Chapter twelve: Off to Paris then Forever

Chapter twelve: Off to Paris then Forever

A Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann

Roslyn really did not realize what she had gotten her self into til now!

Roslyn's Point Of View

I stood before them just speechless and I really didn't know how to act or what to do. The lady with blonde hair walked toward me she was smiling.

"I am Gabriella, Van Burens' wife." She stood right next to him grabbing his hand.

"We are the Woodland sisters, Hannah and Brella." The two stood before me both with orange hair they where so unique it was hard not stare. They where just that beautiful.

"I am Elizebeth." Her eyes stood out dark red piercing. She had red hair which mad me miss mine and she was super like a model in a magazine.

"I am Adrian this is my brother Serge."

"And I am Leon." They all looked preppy like they had just graduated from college and was ready to face the world.

There where two who didn't introduce themselves I was wondering why.

"Who are you two?" Micheal asked.

"I am Dylyn and this is Ryan, sorry we are so quiet where just not use to being so close to a human." I could feel a hand intertwine with mine I looked up and saw Cassius.

"Will that be an issue?" He was being so protective and I loved it!

"No issue we can contain or selves for the cause." The guy was very closed off and he not once made eye contact with me but I could imagine why.

"Why don't we convene in a different room, the living has much more space and we can all get to know each other a bit better." 

Micheal was smiling but I didn't believe that it was a true smile until he looked at me with relief. Everyone slowly headed down stairs. Cassius grabbed my arm letting everyone leave the room til it was just me and him. He looked at me worried and I just knew he hated the whole idea of more vampires or immortals knowing about me.

"Everything is going to be fine." I said I was trying to comfort him while trying to comfort myself.

"I don't trust anyone of them. If this becomes to much for you I will take you away with no hesitation." 

He said while pushing my hair back, his soft yet cold skin running down my cheek. Which sent chills going up my spine.

"Take me away?" I looked at him.

"Yes if you don't want this if it becomes to much to handle I will take you away. Just me and you together well hide and then I will change you."

"I can do this." I said.

"I know you can but I also know that what is going to happen might be to much."

"I am strong enough to handle this, you have to believe in me."

"I do, I really do believe in you more than anyone in the world. I have more faith in you than I do in myself."

I grabbed the back of his neck slightly pulling his hair. He put his hands around my waist moving me closer and til there was no space between us. I looked in his eyes and they turned a bight red I breathed in heavily. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I felt my heart stop and chills ran down my spine. I kissed him even harder then before he tried pulling me off but I kept kissing him. He started to hiss I got freaked out. I jump out of his arms. His fangs sinked back into his mouth and he backed up.

"I am sorry I didn't think.." I was sobbing just a bit.

"No, its fine I just lost my control for a bit." He said while hugging me.

"Everything will go way smother when I am changed I promise." He laughed.

"Lets go down stairs, people might start to wonder what is taking so long."

We headed down stairs everyone was there just talking and they looked so normal. I wouldn't even of guessed something was odd about them if they all didn't look like they where models in a very fancy magazine.

"Roslyn come here." Allison said with a big smile on her face. Cassius released my hand so I could go.


"Van Buren was telling me how he has met you before." I looked at him confused because I didn't remember meeting him ever.

"I thought I remembered you from some where but I could not remember. But when you where talking to me I realized where I have met you." I sat down I was interested in his story than anything.

I looked around and everyone sort of sat down to listen to his story too.

" I was at a local mall around here, my wife and I where looking for some baby clothes for our human friends child. It was right around Christmas and I saw you in the store by yourself looking at the marigold round. I stopped and asked you where your mom was and you said you didn't know. I leaned down to pick you up and you touched my face and said 'Even with no life you still have a good soul'. I was going to ask you about what you meant but your mother started calling your name and I left."

"I remember that day! I left my mom and dad because they wouldn't let me ride, and I just wanted to watch all the other kids ride because I could feel how happy they where."

"Feel? what do you mean feel?" Allison asked.

"I don't know. It's just a feeling I get around people its my intuition I guess." I couldn't explain it, I didn't know how.

"What do your intuitions tell you about me?" Dylyn asked.

"I don't know I don't really feel those things any more they really stopped when I became a teenager and really I think it was my imagination."

"You knew what I was even before you knew who you where, I highly decline that that is or was just your imagination.

"Well, maybe it is her power?" Ariel said.

"Power?" I repeated.

"Like special abilities."

"I can not have powers I am not a vampire."

"There are many people who are not vampires but the can tell the future and move things with there mind." Hannah said.

