Chapter fourteen: Celebration and Engagement

Chapter fourteen: Celebration and Engagement

A Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann

Roslyn and Sephrina mend things, a small party get everyone together and a surprise engagement happens.

Roslyn's Point of View (Part 2)

Holding my hand he guided me into the house we started going up stairs. I pressed my hand against the gold rails just feeling how silk and soft it was I nearly soothing enough for me to go to sleep. He looked back at me and a small grin appeared on his lips stopping at the top. He pressed his soft hand on to my face and he stroked my cheek gently. He leaned in and kissed me. My heart began to race as I kissed him back. He pulled away slowly.

"Close your eyes and follow me." I closed my eyes and it felt as if I was falling already.

He grabbed my hand and I let him lead the way I heard the twist of the door knob and I was so excited my heart was racing.

"Open them!" He said happily.

I opened my eyes and on the bed laid the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life. It had diamonds going around is and center of it was an big beautiful blue diamond with small diamonds surrounding I loved it .My eyes widened I looked at Cassius.

"That's for me?" He smiled and grabbed it off the bed.

"Yes." He said while putting it on me.

"It is beautiful I love it."

"It was a gift from my mother, before she got sick she sat me down and told m e that one day I would find a girl worth protecting worth fighting for and when I found her I could never let her go.And that by giving her this necklace I was giving her my heart and love forever." He starred into my eyes and saw my life begin to brighten.

"I love you!" I said.

"I love you Roslyn."

"Forever." He smiled and nodded his head.

We ended up roaming around the house going up stair and running around. He began to chase me but of course he caught me wrapping his arms around me and swing me around I was laughing. This moment made everything worth it. I saw these stairs going up but I knew that there was no forth floor.

"What is up there?" I asked.

"I will show you." He went up the stairs opening this white door. It was roof top. covered by the other parts of the roof. I looked towards the sun and it was a beautiful view it was as if we where at the top of Paris. Then the idea of a bomb fire came to me.

"What if we have a small bomb fire here. there could be wood right there we just need to find a metal like bin to put it in, and have chairs surrounding it and get some lights put then around here and up against this roof. Have a table over here of Allison's smoothies and some juice for me and we could play music. It could be a way for us all to relax and just calm our minds." He smiled and a girls voice behind me spoke.

"I think it's a great idea." I turned around and it was Sephrina, she was smiling at me.

"Yes a splendid idea."Cassius said while looking at Sephrina with happiness.

She walked towards him and he smiled at her and they hugged.

"Come on, lets go tell the others." Sephrina said.

We went down stairs all three of us and everyone looked a bit shocked even Micheal had a surprised look on his face.

"Roslyn has a great idea, go on tell them."

I began to explain what I thought we should have and for a while I felt as if I had been rambling but these ideas kept spilling out and I stopped after a while because everyone was just staring at me and I honestly did not know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Micheal stood up.

"What a marvelous idea, Allison why don't you go prepare some smoothies and juice my love, Francis go into town go get some light Ariel go with him and get some chairs, Micheal why don't you help me get the table. Why don't the rest of you if you where to be so kind get some plants and leaves and put then all around the roof and sort of decorate. And Roslyn why don't you make a modern day music list since you are the only one of this generation." He smiled and every one agreed and dispersed laughing and smiling.

Cassius kissed my forehead and then followed Micheal to go get the table.

"Roslyn." Some one called me, I turned around and it was the Dylan guy.


"Mind if I help with the list of music?" 

"No I don't mind." I said.

I was about to go get my computer but Sephrina was in front of me holding my computer.

"Thank you." I said while getting it from her.

I sat on the couch and Dylan sat next to me I went to all my music and I began adding songs to my playlist.

"What about this song." Dylan typed in a artist that I had never heard before I looked at him confused.

"I have never heard of them."

"Just listen." He said as he pressed play.

And my heart dropped the song was perfect it was soft and joyful and it was one of those songs that you hear and you just want to do something reat to or like at the end of a movie where they show how everyone has changed.

"This song is amazing." I said.

"I know."

" You got any more songs?" I asked.

"Well of course" He began playing more and more music for me and they where great.

"Where did you find these artist."

"Well they sort of found me if that makes sense."

"You are very different then all the other vampires it seems like this is your generation." He laughed.

"I am just use to adapting is all Roslyn, think of me as a butterfly transforming to my surroundings."

"Okay." I said laughing.

"So I see you and Cassius are official." He said while pointing to my necklace.


"That is good."

"Do you have a power?"

