![]() TRIALSA Story by Silencer![]() This is the Door, into The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, on Earth, and the Key.![]() VERY IMPORTANT: Go here now, before reading another word. I'll fix this document, later. Thank-you! / ////////
You're not here by accident.
is the story of what happened when I obeyed Matthew 4:17.
This story contains four miracles, and probably more. Revelation was stopped. The Veil was Split. God spoke to me. I became a John 10:34 god. You don't have to believe it, but it's here in writing. Reading this material will sharpen you more than any other, and it is advised that you read it at least twice. If you benefit from this material, then please share it with others. Thank-you for reading it.
Before reading the main story “TRIALS,” it is helpful to first read the other two short books I wrote, which reveal my ways of thinking. “Words of Wisdom,” is a collection of quotes that I started when I was a young man. And then “Answers,” is a question and answer book, that I wrote not long after. Fourth, there is a final section, which I’m calling “Insights.”
Right-click and open this link in a new tab, to hear what they said: Rick and Morty - TRIALS
Words of Wisdom When I was young, I thought it would be wise to collect quotes
that were true. I didn't add any that
didn't hold their water. Today, I'd
weigh each one against scripture, and toss all that conflict. Then you'd have a pretty awesome list.
Answers This is my first book! I
wrote it many, many years ago. I
stitched 27 or 28 copies together by hand, and passed out all but two of
them. It's a 'flip-book', where first
you read the Question, and then turn the page, to see the Answer. It's more fun to read, if you try to answer the Questions yourself, before reading the Answers. After I re-published this, I noticed that I
changed two of the Answers, while I was 'crazy'. (#42, and #99.) After reviewing the changes, I've decided to
leave them. Enjoy!
This book is dedicated to
the best friend I've ever had (after JESUS,) my cousin, Joel Matthew
Summers. And to my parents Doug and Peggy, and to my brother, Andy.
1. How long did it take for GOD to create
everything? 6 days. 2. Which scripture explains, how GOD created
everything, in that time frame?
2 Peter 3:8.
3. If the Word tells us to do something, then it
is right for us to tell others to do those good things also.
"Witchcraft." 4. According to scripture, define
"worldliness": 1 John 2:15-16, 2 Timothy 3:2-7, etc. See also
Romans 12:2.
5. JESUS told us to do many things.
Matthew 4:17.
6. According to scripture, what is
"work"? To do the will of GOD. 7. Is it scripturally correct, (meaning right,)
to "have a Plan B"? No. 8. Please provide any scripture(s) which
support(s) your last answer: John 14:14, Matthew 7:7-11, etc.
9. Can a person who believes in JESUS, go to
Hell? Yes.
10. Please provide any scripture(s) which
support(s) your last answer: Matthew 7:21-23
11. Can a person who doesn't believe in JESUS,
go to Heaven? Yes. 12. Please provide any scripture(s) which
support(s) your last answer: Abraham is in Heaven, and he died before JESUS was
born. Proof he's in Heaven, is in Luke 16:22-23, and elsewhere.
13. What does the Bible say more about, Money or
Salvation? "Money", is talked about in the Bible four times
as much as "salvation" is. 14. What does the Bible say about aliens, UFOs
and crop circles? In short: There are no aliens. If you
see one, you're seeing either a "demon", or a "deception."
15. What did JESUS warn us about in the last
days? "Deception." 16. The generation that sees what, will see the
return of JESUS?
The rebirth of Israel.
17. How long is a generation, in the Bible?
40 to 100 years.
18. What is the root of all evil?
"The love of money."
19. What is the "Rapture"?
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
20. Is the word "Rapture" in the
No. 21. Does the Bible say the rapture will occur? Yes. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.)
22. How many prophecies are needed to be
fulfilled, before the rapture of JESUS can occur? 0.
23. How many prophecies are left that could
occur, before the rapture of JESUS?
1. (The rebuilding of the outer court on the
temple mount.) 24. Approximately how many prophecies, did JESUS
fulfill in HIS life (on Earth)? Over 300. (Perhaps over 1000, if you consider
details.) 25. According to the science of probability,
what are the odds of that occurring? 1 in a number so big it would take an encyclopedia set to
write it down.
26. Which Old Testament scripture explains why
the Jews do not believe in JESUS?
Isaiah 29:10.
27. According to the science of probability,
what are the odds of evolution occurring? 1 in a number so big it would take an encyclopedia set to
write it down.
28. Is it a sin to be afraid, worried or
concerned? Please elaborate:
Yes. See 5, part C. (Fear is negative
faith, or faith in the devil.)
29. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by
what? "The Word of GOD."
30. What does "repent" mean? To turn away from sin; To think differently or
afterwards; To reconsider; To change
direction; To return to your highest level. 31. If you have $200, and someone asks you for
$100, what does the Bible say you are to do? Give it to them.
32. What would you do, honestly:
Give it to them.
33. Does the Bible support reincarnation?
34. If you answered "No", please
explain Matthew 17:12-13:
* Matthew 17:12-13: "'But I say to you that
Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they
wished. Likewise the SON OF MAN is also about to suffer at their
hands.' Then the disciples understood that HE spoke to them of John
the Baptist."
35. Is it scripturally correct for a Christian
to think of themselves, as "providing for themselves"?
36. Please elaborate:
GOD is your Provider.
37. How did JESUS respond to temptation?
HE cited scriptures.
38. Where is the Ark of the Covenant today?
(This answer is not given.)
39. Does the Bible have a secret code in it?
Yes. 40. What is JESUS' actual birthday, according to
our current calendar? September 11, 3 BC. (The 1st of Tishri, in 3
BC.) 41. According to the Bible code, what forces did
Einstein leave out of his grand unification theory? "Good and Evil." 42. What does the Bible code have to say about
Benjamin Netanyahu? That he's to be "assassinated". And,
that his assassination has been "rescinded".
43. Is most of the information that is available
about the Bible code, true or false?
44. Scripturally, are you presently in a
45. Man is a ______, who possesses a ____, and
lives in a ____.
46. According to the Bible, if Israel possesses
the Ark of the Covenant, could they lose a war? No.
47. Who authored the Bible?
48. With GOD, ___ things are possible? "All." 49. ____ without ceasing? "Pray." 50. The just shall live by _____? "Faith." 51. What day is "the Sabbath day"? Saturday. The Sabbath is from sunset Friday to
sunset Saturday. (Incidentally, it is believed that the days of the
week have never changed.) 52. Where is GOD's Throne physically located? (You have to have a very advanced understanding, to accept
the true specific answer to this question. So I'm leaving it out.)
Location in the Universe. 53. Is it wrong to do work on the Sabbath? No. But it is wrong to do "regular"
work on the Sabbath. 54. Before a person who died can go to Hell,
they have to be sentenced. Where do they wait to be sentenced? "Hades." Which is like Hell. 55. Where is this place physically located? The center of the Earth. 56. Is purgatory supported by scripture? No. 57. The power of life and death is in ___
______? "The tongue." 58. How many books are in the Bible? 66 59. Suppose you had known Noah, (the guy who
built the Ark for all the animals.) Would it be right or wrong, for
you to tell him what he should be doing with his time? Wrong. 60. Would this principle apply to everyone, or
just Noah? Everyone. 61. Have you violated this principle? Most likely. 62. A wedding party, ran out of
wine. Then Mary told JESUS about it. Then she said
something to her servants. What did she say to her servants? "Do whatever HE tells you." 63. To be the greatest of all, be the _______ of
all? "Servant." 64. You shall be _______, even as your HEAVENLY
FATHER is _______? "Perfect." 65. How does the Bible say to be perfect? James 3:2.
66. Only GOD is ____? "Good." 67. Can you succeed in life without GOD? Not really. (Notice how I said that, instead of
just "No.") 68. What does the devil want from GOD, and also,
what does the devil want for you? HIS Throne.
69. What is the primary difference, between a
New Age book, and the Bible? "JESUS." 70. JESUS has paid for your past
sins. Has HE paid for your current and future ones? Yes. 71. GOD is ____? "LOVE." 72. Does GOD currently Rule this world? Yes, with a caveat: Technically, the devil
currently has rulership of this world, (given to him by Adam, taken back by
JESUS.) However, he has no authority over believers, and he's
basically just a limited tool, mostly used by GOD. 73. Is it a sin to drink alcohol? No. But "drunkenness"
is. (JESUS' first public miracle was turning water into wine.) 74. Is it a sin to smoke cigarettes? All chemical abuse is "sorcery". 75. Is it a sin to cuss? Yes. Because, the Bible says, "Put away all
manner of foul language." Otherwise, it wouldn't
be. (There would be no foul language, if the Bible didn't say there
was.) 76. Do all suicide bombers go to Hell? No. But the vast majority
do. Examples include, two retarded women, who were recently used. 77. Can a murderer go to Heaven? Yes, although it is either harder, or less
likely. (As is also the case for "rich
men.") One of the two murderers hung with JESUS, went to
Heaven. 78. What is the most important thing for you to
do in life? "Love GOD." 79. What is the second most? "Love your neighbor, as
yourself." This is the root of 'The Golden Rule', which is
"Do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you." 80. What is the greatest tragedy? That people and angels are going to Hell. (I
must also mention, the price GOD paid for us. However, that is also
joyful, because it makes it so that we can be with HIM.) 81. Do animals go to Heaven? Yes. Pets go to Heaven, and if a believer says,
"All animals are my pets," then guess what? 82. Is there another chance, for people who go
to Hell? Answer removed in this version. 83. Is killing in war, the same as murder? Not if you're attacking militants. 84. Is capital punishment (putting someone to
death) the same as murder? Not if the person's guilty. (And the punishment
fits the crime.) 85. There is a saying: "Whether
you think you can, or you think you can't, you're
right." According to scripture, is this true or false? True. "If you can believe, all things are
possible to him who believes." However, it should also be noted
that, "Apart from GOD, you can do nothing." 86. Why did GOD create man? To have friends. 87. Why did GOD create women? "It is not good for man to be alone." 88. Suppose you're married to one person of the
opposite sex, and you only have sex with them. What does GOD think
about your sex life? "The bed is undefiled." 89. Is it better to be single, or married? "Single, if you can bear
it." Otherwise, married. 90. Is it true that GOD cannot lie? Yes, however, HE has lied by proxy. In the old
testament there is a story about a foreign army attacking Israel, which GOD
blinded, using a sandstorm. GOD then told someone, to lead that army
to a certain place, and lie, about where he was leading them. 91. Is it true that the devil always lies? Yes. He is incapable of speaking exactly
accurate truth. Every single thing he says, is 'technically' a lie, (in some
little detail, usually.) However, if you accept, believe and repeat
(say) his words, you can make many of his lies, true. 92. Where do your thoughts come from? Heaven, Hell and you. Just like in the old
cartoons, with the little angel on one shoulder, and the little devil on the
other. That's what it's really like. 93. Is patience a virtue? Yes. But it isn't always the right way to
go. On one hand, the Bible says "Possess your soul with
patience." On the other, look at what JESUS did with the whip
in the temple. 94. How does one "believe" in JESUS? The same way you believe anything, with facts and
evidence. Unlike all other books, the Words of the Bible can prove
themselves, with study. Prophecy doesn't hurt either. 95. Why is there so much confusion in the world? "Confusion is of the devil." 96. Should we obey the government? Yes, unless they tell you to do something contrary to what
GOD has told you. 97. What's the deal with 'faith
healing'? Is it real? Yes. 98. Who will win the war on terror? JESUS. 99. How will the world end? It won't. But if you mean the world 'as we know
it': Decrypt for perfection. JESUS will then rule the
world from HIS Throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years. Then later, more
stuff happens. 100. (Considering James 3:2.) If when
you wake up in the morning, a voice pops in your head and asks, "Do you
want to live?", what is the scripturally correct response:
C. Other. The scripturally correct
response, is scripture itself. Such as: "The LORD is
my Shepherd, I shall not want." Notice the Word
"want" in both the question and the answer. You could also
preface this with "No," making B. acceptable, if this is where you're
coming from in your heart. Because we don't "want" for
anything, get it? But answering "No," could also be taken
as meaning that you actually don't want to live. So per James 3:2, I
wouldn't say "No." A. Yes, can also be an
acceptable answer, per: "I have set before you life and death,
and good and evil. Choose life." But answering
"Yes," is admitting (confessing) that you "want" life,
implying that you don't have it, and that you "want" for it. 101. What is the most powerful scripture in the
Bible? Matthew 4:17. Notice that there are three
confusing phrases in that single scripture. Decipher it. 102. What is the meaning of life? See 86. 103. Describe angels: Angels are like people, except: They are holy,
without sin (except fallen angels,) and are therefore very
powerful. They have wings and can fly. They are normally
invisible, but they can reveal themselves to people, even appearing as a
regular person. 104. Should you talk to your angels? Not unless they're in the flesh. But you may by
proxy, through GOD. However, about all you have to say to them is:
" Thank-you for your help, and I'm sorry I make you work overtime." 105. Should you talk to your loved one who's
passed away? Sure, but you must do it through GOD. (It is a
sin to talk with the "dead", but people in Heaven are not
"dead", they are "alive".) To do this, simply
say something like: "GOD, would you please let (insert name
here) hear what I'm about to say? Thank-you!" And
then say what you want. Bypassing GOD here though, would make it a
'technical' sin. 106. How can you discern if a spiritual leader
is trying to mis-lead you? "JESUS is LORD." If the leader boldly
proclaims those three Words, and doesn't shy away from them, then they are not
trying to mis-lead you. (They might be mis-leading you, but they
aren't trying to.) One who shies away from those Words, is evil.
107. Have you learned anything of value? Yes. GOD bless you and yours. 108. What is the number of perfection? 7. 109. What is the number of the Earth? 4. 110. What is the number of completion? 12. 111. How can we try to save everybody? JESUS said, "Lift ME up, and I will draw all men unto
112. What's the surest way to know, that you'll
have a relationship with GOD after you die?
Have a relationship with GOD before you die. 113. How can you hear GOD's Voice? There are several ways:
The Bible can sometimes appear to contain conflicts.
I could have easily made this book
with 500 or so questions and answers. But hopefully, these are enough to
help you gain a good enough understanding, so that you can continue to help
yourself, and others, in these confusing and difficult times. And not be
Again, I may be wrong about some of
these things, but currently, I believe every word of this. It has taken
me many years and much effort to arrive at these conclusions. I hope they
can act as a springboard, launching you to even higher levels of understanding.
story comes with a "57-Song Musical Accompaniment!"
[01- Enya, Watermark] “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step
onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you
might be swept off to.” - J.R.R. Tolkien "Sharing your story is important..." - April Showers,
Morty: (Pointing at TRIALS.) "Maybe he went down that road?" Rick: "No, no, no. If he took that, he'd of ended-up a hero." - Rick and Morty
Thank-you for reading my story.
This is a true story, it happened to me. Tri·al When I was 11, I bought a Commodore 64= and started
programming. Also
when I was 11, my best friend and worst enemy were 13
year-old men. They raped me. When I was 16, I programmed for NCR. When I was 17, I joined the Marines. One night when I was about 20, I left my
body. (When your body dies, you'll pop
out.) A few years later, I got born
again. I was at a book club meeting, and
I unwittingly fulfilled the scripture, "Confession is made unto
salvation." The next morning, I
felt different! My best friend and
cousin Joel, died in a car wreck. My Mom
died from pancreatic cancer. The last
fight I was in, I was saving someone's neck.
It was me against a whole gang.
