to not put your trust in the son of man in whom there is no help, HE expects you, to then look at everything Jesus said and did, and see that there's no help there, and then not trust him.
John 14:6 violates Exodus 20:3, and always will.  2 Peter 3:10 confirms Psalm 146:3, and always will.
*IF YOU DON'T CARE* about Exodus 20:3 (and Genesis 9:13) and Psalm 146:3, THEN BELIEVE IN JESUS.
This equals PEACE ON EARTH.
For every thought, or statement, there is an opposite side, that should be honestly evaluated.
If you actually study, everything Jesus said and did, you'll see that *ALL* of it, is:  "UNHELPFUL".
Qwer t Y U I Zero People.  (Look, at the 't'.)
Our natural symbol for Peace! is two.
Because, of these two scriptures.  And because that's how you need to look, at every statement.
Choose your GOD, CAREfully.
Semper Fi!
-god, (Psalm 82:6.)
Additional Information:
(Think that this is funny?  Or a joke?  Or wicked cool?  Or that I'm some stupid whiny b***h?)
I saw souls stuck in (glass-like) floors in a wicked dungeon, that couldn't sleep or close their eyes.
And they're there, right-now.
There's more than one way to be saved.
(As the twits John Hagee and Fox News, sit on their famous, glorious, worthless fat asses.)
Jesus had sin in his blood which he inherited from his Mother Mary.
And he chose to not talk about it.
(Like he behaved at his trial.)
Would that be helpful, or unhelpful?
Should you believe in Jesus?
FATHER said to not trust him, and that he's unhelpful.
What's your answer?
Keep reading...
When FATHER says he is IN THE WRONG PLACE, UNTRUSTWORTHY and UNHELPFUL, it is **your job**, to discern how.
If an evil person speaks, they have to speak mostly truth to lie.
Truth spoken by wicked people is unhelpful.  Especially when it is obvious, or common sense.
Discerning truth, comes from critically examining and testing, statements and concepts, one at a time.

Unhelpful 1:
Jesus broke the First Commandment:
Exodus 20:3:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Unhelpful 2:
Jesus inherited sin in his blood, from his Mother.
Unhelpful 3:
Jesus did not discuss, the sin in his blood that he inherited from his Mother.
Unhelpful 4:
At his trial, when given the opportunity to speak, he remained silent.
Unhelpful 5:
Jesus promises annihilation.
Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Unhelpful 6:
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus referred to himself as the "son of man", adnauseam.
Unhelpful 7:
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus telling you to believe in him, is his way of getting your trust.
Unhelpful 8:
"You shall know them by their fruits."
Not always:  Past performance, is not a guarantee of future performance.
And this is also unhelpful information, if referring to eternity.
Unhelpful 9:
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
Common sense:  The way to know if something is possible to do or not, is to think about it and see if you believe you can do it or not.
And this is also, not entirely true.
Unhelpful 10:
Genesis 2:18:  And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
1 Corinthians 7:8:  But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am;
Unhelpful 11:
Luke 12:52-53:  For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.  Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
This is clearly both mostly untrue, and propaganda.
Unhelpful 12:
Luke 6:29:  To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
This approach to conflict will only work against a civilized enemy, which most aren't.
Another example of how following Jesus is suicidal.  (Unhelpful.)
Unhelpful 13:
Luke 6:29:  To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
No comment, Jesus:  What should we do if someone strikes our daughter?
Unhelpful 14:
Matthew 5:30:  And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
No comment, Jesus:  What did Jesus say about masturbating?
Another example of how following Jesus is suicidal.  (Unhelpful.)
Unhelpful 15:
Matthew 19:25-26:  When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”  But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Didn't answer the question.
Unhelpful 16:
Matthew 24:9-11:  “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
Is this the case?
Or propaganda?
Unhelpful 17:
Matthew 24:24:  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Is this the case?
Or propaganda?
Unhelpful 18:
"Dwell according to knowledge."
Do we dwell, according to ignorance?
Unhelpful 19:
"Having done all to stand, Stand."
A person naturally stands firm for what they are pursuing.
This is also not always smart, when applied universally.
Unhelpful 20:
The concept of pre-destination is queer.
And cannot be logically reconciled, with a loving GOD and free will.
People have feelings, and choose how to express them.
Unhelpful 21:
"Let your yes be yes and your no be no."
Unhelpful 100:
I'd like you to understand, that I threw the above list together, in about five minutes.
I am stopping at this point.  If more will help you, do it yourselves.
If after reading all of this, you can't see that it is FATHER's intention for regular people to not trust Jesus,
you're pretty dim-witted.
A tROLL is a person who comments without contributing any value to the conversation.
A:  t ROLL.  -god
If you choose to not trust Jesus due to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, would a just loving GOD throw you into Hell for doing so?
Mr. "Believe in me", and "I'm the way", and "Lift me up", is best ignored.
If Jesus asks you if you believe in him, ask him, "In what way?", and he'll shut-up.
[Fulfilled prophecies?  "Yes."  See as helpful and trustworthy?  "No."]
Ignore unhelpfulness from Jesus.
If Jesus pesters you, just tell him "Exodus 20:3 and John 3:18.", to shut him down.
(Remembering that GOD, is more loving than your loved ones, can also help.)
Stupid people, think that when they're called stupid it is an emotional outburst,
and they disregard the fact, that they actually aren't critical thinkers,
because they're stupid, and they don't think critically.  They just react emotionally.
Thinking critically isn't important to them, they don't care, they just want to feel better.
Psalm 82:6:  I have said, Ye are gods;  and all of you are children of the most High.
To become a god:  You must renew your mind to the WORD, and perfect every word, thought and deed, in your mind, heart and body.  And you must eliminate every single sin you can honestly identify within yourself completely.  Not most.  Aim here: ✡
(And how to become a god?!?)
Are Jesus (and half of Christians,) Loving, or Wicked?
(Is Pretentious synonymous with Uncaring?)
You decide:


