![]() Chapter eleven: Realization Sets InA Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann![]() Roslyn really starts to realize how this is really happening how everything is going to be changed literally for ever.![]() Roslyn's Point of View I was fighting waking up I was tired but the knock on the door did not seem to care. I looked at the clock it was 4 am. I let out a groan. I got up and sat at the edge of the bed trying to fully wake myself up. Then I thought what if it was about Sephrina I quickly grabbed a scrunchy and put my hair in a messy bun. I ran to the door, opening it really fast. There was Cassius he looked absolutely amazing. He was wearing a grey V neck with some black pants his hair was all over the place. But he looked great and his eyes where this bright red. My heart started to race. I felt embarrassed because I know that he could hear it. "Hey." I said lightly. "Hey, uh I am sorry to barge in on you I know you where sleeping its just..." He paused. "What is it?" I smiled. "Look at me. I feel like I am in high school all over again." He laughed while looking down to the floor. "Come in." I went to my bed. He closed the door behind him he seemed uneasy. He just walked around touching the desk and the tv. He finally sat down. "I am truly sorry for my sisters actions." "Is she back?" "Yes, but she still is well. Not completely happy with the situation." "I understand." "I am sorry I realized you where sleep I should let you sleep." He got up and I hoped up and grabbed his arm. "No, stay. We could talk." I tried really hard not to but I got lost in his eyes and honestly I didn't know what was going on or where I was. His cold hand was more comforting than any other hand that had been on my cheek. His eyes turned into a dark red. And his grip around my waist was firm. I could feel my breathe reflect off of him and hit me that's how close we where. He kissed me and my heart was racing I could hear a ringing and the world stopped. It in a instant everything went black. "Roslyn, Roslyn. Wake up dear." That voice was it Allison? "Allison." I could barley hear my self talk. "Hey she is up." "Hey girl how you feeling?" Ariel asked with a smile on her face. I glanced all over the room. Ariel, Allison, Micheal,Francis, and Cassius was there "What happened?" Cassius grabbed my hand. "Well we where having a conversation and.." My eyes widened, oh no I passed out. Really out of all the most embarrassing things to do fainting was the best choice. I could feel my cheeks get red. "Oh now I remember, I am sorry." He smiled, no need to be sorry. "I will go get you some water." Ariel said. "How long was I out for?" I asked Cassius. "Well about six hours but I think you fell asleep at some point." "I bet your never gonna kiss me again." He grabbed my hand. "I will always kiss you again." He then kissed my cheek. He then moved my hair out of my face and all I could do was smile. I heard someone clear their throat I looked up and everyone was starring at us with smiles all except Sephrina. She looked mad. "So this is why you will not leave or go off with me. Because you fancy her?" "Why does everything have to be about you?" "Because I am your little sister and you promised to take care of me." "You are past the stage of child care, so don't act like I am just tossing you to the side you are my sister and you always will be." "Fine, but if this all goes bad, which it will. I want nothing to do with you or her. Your girlfriend is going to get us all killed." "She is not just a girl she is not just some random chick I found. She is my forever and if you don't like it. Leave be my guest because I am tired of living for you its time I live for someone who has my heart, and not my blood." She stormed out wind replacing her. I didn't want Cassius to have to choose and I certainly didn't want him to turn his back on his sister. Everything was just to much I felt dizzy. I went to the couch and sat down. Micheal cleared his throat. "We should all go hunting, I am sure every one needs a good hunt." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "I will stay make sure that every thing is okay here." He gave Micheal this look and then Micheal just nodded as if they had secret code. "Yes Cassius you should stay. You can get your hunt in once we are back." I looked at Ariel and I knew she could tell I was worried. "Do you want me to stay?" Ariel mouthed to me in silence. I shook my head, she needed the hunt and I was starting to feel like a burden. Everyone besides Cassius left and once again it was me and him. "So what was that look you gave Micheal about?" I asked. He smiled as if he was hoping I would ask. "I didn't want to tell you in front of every one because I did not want you to react off of untrue feelings be honest to how you