I thought about it me having a power, I really couldn't see it but if someone else could I couldn't just ignore it.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I need to hunt!" Adrian hoped up off the couch! All the people who just arrived and Sephrina decided to go for a hunt. 

Micheal took Cassius and they went for a run, Allison and Francis went into town to get some more school supplies. I was dreading going back to school I didn't want to and I really didn't want to leave Cassius. But I was glad everyone was gone it gave me and Ariel a chance to talk. I laid my head on her lap while she stroked my hair.

"So you and Cassius?" She said playfully.

"So, you and Francis?" I responded.

"I guess so, I am glad that me and you are sisters I need someone to talk to."

"I am glad we are sisters too, I need you to give me good advice. But tell whats going on with you and Francis?" I said while playing with her jeans.

"I really love him Roslyn. We are so close and we talk about everything, we reminisce on the good times and we really just enjoy each other. I feel as if I known him forever."

"Because you have!" We both laughed.

"Your'e right it has been forever, but it does not feel like it. I feel like just yesterday we where meeting for the first time. And I have my hair down and I see him and I melt. My heart literally drops and I get big butterflies in my stomach. I feel as if the butterflies are still there just waiting to see him again."

"How do you know you love him?" I asked.

"I have no other reason to live for, he is my everything." She smiled.

"I think he is going to propose."

"No! He needs to know that he loves me."

"But he does!"

"How do you know?" She asked.

"It is the way that he looks at you it is the life in his eyes when he looks at you that gives him away."

"Cassius looks at you the same way."

"Nothing can compare to way he looks at you." She smiled and started to blush really hard.

"Well are you ready to go back to school?" I laughed.

"No, I don't know how you do it going to high school over and over."

"I really don't go to school only every 5 to 10 years."

"Oh that's so cool, I need that. I love school but right now its to much."

"I am sure there is a break coming up." She said.

"Yes in two weeks, but I have a lot of make up work."

"I will help you since we are partially responsible for it!"

"Thanks. I have a date with Cassius!" I couldn't hold it in any longer I had to tell her.

"Really when?"

"Tuesday, and I am so nervous. It is like my first real date."

"Well we have to make sure you have the perfect dress and I will do your hair and make up."

Thank you so much! Your the best sister ever!" I got up and gave her a hug.

" I know."

We sat there and talked about Cassius and Francis the rest of the time. Finally Cassius and Micheal got back they where laughing and pushing each other around.

"I see you guys had fun." Ariel said.

"We did indeed." Cassius responded.

"Just like old times my friend." Micheal added.

"Did you girls have fun?" Cassius asked.

"Yes we did and no you may not be nosy and ask how." Ariel said, I laughed.

"Roslyn school is tomorrow you should get some rest." Micheal said.

"Your right, well good night everyone." 

I was walking up the stairs when Cassius started to follow. We got to the door and I was nervous.

"Well Good night Roslyn, pleasant dreams."

"Wait! Could you stay with me I would feel much more safe if I knew that you where right by my side."

"Anything you want." 

We went in side my room and I laid down in my bed. He just stood there like a lost puppy.

"Well aren't you gonna come lay down?"

"Yes I was waiting till you got situated." He got the bed and laid down next to me.

I wrapped my arms around him and he just embarrassed me. I started to smile, he just rubbed my back.

"Don't leave at all okay."

"Of course not." He replied.

"Okay goodnight, I will see you when I wake up right."

"Yes I promise goodnight, sleep you need it."


I could feel something cold yet soft rubbing against my back it was a hand. And I hopping it was a his.

"Cassius?" I said with a cracked voice.

"Good morning beautiful. Time to get up!" He said so cheerfully.

"Can I just stay here and lay with you?"

"I only wish, I will go run your shower water and well get all of your stuff out and you take your time getting up."

"Thank you." He got up and headed to the bathroom.

I finally managed to get up I was feeling really lazy. I rubbed my head and it felt so tangled. I looked up and I saw my reflection in the mirror and it scared me. I looked a mess my hair was all over the place I looked lifeless and I pale. I ran to the dresser and grabbed my brush and bushed my hair. It was really rough at first but it slowly started to just run threw it. I heard a knock on the door so I hurried up and went to go open the door. It was Ariel she was dressed and she looked amazing. Her hair was up in a high ponytail she had on black eye linear with pink lipstick. She was wearing a light pink dress with flowers on them. And to top it off she was wearing these black diamonds around it. 

"Good morning sister!" She gave me a big hug.

"Hey, I am about to take a shower so I should be ready in a few."