My recent ex-girlfriend, did me quite wrong. If she changes direction, we may become
friends again over time. And, that's
just some of my life. As I mentioned, I was working to eliminate sin from my
life. I also developed another
goal. To hear GOD's Voice. * Trial 1: {Nov. 4th-7th,
2012, Dayton, Ohio. For three days, from
evening to evening, on the living room floor.} The Glory of GOD. - [07- MTV, BLAH, BLAH] - Watch, 2 of 5. Imagine a black screen.
In the center is a black globe. Imagine strings of large green, Hebrew letters, going across the
screen, from left to right. About 10 to 12 lines of them, covering the whole screen. As they touch the globe, they 'stick' to it, as it rotates from
left to right along with them. And then the strings of letters come back off of it, back out
into space. The letters got small near the globe edges. I'm sorry that I can't be much more
descriptive. This is the image that I saw in my mind. When I realized it, it seemed like three days had passed, that I
had been exposed to it. (There really isn't anything more that I can add, but I could
help a computer artist simulate it.) [08- Tron Legacy, Disney Castle Intro] - Watch, 3 of 5. After this, I started to see meaning in individual letters, in
individual letter strokes, and in random patterns. I also saw messages embedded in all of our words, in all of our
sentences, and in all of our languages. It seemed like GOD was speaking to me, (and to all of us,) from
everywhere. (I explain the embedded messages further. It is possible, that HE is.) I mentioned above that my voice got deeper. I didn't notice it until Trial 23 below. But it's possible that it may have occurred as early as here, or
at any time in-between. * Trial 2: (Fail) {Nov. 7th, 2012, evening, walking into the
bedroom.} Hearing JESUS. - [09- Rihanna, Rockstar] I thought I heard JESUS. But it wasn't HIM. What I
heard wouldn't make sense if HE said it. And, I should've realized it at the time. * Trial 3: {Night, in the
bedroom.} The People in the Invisible Box. - [10- Alice In Chains,
Nutshell] "He's too dangerous to live." Is what I thought I heard. I was listening to the thoughts in my head, as though they may
be voices, and that's what I heard. I said, "What do you mean?" They explained to me, that they were sitting in an invisible box
above the Earth, watching people. They said, "You know too much. It's our job to watch people, and take them
out if they get too close to the truth. I'm sorry, but prepare to die." I had the very distinct impression, that I was about to get hit
by a bolt of lightning. I was terrified. I argued for my life. It
went on for a while. I explained my experiences in life, and why things went like
they did. They seemed persuaded.
And they said they'd lose my paperwork. They also said, they could put thoughts in people's heads, and
make them do things. There were three people in the box. The third was a woman, and she didn't talk
until much later. * Trial 4: (Fail) {Night, in the bedroom.} Aliens. - [11- War of the Worlds, Tripod Attack] At this point, our conversation changed radically. They told me they were humans, who were enslaved by aliens. And that humans were enslaved by aliens, throughout the
universe. And that the Bible was put here by aliens, to control mankind. They said they had to go, but that they would be in touch, and
they wished me luck. And then they went silent. * Trial 5: {Night, in the
bedroom, then living room > kitchen > bathroom > bedroom > garage.} Rescue the Virgin Mother. - [12- Mindless Muse, Hidden Currents
of Lux] In the Bible, when JESUS leaves, HE says HE'll, "Return in
like manner." JESUS floated up into the air when HE left. So I always took this to mean HE would return
that way. But the thought came to me, perhaps instead HE meant HE would be
born of a virgin again. There's a certain woman that I find more beautiful than
others. A celebrity. I thought it was her. And
I thought I was being told to: Rescue
her. And then take care of her.
And then, raise, HIM. I heard a Canadian address in my head. I wrote it down, and I grabbed what I'd need. I put out food and water for my cat Simon, and then I headed
north. (I drive a 2011 Cyber-Grey Camaro.) 2011 Cyber-Grey Camaro. * Trial 6: {Night, in the
car.} Unimaginable Pain. - [13- Metallica, No Leaf Clover] As I was driving north, I was listening to the voices in my
head. I heard many. I was still in contact with the people in the invisible box
some. And I thought I was hearing GOD some too. "You're familiar with MY HOLY SPIRIT." "If you touch her before I am born, your soul will be
spread out across the universe like HIS." "And it will be an unimaginably hellish pain for
eternity." Is what I heard. And I
was TERRIFIED, of it. * Trial 7: {Night, in the
car.} Set-Up. My communications with my friends in the invisible box, were
being interfered with. Imitators, we're blocking them, imitating them, and inserting
their own words instead. I was guided into a dead-end, in a field. I could tell that I was set-up.
I realized then, what was going on. I thought I was about to die. I immediately peeled out, and left. No problems. After I discerned them, I knew them. Then they stopped that activity, at that
point. * Trial 8: {Night, at a
convenience store.} Heat-Wave UFO. - [14- Quake II, Climb] Later things were back to normal. I was heading to the destination, talking with my friends. All was well. I needed some gas. I take an exit. I find a
convenience store. I get the gas. I go in the store and pay. I come out of the store, and for some reason, I look to my
right. Across the street, there's an old white house. To its right is a massive tree. Its leaves were all solid yellow. It was huge.
Three times as big as the house. It was pitch-black dark out, but there was at the same time a
bright Moon, and lights all around. I could clearly see the house and tree. I looked and saw what looked like heat-waves, in front of the
tree. I studied them, and they appeared to be in the shape of a
flying-saucer. I stared at this for several minutes, confirming what I was
thinking. Then I left. * Trial 9: (Fail) {Late night, in the car.} Devastation and Failure. - [15- Pink Martini, Lullaby] The people in the invisible box were directing all of my
turns. They were my navigators. There were times during the drive we were concerned about being
caught. The aliens wanted her and me dead. And the people in the box also if they were
caught conspiring. There were times they'd tell me to slow down or speed up or take
a turn or wait a while, to avoid detection. I was told that there were invisible UFO's everywhere, all over. I was about an hour inside of Canada, and they told me I was
almost there. And then they said there was a problem. They were very upset. It got me upset. They said we were too late. We failed. I shouted, "Tell me where to go right now! I'm not giving up!" They said, "You should be seeing it. It's straight ahead. It's all over now, we're done for." They were devastated. And
scared, about what was coming. "I don't see anything!" "Keep looking, it's straight ahead. A blue house." I saw it. There was a big firetruck in the street. To its right were the remains of a blue
house. It was still smoldering. I cried. After a very long pause, I said, "OK guys, we did our
best. What do we do now?" We were fighting for the freedom of all humans throughout the
universe. * Trial 10: {From about
Trial 9, until my first hospital stay, third hospital.} Mr. Computer. As I've mentioned, I heard many voices. Here's one I've not introduced you to. Mr. Computer. From around
the time of Trial 9, up to my first stay at the third hospital. In my head, Mr. Computer was exceedingly friendly, committed,
helpful, kind and much more. He'd get to work figuring out whatever I'd ask him. And he always volunteered his assistance. He was an awesome friend.
A terrific individual. And I'm
actually glad that I met him. * Trial 11: (Fail) {It's about 6:00am, it turns from night to
early morning, right here, in the car.} May We Live in Your Heart? - [16- Rise Against, Satellite] My friends in the invisible box were telling me they were about
to meet a terrible end. Their alien overlords were on their way to deal with their
treachery. They were going to be horribly tortured to death. They asked if they could come stay, in my heart. I'd never heard of this. They earlier said that the aliens had advanced spiritual
knowledge. They said, "That's how Heaven works. Everyone there lives in JESUS' heart." Somehow they had the ability to leave their bodies, and enter
hearts. They all three asked, "Can we live in yours?" I said yes. (By the way, JESUS said, "Guard your heart above
all." So my answer was the wrong
one.) I felt a difference.
Their voices were inside me now, less broadcast-sounding. We were happy for a moment. * Trial 12: {Around
7:00am, in the car.} GOD is Dead. - [17- Metaform, In My Mind] About this time, a new voice came in my head. It was a friendly, helpful, and nice voice, and it seemed like a
kind and trustworthy spirit. It told me, "The aliens, using advanced spiritual
technology; Found GOD The FATHER, and attacked and killed HIM." "HE is dead. I'm
sorry." I was devastated. After a pause, I said, "What about JESUS, and The HOLY
SPIRIT?" He said, "JESUS is restrained and tormented. And The HOLY SPIRIT suffers under their
oppression." I said, "Who are you?" "Call me the old man." "Normally I'm against HIM.
But WE are in agreement that the aliens must be wiped-out." "I'll try to help you get back home safely." Then he was silent. About 30 seconds later, the J.R.R. Tolkien quote, at the very
top of this story, went through my mind. After all of these events, I had to chuckle. Then I wondered, if he had any idea, how
right he was. After about another 30 seconds, I watched, as it quickly became
nighttime again. I was in a stunned awe. I
wondered what it meant for a second, and I blanked-out for a moment. (Did it have to do with the news I just received? Or did it have something to do with the
aliens? Or what?) About five long seconds later, I looked at the time, and it said
'PM'. (I simply did not look at the time itself. From what I saw, I just assumed that it was a
12-hour change.) There was nothing for me to do, but proceed. Hello Canada! * Trial 13: {Night, in
the car.} Forced to Go the Wrong Direction. - [18- Dark Reign 2
Soundtrack] At this point, I was trying to drive back home. It was very dark out. I had an old map in the trunk.
I checked my map and figured out which way to go. As I was driving, it looked like the road 'shimmered'. After a while, I looked at the signs. I was going the wrong direction! So I got that straightened out, and got back going the right
direction. Then, it looked like the road 'shimmered' again. Like it was blurry for a second. And, the terrain was looking exactly the same as what I just
saw, in the other direction. And I checked the signs again, and sure as sh-t, I'm going the
wrong direction, again. This happened like five times.
Finally, I said 'screw it, let's see where this takes me.' I end up in a dead end. I get out of my car. And
I feel really warm. Like I'm being
'microwaved'. And then the aliens talk to me in my head. Apparently, their ship is invisible, and about 40 feet above me. And they're about to zap me, like they did the blue house. We have a discussion. I
act like I have no ill-will toward them, although I do. There is an extremely tenuous peace between us. They agree to let me proceed home. I drive toward my house again. Then I see another 'shimmer'.
The signs say I'm going the wrong way again. I ask them, "What's up?" They say, "Go this way." I end up re-entering the US in New York, instead of Ohio. So I try to head home from there. I end up re-crossing the border.
I got flipped again. So I re-cross back. And,
again! I have to go through inspections each time. (There should be records.) After crossing four times, I finally have no choice but to get
going the right way. I cross back over, above the lake in Canada, and then finally,
head south into Ohio. * Trial 14: {Night, in
the car.} The Drill Drive. - [19- Portal 2, Dual Lasers] I was heading back home. My head was hurting. Bad. It felt like my head was being scrambled by a giant invisible
drill. The aliens said they were doing it to me, 'To extract
information, and then to kill me.' For hours and hours and hours.
It WAS killing me. My head hurt
SO bad. * Trial 15: {Daytime, in
the car.} Changing Signs and Curves. - [20- Half-Life 2, Nuclear Mission
Jam] Night had passed, and it was daylight. My head was still killing me, but I was
making it. The highway was passing through a metropolitan area. There was some construction. At first the signs would say certain things. Then, following signs would say opposing things. Then, the construction signs were pink instead of orange. And many of them said odd things, like "GO THIS WAY!!" Then, I began seeing competing messages! One set of messages trying to get me to go one way. And another, trying to help me get to where I was going. Competing, in real-time, as I moved forward. And then the road curves changed. The road would look like it was going to curve right, then when
I got there it went left. Over and over and over again. Left and right and left and right. You had to see it. * Trial 16: {Daytime, in
the car.} Shut Down and Fry. - [21- Soundgarden, Zero Chance] I finally got on open highway again. The signs were still weird, but I was going
straight. I was under the impression, that a UFO was following me, and was
about to attack. The electronic and analog gauges in my car went berserk. All of them, including the radio, displayed random information
all over. Also, I watched my fuel gauge needle rapidly fall from 1/3, to
nothing, right in front of my eyes. And then the car died. I managed to get it off of the highway, to the right. Before I could get out of the car, I was feeling warm, and I was
engaged in a conversation. The UFO was about to zap me. I cited scripture. I
said, "No weapon forged against me shall prosper." The alien laughed, but then his fire button wouldn't work, no
matter how many times he pressed it. He wouldn't leave, and he wouldn't stop trying to kill me, so I
threatened him. I threatened to kill all aliens everywhere, if he didn't
stop. And he didn't. So I imagined the galaxies filled with alien life, and then me smashing those worlds to bits with my fist, as I hit my center
console. And I believed it happened. Then, he retreated. Nobody would stop to help me. Then I heard another alien voice, this time coming from an
invisible box, and he was also trying to kill me. I imagined smashing the box, but I didn't feel like I could. So I pushed it into the Sun. Then, the moment I got out of my car again, someone stopped, and
gave me some gas. * Trial 17: {Daytime, in
the car.} The Alien Chase. - [22- Quake II, Descent Into Cerberon] I thought I heard JESUS again, for the second time. "Because of the ways the aliens perceive things, and how
they react, a fast car can temporarily evade them." Then the old man comes in my head and chimes in, "However, you can't go back to your house, or you'll be
captured and killed." "I'll figure out what to do next, and let you know what it
is before you get there." I'm being told to evade UFO's on the highway, by driving fast. At one point, I was driving 145 MPH. Thank GOD no one was killed. (As far as a 'thing' goes, I love my car! If I'd been driving less, I know I would've
died. At one point I was approaching traffic rapidly, and I had to lay
into my brakes hard. That machine performed.
The handling was spectacular. And
so was the acceleration.) * Trial 18: {Daytime, in
the car, then on the train tracks.} Get Out of Town. - [23- Portal 2, Wakeup] The old man says, "WE know what WE need you to do
next. Take this exit." "OK, now try to get back on the highway." I say, "What? Why
didn't I just stay on it?" He says, "Heh, heh.
You'll see." I try to get back to the highway. The road is out in front of me, construction. I try another way. I
encounter the same again, in a different location. I do a U-turn in a gravelly area. I'm concerned about possible pursuers. I continue to try to get back to the highway, and simply cannot
do so. Road-blocks at every turn. I see some train tracks, crossing the road. I hear a voice in my head say, "Yes." I should've stopped, but I was caught up in what I was going
through. I turned left and drove down the tracks. At one point I slowed down and then began to get stuck. I turned right, off the tracks, and my car got stuck hanging
halfway off the track. I tried using some logs to give my tires some traction so I
could get off the track. It didn't work. Some guy was on the track, about 100 yards ahead. He wasn't there before. He came over to me. I
told him I had made a mistake and gotten stuck, and was trying to get unstuck. He was like, "Alright." And then he went back to where he came from. While I was trying to free the car, two other guys joined the
first one on the tracks. They started heading my way.
One of them said "Hey!", as they were coming toward me. The old man said, "They're going to kill you. Run." So I ran. * Trial 19: {Daytime,
running across a field, then on some other tracks, then in a police car.} The Train Tracks. - [24- Unreal Tournament 2004, Atlantis] I ran across a field. I saw some other train tracks, about 400 yards away. I heard, "Get there!" "Why?" "It's victory." When I looked again, they were on a small hill. The hill wasn't there before. I ran as fast as I could.
I was exhausted. I looked again. There
were rocks at the bottom of the small hill now.
