![]() PrideA Story by SilencerProverbs 16:18: Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall. "...but pride is a damn that blocks love, and that's why GOD hates it. It blocks the love that you can have for HIM, and that HE can have for you. And it blocks the love you have for others. GOD hates pride, because in pride there is no love. Pride puts one's ego, above one's dignity. Pride puts your own comfort, above compassion. Pride holds a grudge, and makes it impossible, to forgive. Pride refuses to take the towel, and basin, because you're busy chasing the scepter, and the throne. Pride refuses to slow down, because it's not worth your time. Pride rejoices in other people's misery, because it makes you feel better about your own. Pride is not gentle. Pride is not kind. Pride is not patient. Pride is the opposite of love. And therefore, if you want to be loving, and greatness, make no mistake, the only metric for greatness is love. The only metric for greatness, is your capacity to love. Jesus was great beyond great beyond great, because He spilled divinity, to love. And so if you want to be great, you've got to be lovers. But to love like Jesus, you've got to be servants. And therefore Jesus, or GOD, exalts the humble. He exalts the lowly. He exalts the servants, because servants are the ones who have eyes to see people's needs, and the heart to care, and the schedule to slow down, and the will to bend the knee, and put the towel around their waist, and take the basin, and wash feet. Only the humble, only servants, know how to love, like Jesus loves. And so He says, be a servant. Does that make sense?" To hear what you just read: / (SEE:) cAGE, cALL, cALM, cAMP, cAN, cAN'T, cARE, cART, cENTER, cHARM, cHAT, cHECK, cLASS, cLEVER, cLIMB, cLOCK, cLOSE, cODE, cOLD, cORE, cOVER, cOW, cRAFT, cRASH, cREAM, cUP ! To understand the value of this information, consider what you just learned. [CBN, NewsNation, Fox News, John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, Mac Hammond, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren and Joyce Meyer, can't understand this. But you can, can't you? Media and Preachers have a responsibility to honestly investigate unusual claims, and report any significant findings to their viewers. What I'm sharing isn't a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact. To discern and share this information correctly, only requires a person who is serious about GOD. They're intellectually dishonest, and have no usable integrity. They're insincere gossips who slander everyone, who are only interested in generating praise for themselves. They refuse to report these things, because they're controlled by Hell. And the last thing any of them care about, is what is important to GOD. Especially CBN, Creflo Dollar, Franklin Graham and Rick Warren. The establishment is a bunch of f**s, just as they were in Jesus' time. When someone becomes a John 10:34 god, what do they think? Do they remember how the establishment treated Jesus and act differently? Do they believe Jesus when He said some of us are gods? Do they take a moment to consider what GOD would like them to do? Do they investigate the information the person is sharing honestly? No. They get jealous, and hate and persecute the man, and Everyone else. Then they put their crosses on and go on TV and have their party. Then they go to Hell. Like me, you probably see other people as having equal value to you. None of these people do, and this is the result. Obviously you shouldn't expose yourself or others to these people. You can't learn anything of value from them, that you can't learn here. Isn't it fascinating, that you can read this, but they can't? Christians have a responsibility to offer help when it's requested. Preachers and Media have a responsibility to honestly investigate unusual claims, and report any significant findings to their viewers. Those who repeatedly fail to do so, demonstrate that they are not interested in the truth, whenever it's inconvenient for them. Matthew 7:20: Therefore by their fruits you will know them. A man explains a hidden code in our Alphabet from GOD, never before seen. Explains 20 ways to Hear GOD, that even children can do. And explains John 10:34, and how to achieve it. [Preachers and Media who ignore those three reports are DERELICT.] Who is asking for help, with a personal matter, from any Christian. And you, people representing GOD, sit on your asses. Persecuting him. And Everyone else. (Would GOD, care about this?) (That thought, never crosses their minds.) These people are a******s for not doing their jobs: Marketplace Pharisees. Insincere gossips, (who love hearing themselves talk, and slandering everyone,) who are only interested in generating praise for themselves, (and are spineless:) F**s: The fired Pope, John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, Mac Hammond, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren, Hal Lindsey, Joyce Meyer, CBN, NewsNation, Fox News. They talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. (Insincere.) Just look at what they're ignoring. Not important to them, and screw you too. (Not to mention GOD.) If one puts their mind, deeply into the sewer, then what rationalization will they use to extract themselves? