Wow, I think I just discovered the key to the vault here.
This was extraordinary, I only wish I could express these same thoughts
this well. Yes, that has to be one of the favorite parts about creating,
is how everyone interprets things differently. I guess one never knows
exactly what kinds of emotions they're going to bring out each time
they have the wherewithall to express themselves.
Thank you kind poet for making me think and feel with this piece.
I liked this poem, it had a lot of meaning
I don't know where these words come
but your wonderful poem inspired this.
Sitting here this Sunday afternoon
I look upon the horizon
Of a cloud shaping a beauty of a soul
Could it be the beauty of your soul?
The sky is deep blue an essence of
Gods painted sky
Waiting to see the image of you
Separate her spirit
Like an angel fallen out of the sky
I sit here waiting just for you
A creation of Gods loving hands
Molded of love to share
Along the silver lining of our souls
The meaning of words
Mean nothing
If they don't flow from ink of hearts
Hearts of love flowing through the poets
Well done. I like how you used art terms like "color" and "pastel" to describe thoughts and emotions. A very accurate comparison, and an all-around good poem!
Wow, I think I just discovered the key to the vault here.
This was extraordinary, I only wish I could express these same thoughts
this well. Yes, that has to be one of the favorite parts about creating,
is how everyone interprets things differently. I guess one never knows
exactly what kinds of emotions they're going to bring out each time
they have the wherewithall to express themselves.
Thank you kind poet for making me think and feel with this piece.
Whew as I have said before, you sure can hit'em where it counts! Recently there's a theme in your words of the unappreciated/unacknowledged. This one is beautiful and how my words speak back to me, as if the poem is asking your outer self to realize the greater Self...and a kind of inevitable missing of the mark...the Artist's Mark can never be achieved in one's lifetime, for we are always perfecting our expression. Excellent and complete.