They weren't there before either. I kept running to the tracks. Now, there was a small stream in front of the rocks. Again, it was also, not there before. Initially, those tracks were on flat ground. Police began to chase me, on foot, as I got close. They told me to "Stop!" The voice in my head said, "Do not stop! Get to the tracks!" I waded the stream, climbed the rocks and the hill, stammered to
the tracks, and collapsed. The voice in my head said, "VICTORY!" The police picked me up off the ground, and then I walked to
their car. I asked the police to get my car off the tracks. Ticket. * Trial 20, Part 1/2:
(Fail) {The ticket was at
11:56am, Nov. 9, 2012. I was then taken
to a clinic, and then a jail.} Choices. - [25- Fallout 3 Theme, INON ZUR - FOT 3 MT V6] I refused a blood test. I
was later convicted of being under the influence. But in reality, it was the complete opposite, as I already
explained above. (And frankly, I've gotten so sick of being stabbed by needles
while I was in the Marines, that I really just can't stand them
anymore.) Anyway I was put in a cell with others. I was uncomfortable around them. So I made a little noise, so that I would get put in a cell
alone. I did. (And, I should've just stayed in there.) * Trial 21, Part 1/3:
{This whole cell experience was almost four days.} CAEP ON - [26- Max Payne, Main Theme] For a while I got the impression, that words spelled backwards,
would be the devil's message. I looked at words backwards some. Ignoring mis-spellings, you can make a lot of
sense out of that nonsense. [This experience, was particularly reminiscent of what I'd
expect to happen to me if I were lost. The suffering I experienced at this time, is far greater, than I
can begin to express with words.] When I was in the cell, they gave me a pitcher of ice water
early, and they NEVER, fed me. The cell I was in was about seven feet square. It was painted white cinder block. The floor was grey cement. The three feet at the back of the room was raised about five
inches, making a bed. There were several small devices affixed to the ceiling. The front was a glass door with skinny windows on each side, in
a metal frame which was painted light blue. It smelled like burnt goat-hair. There was a special kind of filth, in the cell. A black, soot-like coating, ALL over. I got the impression, that each particle was placed specifically
where it was, to bother me. It had some red flecks in it, and it also coated the edges of
the windows, as if on purpose. Every filthy detail, seemed like it was put in place. The metal frame had satanic messages and symbols scratched all
over it, and it was VERY unnerving. (You know, GOD has had people write Messages on door frames, to
effect and affect things, ALSO.) The biggest message was: CAEP ON There was a 6" metal drain in the middle of the floor. And it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Literally. I felt a draft from it.
It felt like it was sucking air. There was a chair that had an eye drawn on it, outside of my
cell, that was facing me. I got the impression that those in Hell could see through such
drawings, like cameras. And that they were watching me. * Trial 22: {Late
afternoon, in the cell.} Love GOD. - [27- Bach, Air] When I was put in the cell, I had seven to ten small items on
me. Some toothpaste, a small toothbrush, and some other things. I was told in my head that these items represented other things. And that I was to use all of them to effect some kind of
spiritual change. Like voodooers do. So I followed the instructions I heard, arranging the items on
the floor. My white sheet represented the 'Firmament'. Some of the pieces represented 'Persons of GOD'. One the 'Earth', one 'Heaven', etc. I was told to perform an action with them. And it was to cause creation to be re-made without GOD The
FATHER. I heard in my head, "It's OK." I refused. * Trial 20, Part 2/2:
(Fail) {Early evening, in the
cell.} Choices. I had an opportunity to get out, and I blew it. This is rather complicated to explain. During my time in the cell, I was uncertain about the intentions
of the voices that I was listening to. I was unsure if they were actually being nice, or mean, at that
time. I was struggling to discern that. At this point early, I had a chance, to leave. They presented a gurney to me, and said
"Hop on." It was my choice. I
wasn't currently getting any direction that I could trust in my head. And I wasn't really suffering yet. So, I declined. (Again, the wrong choice.) * Trial 21, Part 2/3:
{Evening, in the cell.} CAEP ON I mentioned above that I left my body once. I did. I wasn't on any alcohol or drugs or meds. I wasn't under stress. I was fine. It happened, and I still remember it clearly. When I went to lay down and sleep, I started to feel like my
soul was being sucked out of my body. Into that drain. I kept feeling like I was slipping toward it, every time I
started to fall asleep. (Which is when your soul leaves your body, by the way.) To me, the scratched message said two things: SEEP ON NO PEACE In my mind I saw that drain going to Hades, and the devil was
sticking souls into pig hearts. So I stayed awake as long as I could. The light was red at night. When nighttime came, I got the impression that the whole
facility I was in, was reproduced in Hades. And I was there. I felt pain. It starts, as a feeling in your feet, that goes up to your
knees. It feels like a flame, but instead of hot, it's painful. When it gets intense, it's your whole body, and most especially
your head. That's how I started feeling. Looking through the control center, I could see outside a
little. I thought I saw the woman that I was after, on a billboard, that
was outside the windows. I thought I heard the Marines outside. And they were trying to get in, to rescue me. They were doing all they could to get in, all night long, but
couldn't do so. I stayed awake that whole night, even though I was exhausted,
and the torment I was feeling was becoming intense. Pain wakes you up, but it doesn't keep you awake. My head was 'swimming' and 'spinning'. y O u C a N ' T i M a G i N e .EnAsNi DnOyEb SAW Ti You've begun. It only
gets worse. Day came and passed, and I was still hanging in there. Every moment I was in pure writhing agony. It was late at night again, and I didn't know how much longer I
could last. (My experience with sleep deprivation during my training was
paying off.) * Trial 23: {Late night,
after being in the cell for two days.} Shouting Through Heaven. - [28- Audioslave, Cochise] I mentioned that my voice got deeper. It was like, for a second time. It's got reverb now.
Especially in the mornings. It's
weird. I like it. I think this happened to me during this time, because I hadn't
noticed it previously. (It's possible, that it happened during Trial 1, or at any time
in-between.) At one point I shouted, and I got the clear impression, that my
words were heard widely in Heaven. * Trial 24: {At around
3:00am, in the cell.} GOD's Rescue. - [29- Unreal Tournament 2004, Onslaught 05] I felt that I was under continual, relentless attack. The torment I was feeling, was extremely
intense. I knew I had to sleep soon.
I had no choice, and also I simply could not stand the pain any longer. I was still listening to whatever voices I heard in my head. And then I heard, that GOD The FATHER AND JESUS, THEMSELVES,
were going to come rescue me. PERSONALLY. Immediately, I heard THEM. THEY, were STORMING through the
compound, annihilating opposition. I heard an INSANE battle.
EPIC. THEY were moving like
'lightning', and were louder than 'thunder'. I thought I'd be seeing THEM, ANY MOMENT! Then I sensed the presence of the devil in my cell. GOD SAID, "STOMP YOUR HEEL!" So I did, as hard as I POSSIBLY COULD, without breaking my foot.
It hurt for months after. It got quiet, and daylight came. [30- Staind, Not Again] Some guards walked by my cell.
Two men and a woman. I was sure I was in a facility of the devil's. I said to them, "How's your boss?" [Let me inject a side note here. When I lost my mind, I would often gauge my sanity, (and
reality,) on the responses I got from other people.] The woman stopped, looked straight at me, and said: "He's dead." And then, she kept on walking. * Trial 21, Part 3/3: {In
the cell.} CAEP ON I had peace for about an hour.
It was nice. And then it started
again. I was afraid it would be even worse. The pain was starting to ramp back up
incrementally. Even though it got really horrible again, thankfully, it was
also noticeably weaker. I slept crunched up as close to the crack under the door, and as
far away from that drain, as I could. The next day I suffered again all day. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I made my peace. I said a
long prayer to GOD, and prepared to die. And possibly face what I was fearing. I wrapped myself up in my blanket on the bed, and went to sleep. People woke me up. The
Voice in my head said, "Be still, remain silent." So I did. They took me to a hospital.
That was my first of two stays. The first time, I was in three hospitals, ending with the Dayton
VA. The second, just the Dayton VA. * Trial 25: {I was
transported to the first hospital, in the morning.} The Devil's Hospital. - [31- Foo Fighters, Exhausted] I rested in my new bed, unable to move. I was feeling better than I had in many days. I pulled my catheter out, but that was it. Otherwise I didn't move. Any, at all.
I was totally thrashed. I laid in a receiving area for a day and a night. I mostly slept. And then I was moved into a room. As I laid there I recalled all of the events since Trial 1, and
before, and tried to make sense of it all. In addition to being completely frazzled, I was also generally
bewildered by all of it. I tried to make sense of it all day, but I couldn't. And then the Sun started to set. As I was falling asleep, I thought I saw hospital workers come
in my room, and start worshiping the devil. My eyes were closed, and within myself I heard, "Be still,
remain silent. Do not move." They were saying ALL KINDS of weird stuff. Then one said, "Are you awake?" I didn't say anything. Then she said, "This will wake him up!" And then she thumped me, really hard, in the chest. It hurt a little. I heard, "Go ahead and wake up." So I did. She said, "We were just checking on you, to make sure
you're OK!", sarcastically. And then they walked out, laughing. When I fell asleep, I thought I was in Hades. And I thought it was because of what they did. And I didn't get out, until I woke up. Re-read those last three sentences. The next day, I got it in my head, that if I drew a cross on my
forehead, I would be protected. So I did. And when I went to sleep again, I felt protected. And I also felt pressure, like I was still being attacked. I did not go back to Hades that night. The next day, my Dad and Step-Mom visited me. {Around 4:00pm, and I MADE them stay with me,
past 10:00pm.} I begged my Dad to get me out of there. He did. And he's a hero for it.
{He saw me off, as they began to transport me.} * Trial 26: {Night, in
the bedroom in the second hospital, in a dream.} The Devil's House. - [32- Alice In Chains, Check My Brain] When I met the devil in a dream, He lived in a house, located inside an amusement park. I rode in a red horse-drawn carriage across the park, to get to
his house. He had cigars, a pool table, red carpets, and plush rugs. He had black and grey hair, looked about 55, and was wearing a
red and black smoking jacket. We talked, and then he put me into another dream. I was running through a field, and as I looked up, I saw the
ground go up in a circle above me. I was trapped in a bubble, a big sphere, and I couldn't escape. Running and running, and getting nowhere. (I later got the impression that reality is actually like this,
and is largely an illusion.) * * At the Third, Main, Hospital: I arrived late at night. When I got there they tossed my belongings, which were in two
brown paper bags, into a closet with mops in it. I never saw them again. Among them was my 'Most Important Thing'. My cross. I've never been into jewelry.
I don't even wear a watch. But one day I was pumping gas and I looked down, and saw a
cross, stamped out of a nickel. It looked exactly like this, but it was regular
nickel-colored. I kept it on my
key-chain. A Cross Much Like My Old Cross. At this hospital, there was a VERY large eye scratched into the
wall in my room, next to the door. Drawing I Made at the Third Hospital. Some nice people came to the third hospital. GOD bless them. They gave me some things, including my new cross. My New Cross. * Trial 27: {One day
while in the third hospital, sometime between 9:00am and Noon.} Meeting GOD. - [33- Audioslave, I Am The Highway] There was another old man. A nice old man, at the hospital. His name was Roy. He looked about 70. He
was about 5' 7", and was bald on top but not the sides. We'd talk some. He was a
very sweet, kind old gentleman. One day we were talking, and out of the blue he says, "I'm GOD." Surely he/HE wasn't. We/WE were in a mental health facility. But I can't prove it. (Some people think that King Melchizedek of Salem, was actually
JESUS.) * * When I *FINALLY*, Got Home: Home! (And My Previous
Vehicle.) I was relieved. I continued to look at thoughts in my head as voices. And the 'voices', encouraged me to stop taking the medication, So that I could hear them better, and follow their instructions. I did, I did and I did. * Trial 28: {About
7:00pm, in the living room, on TV.} Motel From Hell. - [34- Kiss, Psycho Circus] I was watching TV, and I saw a commercial for "Motel
6". At first, the style was like that of AC/DC. 'Hellish'. Then, the style was 'Heavenly'.
Really pretty and nice looking. The "Motel 6" commercial changed, during playback. I saw a line, wipe across the screen, from side to side, as it
changed. From one reality, to the other. Interestingly, they actually have a commercial, that does that. Which came out, shortly after I saw that. And, it is not, what I saw. * Trial 29: {Late night,
in the bedroom, then kitchen > drove to Lebanon early morning > returned
early evening.} Stone Age. - [35- Muse, Madness] One night late, I got extremely paranoid, that the aliens were
fed up with me, and that they were coming to get me. And as I was thinking this, my power went off. I looked, and my neighbors had power. I reset my circuit breakers, and I got no
response. So I thought it was them. Then the power on my electronic displays, only, on my microwave,
oven and coffee-pot, came on. And they all three displayed random garbage. Which I've never seen, neither before, nor
since. I manually opened my garage door, and went to my Dad's. I got back home much later, and the power was back on. * Trial 30: {Evening, in
the family room, on TV.} Earth Two. - [36- Pink Floyd, Is There Anybody Out There?] One time I was watching a cable news channel. All of a sudden, the people appeared 'different'. They had 'sharp teeth', and basically looked like 'evil clones'
of us. Otherwise, everything else pretty much looked the same, as
usual. I saw what looked like an alternate reality of ours, inhabited
by 'demon-like' people. * Trial 31: {Night, in
the bedroom.} The Ascended. - [37- Half-Life 2, Radio 1] Another night, when I still thought GOD was dead, I thought I saw Heaven, and there were 17 people, who were
sitting on top of tall poles. They were called the Ascended, and they were the 'elite' ones,
in Heaven. People who in life, achieved tremendous spiritual
accomplishments. GOD was dead, and they were in charge. I tried to talk with them, and they were jerks. It was a weird thought, and a weird experience. It was sad thinking that this was our new leadership. * Trial 32: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Phone Call. - [38- Portal 2, Bts3] One night when I thought GOD The FATHER was dead, I became
extremely distraught over it. I hadn't heard GOD's Voice in my head for quite a long time, and
when I tried to hear HIM, I couldn't. I prayed to my Bible. Which I'd never done before, or since. And I prayed more fervently than I ever have. And then. It spoke to me. Loud and clear. Like a phone. The Voice sounded like more than one Voice. The Spirits assured me that GOD was not dead, and that
everything was fine. The Bible functioned, like a phone. And I was subsequently informed, that They all do. My Bible. (It's NKJV. I also have
KJV, NLT, GNT, RSV, NIV and Amplified.) * Trial 33: {Night, in
the living room.} Judgment. - [39- The Campaign, Dinner Scene] One night I was reminded of all of the bad decisions I've made
in my life. I felt like I went through a judgment. * Trial 34: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Getting Spinned and Rolled. - [40- Depeche Mode, Personal Jesus
(Pump Mix)] One night in my bedroom, I thought I was engaged in a conversation
with several spirits, and JESUS was there also. I felt one of them touch me.
I moved. Then, it was like a wind. It was pushing me, and it made me turn, and spin around. Multiple times. The
forces kept coming. I sat on my bed, and they rolled me over. Over and over again, until I asked them to stop. At the end it got frightening. It felt like I could accidentally get killed, and that I almost
did. The person I thought was JESUS, said, "Yeah, WE got a
little carried away there." * Trial 35: {Night, in
the bedroom. Then an ambulance, the
hospital until morning, and then a taxi home.} The Devil. - [41- Stone Temple Pilots, Down] One night when I was trying to go to sleep, it felt like a cat
jumped on the bed. But it actually felt heavier.