feel." "Okay." "Micheal will change you in about three months, he just told me to tell you because of certain incidents time was pushed up thus for you will be changed sooner." He looked at me waiting for my response. I could feel my heart racing a million times fast I could feel all the energy inside ready to burst. I didn't even think it would really happen and so soon. Me a vampire, faster then wind, colder than ice, immortal forever. And the best part was I could spend the rest of my life with Cassius I wouldn't have to worry about growing old and I wouldn't have to worry about waiting for one of us to die. I was so happy I was so relived. I jumped on top of Cassius and kissed him he twirled me around and we both smiled. "So I take it you are happy about the news?" "Of course I am!" I said while letting out a squeal. While the others where away me and Cassius played card games, truth or dare, watched a movie, he showed me some cool fighting moves, and he taught me how to talk just like him just the girl version. We talked about our dreams and our hopes. I found out that even when your a vampire there are things you still want that you hope for and dream about. I learned that time is forever but you should still cherish every moment. I was learning so much from Cassius and I honestly never wanted him to stop talking. He was so insightful and wise, he was smart and caring. Cassius is everything that I have ever wanted and more, and I couldn't wait to spend forever with him. "So tell me what is it about scary movies that get you all jumpy?" He laughed, and I just rolled my eyes. "Well I don't know maybe the suspense of knowing something is going to happen but not when it is going to happen." "Hmm, interesting." "What is it about blood that makes you all jumpy?" I laughed. "It does not make me jumpy, jittery yes but not jumpy." We both laughed, until we heard a knock at the door. "Who is it Cassius?" "I don't know some fellow in a suit." I peeked out there window my eyes widened. "It's our principle what is he doing here." "I will get the door you go to the stairs." I went to the stairs and eased dropped on what was going on. I heard the door open. "Hello, are you Allison's and Francis' dad?" "Oh no I am a friend of their dads, they are not here at the moment but what seems to be the issue?" "Well they have not been to school in the past week. If they where students from my previous years I wouldn't care but because they are new comers I don't need them failing before they've even started." "I am terribly sorry they told me to call the school and I completely forgot. See the grandma had a sudden stroke and they had to rush out to go see her. That's why I am here I am house sitting til they get back." "Oh lord well send them my dearest regards. I had no knowledge." "No, it was my fault it's just been a very nerve wrecking week." "I understand completely. When they return please let them know they so have a large amount of work that needs to be completed no rush or anything but I do not want them to fall behind." "Will do, they will be back Monday so nothing to worry about." "Alright then well goodbye then." "Good day Sir." I heard the door close. I ran straight to him. "Good day Sir?" I said looking at him with a grin. "What?" "Why don't you just tell him you a bazillion years old." I started to laugh. He picked me up spinning me around I thought I would throw up. "Now who is the old one." He mocked. "You still are." He helped me up and we went to go sit down. "You have school tomorrow." "I know I don't even want to go home but.." Oh no I thought to myself my mom! I sprinted up to my room got the phone. But I had no missed calls. I scrolled down my contact list and called my mom. The phone rang three times. "Hello!" "Mom why didn't you call me I could have been kidnapped!" "Whoa calm down honey bear." "Mom!" I groaned. "Have you been kidnapped?" "No." "Then what is all the fuss about. Plus your at a friends I imagined had anything gone wrong I would have been contacted." "I miss you mom." "Awe I miss you to Rosie bear." I smiled. "What are you doing?" "Nothing, trying to make stew." I laughed. "With the funny chicken?" She laughed. "It is not funny just different. How is the house? when are you coming back?" "Everything is fine I will be home tomorrow." "Okay well before I burn the house down let me get off this phone. I love you Rosie bear." "I love you too mom." I hung up. It all dawned on me at once, I would never see my mom again I would never see my family again. I could feel my eyes puff up and water pour from my eyes. A hand touched my shoulder. "You don't have to change you know." I whipped my tears. "I want to, its just going to be really hard to say goodbye." "Give yourself time, think about things." I sat on the bed feeling the soft