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END OF DOCUMENT - Additional Information Below ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hi! What I'm about to say may be hard to believe. * Don't worry about it. * I'm Jesus' little brother. I'm a sinner who obeyed the first WORD Jesus preached, "Repent," who GOD then turned into HIS first John 10:34 Christian god. I say "Ah!" I care about you, and everyone. I'd like everyone to choose to do the most with their lives that GOD has given them that they can. [Jesus is our Example. I am still a sinner. You don't fear, worship, praise or pray to me. But my accomplishment indicates that I should be listened to.] I steadily pursue James 3:2, striving to make my words perfect. And I strongly encourage you to do the same. (See: Words) I am also Matthew 10:34. I love everyone, and like those who are loving. I am a former Marine, and I possess the attributes of a Marine, except I am not proud. (Most Marines actually aren't. We're humble.) And I respect what's respectable. i cARE! i Aim. i Try. i Strive. Matthew 10:34: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sWord. [SEE: Letters Mean Words.] My Cross. GOD Is LOVE, and GOD LOVES EVERYONE. GOD LIKES THOSE WHO DO HIS WILL. AND THEY ARE WHO GO TO HEAVEN. Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. (Obey Jesus.) What gets a person to decide to be considerate of Others? I see value in other People, and know They have feelings like I do. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// What is it like, being the first John 10:34 Christian god? First-off, it was never my goal to become one. When I was 11 years-old, I prayed to GOD more fervently than ever, to stop Revelation. I forgot about it. As a former computer programmer, I look at things rather logically. John 19:30: So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. Matthew 19:26: But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” John 14:13: And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. GOD answered my prayer. It may be difficult for you to believe, but in hindsight it's easy. HE was looking for someone to ask. [Revelation has good parts too. Those, won't be stopped.] In 1994, after I got out of the Marines, I was setting goals. I read in the Bible that the first word Jesus preached was "Repent", and I decided to take Him seriously and focus on doing so, 100%, (while still completely forgetful of the prayer of my youth. In fact, I did not recall that, until after I got TRIALS written.) I spent 18 years working on repenting, during which time I perfected all aspects of myself, including my humility. On November 1st, 2012, I achieved my goal. Three days later, I went insane, and went through many traumatic experiences. (I sinned again, within a matter of days.) TRIAL 1 in my story, should happen to anyone who does as I did. In TRIAL 2, Jesus said to me, "You're MY little brother!" That is also likely to happen to anyone who does as I did. John 10:27: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (This is included, because the first part of this scripture, indicates that when we hear His voice, we recognize it. And I did, and I do.) About four years after that, in September 2016, I was finally able to write down my experiences. I called the book TRIALS, as it seemed as though I had gone through many. John Hagee was my primary pastor. And there is something in my life more important to me than most of this, that I need help *A* with. I sent my story to him, asking for help. "I will forward it to my supervisor." - Support, John Hagee Ministries Due to these two scriptures: Matthew 22:39: And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 5:42: Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. I expected help. He doesn't care about the extreme trauma I endured for obeying Jesus, or about what I learned from it, or about what I requested help with. He has instead chosen to ignore me, and what I teach, persecuting me, and Everyone else. GOD, specifically FATHER, told me I was a god about 100 times, before I would accept it. And HE made sure I did. Being god is best described as a growing process. I'm growing. In my case, it has been extremely hard. I have been through over 400 TRIALS. One night GOD killed me, and then I got back up. One night I woke up in jail with 9 broken bones and no memory of it. One night my head vibrated like it was in a microwave, knocking me to the ground. That's three of them. Those were violent. My TRIALS have included an entire panorama of experiences. See TRIALS for more. It has been dis-orienting. And a bit of a challenge to avoid becoming scatter-brained. Rihanna - Hard
There were physical changes. My voice got deeper, a second time. And now I involuntarily say "Ah!", all the time. It often has felt much like climbing a mountain, although those days are in the past. I literally feel more connected to the universe. It kind-of feels like rubber bands. GOD has also given me many names. Some are listed at the end of TRIALS. I converse with the three Persons of GOD without ceasing. Four-way. They live with me. John 14:23: Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. The closer you get to GOD, the better your life is. There are no relationships you'll cherish more. :o) I've done a lot of miracles, which is pretty-neat. They're normally the result of a lot of hard Work. There are some I'm Working on right-now. I was born March 18. John 3:16 gives you life, and John 3:18 gives you liberty. And, *B* I am pursuing happiness. I know that when I tell people I'm god, their first thought is, "He's nuts." I'm sure my big Brother went through the same. It'd be nice to meet more people who aren't so shallow. I feel like nobody can fully-understand how it feels or what it's like, to be a sinner god. Every typo or profanity or error I make, is an excuse for Christians to ignore me. I'm devastated by how none of today's Christian leaders believe John 10:34, and how none of them obey Jesus pertaining to me. Wicked people tend to project. They can't picture anyone being less evil than they are, so they assume I'm like them. It's been disappointing to see how almost everyone in the world acts like jackals. It's heartbreaking, and increases my feelings of loneliness. The years I've spent arguing with these nitwits