![]() Chapter thirteen: Paris oh ParisA Chapter by ThoughtsofShyannRoslyn's Point of View(part 1) I was in the car and the ringing of silence was all I could hear. I was lost and scared I was a mess. I had been crying none stop since I found out we where headed to the airport. I just couldn't believe how my life has took such an unexpected turn. I went from being a normal teenager girl to a complete fiction movie. I went from having no one notice me to now sooner or later a whole other species would know who I was. I really needed time away I really wanted time to think. This was all happening to fast and I was not ready for this I was no where near ready for any of this. I began to cry even harder the more I saw the airport. "Roslyn, please stop crying." Cassius said with sadness in his eyes. I almost forgot he was driving. I cuddled under his arm that was resting, I buried my head in his right shoulder and cried. "I don't think I am ready for this, I can not handle this I am no where near strong enough I can not go through this, I am just to immature!" "Shhh. I need you to listen to me Roslyn and listen carefully. I know you can do this I know that you are strong and wise and mature enough for this. If anything I myself need some strength from you." "What, that's crazy you strong your a vampire." I said sobbing trying to wipe my tears. "Being a vampire has absolutely nothing to do with it. You think that you are but a mere human but you are stronger than any human I have ever encountered. You know all that we are capable of you know all that we have done and yet you are still here and you are still accepting. Your mind set is amazing and I have utter and complete faith in you." I looked at him and I saw the life in his eyes and I realized that I needed to do this. "Just don't ever leave my side and I will never give up." He smiled and pulled me in closer. "I will never leave your side even when you ask me to." A few minutes later we arrived at the airport, everyone was in the parking lot and I realized there was a lot of us. Micheal said it would be better if we split into groups and aboard the plane rather than going together and grabbing every ones attention. So Ariel, Micheal, Francis, and I will go. then Cassius, Allison, Sephrina and her two mates. Van Buren his wife the two mysterious boys. And finally Woodland sisters, Adrian and his brother, Elizebeth and Leon will aboard the plan. "Are you ready?" I looked at Cassius and just shook my head. He kissed my over forehead and let me get in the car with Cassius and the others. We drove off and I had to remind myself that when we got on the plan he would be next to me. Ariel sat next to me and she contorted me by holding my hand. The car did a slight turn and before I knew it people where helping us with our bags and taking us in side. I started to notice how protective Ariel was of me when we walked through the airport she always covered me keeping me sheltered. I didn't mind it I enjoyed it, it was more comforting then anything. once we got passed security and aboard the plane it was just a wait. Cassius sat in front of me just looking out the window in a gaze. Francis and Ariel where behind me hugging talking about the flight. I was just here staring at the empty seat next to me waiting for Cassius to fill that spot. "Roslyn?" Ariel called for me. "Yes." "Do you want something to eat?" "Oh, no I am fine thanks." I was not worried about eating that was the last thing that was on my mind. I rested in my seat leaning back. Trying to relax but I couldn't. I even closed my eyes. I felt my seat move slightly I opened my eyes and jumped a bit. "Roslyn it's me." I looked over and Cassius was in his seat smiling at me, his pearly white teeth. No one should be so perfect. "Paris..." I let out slowly. "I know I have not been there in years." I laughed and he looked at me strange. "I have not been there at all." "You will love it, get some rest we have a long plane ride ahead." I sighed and he put his arms around me. "I guess I do need some rest." I rested my head in his shoulder and let myself drift away. "Good-morning sir! Would you or your wife like some breakfast?" I heard a women voice say. "I will wait for her to wake up, but I am fine thank you." "Okay I or another attendant will be back to assist you." I began tapping my hands I was not tied but I really didn't want to get up. A hand began to caress mine i loved the feel it was soft and comforting almost like a baby's touch. "Are you awake?" Cassius asked me. His voice so sweet and rugged it was almost to perfect. "Yes." I said faintly in almost a groaning voice. "You can still rest you know we have about 3 more hours til we arrive." I didn't hear anything after that I fell right back to sleep. A tap on the shoulder woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and placed my hand on the empty seat next to me. Empty! "Cassi!" When a hand covered my mouth from screaming. "Shhhh, Its me I'm here. The plane has stopped it's time to go." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me up. We started getting off the plane. "I thought you where gone I nearly had a heart attack." He smiled and then grabbed my hand. "I promised to never leave your side and that's what I stand by." "Yeah wouldn't want to leave your wife on the plane." I said jokingly. "You heard that?" His face read scared and nervous. "Yes." "Oh." We finally got off the plane and headed towards the lot we all had cars, and the where small and cute. "We have decided to go to one of my old homes in Paris. Have a good time enjoy each others company." Micheal with the a smile. "Me and my husband feel like we need some bonding time to just relax with everything thats been going on." Allison says smiling at me. "Well lead the way, let the fun begin!" Francis yells. Micheal and Allison jumped in their car, Cassius lead me to ours and we followed. I looked out the window as we drove. Everything was beautiful the streets where wide and the building where all so fancy. I felt as if I was in a movie. I let the sun shine on my face just feeling its rays. And the soft wind hit my cheeks, I could feel a smile come to my face. For the first time the air felt good and I felt calm and peaceful. Cassius hand intertwined with mine and I felt my heart sip a beat. We drove out for awhile I slowly stated to see every thing fade and turn into tress. We pulled up to this big gate. And my jaw dropped the house was more a mansion. It had a trail of grass leading up to in and right between to stairs you see a fountain just breathe taking.The house was grey with a green roof top. My mind is just blown away I couldn't truly describe it. I got out of the car and waited for Cassius to get out. He walked over and put his arms over my shoulders! "Cassius this is beautiful I mean this is incredible." He looked at me and smiled. "Roslyn, the inside is the beautiful part!" Allison ran up behind me. "The door is open why don't you go check it out." "Really?" Allison smiled and nodded her head. I grabbed Cassius hand and I ran to the house. He ran super faster then me. When I got to the top he laughed. "What ever!" I told him while shoving him. I stood at the door just looking at it. I admired it at first the old chipped wood and the soft design that truly told more stories then I could imagine. I brushed my hand against it feeling the soft and bumpy texture. I finally touched the knob and I twisted it. When I opened the door the place was every thing I imagined and more. Their was a big chandler and two stair cases on the opposite sides of the room leading to the next floor. In the middle there was a old elevator, it reminded me of a childhood movie. I looked to my left and there was this big living room, I look to my right I see the nicest piano in my life. I go to the living room and on the wall is a big picture of a African American lady. I assumed it was the old love of his life, she was beautiful even though she was not a vampire she was just as breathe taking. I looked at the white couch and the glass table. The wooded floors so polished so clean. But I couldn't stop starring at the photo I felt as if I had known her like I have seen her thorough my life but I couldn't remember. My thoughts where interrupted by the Woodland twins. "Micheal this is a lovely house." "Yes Micheal it is rather fine." Micheal smiled. "Why thank you lady's you are both very kind." Ariel came in the living room. "Roslyn, let Cassius show you the rest of the house." "Okay, sister." We both smiled. I was walking out of the living room and towards Cassius. I looked back at the painting/ picture of Micheal's past love and then went on to Cassius. "Let's go." I said with a smile. He took me to the piano room. There where pictures of Micheal and Cassius they both looked young. "So you where not always this old." He chuckled and grabbed one of the pictures off the shelf. "No I was not, then I again I have never felt so alive." He smiled. "So you knew Micheal's old lover?" Cassius looked down to his hands and sadness covered his face. "Yes, she was a good women and he loved her more then life itself." "Have you ever loved like that?" I asked but I was so scared for the reply. "I am beginning to." He said and I looked up at him he put the picture down. "Yeah, I know what you mean." I sad breathing hard while looking down at both of our feet. "Come on I will show you up stairs." He pulled me up stairs and he showed me the middle room. It was really nice it had a king size bed. With pictures on the walls of sunsets and oceans. It had a dresser and the roomed smelled of the beach my favorite. The beg was cream like color and the walls where blue. The whole settling was just relaxing and I started to fall for the room! "Who's room is this?" He looked and me nervous and walked