How to Do Miracles & Poems

How to Do Miracles & Poems

A Story by Silencer

Part of the Training Program.

* ÉZ faith - (How to do Miracles.)
* ROY. - (Meeting GOD.)
* D✡✝S

This is How to do Miracles.
ÉZ faith:
A Man died on a cross, to pay for our sins. Believe it? Why?
Love, Words, Proofs and Evidence. Testing, and checking both sides.
First, you're inspired. The life of a seed, is put into you. Not just listened to, heard, and fully received.
Your thinking and desire, grows it, over time. And through adversity. Love's the key.
Moment by moment, your plant is protected and grown. On its narrow path. Strong enough to resist all doubts.
Day by day, resistances come, and are swept away. As we fight the good fight of faith.
As the power of life and death is in the tongue, we continually speak in agreement, protecting our tree.
When the storms of life come, we know it will withstand them. And our confidence becomes strong.
Along the Way, we are tested at all points with adversity. All the way to the end. Ignore the time, too.
Having done all to stand, Stand. GOD inhabits the praises of HIS people. Praise GOD in JESUS' Name.
Constant confirmations come from everywhere, yet it's like fighting through a blizzard or fog.
Usually the worst is at the end. Faith takes everything you've got. And the results come at the last second.
You feel and sense, it's that simple. You hear the words, sometimes truly unknowable.
Then others speak them. And timely too.
You have your confirmations. And the love is for reasons.
Writing down my confirmations. Which side do you subscribe to? Waiting on HIM.
Waiting on HIM. Awake and Rebuking. Praise GOD!
Confirmed. It's already done. Just wait for the word, and look for the thing.
All I have to do is talk to you on the way home. Knowing you. And you'll see it.
"Just sit and wait patiently. Amen." "Praise the good LORD!"
You press it out, like giving birth, fighting all the way through the end.
Enjoy your fruit! And praise GOD! The author, and finisher, of our faith. Praise GOD again!
It's a new day in the world. Praise the LORD! Joy to Earth! Praise GOD!
Now you're exhausted. That was dress rehearsal. Hold onto that thought, and wait another day!
Stephen D. Summers
All of the things in here, came from scripture.
When i Have the time, i Will list them here.
And then you will have an even greater understanding.
How to Believe GOD!
Believing GOD seems like a logical thing to do.  The key to believing something that GOD will do for you, is believing it's POSSIBLE.
If you can see a thing as being possible, and you have a scripture (promise) from GOD that says HE will do it for you, and it is something you would like, you're supposed to ask GOD for it, and then stand on GOD's promise to deliver it.
When you do so, almost immediately something will arise in your life to indicate that it isn't going to happen.  This is when you must replace fear with faith, and thank GOD for answering your prayer, instead of accepting the evidence which is contrary to your prayer.
Day by day as you continue this process of growing your expectancy, you will grow.  You will also work toward your goal.  And before long the impossible turns into the inevitable.
You often forget you asked, right before you get it.  Try to remember to thank GOD again after you receive.
The Bible clearly states that GOD HEARS, all words and thoughts.  And HE listens, to all believers, and all those who love HIM.  And you can "Pray without ceasing."  So, you can absolutely KNOW, that:  *GOD HEARS YOU*.  Period.  (Every word, including all of your thoughts.  It also says in the Bible, that we can ALSO KNOW, that if GOD hears our prayers, HE will answer them.  And further, HE will, GIVE US WHAT WE ASKED FOR;  (See John 14:13.)  UNLESS:  Certain good reasons not to, are present.  And you can find most of those, in the Bible.  Personal sin, is normally *not* one.  (There is "no condemnation", for those "in Christ JESUS".)  Ask for more.  Expect it all.  And, you'll often forget you asked, right before you get it.  Also, often you will encounter 'resistance' after asking for something.  If you respond poorly, your faith will fail.  A veteran's response, is joy, laughter, and increased expectancy.  Rejoice!
The greatest thing i Ever did, was utter 3 words.
They saved her life.
They saved my life.
And, they could save your lives too.
"I'm pretty pro-life."

I spiritually-adopted a little girl as my Daughter.
Her mother and I used to give her lots of kisses. They made her smile!
One day we'd given her some kisses. She was only a few months old.
She was new at standing. We'd often chill on the bed and watch TV.
E'Ziah would be with us, and newly-standing!
Guarding the edges of the bed was a full-time job!
Back to the main point. One day I kissed her.
And then,
She stood straight-up, faced me squarely, and looked me straight in the eyes.
She looked extremely serious. She puckered her little lips.
She made a perfect little circle. A perfect little round o.
Then, she aimed her lips at my nose, and then closed her eyes, and then....
She, very straightly and deliberately, moved her WHOLE SELF, straight at me!
She made solid contact with my nose! (A little drool, of course!)
And then she immediately, opened her eyes really-wide, staring straight at mine!
Looking to see, my reaction.
Looking for happiness and love.
When she saw it, her smile got bigger than ever!
Her baby teeth actually hurt my nose a little. But it actually felt good.
After 7 or so times, I had to stop her! And I gave her a last kiss, and made her watch cartoons or eat a cookie or something.
She just wants to love.
I never guessed FISH KISSES would be my Favorite.
But they were.
And are unStoppable too.



