You say

You say

A Poem by Siddhidatri Pande

You say I am weak but you do not know my stout heart,
You say I am a mystery but I am an open book to have your hour,
You say I am quiet but do you know I am bubbling inside though I have a serene guise on,
You say I am terrible but did you ever reason out your treason.
You say that I am a familiar stranger because you do not know how you shun me,
You say I can't stand for myself but I am as tall as Eiffel Tower only if your eyes see through.
You say I am incorrigible to not change my demeanor but is it a sin to love yourself inside out.
You say I am as wild as  a wanton wind but I cherish my freedom,
You say I am reckless that is because I want to drape in dauntless.
You say I should give up don't you think our roles should be exchanged.
You say I have choices no more ,that is when you forget that you opened my doors.
You say I am naive ,I do not care because I am my own client,
You say I am bizarre because I am headstrong enough for my desires.
You say I am someone who needs pity I guess its you who is seen in my mirror,
You say a million things but forget that determination captivates more than your words dripping hatred.

© 2019 Siddhidatri Pande

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For sure one needs to read this wonderful creation to develop self love. Thanks for sharing Siddhidatri. A beautiful poetry .

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 25, 2019
Last Updated on July 25, 2019
Tags: Determination, strength


Siddhidatri Pande
Siddhidatri Pande

Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India

I like to innovate something with the help of my memories. more..