John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
An example of "no help.":
Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Psalm 82:6:  To become a god:  You must renew your mind to the WORD, and perfect every word, thought and deed, in your mind, heart and body.  And you must eliminate every single sin you can honestly identify within yourself completely.  Not most.  Aim here: ✡
I don't care if you believe it.
Exodus 20:3:  John 14:6 violates this.
Psalm 146:3:  2 Peter 3:10, Matthew 7:16, Mark 9:23, 1 Corinthians 7:8, Luke 12:52-53, Luke 6:29, Matthew 5:30, Matthew 19:25-26, Matthew 24:9-11, Matthew 24:24, 1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 6:13, and MUCH more, all contain unhelpfulness.
Also:  The Holy Bible indicates that Jesus' Mother, had sin in her blood.
And Jesus, didn't discuss this adequately.  (Again, unhelpful.)
P.S.  Why do you think our symbol for PEACE, is TWO?
And what do you think JEHOVAH, would like you to do?
(U. S. A.)
(If you're a preacher, I would advise you to get on tHat.
Discern the unhelpfulness in the specified scriptures, and you'll be on your way.)
Is a single, unhelpful statement from GOD, acceptable?
QWER t Y U I 0 People.
I am for Liberty, which includes not respecting wrong opinions.
I am not a bossy person, but I must say this:
Allowing the sexual mutilation of children is likely the most abhorrent thing that the United States of America has ever done.  I am astonished such behavior is permitted in a supposedly civilized society.  Those who participate in such behavior are likely to inherit Hell for doing so.  I am appalled and as god Order the Federal government to immediately outlaw this practice nationwide, and to inflict severe penalties upon anyone who violates this law.
Semper Fi!  (See the picture!)
Have a Nice Day!
Please ignore all of my other writings until I've had time to comb the New Testament out of my WORK.  (Or comb it out yourself.)  Thank-you.
And, please share this.
But only, if you think it's what GOD, would like you to do.
Extra Notes:
When I was 11 I prayed to GOD to stop Revelation.
This is the result.
In the beginning of the Bible, GOD befriends Abram, who HE gives the name Abraham.  GOD asks him to kill his son, and then stops him before he does.  I was once taught that this was so that GOD could see Abraham's thinking as he went to do it, so that HE could adopt it HIMSELF.
GOD inserted Psalm 146:3, and later Jesus was born.
Jesus then proceeded to violate Psalm 146:3, not once, not twice, but SEVENTY-EIGHT TIMES.  And also says nothing, but Queer, and Troll, statements.
A troll, is a person who comments, without contributing any value to the conversation.
Jesus is like an advertisement for a bad product, made in the hope that after reviewing it, you instead then choose the good product.
Jesus says he wants you to believe in him.  He fulfilled prophecies.  Okay.
Many of his comments are demonstrably UNHELPFUL.
And, FATHER said you'd better NOT TRUST him.
And, you'd better kick him OUT OF YOUR WAY, when heading to GOD.
That kind of belief.
Jesus can't make a nice person good, or a mean person good.
FATHER tells me Our Loved Ones are safe, BUT YOU AREN'T.
Jesus stopped being GOD when he broke the First Commandment.
You may safely ignore the entire New Testament.
With Exodus 20:3 and John 14:6, you have all the reason you need to not believe in Jesus.
With Psalm 146:3 and 2 Peter 3:10, you have all the reason you need to not believe in Jesus.
I'm a person who needed relief from Jesus, and that provides it.  Maybe you like the guy.
What do you think FATHER does with loving people who have never heard of HIM?
If GOD is Just then Nice people go to Heaven and Jerks go to Hell.
I can do nothing except be as loving as I can, and seek the truth honestly.  My love for Others is what brought me to this point.
I'm simply reminding you to listen to FATHER.  I don't get anything out of this except the ability to report to my Family what I did for Us when I die.
If the information on this page isn't enough for you to correct your thinking, then I can't help you.
It's clear to me that Jesus was behind both the Crusades and World War II.
Jesus is an abomination.  If you don't feel like you need relief from him, then you don't know him as well as I do.
I saw a wicked dungeon.  You might want to think twice, before making an unhelpful person your GOD.
Christians are supposed to be loving and helpful people.  I am.
I've been asking for help for over eight years, and counting.
Unhelpful people:

Additional Information
This is a work in progress.  <<<<<<<<
Sorry So Sloppy.
Jesus tried to drive me insane, and failed.
I'm still getting my bearings.
I'll get it straightened-out when I can.
I am a ruthlessly logical person.
Everybody in the universe is a Jew, including you.
People who put style over substance are queer.
Believe what you want.
If you need relief from Jesus and his followers, read this:
A)  Exodus 20:3: You shall have no other gods before Me.
John 14:6:  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
By saying He is the way to GOD, He literally puts Himself (Who He calls GOD,) BEFORE GOD.  And then proceeds to not explain how this doesn't BREAK the First Commandment.
If Jesus' explanation that circumvents this is true, then that would make FATHER a Person Who speaks too stupidly, to be GOD.
Abraham believed in Jehovah to go to Heaven.
If we were supposed to trust Jesus, Exodus 20:3 would read:
"You shall have no other gods before Us."
It doesn't.
B)  Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus referred to Himself as the "Son of Man" 78 times.
"In whom there is no help."
I have discovered a series of comments made by Jesus that are troll statements.  But does this mean that there is "no help." in Him?
GOD Is Just.  The idea of someone else being responsible for my actions is twisted.
His followers do not obey His instructions, so He's no help there.
His statements are a mixture of truth, half-truths and lies.  The truth He says is generally common sense, after reading the Old Testament.  Therefore in all of it, there is no help.
Why would an OMNIPOTENT GOD WHO Is LOVE and the Creator require a person who is loving to believe in a third party in order to be just?
It's obvious to me that the requirement to inherit Heaven is to love the GOD WHO Is LOVE, and others.  This is primarily demonstrated by following the Ten Commandments.
The first two commandments Jesus gave are common sense.
The only help I see from Jesus is His getting rid of Himself.  And I don't think that qualifies as help.
Finally, If you choose to not trust Jesus due to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, would a just loving GOD throw you into Hell for doing so?
Clearly not.
The Old Testament says to not trust in the son of man, Who is Jesus.
The Old Testament says to trust in JEHOVAH.
Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled many prophecies proving He is GOD.
BELIEVING that alone, is safe.
BELIEVING in Him, circumvents Psalm 146:3 and is suicidal.  (See "C" below.)
What is your opinion of a person who believes in Jesus, who when reminded of this information, does not get the message?  If they do not heed this information, how do you feel about their eternal destiny?  Do you care?
I don't!
What do YOU THINK will happen to Christian leaders who fail to react to this appropriately, when informed about it?
I see these remaining examples as unnecessary, but helpful:
C) The Holy Bible indicates that Jesus' Mother had sin in her blood.
And Jesus didn't discuss this adequately.
Does this matter to you?
(If you feel the need to read further to be convinced, then you are too stupid to be helped.  -god)
D)  "no help."
"You shall know them by their fruits."
Past performance, is not a guarantee of future performance.
This is also useless information, if referring to eternity.
E)  "no help."
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
The way to know if something is possible to do or not, is to think about it and see if you believe you can do it or not.
F)  "no help."
Genesis 2:18:  And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
1 Corinthians 7:8:  But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am;
(Not good, is evil, the last time I checked.)
G)  "no help."
Genesis 9:13:  I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
2 Peter 3:10:  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Do you see a contradiction here?
H)  "no help."
Luke 12:52-53:  For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three.  Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
Reality shows, that in the vast majority of cases, this isn't the case.
Most households are either all Christian, or not at all Christian.
And where there is a mix, the referenced strife, is usually non-existant.
So this is the case in only an extremely slim, number of households.
Therefore this is clearly both mostly untrue, and propaganda.
(What does divide households, is when people are unloving toward each other.
Which has absolutely nothing, to do with Him.)
I)  "no help."
Luke 6:29:  To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
This approach to conflict will only work against a civilized enemy, which most aren't.  If you're Ghandi fighting the British government, it can work.
What if you're some unlucky soul in a dark alley, or fighting Islamic terrorists?
Think it'll work then?
Another perfect example, of how following Jesus is suicidal.
What should we do if someone strikes our daughter?
No comment Jesus?
Right.  Because all You do, is troll.
Help her turn the other cheek, right?
J)  "no help."
Matthew 5:30:  And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