could've been spent helping others, and preparing the Earth for Jesus' return. Like I said, I didn't expect what happened to me to happen. What would you do if GOD turned you into a god? I explained John 10:34 to the Pope. He failed to respond, and FATHER told me to fire him. He's fired. John Hagee made this. If he had instead obeyed Matthew 4:17 like I did, he never would have. H O L Y = For Omega Love Why. What most letters mean, usually: A = AFTER(/ALPHA), B = BOOST, C = SEE(/SEA), D = DEAL, E = EVEN(/EXTRA), F = FILL(/FORK), G = GOING(/GOD), H = FOR, I = ISOLATED(/EYE), J = HOOK(/JESUS), K = CONQUER, L = PUSH(/LOVE), M = MAN, N = NEGATE, O = OWE(/ZERO/OMEGA), P = PIERCE, Q = CUE, R = ROCK, S = CUT, T = TEE(/†), U = FLIP, V = VENT, W = DOUBLE-YOU, X = SPOT(/MARK), Y = WHY, Z = END * Here are a few, examples: Heat = 4 eat / t 4 ink / 4 EAR † / † EARS / cAGE, cALL, cALM, cAMP, cAN, cAN'T, cARE, cART, cENTER, cHARM, cHAT, cHECK, cLASS, cLEVER, cLIMB, cLOCK, cLOSE, cODE, cOLD, cORE, cOVER, cOW, cRAFT, cRASH, cREAM, cUP ! Matthew 4:17: From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” To repent means to empty yourself of all sin. Sin is anything less than perfect. Perfect is defined by James 3:2. James 3:2: For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Now here's my Question: (If you can't read the first WORD, on the HOLY BIBLE, and;) If you haven't done the first thing Jesus said to do, what right do you have to expect, that you're capable, of correctly understanding, the second thing He said? Or the third? None. Some people just can't read. Go figure. Semper Fi! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW WE TREAT OTHERS, DEFINES WHO WE ARE. Christians have a responsibility to offer help when it's requested. Preachers and Media have a responsibility to honestly investigate unusual claims, and report any significant findings to their viewers. Those who repeatedly fail to do so, demonstrate that they are not interested in the truth, whenever it's inconvenient for them. Matthew 7:20: Therefore by their fruits you will know them. They place the importance of their prestige, above the importance of true information, above the importance of their viewers, and above the importance of GOD. They don't care. They do not care about you. They do not care about knowledge, or understanding. They care about money, fame, glory, power and prestige. The last thing any of them wish to do, is communicate, or grow, with GOD. So when someone shares with them 20 ways to hear GOD, or how to become a John 10:34 god, what do they do? (What I did was an act of love, and it cost me dearly. And it's miraculous.) Do they joyfully share that information with their viewers? No. They instead focus on persecuting the messenger. They place the importance of style, over substance. They're small-minded nitwits who can't see past their next paycheck. They are so dis-interested in obeying Jesus, that when asked to, they don't even know how to begin. They've proven to me that they don't have any business teaching you anything. Luke 6:38 KJV: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. The establishment of Jesus' time, hated Him. Now, they hate His little brother. The establishment, is a bunch of marketplace Pharisees. They're insincere gossips, who are only interested in generating praise for themselves. Many of them are depraved. In short, they're a bunch of wicked f**s. Wicked f**s go to Hell. You should dis-associate from them. The primary difference between them and me, is I care about you, and they don't. That's the take-away. GOD is pro-life. DEMO C RATS: ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, MSNBC, AFP, AP, Reuters, NY Post, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, Washington Times, USA Today, the Pentagon. PERSECUTORS OF John 10:34 god: John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, CBN, NewsNation. DERELICTION OF DUTY: The fired Pope, Charles Stanley, Mac Hammond, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren, Hal Lindsey, Joyce Meyer. Fox News regularly expresses Judeo-Christian values, while also constantly failing to demonstrate them. The last time I was locked-up in a Mental Health ward, I learned that Fox News, called the VA. To complain about my pestering them. (I am currently considering making "For Dummies" versions of my three John 10:34 documents. Seriously. I've decided not to. People who are serious about GOD, have no problems reading what I've written. The problem is, these people aren't looking for GOD. They are instead actively avoiding HIM.) [I actually have some difficulty understanding how average minds think. I spent almost two decades pursuing holiness, while others don't. I look at both sides of things all the time, in a way unlike others. I pursue James 3:2, perfecting my words, as a way of life. Few people do this. I not only pray without ceasing, I teach 20+ ways even children can hear GOD. What do you do?] Most evangelistic preachers are more interested in selling books, than they are in GOD. Are you capable of discerning truth? Not if you can't read this. Here, I talk about the right path. Are these people on it? I would like to see Kenneth Copeland and T.D. Jakes. *C* Please inform them. 5978 Verdi Dr, Dayton, OH 45449. /
/ Is there anything worse, than a stupid person who thinks they're smart? Yes. Thinking you're going to Heaven, and then finding out you aren't. I'll stop saying you're insincere (lost) Christians, when you stop being them. You aren't doing your Christian duty, and you aren't doing your professional duty. / GOD bless and be with you. -Steve :o) Thank-you for reading this! Please, go here now: © 2024 Silencer |
Added on August 3, 2024 Last Updated on August 25, 2024 Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment Author