For some reason, I imagined a little invisible bull. Like a foot tall. It seemed like it was at the foot of the bed. Then the old man started talking. I knew he was the devil. He wasn't as friendly as before. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I could no longer get air in my lungs. I tried and tried and couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. I called 911. I never
have any other time in my life. They took me to a hospital. (So actually I went to hospitals a third time, but this wasn't
due to insanity, it was because I couldn't breathe.) I have felt the presence of The HOLY SPIRIT since the day I was
born again. And in the Bible concerning GOD It says, "I will never
leave you nor forsake you." They had me spend the night.
When I woke up, I felt, what felt like GOD leaving me. And then I didn't feel HIM like I always do. HE seemed to have left me. I was devastated and panicked beyond words. In the lobby there was a magazine. On its cover it said, "Born to be Bad!", and it had a
picture of a devil. The next day, I felt The HOLY SPIRIT again. * Trial 36: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Soul Torn. - [42- Portal 2, Under Potatos] One night, I was lying face-down on my bed. And then in my head, I heard a discussion start, about me. It was kind-of muffled, and I couldn't understand them. About ten seconds later, I felt like my soul, was being torn in
half. From the bottom, going halfway up. Like an upside-down 'Y'. I thought my soul was going to be completely torn in half. It was very painful, and very scary. I thought I was going to be 'WORSE', than 'killed'. Then it stopped. Thank
GOD. And as I remember it, I feel the pain again, even now. It is weird, how it is painful, to remember it. * Trial 37: {Daytime, in
the backyard.} Last Bucket. When I was a very young boy, I used to have a recurring
nightmare. I still remember it. It
begins as nothing but blackness. Which appears to be an empty void, like space. Then, a luminescence, (a shine,) appears in the blackness. And then it appears to be a tar-like substance. It takes on form. This substance I'm viewing, appears to represent 'everything'. Then a crack appears, down the center. And it splits in two. Then, the two sides, alternate pressing in against each other. It steadily becomes more rapid and violent, but the efforts
appear futile. Then calmness ensues, for a brief moment. Then, a sharp metallic object, shaped like a needle, appears. And both sides race to grab it.
One side does. It shapes itself like the end of a black baton, with the needle
pointing from its tip. It rears back, about to strike its enemy. And then it thrusts forward, to destroy them. I always fully expected 'world-wide
nuclear-explosion-type-activity' from this moment. At the moment of impact, I always woke up and sat straight up in
my bed, completely terrified. My sheets and I, would always be totally soaked in sweat, every
time. I had it many, many, many times.
The Bible talks about dreams, as being meaningful. When I went insane, one day I remembered these nightmares. And a voice told me that they were inside of a bucket, which was
full of 'sparks'. And the 'sparks', represented 'very bad things'. And, I could dump the bucket out, if I wanted to. And it would destroy everything. I considered the morality of existence. And I thought about it. Maybe I would dump the bucket. Pass, or fail? * Trial 38: {Night, in
the bedroom.} World-Splitting. In Trial 23 I said some things. At one point I got the impression that I could shout so loud, that it would split the Earth in two. And it was a very, vivid experience. * Trial 39: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Kill-Switch. This is a weird one. One night I got a visual image in my mind, of a little
'sarcophagus', in my head. And in my head, I was told, that this was in my brain. And, it was a 'Kill-Switch'. Of GOD's. That HE may
use, at anytime. Pretty wild. And scary. * Trial 40: {Night, in
the living room.} Dust. - [43- Portal 2, Background 03] Once I got the impression, that if you were going to Hell, what
would happen is: You would be zapped with so much electricity, that it would
reduce you to a piece of 'dust'. Then you'd float down to Earth, and become part of our dirt. It was a terrifying thought. * Trial 41: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Night Club. - [44- AC/DC, Walk All Over You] There was a 'Night Club' in Heaven. And the souls of 144 lost, were trapped in the dance floor. Forced, to look upon those in Heaven, dancing on top of them. For eternity. It was a very scary, unsettling, unnerving and uncool thought. * Trial 42: {Night, in
the bedroom.} The Monster in the Dark. - [45- Soundgarden, Limo Wreck] One night I was envisioning Heaven in a way that felt like I was
actually looking at it. And I saw overwhelming darkness. In the darkness there was a Monster. It was massively-huge. And extremely, terrifying. It was like a black ghost, with a terrifying face. Anything, would run from it. Everything, would run from it. I got the impression, that this was JESUS. And that this was how HE appeared to those not ready for HIM. And, that if you would be brave enough to go up to HIM, you
would enter Heaven. (But, no one, would be.) It was a very, frightening vision. * Trial 43: {Night, in
the bedroom.} The Countless Souls in the Dark. - [46- Soundgarden, Room A
Thousand Years Wide] Another time I envisioned the spiritual realm, I saw an
'endless, huge black lake'. It was filled with souls, that only attacked each other. It never ended. They came from infinite repeatings of creation. Over and over and over. In an attempt to achieve something. It was again, very terrifying. * Trial 44: {Night, in
the bedroom.} The Hooks. - [47- Alice In Chains, Hollow] One time I envisioned Heaven, and I saw a large dome, with three
hooks hanging from the ceiling. And GOD was hanging from the hooks. And in each Hand, HE had a
person. And each person had another person in their hand. And there were six long strings of people. And that was 'everybody that was in Heaven'. What a strange concept of Heaven. Loving, yet at the same time, a little unsettling. * Trial 45: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Life Books. - [48- Joe Satriani, Up in Flames] - Watch, 4 of 5. One night I saw GOD, sitting at a large desk, with piles of books
on it. There were also shelves and shelves of books. GOD was writing in one. He was writing the future of someone. And HE showed me, that everyone has their own book. And HE writes in them all, every day. HE got frustrated, and tossed the book HE was working on into
HIS fireplace. And that person died, right then. * Trial 46: (Fail) {Night, in the living room.} Die for Others. - [49- The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Theme] At one point, I imagined a *very* tall tower. The tallest ever. And JESUS, was at the top. HE wanted to come down, to the Earth. But HE said HE couldn't, until I was gone. Meaning dead. So I had to go, so HE could come down. I, didn't want to. * Trial 47: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Secret Message. - [50- Enya, Fallen Embers] - Watch, 5 of 5. There's a book called "The Bible Code". "The Bible Code". Prophecies for many modern-day events have been found hidden in
the Bible, by computers. Really. And all kinds of
other information. Did you know that JESUS' actual birthday, was on the 1st of
Tishri? That fact is in there. Biblical scholars have always generally figured that the Messiah
would have been born on that day. Because it's prophetically appropriate. In 2001, that day fell on September the 11th. Anyway, one night I got it in my head, that there must be a
'Master Key'. A simple 'Key', could possibly translate the entire Bible, into
an entirely new message. 'A Part Two'. 'Straight from GOD'. (WHO
is 'omnipotent'.) 'Discovered by man', when he's 'ready'. If we can encode, and GOD has been encoding, why not? I would not be completely surprised, if such a thing was
eventually discovered. Now, I'm EXPECTING it to be. (Be sure to also read Answers 39 through 44, in 'Answers'.) * Trial 48: {Night, in the
bedroom.} WORD-Wrap. One time I had a vision of the Earth. And it had a super-long string of white letters, wrapped around
it, three times. The letters, were the Word. They were near the equator, but not directly on it. And the string of Letters ended, hanging out in space. I got the impression that the Letters at the end were going to
'fall apart'. But They didn't. They
just sat there. And that was it. * Trial 49: {Night, in
the bedroom.} Future Travel. - [51- Enya, Willows On The Water] I pictured long tubes between Heaven and Earth. People would enter either end, and then come out on the other. Their flesh would be added to them, or removed from them, as
they went. Like clothing. Wild imagination. * Trial 50: {Night, in
the bedroom.} The Boat. - [52- Foo Fighters, Home] In one vision, I was in a boat, with JESUS. It was a small, white boat.
There were a few other people sitting with US. It was foggy. It seemed
like morning time. The waters were really still. WE were trying to make it across the water, to the other side. Making it across the water, was 'making it into eternity'. WE were on OUR way. * * * 6 - tHe EnD * * * T i L J s Z N V y w m u c a e g q o D B
P R k X H F - (Even Caps 2.) * [53- Rihanna, Umbrella] Shortly before my Mom died, she told me that she wanted me to
quit smoking someday. I promised her
that I would, because I knew that it was already a part of my goal. Boy, did she get a show! I hope you enjoyed this trip into
insanity. I sure didn't. (My total experience was about double, of all
that I've been able to get down here.)
But I did it for GOD. And also
others, and lastly myself. So I'm
pleased about that. Since all of this, I mentioned at the top how I feel. I used to always drink my coffee with milk
and sugar. For a week or two after I got
out of the hospital the second time, when I got up, I would get some black
coffee, and sit on a small box by my nightstand. Then later, I started going out to my
computer every day. I still do. I finally started adding milk and sugar again
yesterday. It's been four years. I now notice that there seem to be thoughts from the 'right
side' of my brain, and from the 'left side' of my brain. I almost always agree with the 'right side',
and almost never agree with the 'left'.
But it's not absolute on either side.
And I still often hear 'snaps', 'clicks' and 'pops' when I have thoughts
too, but I ignore them. It's maddening
to try to figure out what they might mean.
And GOD will fill me in on all of those details, when I see HIM later. I don't listen to thoughts, as though they may occasionally be
voices, anymore. It's too dangerous
to. But I still think that some of them
may be. The as-holes at the VA said
they'd lobotomize me if I relapsed. The
insanity was caused, by listening to thoughts, as though they may be
voices. And it is ended, by listening to
thoughts, as thoughts. The first four methods to hear GOD's Voice that are in the
story, actually work. Also, I can
provide any additional details that you'd like, and answer any questions about
any of it, at all. Although I went
crazy, there are still many, many things that can be discussed about my
experience, and learned from it. (I explained in the 'Introduction', how GOD hears you. It also says in the Bible, that we can ALSO
KNOW, that if GOD hears our prayers, HE will answer them. And further, HE will, GIVE US WHAT WE ASKED
FOR; (See John 14:13.) UNLESS:
Certain good reasons not to, are present. And you can find most of those, in the
Bible. Personal sin, is normally *not*
one. (There is "no
condemnation", for those "in Christ JESUS".) Ask for more.
Expect it all. And, you'll often
forget you asked, right before you get it.
Also, often you will encounter 'resistance' after asking for
something. If you respond poorly, your
faith will fail. A veteran's response,
is joy, laughter, and increased expectancy.
Rejoice!) I'm very slowly beginning to understand exactly what happened,
and I'm waiting on others with knowledge to see and comment. I think this is the second greatest story
ever. If you'd like to go through these Trials yourself, just do what
I did. Quit sinning, and treat your thoughts as though they may be
voices. That's all it takes. (Don't do that.) :o) [54- Alice In Chains, Stone] [55- Joe Satriani, Ten Words] Me, 2005. Me, 2011. (GOD put me through this.
But I volunteered.) * * * 7 - ClOsInG * * * l I K E f t j r h n U S C G O d p b Q A
W M z v x Y - (Odd Caps 2.) * [56- Foo Fighters, Stranger Things Have Happened] If you liked my story, please remember to share it with all of
your friends! Various formats, such as eBook, can be downloaded from
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/667105 The 'Latest Version' of this, will always be here first, at
WritersCafe: http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/1832124/ (And then uploaded to Smashwords, about an hour later.) And then, at Booksie:
https://www.booksie.com/480024-trials Just email me, for an email version. It has the pictures too! It was some trip. GOD bless all of you! :o) I'd appreciate it, if someone would scrape-off and re-paint, the
cell door frame. And clean the drain,
and the whole cell. Spare others those
things. (And for me, say a prayer while
you're in there, to clean it out. In
JESUS' Name.) See the most beautiful girl in the world here! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013666994444 E'Ziah Gail! * * * 8 - cOmPaNiOn NoTeS * * * C U D O Q G J L I H T F E B P R
K X Y A V W M N Z S - (All Caps 2.) * [57- Tron Legacy, The Game Has Changed] You can skip the remainder of this information if you'd like,
it's not part of the story. Thank-you for reading!
[UPDATE: 'T - Answers.', has now
become part of the story.] C - More About When I Left My Body. D - More About When I Got Born Again. E - Details About a New Age Book. F - More About Seeing Hidden Messages. G - The Ultimate Words. H - Looking Forward. I - Believing in GOD. J - Religion. K - The Afterlife. L - The Hand of GOD. M - GOD is Sovereign. P - Who's Going Where. Q - Shrewd. S - You Just Never Know What's Coming. * * * C - More About When I Left My Body: Back when I was in the Marines, I had a buddy who I used to hang
out with called Nick. We used to go to a diner and hang out and talk about lots of
stuff. One day he mentioned that he had a book at his Mom's that told
how to 'leave your body'. I found that interesting.
I asked him to bring it back the next time he went on leave. He kept forgetting to bring it back, but one day I went to a
local mall and found several books. Found three there on the subject. I skimmed them and got the gist of what they
were saying. They basically said that when you lied down, you needed to
neutralize all of your senses. They suggest you focus on a point outside of your body that
you'd like to go to, as you're falling asleep. Then I started a habit of trying to leave my body every time I
went to sleep. Some nights I would forget to try, but most nights I would try,
and then fall asleep. I probably tried about 45 nights over a two month period. One night in particular, I tried to leave my body and ended up
falling asleep like usual. I woke up, and thought to myself that I had 'tried again, and
failed as usual.' Then I tried to just 'go back to sleep.' The room was really dark and quiet. I started to feel like my feet were falling asleep, kind-of
'tingly'. Next my legs felt the same way, and then my fingertips too. Then my hands. The comfortable feeling kept moving up my body, and I felt like
I was millimeters above the mattress. I felt very comfortable as the nice feeling was whooshing up my
body. Then my ears popped. Like on an airplane. My
eyes were still closed, as I was still just trying to go back to sleep. And my ears popped again, and again, and over and over really
fast, like 15 times. And then I felt like I was slowly floating upward. And I kept feeling that way. After about 30 seconds, I opened my eyes. I saw myself in bed. I
was hovering about two feet above my body.
Looking at myself. I panicked! I was scared
at what was happening. I didn't want to
die. I flailed, swinging my arms and legs, trying to get back into my
body. I started moving forward. After about ten seconds, I got back to my body, and then I was
back in it again. One of my feet moved forward and kicked the window, as if I had
cocked it all the way back. I sat up on the side of the bed and promised myself that I would
never forget what happened. I was completely sober, and completely awake. That's what really happened. The experience proved to me, that when you lose your body,
you'll pop out and still be around. * * * D - More About When I Got Born Again: One time I bought my Mom a New Age book, although I didn't know
that's what it was at the time. I read it too. A
bookstore was having a meeting for people who read it, and we both went. As we discussed the various spiritual subjects, I kept saying,
"But what about what JESUS said..." The other people there kept agreeing with me, about the points I
was making. The next morning, when I woke up, I felt different. I had a nice feeling, mostly in my back. It's kind of like the feeling you get when a part of your body
falls asleep, or like a chill. But a nice, comfortable feeling. At first I thought I might have brain or nerve damage because of
the feeling that I was experiencing. What happened is The HOLY SPIRIT came to me, and I got born
again. I unwittingly fulfilled the scripture, "Confession is made
unto salvation", at the meeting. I therefore suggest that you take advantage of every opportunity
you get, to speak similarly, to others. HE's been with me ever since, and HE will never leave me nor
forsake me. Hallelujah! * * * E - Details About a New Age Book: I mentioned I read a New Age book. I was a believer when I did. It had nine principles that it taught you, that were all pretty
amazing. You had spiritual experiences as you read the book. Talk about
intense. Once I was reading a part about seeing spirits with your naked
eye. Then I started to see like 'little grey wisps' floating around.
