![]() pAGE 2 - pART 2/7 - Words of UnderstandingA Story by Silencer![]() These are Teachings.![]() Hello! On this page you will find teachings to promote understanding. Please read my other pages first: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Words of Understanding" #1: The 3 Ways Jesus Was Treated. Horribly. - Jesus was hated by the establishment, and was persecuted by religious and political leaders. Torturedly. - Jesus was made to suffer more than anyone ever, to pay for the sins of mankind. Lovingly. - Jesus was loved by most everyone else. Who treated Him like a human being. Jesus teaches that we are to treat each other like Him. You may have gotten confused as to which way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92gHq1s6G-c&list=PL_p6oSBw9Y_0WPEFQOnNhmqG6Z6_lNrDb&index=469 // #2: GOD Can Physically Maneuver You. For this, it would be helpful if you have read: And reading these two teachings will help you hear GOD better too: (These links are all on the "About who i Am." page.) / "Puppet" Prayer: If you tell GOD that HE may use you like a puppet, HE Can and May. I did, and HE did. So i Know. I got 9 broken bones, with no memory of it. But another time, i Got some nice pictures, that i Also don't recall taking. "Glance" Prayer: If you ask GOD to direct what you look at, HE Will. This is especially useful when looking at groups of Words, often on screens. Add this, into your communication with HIM: Say, "Make me glance, GOD!" Consider how the next thing you look at, may have pertinent meaning. This is another way, to Hear GOD. / More about the "Glance" prayer. In my explanation of How to Hear GOD, i Explain that i Once discerned over 30 ways HE speaks to us through our environment. The next time you are thinking about anything, say to GOD (in your head,) "Hey GOD, glance me please!" Then look at any screen with words on it. Make a note of what word or words you read first when you look at the screen. That, is GOD's comment, on what you are thinking about. This prayer may be permutated to other things as well. That is another way to hear GOD. // #3: Bad Prophecy is a WARNING. Since GOD is Perfect, and GOD is LOVE, and Jesus taught us "All things are possible with GOD.", "Have faith in GOD.", and "It is finished.", you can discern that He wasn't talking about a fireball. Prophecies of bad things to come, are WARNINGS, of things to avoid. None are inevitable. Prophecies of good things to come, are Promises, from GOD. They are inevitable. // #4: The Burning Bush was a Hologram. hol·o·gram a three-dimensional image formed by [the interference of light beams from a laser or] other coherent light source. / Near the beginning of the Bible, there is a story about a bush that burned but wasn't consumed. Exodus 3:2: "And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed." / Today, we possess the technology to reproduce this effect ourselves. The point here is: What do you think, you really know? (Hint: Stick to The RAIL.) // #5: Revelation. To begin to understand Revelation, you must first understand some of what comes before it. Jesus painted a picture, with this set of scriptures: From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. With God all things are possible. Have faith in God. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. “It is finished!” Before you can decipher Revelation properly, you must also first understand, Promises are given by GOD, to be kept. While warnings are given by GOD, to be avoided. Logically. Of course. All prophecy, is subject to this rule. Also, you do not know the difference sometimes. Bear that in mind also. // /////// Share This: https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/2853544/ / / GOD bless and be with you. -Steve :o) Thank-you for reading this! Please, go here now: © 2024 Silencer |
Added on June 12, 2023 Last Updated on August 1, 2024 Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment Author