silky sheets. Cassius came and sat right next to me grabbing my hand his soft pale cold hand intertwining with mine. It just gave me chills. "I know what I want I know that this is the life I choose. I just wish that I wouldn't have to leave my mother behind." "The hardest thing for me was leaving my mother I didn't even get to be at her funeral but I know that she loved me and I know that her life was full and happy. You just need to know your mom was and is satisfied with life see her at her happiest and then you need to leave. Cruel I know but its better you both see each other at your happiest then you most dreadful." "I just don't know how to say goodbye." "Hey, you don't have to say goodbye just yet just cherish every second with her." "You miss her a lot?" "I do, she was more than just a mother to me she was my rock." "Well I know it's not the same but maybe one day I could be your rock." He hugged me and smiled. "Where have you been for the past 150 years?" "Non existent." We both laughed. I decided to play twenty questions with him I know I was no good at questions but I went first any way. "What is your favorite childhood memory?" I asked, he sat there thinking. "When my mom took me and my sister to the beach I saw my very first sand crab and we sat by the waves and the second the got close we ran away from them. I could still smell the sea as if it where today. The great blue sky and the water field with the unknown." "Favorite color?" "Black." "Why?" "Because the color always get put under a bad name for once I want it to mean something good or have someone positive give it credit." "Favorite movie." "Dracula." He laughed "Favorite song from this time?" "Hmm, that is hard but if I had to choose February Seven." I have never heard but I would look it up later. "Biggest fear?" "The unknown." "I am running out of questions." "Lucky for you the others are back. Lets go down stairs." He was holding my hand all the way down the stair and I loved it. Every one was in the living room they seemed so full of life. "When will you be heading home?" Micheal asked. "Tomorrow." "Why so soon?" Francis asked. "I have to i don't want my mom to start getting worried." Everyone nodded and they all where kinda sad. While Cassius went to hunt I got all my things ready to leave. I heard a knock at my door I assumed it was Ariel about to ask me what was going on with me and Cassius. I opened the door and it was Francis. "Hey."He said nervous and a bit uneasy. "Hey, come in." "You are packing I see." "Yeah. Is something wrong?" "Its Cassius I don't think that he is good for you I mean he is so arrogant and a complete jerk." I giggled. "Francis he is a really great guy he is not as bad as you think." "Well I am your big brother now and I say he is." I couldn't take him serious all I could do was laugh. "You really need to practice the whole macho brother thing." He hung his head. "I know, but really I don't know what you see it him I mean he is so arrogant." I walked toward Francis looking him in the eye. "There is so much more to him then what people think he is a great and wonderful person and I know he has a good heart." "Just be careful, I don't want to kill any more vampires then I need to." He laughed. "Where is Ariel?" I asked. "She is in the shower." "Oh, I am not looking forward to school." "No one is." I smiled at his comment. "I am hungry." "Good, because Allison is down there cooking you a meal." "Yay!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. "I will leave you I got to go see whats taking Ariel so long." "Okay but I bet its only been a minute give her some time." He left and I plopped on the bed. I wanted to think but I didn't know what to think about. There was so much on my mind so much to be said and so many thoughts. I still know what I want and Cassius is good for me and everyone needs to just back off I mean I know I was not being pressured. But it felt like that at times. I needed to think but I had so much time I felt like I didn't need to. But I know what I needed for right now. A nice hot bath that would make everything better. I went to the bathroom just wanting some time to relax. I turn on the water and waited for it to feel up I took my hair down from its messy bun and started to brush it. My soft black hair looked pretty while the thick brush glided up against it. I was more calm than ever just listening the water run and the brush sliding. I put my hair back into a neat bun and turned off the water. I glided in to the tub and just relaxed. I slowly but surely started to drift away. I finally open my eyes again and that sleep was exactly what I needed I felt energized and I felt as if I could think straight. I got out of the tub and I was freezing I quickly dried of and put on some clothes. I went in my room and lied down. "I wonder if Cassius is back." I whispered to myself. I went to go down stairs when I opened the door Cassius was standing there. "Can I come in?" I smiled and blushed. I could feel my cheeks turning a bright red. "Sure." I slowly walked to my bed I honestly didn't know what would happen. "So are you ready to go home yet?" He asked while sitting on the chair in the corner. "I am ready to enjoy moments with my mom and brother yes." "What about your dad?" He asked. "Well my dad travels a lot now so I rarely get to see him." "Oh, well I was wondering if your not to busy or anything if you would allow me to take you out to dinner on Tuesday." I was in shock he asked me out right there. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I knew I had to say yes because I really wanted to. "Yes I would love to go out to dinner with you." He smiled so hard it kinda looked like he was blushing. We both sat there smiling. "Thank you, I think I should tell you where I am taking you so you can tell your mom." "You don't have to my mom really does not care for dates." His face seemed sullen. "Okay well I wont tell you it will be a surprise." I smiled. "Could you come here." "Why?" He asked. I stood up and reached out my hand. "Come here." He got up and slowly walked toward me. "Yes." I was shaking I was so nervous. "Sorry." "Don't be, you have no reason to be." He said while holding my cheek in his hand. He stared at me in my eyes and I felt the life being bright to me. My hands got more and more shaky as he got close to me. He finally pressed his lips slowly against mine. I got the chills and butterflies all in my stomach tossing and turning. I slowly felt my lips go numb and I so close to fainting. Then he pulled away but our foreheads remained connected. "You okay?" He whispered. "Yes." I said while breathing heavily. "I am sorry, I keep just kissing you without even asking. I just I can not control myself around you at times.Well all the time." He looked down a bit ashamed. "You act like its a bad thing. Have you ever considered the fact that I like you just as much as you like me." "I have considered it, the moment you said yes to our date." He began to smile again. "Well if it means anything you make me nervous in a good way and I really really like you." "It means every thing to me." He smiled but the smile slowly disappeared. "Cassius whats wrong?" The door went flying open it was everyone and they all came in surrounding me. "You smell them?"Francis asked. "The minute you guys where behind that door." Cassius replied while holding my hand extremely tight. "I could smell your sister she's with them." Ariel looked at Cassius, he just dropped his head but he picked his head up and he looked angry. "Allison take Roslyn to the closet." Micheal demanded. "No I am not leaving Cassius side." Cassius turned around and grabbed my face. "Listen to me I will be fine but your very fragile." "Then change me!" I yelled. "I can't! Look at least get in the corner." I realized that I was in danger and that meant everyone was in danger. I did what he said I went to the corner. I could feel my heart race increase I didn't know what to do. My window slowly opened and what was to come next I was not even sure I could look but I did. In flew Sephrina, she was wearing a black soft dress. I looked at everyone and Allison body language went from protective to happy she ran towards Sephrina and gave her a hug. Then body language shifted to confused. "What's going on here?" Micheal asked Sephrina. She whistled and about ten vampires came threw the window. One guy walked forward and looked at me in the corner. Then they all knelled except for Sephrina. I got up from the corner and I was not scared any more I was walking toward the guy when Micheal grabbed my arm. I gave him a look. "Its okay" I whispered to him. He released me hesitant and slowly. I walked up to the guy he was brown skin and had green eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket with jeans. I looked at him in his eyes and I could tell that he was a great person. "What is your name?" I asked. "Van Buren." He said with the voice of some one whose been in the army far to long. "Nice to meet you I am Roslyn." "I know who you are miss and I am here to protect and support you." A lady with blonde hair replied. "We all are." I stood there not knowing what to do or what to say I couldn't believe this it all seemed so imaginary but now in this moment it never felt so real. I was start of something great I was change itself and people wanted that change. I didn't know what all this meant but I knew I would soon find out.
© 2013 ThoughtsofShyannAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() ThoughtsofShyannCAAboutI just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..Writing