It was pretty wild. Another principle that it had, was that all coincidences were
meaningful. After I started looking for them, I saw them everywhere, all the
time. (If you wish to be led by the devil, go ahead and do that.) So one part said to send love, to beautiful trees, and certain
things would happen. We have a really cool tree at where I lived with my Mom. So I loved it. The next day, when my Mom came home; When she was at the front door, she heard the loudest
thunder-strike, that she ever did. The tree had three long cuts in it, around its trunk. But GOD
left it standing. * * * F - More About Seeing Hidden Messages: Language and communication is something that is 'developed'. Over time, certain things change. "Cya!" 20 years ago, that made zero sense. Now, it makes total sense. Etc. Consider u = you, r = are, and a = a or and. If g = GOD and o =
out, 'go' could mean 'GOD out'. 'TV' could mean 'cross victory', because t looks like a cross. X
looks like a side-ways cross. Would it not be GOD, WHO directs the development of our
language? And, what might HE accomplish there? Do you think HE'd like to communicate with us more directly? If all of our texting messages are reduced to a few letters per
phrase, what opportunities would that provide GOD? (I.e. would GOD be providing, for HIMSELF, and us?) I can try to explain it. I c a n t r y t o e x p l a i n i t . I see a new cross our why cross oh ever side-ways cross person
love an eye new I cross . (Swapping hour for our, and loves for love, would be perfectly
acceptable.) I see a new cross hour.
(Could be ominous.) Why cross? Oh, ever side-ways cross. Person loves an eye.
(Sounds egotistical.) New I cross. I stuck random words in for most of the letters. Here's the deal: Obviously, depending on what words you use for each letter, it
will make the message different. I 'developed' meanings for most of the letters. Certain words
for each one. I've lost them. (I may have them. At some
point I may attempt to find them, but, they may also very well be gone.) When they were applied, it all started making a 'heck' of a lot
more sense. I was 100% persuaded that I was reading another message,
embedded in all of our others, from GOD. This sort of thinking is safe. Maybe you can find the right
words. Or perhaps there aren't any. But, I sure did a lot of reading. * * * G - The Ultimate Words: When I lost my mind, a lot of it involved WORDS. WORDS, became critically important. See James 3:2 real quick. These are what I would call, "The Ultimate Words". If you feel you are under demonic attack, I found that drawing a cross on my forehead, and using these
Words, was the most useful, comforting and effective help. GOD GOD The FATHER, GOD The SON, And GOD The HOLY SPIRIT. "JESUS Is LORD." "Pray without ceasing." Use: 'To, By and Through.' And; "No other NAME is given among men by which they may be
saved." These Words were priceless to me. Clear Words are, when your mind isn't right. They are worth noting. * * * H - Looking Forward: Did you know, that if JESUS doesn't return to Earth by 2052,
that would prove the Bible is a lie? It's true. If HE doesn't return by then, burn your Bible. It's trash. Its
Words are lies. Because according to the Bible, HE will. By then. ('Within 100 years of the re-formation of Israel.') * * * I - Believing in GOD: I'm not religious. I do
observe the Bible though, but am not interested in any other aspects of religion. I do believe in GOD. And I clearly remember when I chose to,
when I was young. I would imagine, that the GOD I believe in, would say to a
person that didn't believe that THEY existed, "What about all of the evidence of MY existence? Are you that dim MY child?" Because there's quite a lot. I look at the complexity and design of the human body, as
unachievable without GOD doing it. I look at the fact that a MAN fulfilled between 300 to 1200
scriptural prophecies in HIS lifetime; Statistically more impossible than evolution. I look at how HE said to "Number the stars, if you
can." thousands of years ago; And yet today, we STILL, will NEVER, be able to do so. Etc. I see not just three examples, but hundreds. I'll also say, belief in GOD fosters good moral conduct, while
the opposite also holds true. And if there is no GOD, it's logically wiser to be evil, in my
opinion. (For reasons I explain below, I'm of the opinion that you don't
HAVE to believe in JESUS Before You Die, to enter Heaven. But: That's no reason not
to, and doing so assures you of your salvation, (that you will go to Heaven when you die,) and your soul is not
something to take risks with.) Believing in HIM when HE doesn't exist = A better life. Not believing in HIM when HE does exist =
Hell for eternity. So, I hope I'm right, and many non-believers are saved. (I, do
believe in HIM.) You won't get any pressure from me, just my honest thoughts. * * * J - Religion: Nobody talks about religion. Perhaps we feel like it requires too much politeness and
sensitivity, for us to even bother to try to discuss it. I know I do sometimes. These are my thoughts. If
you're easily offended, please don't read them. And, please correct any errors. There are three major religions:
(Actually more, but I cover those below.) Three Major Religions. Judaism Christianity Islam And then there are also many others. Personally, I would think that the true GOD's religion would
have some measure of popularity. Read them all. In the
end: JESUS saves. No one else
on Earth does. And HE said to "Love
your enemies." The Jews believe the Old Testament. They just don't think that JESUS is the
Messiah. Isaiah 29:10, is why. Islam's Quran teaches to, "Kill your enemies." That's why there were 19 attackers, on
9/11/01. (The Bible (Christianity) also teaches that "GOD blesses
those who bless the Jews, and curses those who curse the Jews." As they are HIS chosen people.) (Also, Jews do not necessarily believe in Heaven; Their entrance into Heaven is most likely ensured by one of
their Abrahamic covenants.) So morally Judeo-Christianity and Islam are opposed. If, the Bible is from GOD, then, where is the Quran from? And then, how well is it working? That's what's up. (I explain how I think non-Christians (such as Muslims) are
saved, below.) Mormonism, I don't buy it.
That book is a fail, in my opinion. Jehovah's Witnesses, only 100,000 saved? I'd think the devil won. Baptists, I'm a believer in JESUS who is also born again and
filled with The HOLY SPIRIT. I've felt HIS presence since the morning HE came to me, the day
after I witnessed about JESUS. I'm pretty sure I've never gotten dunked, and I'm pretty sure, I
don't need to. Or, are you saying that I still do? Catholics, YOU ARE THE PHYSICAL CHURCH, PLUS ALL OF THE
PROTESTANTS. Purgatory is unscriptural, it does not exist. JESUS paid for our sins, forgiven sinners are 100% forgiven for
all of them, and will pay nothing for any of them at all, other than a
talking to. We confess our sins to GOD and others, not necessarily to
priests. Also, much of your activity appears incorrect to me. Etc. A Protestant, is a Christian, that's not a Catholic. (The Catholics, (The Catholic Church,) have edited GOD's Word,
(a big no-no,) added Purgatory, added Confessionals, added various Practices
and Rituals, etc.) Lutheran's, you are theologically incorrect in one area, which
at the moment, escapes me. Otherwise, you are pretty close to what is most right. Hinduism/Buddhism, whatever.
(I think I know how these people are saved, I explain below.) Voodoo, enjoy your destiny.
GOD is not mocked. What else is there? New Age, only JESUS saves.
And see the Voodoo notes. There are MANY denominations. What matters, is this: The Bible says, "Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves
together." That is WHY, you go to church.
Period. So you simply need fellow believers in JESUS, that you can
successfully learn from. A healthy environment, that brings you happiness, and
advancement in knowledge and understanding. With people that you that can socialize with, and who edify you,
A LOT. AND NO OTHER BOOKS COMPARE. If your church says that other books are equally useful on your
'journey', leave immediately, and never return. Other books may be 'helpful', but not, 'equal'. A BUNCH OF 'FLIM-FLAM', IS:
CHRISTIANS. That's what's important. Whatever
your denomination is, understand it, and then work to correct it. I used to watch the news all of the time, before I had my
experience. Now, I never watch it. I saw that there were more terror attacks. I don't know the
source, but I'd like to repeat something. Americans can be slow nowadays. The Quran/Koran teaches to kill your enemies, the Bible teaches
to love your enemies. They are opposed. REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 11, IT CAME FROM THEIR INSTRUCTIONS, IN THEIR
BOOK. Not fanatics. That's why there were NINETEEN of them. (So, where did their book(s) come from then? It's obvious enough for a three year-old to
guess that. And, is this the first time that you've realized that? Also, do you now understand the situation
better?) I hope so. That's the 'full scoop', on 'Religion'. * * * K - The Afterlife: After my experiences, I can't help but make comments on this
subject. Skip them if you'd like. The Bible says that you must believe in JESUS, to enter Heaven. But Abraham died before JESUS was born. And according to Luke, Abraham went to Heaven. So, explain it. When Abraham died, he saw JESUS, believed in HIM, and then
entered Heaven. Consider this: A jerk, who says they believe in JESUS, does not. A nice person, who says they believe in JESUS, does. A jerk, who says they do not believe in JESUS, does not. A nice person, who says they do not believe in JESUS, actually
does. You know what? "GOD
is Just." And there you go. The Bible teaches that "many" will be
"lost", and "few" will be "saved". There aren't *any* scriptures, that I find more troubling. I hope none of you ever suffer 1/4 as much as I have. There is no purgatory, see the Bible Catholics. If there was a purgatory, it'd probably be exactly like what I
went through. I'm still figuring it out.
But it wasn't that, there is no such thing, because JESUS did that. There's Heaven, Hades and Hell.
Everybody that's going to Hell, goes to Hades first. Hades is a huge, Hell-like fire-pit, in the center of the Earth. Hell, is much like a black hole.
(Which also has black flames.) So
much so, that it probably is one. Hell. Nice People: I have experiences and knowledge that you have much to be happy
about and look forward to after death. Congratulations! And,
I'll see each one of you there, I'm sure. Jerks: Some people don't believe in Hell. Because of how terrible it is, I honestly hope that I'm wrong
and they're right. But I'm not. That lake
scared the hell out of me. I just keep
thinking about it. Maybe I went through this, so that I could spread this warning. Your imagination can be expanded in the area of suffering and
pain. I can tell you from personal experience, your future is much
more horrible than you can possibly imagine. And let me tell you, the amount that a person can suffer is
probably a whole lot greater than you currently expect. I mean, man, you just can't imagine. I have experiences and knowledge that you have much to be
*IMMENSELY* terrified of, much of which is beyond your ability to conceive at this time. And even then, much of it will remain beyond your ability to
comprehend, as you experience it. I would do everything in my power, to escape your future. What I went through, would kill some of you. And I know, it is NOTHING, next to w H a T y O u ' r E f A c I n G Whoa indeed. And, if you're some punk who doesn't fear GOD, you'll have even
more fun! I, went through a hellish TRIAL.
Hell itself, is EXTREMELY WORSE.
I would avoid it at ALL COSTS. I love people! And, I
would kill all of you, to avoid it, if that's what it took. It's that bad. If some jerk tries to bother me, I just remember what they're
going to get, and pity them. If you tell someone to not walk off a cliff, and they do, do you
feel sorry for them? No, you laugh at them. I
won't pity a fool I've warned. And
others won't either. It's hard to imagine, unimaginable. But it's real, and it's out there. And: Tick-tock. .EnAsNi DnOyEb SI Ti You've begun. It just
gets worse. Trust me. I once heard a man on TV talk about his personal experience. He died in a hospital. Next, he was sinking into Hades. He saw it below him, and he described it to us on TV. He said he screamed out for JESUS repeatedly. And the next thing he knew, he was back in his body. Pastor John Hagee once told a story about a punk. A man came into his church one day, and made a scene. He shouted f GOD this and f GOD that, in the church, and then he
left. Then Pastor Hagee got a phone call, shortly after. One of his flock was in the hospital, and they wanted him to
come down. He was walking by a construction site, and some metal pipes
broke loose and crushed him. When Pastor Hagee got to the hospital, he heard a man screaming. He went to him. He was clawing his mattress hard, screaming
about flames. He tore his mattress. He practically screamed his head off, and then he died. (It was the same man.) True story. Ask him. Some people compare themselves to JESUS. They're called Christians, and they go to
Heaven when they die. Some people compare themselves to other people. I'm not done. Make
certain that you read section 'P' also. * * * L - The Hand of GOD: Did you know that a Christian can do what is known as, praying
for "The Hand of GOD"? Yes. A Christian can pray
for "The Hand of GOD" over whatever situation they'd like. It's devastating. Use
only when absolutely necessary. Then, watch. I've seen It a few times.
Devastation comes first. Try it yourself if you need it, and you'll see GOD in action. It's the easiest way I know of to see prayer results quickly and
easily. Every time. * * * M - GOD is Sovereign: People don't realize that GOD is "Sovereign". People today don't even know what that Word
means. As predicted. GOD does whatever HE wants. Period. People need to realize that.
What do you think HE did to me?
Lol! In the Bible it says there are seven things GOD cannot do. Let me do something I never ever do. BS. Proof: One of them is "lying". There is a story in the Bible where GOD wanted to mis-lead an
attacking army, towards a trap. HE told a man to lie to them, about which direction they needed
to go in. Circumvented. There is NOTHING, that HE cannot do. * * * P - Who's Going Where: There are a *LOT* of people. Six to seven billion alive on Earth at the moment, plus billions
and billions and billions more in the past. Plus all of the future.
Quite a lot. Many are quite excellent.
Unfortunately, many more, are very far from it. I used to pray to GOD every night, to save everyone. To find a way to do so, and do it. Hell's pretty bad. I've been through a lot.
And I post my story up (in certain places,) and get tons of troll
comments. It's dis-heartening. There are individuals like the devil. Hitler, several who killed many more, police
who murder, pedophile rapists, etc. I realized that GOD has the power and ability to save all of us,
already. HE did it all. And yet still, even though HE loves each of us even more than we
love ourselves, it is still "many" and "few". Why? Because GOD is
putting nice people in Heaven, and the rest in a furnace. That's why.
(Get older.) *Millions of people*, say the "Sinner's Prayer", think
that they're 'all-set for Heaven', and *forget all about GOD*. Because people tell them, "If you mean it when you say it,
you'll be saved." And it's
true. See the above sentence. You shall know them by their fruits. Millions have *zero* fruit. Not a single one. And off to Hell, they all will go. People forget that it's JESUS WHO decides if you really believe
in HIM. If you never do anything for
HIM, *YOU DON'T*. (The devil believes in JESUS, and he used to do things for HIM,
and he isn't going to Heaven. He's there now, but his soon-approaching eternity is already
decided. Hell was actually made for him.) Millions of people, will be informed, that they believe in
JESUS, even though they never heard of HIM! *AND ALSO*: *Millions*, of *Christian believers*, are going to have an
extremely bad day, followed by, Hell for eternity. Matthew 7:21-23. And if
they're getting sent; EVERY SINGLE As-hole, jerk, punk and troll, will also go
there. *Not a single one*, will escape. Not one. Pastor John Hagee once said, "Crying, is proof that there's
something in you worth saving." And I think it's true. (Technically, this is a wildly inaccurate statement, that
said:) You'll get what you deserve. "GOD is Just." * * * Q - Shrewd: JESUS said that the biggest problem with most Christians, is
that they aren't "shrewd" enough. HE taught us that we should treat each other, as if we were
dealing with HIM. We are supposed to both act like JESUS, and also, treat others,
as though they're JESUS. HE also taught us to "Turn the other cheek." Meaning, if someone hits you, you let them
hit you again. What a lot of Christians overlook here, is that we only have
two. You cannot treat an uncivilized person in a civilized
manner. Or they will walk all over you. When they press you to cross the line, stop, and let them know
what's REALLY up. Then, if you did it right, they'll never do it again. And then you can return to Christ-like behavior. (As though you left it. Think Again.) * * * S - You Just Never Know What's Coming: Once when I was in the service, I got promoted to Corporal. So everybody's in formation, and they announce the promotions. Then, everybody that got promoted, gets to step forward, and the two biggest guys in the platoon, hit each one of them in
the shoulders. Then it was my turn. I stepped up. They secretly picked a number between one and three, and then
they were going to hit me, on that number. (That's how they do it, holding up their hands behind you.) Then, POW! They both KNEED me in my THIGHS! HARD! OW!!! I WENT DOWN! HEH! Ya, straight to the ground. They carried me to a cot. You can't believe how much that hurts. They call that getting your blood stripes. I learned that then. You just never know what's coming. Take care. - GOD bless you and yours! - Steve Insights The final chapter, is
composed of these sections: More Words of Wisdom More TRIALS Insights Words End Letters Mean Words More About Me Review More
Words of Wisdom * Try to
have God's perspective. * Always consider both sides of everything. * When
forming opinions, consider God's. * Politics is the front line of Religion. *
Those who cannot see the alignment between God and conservatism, are
dangerously ignorant. * Politically correct normally indicates incorrect. *
America is not a democracy, it is a republic.