"Okay hey you want to match today, you can wear a dress and some flats?" She looked so sweet I couldn't say no.

"Do you have a outfit I can borrow?" She let out a squel.

"Of course I do I will go get it." I smiled.

"Okay." She left and right when she did Cassius came out of the bathroom.

"Would you like for me to give you a ride to school after you get dressed?" He asked.

"Sure that would be great." I could feel myself start to blush. He walked to the door passing me.

"I will go take a shower as well I will see you down stairs in a while." I smiled as he left.

I got in the shower and really enjoyed it the water was just right and I wanted to go back to sleep but I knew I was limited time so I hurried up. I quickly got out of the shower and put my flat iron on once it was on I began to brush my teeth. I was brushing so fast but I slowed down because I didn't want to start bleeding. Once I was done I lotion up I looked at the bed and a pretty dress was there. It looked exactly like Ariel's but it was blue and I had ordinary black flats I put it on and went straight back to the bathroom. I straightened my hair and it looked nice but I put it up in a high ponytail because I knew that it make Ariel's day. I grabbed my back pack and headed down stairs.

"I'm ready." I yelled while coming down the stairs.

When I got down stairs Allison and Micheal where in the living room. Allison walks towards me with the look that she had wanted to cry.

"I will truly miss you in this house!"She said with a smile that made me tear just a bit. I hugged her even tighter.

"You are the best second mom ever." I said with a little giggle.

"Okay my love she is only across the street no need to start crying. I do have a solution for this madness." We both looked at him and he laughed.

"What is it?" Ariel said while coming threw the back door.

"Roslyn, how about you ask your mom if you can be home schooled. That way you can just come over here do your work and still graduate."

"But I will never truly graduate!" I said smiling.

Cassius came through the front door he looked amazing. His hair was nice and curly I loved it. He was wearing a grey dressy button up shirt, with some jeans I could tell he was trying to look casual but it was not really working. He looks at me and a big smile came to his face it was so cute I started to blush.

"It is time to go you would not want to be late." He smiled.

"Okay your right bye Allison bye Micheal I will see if I can come after school."

They both waved goodbye as we went to the door. Ariel and Francis took a separate car and Cassius and I got time to be alone.

"I will miss you dearly today." He said a bit sad.

"I will miss you just as much maybe even more!" He started to smile and blush.

"Maybe after you get home you could come over?"

"Yes!" I said happily. 

He held my hand the whole ride there I turned on the radio and we where both singing this really old song by this guy named led zeppelin. I only knew about him because my mom played him all the time when I was young. I felt so alive while we where singing and I rally did not want to go but i knew I had to he pulled up to the school Ariel and Francis where already there waiting for me at the front door. Cassius turned down the radio and smiled a sad but sweet smile.

"I guess you better go, even though I do not want you to."

"I don't want to go either."

"I will pick you up after school and drive you home." He said but it felt like he was asking.

"Okay!" I looked at him and all I could think was 'stay please don't go'.

He grabbed my face and leans over and kissed me. I felt my cheeks get bright red and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Bye." I said while getting out of the car.

"Farewell." And with that I was walking towards Ariel and Francis.

I firm grip stopped me I looked back and it was Cassius I looked at him confused.

"Get back in the car." He said with fear in his voice.

I looked over to where Ariel was standing but she wasn't there then I seen there car swerve out of the parking lot and down the road. I ran to the car got in before I could get my seat belt on we where going faster than a race car. Panic field my body I could feel my heart beating heavily and fast. I could feel my self breathing harder as I tried calm myself down.

"Cassius whats going on?" I looked at him and he was still driving this time he speed-ed up.

"Cassius!" I yelled. He stopped the car.

"Listen to me okay I need you to be calm and I need you to be strong."

"Cassius what's going on?" I yelled.

"Micheal just sent me, Ariel, and Francis a vision." 

"What was it?" i started tapping my feet.

"Some one at the ball caught your sent they know your a human but they also know your suppose to be the queen."


"They don't want you to be."

"So what, what does this mean?"

"We have to go get some close get you a passport and get you outta here!"

"I can't just leave what about school what about my mom and dad?" I was screaming I was scared.

"No time they will try to come for you they will try to kill you!"

"So what are we going to do?"

"We will go to the King of Vampires, hes not really a king but he is one of the oldest vampires respected by many. If we can get him to see and he says you are to be unharmed you will be under protection until you can be turned."

"Why not just turn me now?"

"You know we can't. We have to go, go in your room pack as many clothes as you can. We will be waiting for you."