"Yes, what makes you ask?" he said smiling.

"I don't know, what is your power?"

"Well come with me to the kitchen and I will show you." 

We went into the kitchen and Allison was making the smoothies. Allison and Dylan began staring at me.

"What's wrong?"

"You don't smell the blood dear?" Allison asked

"Yes but it doesn't smell bad or anything." They both laughed and sort of shrugged their shoulders.

"You are very different." Dylan says.

"So what brings you two into the kitchen?" Allison asks.

"I am going to show Roslyn my ability." A smile goes across Allison's face. She goes to the cabinet and get a cup and pours water into it.

Dylan point to the cup and raises his hand as his hand raise so does the water from the cup. I was so excited I started smiling and laughing. he made the water float into mid air. I slowly starred to walk towards it and before I could touch it the water feel on the counter wetting all three of us me and Allison squealed and Dylan laughed. Allison went toward Dylan laughing, she pushed him playfully.

"Your going to clean this up!" 

"Dylan!" I yelled playfully.

"Come you guys must admit that was awesome." Allison and I just shook our heads smiling.

"Clean!" Allison said while handing Dylan a towel. He cleaned up the mess and we went back to the living room.

I sat on the couch and he was just laughing.

"When did you first find out about your power?" He looked at me odd in a funny sort of way.

"Well unlike most vampires I had been able to move water even before I was changed."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, it was rather scary at times like when I would go to the beach if I was super happy the waves would get so high we would have to leave because people assumed it was going to be a tsunami. So my gift at times where a burden but even then I saw it as a gift most grateful gift."

"I think your gift is cool."

"Why thank you!"

We sat there talking and making the rest of the play list as every one got the roof top ready no one wanted me to go up until every one was ready. Once we finished the playlist I ended up burning it on a disc so that we could play it on a radio. Me and Dylan had agreed that he was my brother and that we where also best friends. We talked about everything and he told me how he was deeply in love with Sephrina and shes the reason one off the Woodland sisters and that's why he is here. Cassius came into the living room and so did every one else I got up.

"Is it ready?" I asked.

"Yes it is." Ariel replied I was about to go up stairs when Cassius grabbed me.

"Whoa, we all have to get dressed and we will all go up there together."

"Can't I just have peak please?" I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh she's giving you the puppy dog eyes." Van Buren said.

"Don't give in man, once a sucker always a sucker."Ariel said.

"Hey, your my sister. Your suppose to be on my side." I replied, every one laughed.

"No Roslyn. Go get dressed." Cassius replied all the girls went in to Cassius and I's room.

I felt like I was at some type of girls night out slumber party everyone was asking each other about there out fits and how they wanted to be causal but flirty. We all ended up wear dresses that are knee length and just casual and cute. I was wearing a short white dress with flowers on the straps and black flats. and my hair was down and wavy. But Ariel looked beautiful her dress was black and close to a Marilyn Monroe dress and her hair was super curly she looked amazing. We all left my room and headed to the next floors all the guys where just waiting. Cassius embraced me with a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. 

"Are you ready?" Cassius asked.
He covered my eyes. And guided my body up the stairs I heard the door open and Cassius removed his hand. It was beautiful it was exactly how I pictured it. There where lights hanging from each end of the roofs, there was a medium circle green couch with with green pillows with patterns. Then there was plants going around the corners and edges of the roof. two blue chairs east and west with tiny little yellow tables between them . You had one custard and one white mini tables and the smoothies where on them. Behind the two tables was a brown table and two semi long brown chairs. And at the edge of the roof was a couch wooden with green seating. I loved it it was absolutely amazing.

"It is beautiful, I love it. Thank you guys!" I gave them one big group hug.

"Alright enough with this emotional scene, lets party!" Ryan said. Which was good because he never said much. 

We started the night off dancing and having a good time every one getting along so well it felt like a true family. Making jokes and talking about past experiences. When it started to get later on in the night we decided to all sit down and just say what we look forward to in our many more years of living and my soon to be. Micheal stood up first and proposed a toast.

"I would like to thank each of you for your courage and your acceptance of Roslyn in this journey, though we have a true battle to face those who are right will triumph. For that I owe Roslyn my life, because she will soon give me and all of us a better one." Every one rose the glass and then we decided to get on with it.

"Well Cassius since you spoke first, why don't you tell us what you are looking forward to." Allison said while holding his hand.

"I am looking forward to hunting with the human catching our prey together." Every one laughed.

"I am looking forward to becoming a model and seeing my face on tons of magazines." Sephrina said.