And as long as it remains one, it has a chance to survive. * Freedom of
speech is necessary for survival. * People who censor speech, are the lowest
form of life. * In God we trust. * Liberty doesn't belong in front of Life. *
Eternity is the opposite of the absence of time. * When planning your life,
plan for eternity. You're already in it.
* It is wise to master some arts and produce some measurable works. * God
controls random numbers. And non-random
ones too. * The best things in life are free, and the next best are
inexpensive. * Only God is good. All
'good' comes from God. * A soldier is wrong to serve an evil cause. * A troll,
is a person who comments, without contributing any value to the conversation. *
People who act like fools don't believe in God. * Charity begins at home. * God
works through everything, but primarily through people. * Being open to the
fact, that you could be wrong about anything, corrects your beliefs. * I don't
know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. * People who
believe guns cause school shootings are why they happen. * A person who doesn't
believe in God is less intelligent than a tulip. * I think I can. * There are
stupid questions. * Most of us have seen miracles, and we normally don't
remember them. * Give and it will be given unto you, means that charma is real.
* Labels, are like stereotypes, and are often both incorrect and harmful. * Aberrant
sexual attraction is caused by wrong fixation. * Only souls feel stares. *
Spirit > Letter. * Sometimes sentences can seem to make perfect sense, but
when scrutinized, they're actually nonsense. * Knowing is half the battle. *
Tears are proof that there's something in you worth saving. * How to Swim: Doggy Paddle.
Then lean forward, and stretch out. * Stretching is the most important
part of exercise. * You know that you'll be happy with yourself later, if you
give your best. * Interruptions and distractions are spiritual occurrences. *
Nobody picks what color they're born. * I'm not prefect. * God's got a plan for
that. * Busted clocks are right sometimes. * Gee. I wonder if he missed church
last week. * Sinners strive. * Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary
problem. * All you can do is your best. * You can't put spirit in dirt. You need a soul in-between. * When you get
sick of the s**t, you're sick of the s**t. * Words mean what they say. * Words
are power, so more are better. In which
way did you think I mean 'more'? * Improving your vocabulary improves your
power most. * It's great when you can use a compliment as a put-down at the
same time. * With a dot, you can do almost anything in creation. * With DOTS,
and colors and numbers, you can do almost anything at all in creation. * Nothis
is random to God. * If you wish to become an expert at something, make it
discernment. * Complying with the Word empowers you. * Every thing means words.*
We are all children of God. What do
children turn into? * The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the
Universe, and Everything, is 42.** **See Matthew 1:17.
TRIALS are in no way in chronological order.) * Trial
51: Living Words. In one
vision, I saw UFOs that had Words written on their exteriors in weird
letters. I was shown, that the crafts
were actually powered, by these writings.
And then I was further shown, that all letters contain about 7 'layers',
composed of foundational spiritual components, that look like various letter
strokes, with a bottom layer composed of a dot pattern. And further, that this understanding will
someday be developed by us scientifically. * Trial
52: Genocide. In one
vision, I saw an alien mining planet, that was fully populated with human
slaves, who were very horribly mis-treated also. I was shown that initially, some humans were
abducted, and taken there, and forced to breed and create a workforce. I was shown all of the humans on this planet
being slaughtered, in order to hide evidence of crimes against us. And I was shown that there are at least
several other planets full of human slaves. * Trial
53: Babysitting. In one
vision, a saw a little girl in a pink dress that was about two feet tall and as
adorable as could be. And a
reptile. She liked to bite. Green never looked so cute. * Trial
54: Witness. One day
I had a vision of a Bible, that was written in an alien language. I knew it was a Bible, because about where
you'd expect it to appear, there was a picture of Jesus on the cross. (And He was human.) The letters looked like a cross between
Eastern and Western languages. When I
was shown this, I felt like some insistent question was being posed to me, but
I couldn't discern what was being asked. [At this
time I'm remembering about four threatening, scary, frightening and terrifying
visions I had. Now I'm remembering two
nightmares I had. I think I had the
first one twice, and the second one three times. I've just now remembered another eight or so
really messed up experiences. I'm
leaving these things out.] * Trial
55: Machine. In one
of these visions, God was a machine, and was controlled by an unseen evil,
positioned above Him. The level of my
terror here was best described as absolute, complete and extreme. [Who
among us can prove this isn't actual reality?
If it is, there is nothing we can do about it, and there is no hope. Looking
at my baby girl's beautiful, happy smile, tells me more than anything else
does, that we have a God Who is Love, and that there is true hope for all of
us.] * Trial
56: Dungeon. In one
vision, we were all being put into different areas of a very, very twisted
place. Like a palace. I'm going to leave out further details. * Trial
57: Fired-Up. In one
vision I had, people were being turned into electrons, forever burning. It was considered Hell. [The
remaining ones I'm now remembering are even more frightening, twisted and
confusing, and are best forgotten. I
wouldn't worry about anything, because Jesus said not to.] * Trial
58: Onslaught. I had a
trial where the whole world was being attacked by aliens. We never saw them. They were mind-controlling groups of key
people throughout the world, such as in defense installations and government
positions, and also specific individuals, during key points of their
interactions. And those who were taken
over, were never aware of it, either during, or after. (They also used computer viruses on a wide
scale, successfully taking control of virtually everything connected. People's emails were being changed during
transmission. The majority of internet
content was instantly modified, to how they preferred it. News media, and even entertainment,
universally pivoted to broadcasting, what they wanted us to be consuming. (They were remotely erasing ink from paper,
but couldn't erase pencil. Their eyes
could not read cross-stitching. Foil
could be used on your head to keep them from reading your thoughts, or
inserting any.) But these steps were all
just a practice drill, because immediately after:) They initiated full-scale world-wide nuclear
war, using these people. They were
unstoppable. I even saw their viewpoints
from above the Earth, as they did it, all the way through to the end, including
seeing all of the explosions going off, all over the world. Again, wholly, terrifying. * Trial
59: Control. In one
vision I saw aliens directing the development our three major religions,
personally, with the purpose of controlling us.
To the point we're at. * Trial
60: Knowledge. During one
experience, God, put the Grand Unification Theory, on my computer, and then,
showed it to me. I became overwhelmed
with excitement, thinking of the possibilities now opened wide to us! And in my enthusiasm, I put it out onto the
internet, rather promptly. And a
few seconds after I did, I had a realization. The
information, could be used, by the wicked, to destroy all of creation. Rather
easily. I
freaked. I immediately, cried out to
God, to rescue us all. * Trial
61: Doomed. One time
when I was seeing meaning in letters, I went into my kitchen. And as I looked at a food product's label,
the letters seemed to hold a message, about my personal doom. As I was seeing them, they added up to a
message that read something like "Steve Summers is going to
die." I was taken aback,
frightened, by this impression. Then I
looked at another food item's label, and again the interpretation of its name,
was similar in meaning, and specificity.
And over and over, item by item, all of them, were basically expressing,
that 'a Hell awaited me'. Very, very
unnerving. It vividly seemed as though
everything around me, was proclaiming my imminent demise. * Trial
62: Cymbal Mountain. One time
early during my trials I had the feeling that I was climbing a mountain, that
was covered in cymbals. I was running
around it, jumping from one cymbal to another, slowly climbing to the top. And I got there. [I'm
thinking of three or four more trials now, that I'm leaving out.] * Trial
63: Air Support. One
time, it seemed like there was an invisible UFO that was hovering over my house
for about a week. It felt like it was
exerting some kind of force on me physically.
A pressure. It seemed to be
trying to get whatever information it could from me by doing so. It also affected me in other ways, one of
them being, my ability to think clearly.
After about a week, I managed to fire off several emails telling the Air
Force to get rid of them for me.
Promptly after which, it seemed, as if they actually did so. [Out of
the many Trials I am not sharing here, two that I’m thinking of now, were
visions of rarely discussed Biblical events.] * Trial
64: Poof. During
one experience; I'm going to leave out
some of this. In one experience, I saw
people's souls being made to go "poof." Into a fine mist, that then disappeared. You may
describe to yourself, how seeing this, would make you feel. * Trial
65: Bit-Flips. In some
experiences, I was shown that every object in creation is rooted in the
ethereal realm. And in the ethereal
realm, every object, has what I was calling a "Set Bit." A beginning bit, founding an object’s
root. By flipping this bit, from 1 to 0,
GOD could simply erase anything HE'd like from existence, instantly. * Trial
66: Final Trial. I had a
vision of the entire universe, which is as big as big gets. And then I saw our planet, with all of its
people. Then, I saw another planet, and
the area I saw was very swampy. And I
saw reptilian people, living there. And
then, I saw another planet, and there were people who could fly. They were bird people. And then I saw another planet, underwater,
and I saw fish people. And then I saw
all of these people encountering each other, and us, and beginning
relations. And we were all biologically
compatible, and made offspring that were mixtures, like half bird and half
fish. And all combinations worked. And then I saw a vision of all of the
resulting types and mixtures of peoples throughout creation, and it was
spectacularly beautiful. And I saw all
of us, turning the whole universe, into a perfect utopia. What I saw, was GOD's creation perfected. [God's Sovereignty
trumps God's Prophecy. Prophecies for
future bad events, are given for the purpose, of avoiding them. Preaching they're unavoidable is
incorrect. Instead, preach about how we
may be approaching some of them, and how to correct our course. For things that have occurred, or that we're
deep into, also teach about how we got there, and how to deal with those
resulting issues.] Someday,
Jesus' victory will manifest completely in the world, and throughout the
universe. *
Summary. The
reason I share all of these experiences, is because they happened as a direct
result of my obeying God. To not realize
that these experiences were an act of God, would make me pretty dim. As far as what they may mean, I think that
like scriptures, they may mean different things to different people. I would say that now, as I step back and
review them all, I see a picture of God's Sovereignty. He has more free will, than we tend to think
He does. Realize that He is never
constrained by His Word, only liberated by it. With
Him, perhaps we should expect more unexpected. Much.
Insights * How to
Hear God's Voice. In my
attempt to hear God's Voice, I succeeded.
(Note that I accomplished, both of my goals.) Any
thought or voice that you hear in your head, claiming to be God, or Jesus, is
lying. They're not. God doesn't say Who He is, He'll simply speak
to you. Partly because, by His perfect
tone, you'll know, Who is speaking. The
Bible states that God is not a respecter of persons. Meaning, if He does something for someone
else, He'll do it for you also. In the
Bible, there are at least 30 scriptures, in which I found instances of God
speaking to people. I found two
scriptures on this topic which are extremely illuminating. Here are the most informative portions: A. 'Seek Me early, when you rise.' B. 'Still, small voice.' A. -
Prayer is actually a two-way street.
Once in awhile, try listening.
This scripture's primary meaning, is to conduct this prayer, right after
sleeping. The time of day doesn't
matter, being rested from sleep, does.
Your mind is quieter when you wake up.
Clearer, without much static, unlike later in your day. You can tune-in more easily, and hear better,
right after waking up. B. - If
you try to mentally pinpoint the physical locations of the origins of the
thoughts or voices in your head, you'll notice they seem to swirl from all
areas of your brain. They come from
everywhere, and also often move around too, as experienced. God's Voice, will only come from one
spot. The exact dead-center of your
head. Period. It feels slightly, behind you. If you hear a voice emanate from that precise
location, and not move, it's God. No
other thoughts or voices will. (When
first experienced, it feels like It's coming from a new location.) And, you'll know it, because of His perfect
tone. He will also only speak in
agreement with the Bible. And He is
Love, which comes through every syllable, very clearly. God
probably doesn't speak to people this way very often. But if you seek to hear Him this way, I would
think that if you're sincere, He would someday oblige you. And perhaps, even much more. Many people, actively listen when
praying. "Pray without
ceasing." But as said, the ideal
time to hear, is "when you rise." Proverbs
8:17, (KJV:) "I love them that love
me; and those that seek me early shall find me." Early
after waking. Whatever time of day or
night it is. And not necessarily,
immediately. [For
even more assistance here, and discernment overall, add fasting.] That is
how, to hear God's Voice. (By the
way, what HE said to me was: “I love you
son.”) *
Tuning. God
literally speaks through everything. I
once had a list of over 30 ways that I discerned Him speaking through our
environment. Correctly tuning your
discernment, is best helped by context, and age. Simply think, "everywhere." People
who claim to hear voices are automatically labeled as mentally ill by the
world. After much study, it has become
clear to me that most of the thoughts that we have, that we don't actively
forge ourselves, are probably voices.
Most of our thoughts are voices, and they come from, everywhere. It's important to know, that that fact, isn't
important. It doesn't matter. Placing importance on it, will distort your
approach to dealing with your thoughts properly. What matters, is how we respond to them,
primarily as in, which ones we choose to adhere to. Those choices of ours, which thoughts to go
with, and which thoughts to ignore, are what determine our paths. And that's how our brains function. They're part antenna. Knowing
this, will help you to better understand people overall. According to the Word, anyone who doesn't
believe in God, is led, by Hell. And in
time, with very little observation, it becomes quite easy to see who is who, by
their fruits. The lost
do not think correctly. Defeat them
intellectually. God
recently showed me, that many of the thoughts that I have, that I think are my
own, are actually instead from Heaven.
It's imperceptible, unless He shows you. Realize
this. * God's
Perspective. If a GOD
created the universe, HE would also have the power to create a planet of HIS
choosing in its midst. HE would also be
able to center that planet, in a fixed position, in HIS view. And
indeed HE has done precisely that, as is made crystal clear by several
scriptures. HE sits, above, "the
circle of the Earth," and HIS throne is (physically) located, "above
Jerusalem." According
to these facts, it appears to me, that all of creation is moving like a
carousel, around the Earth and God's throne. *
Helping God. A lot of
people would like to help God. I'd think
that the best approach to that, would be to do what He said. And the easiest way to do that, is to keep
Him in mind, and be loving. *
Healing. I used
to think that the scripture "By His stripes, we are healed." would be
the one to meditate on to facilitate faith healing. So when my Mom got sick, that's what I
encouraged her to do. She passed
away. Now I think that scripture is more
of an explanation of how the process works.
I think instead, meditating on "JEHOVAH-RAPHA," ('The LORD WHO
heals you,') would instead be more helpful for this. *
Remembering. Whenever
you can't remember something, simply tell yourself, "God will remind me of
it as He wills." and then forget about it.