a around a bit. "It is ours." He looked to admire the pictures then looked at me. "Well then we should go get our bags!" I smiled and the a smile moved across his face. "Okay." While we where walking down stair his sister Sephrrina was coming up I had not talked to her since forever and by the way she ignored me I could tell she didn't want to talk. "So what is up stairs?" I asked. "There is the rooms for guests, and then right above that is the roof." "Oh." We where finally out side he took me to the side and we sat in the grass. "So tell me what are you thinking? How do you feel?" He asked really good questions. "I still don't feel ready for this and I am still scared. I feel like this is more then what I suspected and I really just feel like my only sense of calm is you." He looked up at me. "Well I hope you will see that you can do this and that you are ready." I smiled. I got up. "Let's go back." "Okay just let me get the lug age." I turned to look at the house and when I turned to see where Cassius was he was right behind me with all of or bags. "That was fast." "Its the perks of being a vampire" He smiled. "Don't rub it in!" I said when we got in the house he went up stairs to put our stuff away. Everyone was spread out. Ariel and Francis where now out side chasing and playing with each other. All of the newcomers where in the piano room and Allison was playing the piano. Micheal was in the living room sitting down starring at the painting of his old love. I went in the living room and stood next to him. "I would of given up anything to be with her." I looked down and I rested my hand on his shoulders. "Your lucky most don't find love twice in a life time." "And for that Roslyn the pain and agony still remains." "Time never truly heals all wounds, I guess it only buys time to find something to cover it up with." Micheal looked at me. "You will make a wise Queen Roslyn." "Your the real royalty Micheal." He laughed. "Where is my darling wife." He got up and called everyone to the living room. "So why don't we all go hunting! So everyone can be full for our little gathering tonight?" "Who will stay with Roslyn?" A hand grabbed mine. "I will of course!" Cassius said. Everyone smiled, the guy Dylan stepped up and looked at me and Cassius really hard. "Don't have to much fun!" He said with a creepy grin that made me uncomfortable. They all left and once more it was just me and Cassius. He still looked a bit off about Dylan's comment but I was hoping he would soon get over it. I grabbed his hand and looked at him. I was blushing and he just got the biggest smile on his face. He grabbed my cheek and kissed my forehead. I leaned in and kissed his lips. We where kissing for a while then jumped on him and in a second I felt my self being placed on soft bed. And my heart began to race. I hoped what I wanted to happen was happening and I wasn't going to wake up and this would be a dream. "I love you." He said with a soft voice. "I love you." I replied. I started kissing him even harder making him push me down even more. We began breathing heavy and I honestly knew how bad I wanted this. I tried to pull off his shirt and he moved my hand to his face. He began to unbuckle my pants. I was breathing hard and my heart was pounding. I head him hiss and I opened my eyes and he was growling and his fangs where popping out. "Cassius." I said faintly. "I am okay your blood is just moving a lot." He said as his fangs sunk back into his mouth. "Sorry." "It was not your fault we got carried away." "I didn't mind it!" I said. "I didn't either its the almost wanting to kill you part that gets me." I laughed. "Roslyn you sure do have a odd sense of humor." I looked at him. "I am the odd one yet you are in love with your meal!" He laughed. He kissed me slowly and gently and then got off of the bed. We went to the front and walked around in the grass and just talked about how we want to be more serious and we do truly care about each other. We also talked about how I was never really going to go back home and I myself already known that the moment we stepped on the plane. "I am so sorry that this happened so fast Roslyn and you didn't even get the chance to really say goodbye." "Everything happens for a reason I guess." I began to play with my hands. I felt the tears develop. "We do not expect you to be strong right now if you need time to yourself that's what we will give you." "No it is fine I honestly just need to keep my mind off of the negative." I grabbed his hand. "Okay, come on lets go inside." "Why?" I asked. "Because I have a surprise for you Roslyn." He smiled and lead the way. A surprise I wondered what it could be, maybe its a big dinner I thought but really that was my hunger talking.
© 2013 ThoughtsofShyannAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() ThoughtsofShyannCAAboutI just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..Writing