"We're excited for all the donated blood." Alana and Abigal said. I started to laugh. And every one was laughing at me.

"I am excited to enter in speed racing with my brother." Ryan said while patting his brother on the back.

"Yes I am looking forward to betting you in front of people." Dylan replied.

"I am looking forward to opening my own restaurant specifically for us." Van Buren said.

"And me as his trusted manager." His wife added.

"I can not at to go to  regular parties!" Serge said. Then Leon and Adrian agreed.

"We can not wait til we see can hang out with human boys. It's been so long and well I'm tired of these old men that look sixteen but act four hundred years old." The woodland sisters laughed at there own comment.

"I look forward to spending more time protecting and loving this beauty right here." Cassius said. While holding me in his arms as we sat in the chair.

"What are you looking forward to Roslyn?" Sephrina asked me.

"Well, I am looking forward to forever. And spending forever with the people that I care about." Everyone smiled.

"I guess it is my turn." Francis said, then he continued.

"All my existence I had felt lost and then found and then lost and then found. But through out that whole time I had never even realized that Ariel was always there for me. She is my everything and honestly life without her is unimaginable." He got down on one knee and I felt every ones eye light up.

"Ariel, my life is empty without you my world is dark when you where not in it. We already have forever but I was hoping that we could have forever together. I don't want to go another second or another day without being able to call you my wife or my fiance. Will you make me the happiest man on earth by being mine. Will you marry me?" Her eyes where field with joy and she looked so happy.

"Yes!" She yelled. He placed the ring on her finger got up and swung her around. We all clapped and it was so unexpected all we could do was smile.

Serge seemed to be extremely happy.

"Why are you so happy?" Micheal asked him.

"Bachelor party!" Every one laughed.

"Your commentary timing is unbelievable."

"What?" Serge said, Micheal just shook his head and walked away.

Allison and Micheal began to dance and so did Francis and Ariel. I watched them dance and I saw the love in their eyes and it only made me feel more empowered. To be strong and to wise. I mean everyone is here because they believe in me and they have a future and I could give them that future and get the future I want. So I have to do this if not for me for my new family. I was feeling tired so I told everyone goodnight and told them to have fun. I went up stairs and climbed into bed. I heard the door open.

"It's me love don't worry." Cassius said.

"Where did you go." I turned around and looked up he had a plate of food: steak, mac and cheese, mash potatoes, broccoli, and a piece of cake.

"Allison made this for you, I figured you would be hungry seeing how you have not eaten all day."

"Thank you." I said while he handed me the plate. I was hungrier then expected because I finished my plate faster then I expected.

"Do you want some more?" Cassius asked.

"No it's fine." He got under the covers with me and laid with me. I began playing with a black bottom on his light blue shirt."

"How did you like the party?" I asked Cassius.

"It was amazing." He said while stroking my hair.

"So why do I feel that your sad?"

"Roslyn, I don't want you to feel pressured into this I mean this may be your faith but it may not be the one you want. I don't want you to do anything because you feel you have to."

"I want to not just for them but for me I mean I want to have a purpose in life I don't want to go through life and have nothing accomplished."

"Roslyn you have a life time for that."

"But I want forever with you. I want to help people for ever I want my change to be forever. I have a chance to change peoples lives to change every ones lives for the better. I need to do this and I need you to support me doing this because I can not do it with out." I said.

"I will always be here for you and by your side. I will always support you."

"And I will always love you." He smiled.

"As will I, now get some rest tomorrow we will head off to see well someone who can truly help us."

And with that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

© 2013 ThoughtsofShyann

Author's Note

Reviews please!

My Review

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Just a little clarity. This is a bomb fire,
And this is a BONFIRE,

Slight difference. :) Once thing I do is if I am unfamiliar with a term, even though I have heard the term spoken several times, I look it up on the Internet to ensure I am using both the correct spelling and definiton - and I'll be honest - sometimes I have really surprised myself on things.

As for the story, looks like a great friendship of fellow vampires and a party in the making !

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thanks I have been working to perfect the next one!

11 Years Ago

Everything else looks good. Nice font size, good paragraph and sentence divisions. I haven't deeply .. read more
good writing ! keep me updated ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

sure thing! and thanks for reading!
really nice chapter;)
Well done;)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you very much? anything confusing? or needs clarification?
Riding the Rainbow

11 Years Ago

everything is clear..

11 Years Ago

kay thank you very much!

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3 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2013
Last Updated on October 6, 2013
Tags: Romance




I just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..