Then, He does! Always, too. Works amazingly for me. See for yourself! *
Affirmations. These
are things to think and do, in order to promote and maintain healthy
thinking. Use as needed. - God
Knows and God Rules. - I do
my best, and God takes care of everything. - God's
got me, and all of us, and everything. - You
should always fear not, cast down all bad imaginations, cast your cares upon
the Lord, and think on good thoughts. - Do not
dwell on condemnation. *
Dealing with others. You are
to both behave like Jesus, and also, treat others as if they were Jesus. [Also,
you are not to compare people, with each other.
You are only to compare yourself, and other people, with Jesus.] - You
shall know them by their fruits. (You
know how a person is, by all they do and say.) - Dwell
according to knowledge. - Do
unto others as you would like them to do unto you. - But
whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. (He did not say, to let them hit you again.) There
are very many more scriptures, which deal with this topic. Implementing these four, will empower you
most greatly.
Words * Good. After
studying the Bible, which is called The Word, I've learned that much importance
is placed, on using words, as correctly as possible. The Bible has things to say about some
specific words. For example, we use the
word "good" rather loosely. In
the Bible, it says, "Only God is good." Since, that is true, how should that fact
affect how you use that word? [This is
exactly what I'm talking about, with all words.
As you perfect your speech, in line with The Word, it will produce
better results throughout your life, and through the lives of others. Words are "seeds," and planting
better seeds, produces a better crop.
The power of life and death is in the tongue. Dwell according to knowledge. And you're on your way.] Think of
it this way. You know, to speak more
correctly, that only God is good. So,
what is the harm in saying, "That was a good movie?" I'll tell you. You are subtly, fighting against God. Look at the end, of that way. [Perfecting
your speech, according to the standards of The Word, will empower you more than
you'd imagine. Since the Bible says
"Confusion is of the devil," then its opposite, (clarity,) must be
from God. Accuracy
with words is important. Imprecision and
exaggerations can distort perspectives.
And not seeing things clearly, makes it either more difficult, or
sometimes impossible, to deal with them effectively. Which, produces bad results. Choosing to speak more accurately, is a big
way, to be more helpful to everyone else.] * Want. Another
word to consider adjusting your usage of, is "want." The Word says "The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want." Notice that it's
totally fine, to "not want."
Instead of "want," use any other word that's more accurate,
such as "like," "prefer," "desire" or "need." And, don't miss the main point of that
scripture. We are to pray for, and work
toward, our goals. Sometimes
we feel lazy and don't want (not wanting is fine) to use a different word. Just add "-ish" or
"so-to-speak". “That's
good-ish.” “I want that, so-to-speak.” You may butcher English, but you'll comply
with God. [Just as
Jesus is our example of how to conduct ourselves, He is also our model of how
to speak. I would describe His manner of
speaking as plain, on point, and mercifully, all at once. We should all strive to do the same. The
importance of Words cannot be overstated.
The Bible is made out of them, and God equates Himself with the
Bible. Striving for precision with them
is a life-long pursuit. Pursuing that,
produces substantial tangible benefits over your lifetime, and those of others
also. Don't talk stupidly, speak
intelligently. And most clearly, is the
most intelligent. Modifying your speech
into a way that comports with the Bible, empowers it greatly. Here are some more examples of how to improve
it:] * God's
Plans. In the
Old Testament there is a story about two men who had barns, that were storing
grain in them. They filled up their
barns, and had excess grain, and then discussed between themselves what to do
about it. After passing on ideas such as
helping others with it, they decided to build bigger barns. Then at that time, God spoke to them, telling
them that they were going to die that night.
The impression given to me, is that the reason, was because of the
choices they made. When I
had this realization, I began a new habit.
Whenever making or stating any plans, of any kind, even insignificant,
after doing so, in my head, I add the words:
"...God willing, as always." Add
"...God willing, as always." in your head, to each of these
statements: I'm
going to start a business. I'm
going to go to college. I'm
going to grab a pop. I'm
going to take a breath. This way
of thinking, is correct, and will produce positive results. And not thinking this way, will lead to problems. Try it
out on this: I'm
going to kill them. Doesn't
quite feel right does it? (Unless you're
in the service,) it should convict you.
Making you pause. To any
plans you make, always add "...God willing, as always." And mean it. *
Deserve. Deserve,
is a word to avoid using. People often
use the word. What I'm about to say may
offend or scare you, but don't be. This
will make sense shortly. Every
single person, except God, deserves, one thing.
Eternal separation from God. Also
called "Hell". You. Me.
And every person who has ever sinned, (sin, is less than perfect,) which
is all of us, deserves: Hell. We all
deserve Hell. That, is
the correct use of the word deserve. Rate, is
a handy word here. People who believe in
God, rate Heaven. When you
hear someone say something such as "Don't I deserve ______?", you'll
know the answer. And also, what God is
thinking of their comment, that you're hearing. Similar
to good, use this word very rarely, gently and carefully. * I don't
care. Never
say that. God cares about
everything. Whatever is the most
insignificant thing you can think of, God cares about it. Therefore, whenever you say "I don't
care," you are actually fighting against God. Which can't be smart, or helpful. [God
equates Himself with His Word. The
importance, and helpfulness, of using words well in life, cannot be
overstated. From now on, always strive
to do so. Use your words as perfectly as
you can. Occasionally from hindsight,
you'll see that you've gained huge rewards for doing so. When God
said that the power of life and death is in the tongue, He was telling us to
use our speech, to create life, (and to also avoid causing death.) Create, by using your words. From now
on, for the rest of your life, always strive to use words as perfectly as you
can. (Also, don't forget to sometimes,
employ silence.)] *
Conclusion. Hindsight
is 20/20. The greatest thing I ever did
in my life, was say a few words. "I'm
pretty pro-life." The
results speak for herself. And smile. Success. I had
another similar opportunity, when I was younger. At that time, I hadn't formed a strong
opinion on the matter, and I was asked for it.
I was a person who considered both sides of things, and still am, so the
opinion I gave, was that I would support them, whatever decision they
made. I missed an opportunity to defend
someone's life. Someone who couldn't
defend themselves. And I hope and pray
that they forgive me for failing them.
God bless them. - John
3:16 is probably the one scripture that God would like for us to share the
most, out of all of them. "For
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Consider
how much doing so, advances the well-being of everyone.
End In
Answers #14, I said that the Bible said that there were no aliens. I said that, because after years of studying
the Word, I saw no mention of them. (The
only scripture, that I am aware of that could possibly refer to UFOs, was when
Elijah was taken to Heaven in the "chariot.") In the Bible it is indicated that all you
will need to know in life, is contained within it. Therefore I drew what appeared to be the
logical conclusion. And, I was wrong! During
my TRIALS, I had an experience. Whoa,
was it scary. I discerned, that it
seemed like, people were being mind-controlled.
And while under this alien influence, they were also, very mean, and
very dangerous. Imagine some police
officers coming to your door, who aren't themselves. Terrifying. During
this experience, I was reminded of when Jesus cast out demons. I then put two and two together. I absolutely see, a possible connection. The
evidence of aliens existing is undeniable.
Exhibit #1, the recently released U.S. government report, with all of
its video evidence. Argue with
that. Pyramids, contain drawings of
UFOs. And a few days ago, Tucker Carlson
reported that the U.S. Navy has new footage of UFOs that is so frightening that
it would cause a world panic, so they are not releasing it. I also
saw, that they appear to have great influence over all of us, in pretty much
all ways, including our media. To the
extent that, I even think that Star Trek, probably holds a clue, as to when
they may contact us. Really. Frankly, it's quite logical. It's
common sense, that the world needs to sort itself out, before joining others. It has
become clear to me, that it is 100% possible, that JEHOVAH, is an alien
committee. And JESUS was a deceived
victim. That our truth was woven by
liars who are telling us to fear not and that they love us. Miracles were performed with advanced
technology. Prophecies are caused by
their guidance and control. And that's
it. I don’t
believe that. Mostly, because of the
Holy Spirit. But, (besides Him,) all we
have left, is faith, in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. (There
were many TRIALS that I haven't talked about.
Many were personal. Some were things
having to do with evil spirits. There
were many which horribly slandered Jesus.
At one time, I was convinced that Jesus was actually the serpent in the
garden, and it made sense. In some of my
TRIALS, I saw the Bible, being used like a trojan horse for our souls. I saw us being taken apart in pieces, by the
aliens, and these words were the tools that they used, to cut us up, in the
ways that they wanted to. I saw our
souls being used as materials, for making all kinds of products, used by those
who are controlling all of us. And these
things were Hells. It was beyond insane.) I dis-regard all of these things. God
dwells with me, just as scripture teaches.
The God I have gotten to know, is three very loving Persons. On the surface, His Words appear good. And my experiences with Him give me
confidence. If there is something
sinister underneath or above, the only way to combat it that I can think of, is
more people following in my footsteps, who seek answers to these
questions. I never said, but I've often
gotten the impression that more will. We
should all remain calm, and be vigilant. It's
possible that #14 will actually turn out to be correct. But at this point, I'm thinking this way now. I wouldn't worry about them hurting us, and
if they wanted us dead, we would be. I
would follow the directions of Jesus, and see where they lead. And, expect a brighter future! I love
you. :o) I hope
I've made a book that you'll read more than once, and that you'll share with
others. Because, that's how it can be
the most helpful. Besides the Bible, I
know of no other book in the world, that I think can help people more, than
this one. I have a close relationship
with God, and I know that He helped me with this. He helps all of us with everything. I tend to write when I feel inspired. The ultimate goal of all of this, is simply,
to help everyone. Be
Mean Words Letters
Mean Words. I've
been working on a fresh way to discern possible meanings of English letters,
similar to the others shown. When I
saw letters as words, it was like God was guiding my interpretation of their
meanings as I was reading. And their
meanings may have changed sometimes. The
memory of it is very vague now. I have
not looked into my notes from the period, which may or may not have a few
clues. I have however, done a little bit
of simple reverse-engineering of possible letter meanings, from the dictionary.
And, I've found some amazing results
too. What I
have done, is go through the dictionary, and write down all words that meet this
criteria: They are a letter plus a
word. Then, you can look at the list,
and see what the letters may possibly mean, by seeing how they change the
meaning of the core words. Examples will
be given. This
list is incomplete. Letters should have
several meanings, many of which are not listed here. (So not all words will conform to these
specific examples.) But what is here, is
significant, and quite impressive. I
believe these meanings may provide a new way of reading, and applications in
future A.I., and all other areas. The
potential of this discovery is unimaginable.
I believe this may be the holy grail of our future technology. I am also confident that this new way of
reading, will someday be able to be applied to the Bible, and produce reams and
reams of additional information, directly from God. I believe this is clearly, a mind-bending
miracle by God. Please re-read the last
sentence. [At one
time I also perceived meanings of our ten digits. I had them written down, but they're
lost. I'm sure they have meanings too,
which could eventually be applied in these areas also. As a side note, after considerable consideration,
I am persuaded that God Himself chose the chapter and verse numbers that we
have, and also, that they are deeply meaningful.] This could be
added into the TRIALS section: During
some of my TRIALS, I at one time could read people’s names, in a way that
basically revealed who they were at their core.
Our names fully exposed exactly who we all were, both positive and
negative. This sort of ability to
perceive a deep understanding of a person from simply reading their name, also
applied to everything else, such as medicines.
In fact, everything, announced its details, by simply reading its
letters. As I see
it, this is reality. We only need to
improve our understanding, and practice, of this new reading method, to
eventually perceive these embedded details.
This is the beginning, of the additional information, that this way of
reading provides.
C -
Undeniably, means SEE. And possibly
also, SEA. Here's
an example: Climb =
See Limb That is
how you climb. Be
Amazed: cABLE (See Able = Cable) (Cable = See Able) cAGE (See Age = Cage) (Cage = See Age) cALL (See All = Call) (Call = See All) cALM (Etc….) cAM cAMP cAN cAN'T cAPE cARE cART cASH cAT cENTER cHAIR cHARM cHAT cHECK cHEM cLASS cLEAN cLEAR cLIMB cLIP cLOCK cLOSE cODE cOLD cONE cORE cOVER cOW cRAFT cRAP cRASH cREAM cROW cUP ! S - The
Clearly, means FOR. Here's
an example: Heat =
For Eat That is
Clearly, means NEGATE. nAIL nAPE nEAR nEAT nEW nICK nODE nONE nOW - K -
Appears to mean CONQUER. kALE kICK kID kILL kIN kIT kNIGHT kNIT kNOT kNOW - J -
Appears to mean HOOK. jAB jAIL jAM jANGLE jARGON jAUNT jAW jOWL jUNCTION - Y -
Appears to mean WHY. yEAR yEARN yEAST yEW yORE yOUR yOURSELVES yOW - V -
Appears to mean VENT. vALLEY vAPE vAT vEND vENTER vERB vOUCH vOW - O -
Appears to mean OWE. Or possibly ZERO. oLIVE oMEN oMISSION oPEN oPINION oRANGE oWE - I -
Appears to mean ISOLATED. Or possibly
Appears to mean FLIP. uNIT uSAGE - Z -
Appears to mean END. zONE - X -
Appears to mean SPOT or MARK. - Q - Appears
to mean CUE. - I
derived the meanings of letters without examples, by looking at other words. Because
T is a cross shape, I also see it as often representing Jesus. I think
that it's meaningful that Z looks like 2. ** Revelation
1:11 (Portion) - “I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the First and the Last,” So I see A and O
as indicating God. In addition to T, I also
see J as representing Jesus. UPDATE: See: ZOA Life I also think
sometimes G means God. Lastly, C could,
sometimes mean Christ. * I also sometimes
read letters, as their homophones. (As
words that they sound like.) It
appears correct. I also
will sometimes read words, that are inside of words, as words. Instead of their letters. I’m
counting on all of you, to perfect these meanings. And I’m sure you will! A -
Clearly, means AFTER. B -
Clearly, means BOOST. C -
Undeniably, means SEE. And possibly
also, SEA. D -
Clearly, means DEAL. E -
Clearly, means EVEN. Or possibly EXTRA. F -
Clearly, means FILL. Or possibly FORK. G -
Clearly, means GOING. H -
Clearly, means FOR. I -
Appears to mean ISOLATED. Or possibly
EYE. J -
Appears to mean HOOK. K -
Appears to mean CONQUER. L -
Clearly, means PUSH. Or possibly LOVE. M -
Clearly, means MAN. N - Clearly,
means NEGATE. O -
Appears to mean OWE. Or possibly ZERO. P -
Clearly, means PIERCE. Q -
Appears to mean CUE. R -
Clearly, means ROCK. S - The
meaning of the letter S, is best defined by its shape. It appears to mean CUT, a lot. T -
Clearly, means TEE. U -
Appears to mean FLIP. V -
Appears to mean VENT. W -
Clearly, means DOUBLE-YOU. X -
Appears to mean SPOT or MARK. Y -
Appears to mean WHY. Z - Appears to mean END. -
A -
shape (CUT) T - TEE U - FLIP V - VENT W -
* Here
(When I
went to type the * in front of "Final Trial.", I typed an 8.)
And with
your new understanding of letters, you now have yet another, new way, to hear
C 4 r i
s t
Read the
first four letters as words. s t means
two things. Stephen, Jesus. And, escape destruction.
I didn't
write it. But I'm reading it that way.
4EARt Dot.
