A Welsh Recollection

A Welsh Recollection

A Poem by Siddartha Beth Pierce

In Caenarvon
I did alight
with fallen castle
in my sight.

Raised a fist
into the air
to gather strength
from those from there.

In Llandudno too
I had much fun
in pubs next door to B&B
where my order
was taken
from an old kitty cat
named Whiskey.

Irish church group
in background
sang out a tune
of magical sound.

Upon the shores of Wales
I saw
each grave held the name
of father, uncle, aunt
grandparents sought.

I lived here 
once before
and in traveling back
by memory-

I simply
long to be
there again
upon Welsh shores
to experience all
that made us run
and yet recall.

© 2013 Siddartha Beth Pierce

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My mums parents were welsh never knew them her father died before I was born and her mother when I was a babe but I can really honestly remember her cuddling me I love anything Welsh wish I could go there but alas cannot travel far by plane mum never got there either so it is in my dreams I go and also reading this beautiful piece !!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Reading your takes me in your world and all i find there is beautiful peace for lost soul, every work of your is magnum-opus!
Keep on writing you truly are God gifted my friend

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Siddartha Beth Pierce

10 Years Ago

Slainte, mon ami! I am truly honored by your kind words!
A. Amos

10 Years Ago

You deserve much more my dear..you're most welcome

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2 Reviews
Added on December 13, 2013
Last Updated on December 13, 2013


Siddartha Beth Pierce
Siddartha Beth Pierce

Richmond, VA

Artist, Poet, Educator, African and Contemporary Art Historian more..