[Did Mary have sin in her blood?
As far as we know.
Did Jesus?
If you say "No," how was that accomplished?
(A person isn't a sinner, unless they sin.)]
* Trial 27:  {One day while in the third hospital, sometime between 9:00am and Noon.}
Meeting GOD. - [33- Audioslave, I Am The Highway]
There was another old man.
A nice old man, at the hospital.
His name was Roy.
He looked about 70.  He was about 5' 7", and was bald on top but not the sides.
We'd talk some.  He was a very sweet, kind old gentleman.
One day we were talking, and out of the blue he says,
"I'm GOD."
Surely he/HE wasn't. We/WE were in a mental health facility.
But I can't prove it.
It's Saturday, like 12/8/12. Kinda grey.
Matt Stephens moved in with me, he's OK.
My neighbor's name is Roy. His roomie left in a ruckus, was scary. Roy is a sweet old man. He's been acting funny, as in weird. He told me a day or two ago, he was gonna die in here. Was so OK about it too, bothersome to me. He told me He was GOD, this morning or yesterday. We talk in riddles, then he says something that I can't hear. I tell Him I can't hear HIM, He says, "I know." "See you in paradise," He repeats. It's exceedingly frightening, and I don't fear. I fear only GOD, best I can.
We've had a few such talks, ending in confusion, but peace. He likes me. He said He "Picked" me. Said something about "30" something, was why. I'll ask again. He just was made to use the toilet. Lovingly, and moderate speed, but still made. I'm gonna go pray for Him now. I feel very sad. I prayed for him earlier, to recover and leave and do well, seemingly virtually unbelievable. Here I go. // Said my prayer now, about our blasphemies. Covered him up, held his hand, he held my hand and arm both, as hard as he could, my nail clippers came, I told him he'd be OK, and I cried, still am.
Nurse helped me pull my hand and arm away. He told me today was my day, and his too. I told Him I loved Him, He said He loved me too. I'm still crying. What a crappy, lonely place for a man his age. So sad. Whatever he meant by "30", I'm not bothering him again. GOD Save us.
To my roomie, "Look! Nailclippers! Miracles happen!" He's crying too, saw me. And he's been sad, too.
They had to break off the sharp part, wow. Roomie went to try to watch hockey. Good luck, dude.
Karen can't be found. Mean nurse stole clippers, said no more coffee, said she knows rules. No she doesn't, GOD'll tell her l8r. Enjoying unclippable, clipped nails, and instant coffee. Roy waves to passer-bys. Next sheet is important, much to me. (Tears.)
Reading the last 50 of E100, prefer from NLT vs GNT. Will peruse some only until I get home.
"...I derived the meanings of letters without examples, by looking at other words.
Because T is a cross shape, I also see it as often representing Jesus."

Look at the picture below this line.

D✡✝S Are 4 connecting.
Minnie Mouse has a Dot.  Her Daughter.
Dots are Daughters.
They are embryos.
They are binary bits.  Zeros and Ones.
They are spots and specs.  And small.
It's All About the Dots.
Cells are dots.  And DNA.  Dots aren't always perfect circles.
And so are Elements.  Especially the Electrons.
There are dots in the night sky.
The Earth is one too.
And what's your TV made out of?  Pixels.
And the characters on your screen, Letters.
Your Pictures and Music and Data.
Popcorn and Seeds.  Grains.  Ants.
Sugar and Flour and Salt and Pepper.
We're only beginning hear.
The beach is a fun place.  Sand.
Where do you Aim?
You might be beginning to get the Point.
i Think i'VE Forgotten more than i'VE Remembered.
You'd be amazed what Dots can contain.
Kind-of Nuclear.
i'VE Presently got dots, on my Socks!
And one on my Face.
Maybe i'LL Tell you later.....
Brail, and Morse Code too.
Vents.  Screens.  Lampshades.
Patterns on clothes, and small holes too.
Dominos.  And Pepperonis.
Fruit Loops, and Cheerios.  Doughnut holes too.
Anything Printed.
Tears and Rain drops.  Snowflakes.
Freckles & Zits.  Teeth.  And Toes.
Craters & Dust & Drops.  Like Kisses.
Moles.  Shelf-support holes.  Breathing holes.
Screws and Nails.  Rivets.
Clocks.  Wheels, and Tires.  Buttons and Snaps.
Christmas tree Lights.  Ornaments.
Legos.  Marbles.  Balls.  And gumballs.
BBs, and Pellets.
Go play some PAC-MAN 256.
Potato, Tomato.  TOTS, Catch-up.
Crumb-Muncher Bubbles.  Signs & Tells.
i Already said Stars.  Flowers and Hearts.
And that's all of them.  See ties.  i!
If you look for dotted ties on TV, you may find that you see many.

For every split-moment of time, and eternity,
For every single digit of PI, and every single digit that exists,
For every sub-micronic coordinate of space, and Heaven, and every dimension,
For every single electron, and every possible sub-particle,
For every single star, planet, moon, and dot,
For every comet, asteroid, rock and pebble, and mountain, hill, crater and bump,
For every grain of sand, and every speck of dust,
For every drop of water, rain, and dew, and snowflake,
For every single leaf, and every blade of grass, and plant,
For every single bug, including the microscopic ones,
For every sub-micronic length of hair, and even fur,
For every letter ever uttered or written, and breath ever taken,
That is, has ever been, and ever will be,
Added, multiplied, and to the powers of each other,
Raised to the power of the number of digits of PI, again,
That many times:
GOD bless you.
Now, and every moment henceforth.
Thank-you for reading this!  Please, go here now:

© 2024 Silencer

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Added on July 31, 2024
Last Updated on August 8, 2024
Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment



Dayton, OH

It's pretty-well covered in my story! more..