He began to drive again I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say. He stopped the car I ran out and went straight into my house. I ran up stairs and I went to my room. I looked around for my big suitcase and I got a lot of clothes. Started shoving it in my bag. I stopped when I seen a picture on my wall of me, my dad, mom and brother. I walked up to it slowly and I began to feel the tears run down my face I felt so upset. I probably would never see my mom and dad again, never fight with my brother. My whole childhood was built in this house and I just have to leave leave this all behind. My family, my tree house my life. I didn't want this to happen not now not while I could still cherish these moments while I still had the chance. I don't remember my dads face and he should be home in three days I will forget all the good memories. The tears kept rushing down the more and more I thought of it. I got the picture off the wall and I put it in my bag I grabbed the necklace my mom and dad got me for my birthday. I put it in the bag. I wiped my face as good as I could and ran out of the house straight to Cassius car. He got out and put my suitcase in the back before I knew it we where off to the freeway.

"The two cars behind us are Ariel , Francis, Allison, Micheal everyone else decided to go by foot so it could be faster."

"What is going to happen."

"We gave then a picture of you so they are getting your passport as we speak, where going to meet then at the air port and head off."

"Head off where?"


© 2013 ThoughtsofShyann

Author's Note


My Review

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⊰ℙℝ⊱ (Personal Review)
Actually I like the fact that 2 did not introduce themselves. It reminds me of some of my early efforts in the job field. I was told at one to attend a meeting but do not introduce myself or speak. And I didn't, and my boss commended me on doing that (or not doing anything I guess as the case was). :)

OK, you wanted a proper review so let's go with spelling and grammar to start,

"Elizebeth" is an unusual name, perhaps, "Elizabeth ?" and, "Michael," instead of, "Micheal ?"
"letting everyone leave the room [til/till] it was just me and him." (sp)
"His fangs [sinked/sank] back into his mouth and he backed up." (non-standard word)
"But tell [whats/what's] going on with you and Francis?" (missing contraction)
"[Your'e/You're] right it has been forever," (malformed contraction)
"Do you have a outfit I can borrow?" She let out a [squel/squeal]. (sp)
"Cassius [whats/what's] going on?" I looked at him and (missing contraction)
"driving this time he [speed-ed/sped] up." (past-tense adjustment)
"which [mad/made] me miss mine and she was super" (sp)
"There where two who didn't introduce themselves[,] I was wondering why. (suggest add comma)
"I highly decline that [that/it] is or was just your imagination." (duplicity)
"There are many people who are not vampires but [the/they] can" (sp)
"If this becomes [to/too] much for you I will take you away with no" (sp)
"Yes if you don't want this if it becomes to much [to/too] handle I will take" (sp)
"but I also know that what is going to happen might be [to/too] much." (sp)
Okay, I'm seeing more than 3-cases of this now, carefully check your "to," and "too."

"He began to drive again I didn't say anything"
this paragraph is rather long and does not follow suit with the other paragraphs. Suggest one or two breaks in the middle.

You are also using 5-spaces to indent new paragraphs which is unnecessary since you have true line breaks. The plot to my knowledge in this chapter, is not entirely clear of the first-person subject as they are never directly identified - except in the title at the top, "Roslyn's point of view."

Suggest you add, immediately at the beginning,
"Roslyn, I am Gabriella, Van Burens' wife." She stood right next to him grabbing his hand.

This will let the reader immediately know that, "I" (1st person) is in fact Roslyn.

That's probably enough criteria for now.

As for the story, it's well-crafted, good character design and definition. Lots of interesting conversation, all in all, a good story about the world of Vampires and how in in time Roslyn will become one herself.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much this Is exactly what I need thank you very nmuch and I will note the changes!!!

11 Years Ago

You're very welcome. I know some of you authors want to go pro so - I offer advice when I can. Seems.. read more

11 Years Ago

It's okay!!!!!
Nce eh chapter, but I saw a lot of twilight. :S the having to leave is a main thing... A lot of sentence structure problems and grammar errors and all, but otherwise pretty good. :S

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I know I seem the twilight vibe to I am going to think of a way to change it and switch it up a bit .. read more
Silent Wolf

11 Years Ago

Why, of course! Anything to do to help! :3
really nice chapter..can't wait for more..

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks s much... Is there anything or one that you would like to see in the next chapter?
Riding the Rainbow

11 Years Ago

nope..I'll follow your lead..

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3 Reviews
Added on September 26, 2013
Last Updated on September 26, 2013
Tags: Suspense




I just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..