More About Me I
realized that there are some additional facts that you need to know. It wouldn't be right, if I didn't add
them. Here's some stuff that I left out,
that’s important, as you'll see. Don't
forget, that there were many more Trials, than I have shared. I’ve
always had a bigger heart than anyone I know.
And maybe that has something to do with some of these things. When I
was 11 years old, there was another notable thing that happened. I used to camp out a lot back then. One night when alone on a campout, I said a
very fervent prayer to God, to stop Revelation.
With all of my heart, and sincerity and depth and tears. After I woke up, on that campout, I saw a
flash, of the image that I saw in Trial 1. About a
year after I got TRIALS down on paper, I remembered that. (God reminded me.) After
reviewing all that He's done through me, it’s crystal clear to me that He
did. All of this, is Him answering that
prayer, that I had forgotten all about.
He also indicated to me a lot during these experiences, that our future
is up to us, and that we need to work at it. That was
the most important thing, that was left out. Praise
The LORD. Here’s the
second: I also
never thought about the title I chose, as having a clear second meaning. Re-read
it, now. And
indeed, that's exactly what happened. After
knowing these two additional facts, reconsider the book. It’s all
an act of God. - You probably
think my "Fail" in Trial 2, was thinking that I heard Jesus. And actually, that's what I was thinking
myself, when I wrote "Fail".
But, that wasn't the fail. The
fail, was not believing what I heard.
Because, it was. Hindsight is
clear for me on this. It was Him. I was right, when I thought it was. Not, when I changed my mind. Now the
thing is, what He said. It was 4
words. And I
don't think it would be wise for me to share them. Or say more about it. Except this: The
words, cement the remainder of what I've painted on this page. I'll leave it to you. - I try to
be humble. None of this is my idea. But it happens to be what's up. Sometimes
I'll interject myself, but usually I'm actually a rather shy person, and I tend
to try hard, to be humble. Sometimes
though, you have to say the truth even though it sounds like bragging. *
S/i/little "g"/4/Left Hand of God. S, i,
little "g", 4, and Left Hand of God, have all come up quite a lot
during my Trials. And I get the clear
impression that S, indicates me, in certain words. During
my Trials, I underwent some kind of transformation. I already explained that my perfect eyesight
degraded, and that I got PTSD, and lost my strength and energy (it's Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, which I had to diagnose myself,) and my voice got deeper, and
that fluctuates. It comes and goes
involuntarily. In
addition to those things, I also need to stretch and yawn more now. And sometimes, I growled. That, only happened a few times. And another thing. I said, "Ah!" Ah. Kept coming out of me. And it still does today. But not like it did then. I made a
connection. Look at these names: JEHOVAH. YESHUA.
Even the name of the Muslim god, ends with "ah". I was
saying to myself, "I say 'Ah!'"
And then I noticed: Isaiah. I sai ah. I
briefly perused it for additional information but didn't find any. In Psalm
82:6 and John 10:34, God and Jesus speak of us regular people becoming
gods. That's with a little
"g". It is
logical that we'd develop towards our Heavenly Father. It is
also logical, that I stumbled across how to effect that transition. Jesus' first instruction. Empty yourself of sin. You’re
welcome. Be
careful if you do. Have someone watch
over you. I told you what happened. During
my experiences, it was repeatedly pressed upon me, that this, has happened to
me. And, it
has. Other
than everything I've told you, I'm no different really. Nothing else to report. Except,
now I often have very strong feelings in the mornings, and I sometimes feel like
I’m connected to the universe, like with big rubber bands. It’s kind of hard to explain. There
was a time during my Trials when I could see all knowledge. Like most, it was a temporary experience. [The way
I repented, was I first made an inventory of all of my behaviors that I
considered to be less than perfect. I
then, one by one, eliminated them from my life, leaving smoking, as the last
one. I then developed my own quit
smoking method, and it’s the best in the world.
If you wish to quit smoking, do one thing. Delay lighting every-other cigarette for
three minutes. That’s it. If, you stick to this, you will automatically
quit, effortlessly, and also much more quickly than you’d think too. Three
days later, Trial 1 happened. When I
pursued Matthew 4:17, I didn’t place any expectations on what would happen from
doing so. However instead of 3 days, I
expected it to take 40, or possibly more.
My motives were as right and pure as possible. And when I quit sinning, I fully intended to
walk that out for the rest of my life, if possible. That ended rather promptly, after the
insanity kicked in. Now, the thought of
doing that again, frankly terrifies me.
No thanks. I was
without sin for about six or seven days.
Which is surely more than any of you can say.] S is my
favorite letter. My name has four S’s in
it, Stephen Douglas Summers. I grew up
in Springboro. My favorite planet is
Saturn. My favorite number is
Seven. I always use the name Silencer in
my games. I used
to often say to myself, that compared to God, I'm not even a spec of a spec of
a spec of a spec. I began
a habit, of using a lowercase i, for I, when speaking of myself. To indicate humbleness and humility. There
are two appearances of an "eye" in my story, in important parts. I simply reported the facts. It wasn't until long after I got Trials
written, that I even noticed there were two.
I do indeed have a very discerning one.
You read it. I am an eye at
discerning wisdom and truth, and God.
And I am an eye at discerning that English letters mean words. And calling myself an eye, has never been my
idea. I
assigned “L” to the Hand of God section, without thinking about it. On Wikipedia’s disambiguation page for Left
Hand of God, the name Stephen Sommers was there, but no longer is. And I had several other experiences, where
this has come up. I can go
on and on. When I
was in boot camp, we took turns leading cadence while running. One at a time, we would each lead the platoon
with a song. Whatever we thought of. Then it was my turn. I'd been trying to think of what to sing. M - I -
C, K - E - Y, M - O, U - S, E! I was
instantly the most awesome guy in the platoon!
They would've hoisted me up on their shoulders if they'd been allowed. I picked a winner. Then the
Rihanna video I picked for About Me, has her wearing Mickey Mouse ears, around
Marines. Of course there are
coincidences. But that's God, in my
life. You get to know Him. He does stuff like that sometimes. Sure, it might not be. But trust me.
It is. That's how He is. And there's more to it than that, too. My life
appears to be full of both things and experiences which support the rest of
what I've said here. Now that I think
about it, I've almost been killed, about 7 times, in my life. A Cross-Stitch
my Mom made. My Mom
did every kind of craft known to man, including cross-stitching. When I was 10 years old, when working on this
one, she called me over to her. She said
to me, "I'm trying to finish my cross-stitch, but I don't know how to make
the house perfect. Should the house be
one story, or two?" I remember this
moment. I was kind of puzzled by her
question, as this was a type of consideration I'd never had, being only 10
years old. I cannot remember what my
answer was. When my
Mom died, I bought my house. I looked at
about 500, 100 of which in person. It
was about the 100th house I had my realtor show me. It was the only one I liked. She got
the color of the roof, house, and front door all correct. And the trees, and birds, (remember what I
said about birds,) and even the fence behind the house. And of course, the letters. (And I just now checked, and my neighbors
even have flowers close to those spots.) (To be
perfectly clear, I did NOT pick my house, because of the cross-stitch. I only recently, noticed all of this.) The
‘Fort’, was purchased on March 4th. I do not
think it’s conducive to my well-being to dwell on these aspects of my
experiences. I put no importance on
them, and basically dis-regard them.
However, being mindful of these facts, is required in order to see the
truth correctly. There
are a lot of dualities in the story, that I never saw as I was living it, but
now can. You'll
notice that in some places I corrected, (and repeated, and refined, and grew,)
what I said. I left those things in
place on purpose. And not everything
here is perfect. It's your job, to take
this knowledge, to perfection. - S U R
VEIL LANCER. I believe this constitutes
splitting the veil. Also called the
Stairway to Heaven. If this
method of reading seems like foolishness to you, then the scripture "The
things of God seem like foolishness to men.", comes to my mind. After all I saw, I know God was telling me,
that we can read this way. I do not
know what God has in store for me, but I'm expecting something awesome. As far as what I do now, I’ll look to Jesus
for guidance on what to do, which will probably consist mainly of more of the
same from me. I
wouldn't say my book should be added to the Bible. But I would say it comes closer to it, than
any other. I would also say, it is a
continuation of it. And it also, makes
for a great companion. GOD
bless you, further. I love
you. - Steve :o)
Review Reading
this material has empowered and sharpened you, more than any, aside from the
Word. It is loaded with truth,
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Your understanding of God and the spiritual realm is now greater than
ever before, and you are now equipped to discern God and His will better going
forward. Even statements that you
disagree with can be used to test, refine and improve your own beliefs. After God and His Word, nothing in the world
helps people, more than this document.
This material also accomplishes much more than that. For the best results, it is advised that you
read it at least twice. In this
book you have learned how to change God's plans, how to get born again, how to
have God smash opposition, how to hear God, how to discern His will, how to
become a god, and many, many other things.
God be with you. Now do
them. If
something within you resists this, identify it, and defeat it. And use Jesus’ name. It has great power. Ever notice how the mentioning of His name
seems to quiet a room? - (Jesus
just now pointed this out to me:) Matthew
4:18 (NKJV:) “And Jesus, walking by the
Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother,
casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.” This
book is a seed, and WE need your help, to plant it all over the world. Please share this with others, and teach
children the Words of Wisdom and Answers.
Together, we can advance the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Earth. Here’s a
shorter link to the story:
https://tinyurl.com/ye7eubdn Take
care. - C 4 r i
s t 4EARt Dot.
------- Tue
2022-09-06 4:54 PM Good
Afternoon, We are
praying for your writing to be successful. Thank
you. God
Bless You Sheila
Wall Creflo
Dollar Ministerial Association (CDMA) -------
require a "KEY", to ENTER THE KINGDOM. Welcome,
to Heaven on Earth... :o) GOD
FULLY ARRIVED, 10/12/2022. ~ In
order to give you complete information, please read this poem i Wrote. Pay
attention mostly to the very first line. [SENT:
Sun 2022-10-09 8:13 AM.] ~ 8/28/19 D✡✝S Are 4 connecting. Minnie
Mouse has a Dot. Her Daughter. Dots
are Daughters. They are
embryos. They
are binary bits. Zeros and Ones. They
are spots and specs. And small. It's
All About the Dots. Cells
are dots. And DNA. Dots aren't always perfect circles. And so
are Elements. Especially the Electrons. There
are dots in the night sky. The
Earth is one too. And
what's your TV made out of? Pixels. And the
characters on your screen, Letters. Your
Pictures and Music and Data. Popcorn
and Seeds. Grains. Ants. Sugar
and Flour and Salt and Pepper. We're
only beginning hear. The
beach is a fun place. Sand. Where
do you Aim? You
might be beginning to get the Point. i Think
i'VE Forgotten more than i'VE Remembered. You'd
be amazed what Dots can contain. Kind-of
Nuclear. i'VE
Presently got dots, on my Socks! And one
on my Face. Maybe
i'LL Tell you later..... Brail,
and Morse Code too. Breadcrumbs. Vents.
Screens. Lampshades. Patterns
on clothes, and small holes too. Speakers. TIES. Dominos.
And Pepperonis. Fruit
Loops, and Cheerios. Doughnut holes too. Anything
Printed. EYES. Tears
and Rain drops. Snowflakes. Freckles
& Zits. Teeth. And Toes. Craters
& Dust & Drops. Like Kisses. Moles.
Shelf-support holes. Breathing holes. Screws
and Nails. Rivets. Clocks.
Wheels, and Tires. Buttons and Snaps. Christmas
tree Lights. Ornaments. Legos.
Marbles. Balls. And gumballs. BBs,
and Pellets. Go play
some PAC-MAN 256. Potato,
Tomato. TOTS, Catch-up. Crumb-Muncher
Bubbles. Signs & Tells. i
Already said Stars. Flowers and Hearts. And
that's all of them. See ties. i! ~ I
shared this with several people. Afterwards, something occurred. ~ I watch
Fox News. After I sent the poem, a change happened. People
en-masse, began wearing: Ties with dots on them. Profusely. Clearly,
controlled by God. With them, unaware. I took
pictures of 17 of them, and shared them. The dots didn't stop. They
still haven't. And,
they never will. ~ Here
are the pictures. (Below.) All of these ties have dots on
them. All were taken within a SMALL period of time. (Profusely.) ~ So this
morning I sent you my DOTS poem. I hope you enjoyed it. It has a
message. (On its
first line.) So...
Check this out. I tell
God, I'd like Him to have everyone He can, wear dots. On their
ties. Today. On Fox News. So I
can take pictures, and send them to you. I
wasn't going to say anything, but I feel like sharing. OK, so,
what does He do? First
tie. Funny-shaped dots. Yes
technically they're dots, but mis-shapened. So I
tell God, I need better-looking dots than that. What
does He do? Next
tie, more funny dots. In another weird shape. This is
Him. This is how God is. I don't
take the picture again. I'm like, I need CLEAR dots God. I think
He did it again. And We had a laugh. After
that, I just started taking pictures. After I
gave God a talking to, he immediately made the most perfect dots of all. :o) I
really wish I'd taken pictures of those first two or three, they were really
neat-looking. I also
missed many of them. There were Jesse Watters and Joe Biden shots with
dots too, that I missed. Anyway,
here's more dots, for you to connect. God
bless you. Love, Steve :o) ~ ~ Here's
some "funny" ones: ~
saw two more I missed, on the re-run, in addition to these two. And don't
forget the others I mentioned that I missed too. ~ "...So
I got the impression that if I obeyed Matthew 4:17, I would have more power
with GOD. After about 20 years, on November 1st, 2012, I achieved my
goal...." https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/1832124/ ~ Good
Morning. This
morning, I'm seeing nothing but DOTS. See for
yourself. WHO is God, and who is god. -Steve Seen
like 7. It's 9AM. You got Fox News? I've
discussed this with God, and He is indicating He may continue this for an
undisclosed period of time. WE're
up to at least 10 this morning. Let's watch ToGetHer. I'll be
having Fox News make a video of it. Ttyl. ~ WE
haven't stopped, and are now on ALL channels. ~ The
next morning, as said, the dots were still going. Like crazy. I
took one more picture: ~ They
are still continuing. And will never stop. Ever. ~ If you
do not see many, dots on ties on TV, that means: You need to go to
church. ;o) Take a
look. ~ OKAY. 1: God's putting
DOTS on ties, all over America, and maybe Earth. Probably Earth. (i
Can't simply ask everything all of the time. It's WORK.) 2: Initially,
DOT-wearers were unaware of their participation. Appears most still are. 3: I have
discerned: Only Kingdom members discern the DOTS. The rest, do not
notice them. 4: = Only
Kingdom members discern God's flood of dotted ties. (And possibly other
dots too.) 5: IF you
see many dotted ties on your TV, you are a member of the Kingdom. And
those who do not, are not. And
from these things we can discern who is who. By
asking, "Have you noticed many dotted ties on TV lately?" Their
answer, is yours. Welcome
to the Kingdom of Heaven. -god ~ One
little twist in reality, with a little dot, and WE control the world. We will
achieve perfection. Justice. And everything else. PRAISE
GOD. ~ D✡✝S, Further Explanation. - This clarifies how it works.
If you think it's the right thing to do. Of course.
// > Praise Original Story: https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=75012727&f=119 Thank-you for reading this! Please, go here now: ------- Note: TRIALS had over 12,750 Views, before I deleted and re-posted it. TRIALS
- Version 1.08.01, 10/14/2022, + some minor changes. © 2023 Stephen D. Summers. All Rights Reserved. / There is no intellectual dispute. ![]() ![]() / © 2025 SilencerAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on April 20, 2023 Last Updated on February 11, 2025 Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment Author