This is straight-up fear-mongering, implying that those who masturbate go to Hell.
Which is practically every person on Earth.
And another example, of suicide-like behavior.
What did Jesus say about masturbating?
Did He say whether or not He did?
No, He just acted like a queer.
K)  "no help."
Matthew 19:25-26:  When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”  But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Didn't answer the question.
Also, if with GOD all things are possible, then we don't need to listen to you at all, do we?
Or, did You mis-speak?
L)  "no help."
Matthew 24:9-11:  “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
Matthew 24:24:  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Is this the case?
M)  "no help."
"Dwell according to knowledge."
Do you need examples?
1)  Do we dwell, according to ignorance?
2)  If your Mom smacks you for doing something,
maybe don't do that?
N)  "no help."
"Having done all to stand, Stand."
A person does not need to be told to stand firm for what they are pursuing.
They do so naturally.
So this is again unhelpful commentary.
This also doesn't hold-up, when applied universally.
Such as in Marketing.
Where it is often wiser, to not do all you can, to succeed.
And also, often after having done all to succeed, you should stop.
O)  "no help."
Jesus remained silent at his trial.
Pretty unhelpful.
Maybe, he was guilty.
What do YOU think?
P)  "no help."
There are countless other examples for you to discover on your own.
Do you feel like you need another?
Jesus words are the most amazing string of useless bullshit in human history.
I'm not even trying, and I've barely begun here.
How many useless troll statements from Jesus can YOU identify?
If ANY of the points I've made, (A-O,) are true,
just one of them, <
then you shouldn't believe in Jesus.
They're all true. <
And there's more examples too. <
The concept of pre-destination is queer.
And cannot be logically reconciled, with a loving GOD and free will.
People have feelings, and choose how to express them.
Add that to the list.
The first WORD Jesus preached was "Repent."
The natural meaning of that word, is to empty yourself of all sin.
However, in light of the Old Testament, specifically Psalm 146:3,
it means, to return to the beginning of the Bible.
Got it?
If you're a believer in Jesus, who hasn't repented, (empty yourself of all sin,) should you go to Hell?
It's the first WORD He said.
Most believers in Jesus are too lazy to answer this simple question.  Or intelligently.
All I can do is be as loving as I can, and seek the truth honestly.
I love Everyone, and like Those Who are loving.
The real treasures in life, are Our Loved Ones.
I care about you, and I'd like everyone to choose to do the most with their lives that GOD has given them, that they can.
Being open to correction, is the key to knowledge.
Looking at both sides of things, is the key to intellect.
We are all children, of the Most High GOD.
We're made in GOD's image, and therefore have dignity.
It is important to remember that as sinners, we do not deserve GOD.
Loving GOD and others is something we instinctively know is the way to GOD Who's in Heaven.
Would not the GOD WHO Is LOVE agree?
What do you think FATHER does with loving people, who have never heard of HIM?
It's obvious that Heaven is for Nice people, and Hell is for Jerks.
Your conscience shows GOD's will.
Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, but:
If you're truly loving, then you should feel the opposite of fear, toward GOD.
Being overly-self-centered, causes you to implode eternally.
Do not be proud, but demand respect from others.
The Ten Commandments take priority.
Loving people obey the Ten Commandments without knowing them.
Less sin is better, and no sin is best.
Temperance, moderation and measuredness are smart.
Faith is positive expectancy, and fear is negative expectancy.
Having a thought, does not mean you accept it, or believe it.
Those with self-awareness and feelings should be loved.
I suggest you care about GOD, WHO cares for us.
(Jesus is no longer GOD.  He chose evil.)
When someone asks you for help, if you can't give them all that they're asking for, then at least give them some.  Then you will have provided GOD, with something to work with in their lives.
When you judge others, you also judge yourself.
Liberty includes not having to respect wrong opinions.
In life, you should make choices that you'll be glad you made, when you enter eternity.
GOD has many Commandments.  They are meant to empower us, more than convict us.  GOD does not want a Borg Collective.  Follow the Ten Commandments, and just do the best you can with the rest.  They are provided primarily, to help those interested in such things.
Life begins at conception.  Abortion is wrong, except in cases of rape.
Incest is rape.  Convenience, and medical opinions*, are not acceptable reasons.
*Which appear to be constantly proven as wrong, when ignored.
What's confusing about this?
People who focus on evil thoughts, destroy themselves.
People who appreciate living, are likely to continue to.
We go where we focus.  Aim here: ✡
Hook Error S U.S.
Flip S Alpha  <<<<<<<<
Islam = Eye Slam

