Wonderful job! I never used to like cats, but a friend of mine has two, and I'm steadily liking them more and more. They're so adorable! :D I could see everything exactly as you wrote it, and the piece gave me those joyous feelings that usually only come with kittens or puppies. Great write! :D
I've got three myself, Louisa, Dum Dum, and my beloved, Mow Mow.
What more can I say, they're part of the family.
Our family, and the human family, as a whole.
Thank you for this Sid, it was wonderful.
Why does this part of you not surprise me?
This one cracks me up! I wa wondering why the silly wording was twisting my face up, then I realized that it's written the way you would talk to the cat...Fackoin awroight!