Judaism is proven.  <<<<<<<<  (Information for a series of many Rabbis, was found encoded, and other things.)
Islam is disproven.  <<<<<<<<
Psalm 146:3:  Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
Jesus referred to Himself as the "Son of Man" 78 times.
Christianity is over.  <<<<<<<<
The Democratic party is over.  <<<<<<<<
Jesus tried to drive me insane, and failed.
The NEW TESTAMENT is an Example, of something very horrible.
(I need to use more solemn words.  Also, they cannot understand, the horrors I've seen.  Some of Hell is like endless electrocution.)
And over time, people will see it more clearly.
Jesus got taken-out, because He's a wicked s**t.
And, His story's a bunch of crap.
Imagine how difficult it is for Jehovah and the Holy Spirit, to execute justice, for His poor choices.  Give Them your love.
If Jesus used His free will correctly,
he would've complied with Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3.
And I also think He would have spoken at His trial.
Jesus chose to violate Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3, and therefore is no longer GOD.
You may safely ignore, the entire New Testament.
He demonstrates maximum unhelpfulness.
We can gain help from analyzing it.
But there's no help, in Him.
The Panorama of things I've experienced indicate to me that JEHOVAH and the HOLY SPIRIT are GOD, and, that THEY are LOVE.
They are my Parents, and They rescued me from Jesus.
MARY Is LADY.  The HOLY SPIRIT confirms this to me, and so does FATHER.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
I am inclined to receive the Old Testament with Happiness, Joy and Hope.
See the First Commandment and Psalm 146:3, again.  <
I have converted from Christianity to Judaism.
Due to Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3.
I most strongly urge you to do likewise.
(Or you can worship a queer troll.  This is America.)
Revelation ain't happening.
For one thing, He'd be afraid to face me.
He has the intellect of a retarded second-grader.
If you're interested.
Semper Fidelis!
After five years in the Marine Corps, I decided to "Repent", because it is the first WORD Jesus preached.  I pursued holiness for eighteen years, then achieved it.  Three days later, I got laid-out for three days and my brain was programmed in Hebrew.  After I woke-up, I heard Jesus say to me, "You're MY little brother!"  I then went through over 400 TRIALS, most beyond your ability to imagine.  Due to trauma, four years after they started, I was finally able to write my story down, and asked for Christian help, with another matter.  I have been persecuted for eight years by everyone in the establishment.  I still need help.
The Christian establishment in this country, has PROVEN to me, that they are the STUPIDEST, MOST USELESS, MOST DISHONEST, group of SPINELESS people GOD has ever made.  The vast majority of them will be thrown INTO HELL.
CBN, NewsNation, Fox News, John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, Mac Hammond, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren and Joyce Meyer, aren't serious about GOD.  They're 'Marketplace Pharisees'.  Insincere gossips, who slander everyone, and who are only interested in generating praise for themselves.
They're queer trolls.
"no help."
They do not use Christianity to make other people's lives better.
They use it to make a living.
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2024 1:41 PM
"sUPPORT" ; "drrobertjeffress" ; "[email protected]"
Your failure to report indicates you are choosing to go to Hell.
5978 Verdi Dr, Dayton OH 45449.
If you don't care about your eternal destiny, or the destinies of others, then ignore what I'm saying.
If you do care, then you're welcome.  You would be who I did this WORK for.
Reminding you of Exodus 20:3 and Psalm 146:3 is all I need to do, and I did it.
As a sinner, I should never be worshipped.  I both make mistakes, and, correct myself.  And I would never, tell you that I'm the way to GOD.
But, I'm god, and you're persecuting me.  I suggest you start doing that math.
People who persecute me, are people I don't have much respect or care for.
(Because I'm love.)
And I don't need to do anything about it,
because they're worshipping a queer troll GOD with sin in Their blood.
I saw a wicked dungeon.
There were souls stuck in the floor, forced to watch what was going on endlessly.
Which I'm not interested in describing.
It's super-convenient that all I have to do to deal with my persecutors is nothing at all.
There is no advantage, or benefit, from believing in Jesus.
Jesus can't stop Nice people from going to Heaven, or Jerks from going to Hell.
Jesus uses an unreasonable fear, to attract followers.
Jesus uses truth, to lie.  Says to fear not, as long as you fear Him.  Insults Pharisees, to direct attention away from His own wicked scheme.  And so forth.
Jesus is a frightening, overly-self-centered, queer, unhelpful, megalomaniac.
Who's responsible for your actions?
If you choose to believe in Jesus, you'll need to explain why you did to JEHOVAH.
If JEHOVAH expects you to believe in Jesus, HE's going to need to explain to you how HE's GOD.  (JEHOVAH.)
People who aren't very good listeners, aren't the kind of people you want in Heaven.
If you'd like to ignore JEHOVAH and believe in the tROLL Jesus, that's what he's there for!
Some Christians are loving people.  Most are thoughtless, unloving, uncaring, unhelpful, queer, twisted, trolling, unaccountable, overly-self-centered, megalomaniac, stupid, useless, dishonest, spineless, insincere gossips, who slander everyone, and who are only interested in generating praise for themselves.
If after all I've said here, you still want to believe in Jesus,
Marines respect what's respectable.
I gave these people warnings, for over eight years.
I don't respect mean and stupid people who don't do their jobs.
Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruits."
Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.

Jorge Bergoglio - Pope Francis

Church Homosexual Pedophile Rape - (I am also a victim of Homosexual Pedophile Rape.)

John Hagee

John Hagee - HOLY BIBLE

John Hagee - Doomsday Nut

Charles Stanley

Creflo Dollar

Robert Jeffress

Joel Osteen

Franklin Graham

Rick Warren

Joyce Meyer

Fox News

Jesse Watters

Laura Ingraham

Brian Kilmeade

Ainsley Earhardt



When someone tells you they're god, they probably aren't.
god Works for GOD, WHO Is JEHOVAH and The HOLY SPIRIT.
god Can explain to you how they became god Plainly.
You can do what god Did to become god, and become god too.
The way to become god is logical and natural and provable.
There is a conflict between JEHOVAH and Jesus.
When a believer in Jesus dies, there are two possible outcomes.
FATHER intervenes and takes them Home.  Or HE doesn't.
You need to choose your GOD carefully.
Your well-being is not my responsibility.*
Jesus is like a magnet, that attracts lazy queer people.
I would advise against being a fish or a sheep.
You need to believe in GOD.
IN GOD WE TRUST.  (See Psalm 146:3 again.)
I'm not a prophet, but I have a prediction.
In the years 2049-2053, people will be throwing-away crosses and pictures of Jesus.
Maybe sooner.
Have a Nice Day!
*Check-out my Bookmarks!

© 2025 Silencer

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Noun and verb. READ YOUR BIBLE. Believe it or don't. YOU are the one God will judge for your choice.

As for me and my house? WE BELIEVE. Maybe not ALL. But the same goes for them after they become of age.

You can't straddle the line in your belief. God says, "I wish you were either cold or hot. Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth."

Posted 3 Weeks Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

God, the Father. God, the Son. God, the Holy Spirit. THE TRINITY.

Have a great day!

Posted 2 Months Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Weeks Ago

Sentences usually have a noun and a verb.

You too!

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3 Reviews
Added on October 30, 2024
Last Updated on March 11, 2025
Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment



Dayton, OH

It's pretty-well covered in my story! more..
