![]() Chapter ten: A night to rmemberA Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann![]() The time is here and everyone gets more then they have bargained for!![]() Roslyn's Point of view All I could think was... I didn't know what to think my mind was full thoughts and not one of them helped me. I was trying to not show my confusion but at this point I honestly did not care. "We wanted to tell you we truly did. But time would move by faster then your decision would." Micheal said while grabbing my hand giving me comfort. "We can always say you are unwell and you would like to stay in." Allison said with this worried look on her face. I quickly told myself to snap out of it and pull myself together, I knew I could do this I was completely ready.Plus it wouldn't happen now it would happen later. "No, it is fine I can handle it." Every one looked at me with uncertainty. It was only Micheal who gave me the look of empowerment that I needed. "I am sure you guys, I got this." They all chuckled. I was confused. "Please at least talk as if you are not too much of a new born." Ariel said while giving me a big hug. Areil and I are very close now I feel like she has been my sister forever and I can not wait for that to be true. But she was right about almost everything, which did kind of suck. Most of all she was truly breathe taking she was the most beautiful-est girl I have seen and met. Allison was very pretty too, I just hope that I was near there level so I wouldn't feel awkward about anything. "So this ball, Is everyone a vampire?" I asked. "Yes, some are young some are old some are starting to get the hang of things." Micheal responded. "Do you believe I am a vampire?" "If I where to just meet you absolutely. There would not be a doubt in my mind." Those where the words I needed to hear. Micheal always knew exactly what to say and that was a great quality of his. We sat there, all of us going over any questions that might come up. "When where you turned?" "About 50 years ago." "When did you meet Micheal and his family?" "About 3 weeks ago, I found there way of living quiet intriguing so I figure why not live them for a while." "Who turned you?" "My mother. I left her to explore the wonders of the world" After going through some if not most of the questions we sat there waiting. The wait felt like hours but it was only ten minutes before a knock came to the door. Allison sprayed me and said she would spray me through out the ball but we would go to the restroom. Micheal got up and went to the door, we all stood up. I seen Micheal open the door and shake a hand I couldn't even see a face yet but I could feel my heart pounding I tried to control my breathing and I finally got it under control. "Cassius good friend, its been to long." He gave him a hug. "Its been two months too long." They laughed. "Come in. Come in." When he came in my heart nearly dropped he was beautiful. His brown curly hair and his blue eyes. His face was so defined and yet so soft. He had a rugged look to him as if he lived forever which he did. He a mustaches and chin hair but it complimented his face so perfectly. I couldn't explain this feeling it was past lust and it was past anything else. My thoughts so quickly interrupted by more people coming through the door. "Abigal, Alana, Sephrina. You ladies look stunning." He greeted them each with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Adigal was pretty she was very skinny. Black hair short but curled it looked great her. She had on a corset dress it was peach flowed softly from the waist down like sheet in the wind she had on white heels. Her whole outfit looked amazing. Alana was pretty too they all where very pretty. Alana had brown hair on to her left side. Pink lipstick which matched her pink dress perfectly. The dress had diamonds right at the rib cage making it stand out even more. I loved that about it. Lastly Sephrina she was wearing a yellow dress, her hair flared up in the front all going back into a bun it really nice. The dress was one shouldered with diamonds and headed inn one direction to the right slightly above the hip where a yellow flowered was placed. They all looked wonderful standing before us. I couldn't stop staring at Cassius and he was starring at me and I couldn't tell if that was good or bad. "Hello." Allison said and with that everyone began to hug and greet each other. "Micheal who is the lovely new creature." Abigal said with a smile on her face. "Yes, who is she?"Alana mocked. "Oh, pardon me where are my manners this is Roslyn a new edition to our family. Roslyn this is Abigal, Alana, Sephrina, and Cassius." I gave them hugs but when I got to Cassius he was still starring at me. I slowly watched him snap out of it. "I do apologize. Hello madame." Everyone sat down and started talking. "So, How are you enjoying the new family?" Cassius asked. "Well, it is rather different but I like different." I was more nervous than ever. "Can I ask, what made you leave where ever it is you came from." "Cassius, Do not interrogator the girl you know Micheal has already done that." They laughed. "Pardon me. So I thought we could arrive through limo I did not feel like running." Cassius said calm and with such I really didn't know. "That would be much appreciated we all just went hunting." Micheal replied. "Well what a convenience." Every one headed off into there side conversations. Ariel took me off into the back we all kind of disbursed. "Are you okay?" Ariel asked. "Yes I'm fine. What about you?" "I'm okay." "So, Is Cassius and Abigal dating?" I was asking really to get more of an answer for myself. And Ariel laughed I looked at her confused. "Oh no. See, well. Abigal and Alana are dating and well sometimes Sephrina joins." "What?" "Yeah it is really bizarre." "So where does Cassius fit in to that? "Sephrina is his little sister he really just stays to look over her, she can be a bit naive at times." "Oh, well that's really sweet of him." "Yeah, I might be wrong but I think is really into you. I have never seen him stare at a women like that well in your case a girl." She smiled. "Or maybe he knows." She turned towards me, with a scared look on her face. "I was joking ha ha." I said. "Oh I knew that." We both laughed. "You think we should head back?" "Yes, they are probably ready to leave." We went back and everyone sort of came back at the same time. "The limo is here." Cassius announced. We all headed to the limo going inside. Finally we all got in and every one began to talk again. I just starred at Cassius talking his muscular cheek bone flexing and his chiseled chin. I could barley control my self. He glanced my way I tried to look away as fast as I possibly could. I hope he didn't see me starring he probably thought I was crazy. I peeked from the corner of my eye his way and he was starring at me while talking. I bet he was saying how I have been staring at him this whole time. I couldn't wait to get out of this car I really wanted to get out of this car. "Are you okay?" Ariel asked. "I am fine." I smiled at her. The car finally stopped. And I was ready to hop out. A man opened the door holding his his hand out. "Vous êtes ici miss." That was french for like your here miss. I grabbed his hand while getting out. "Merci!" He smiled! I waited for everyone to get out. We walked up the stairs in front of us this grand building. We reached the gates a man asked for our names. "Cassius and Davole family." Micheal said. "Oh Cassius, Davole come on in." We got in the marble floor was nothing compared to all of the unknown art work on the wall with a huge picture of a queen. The place felt like royalty everything was royalty. The girls there were cute but to be honest I believe that they tried way to hard. I noticed everyone starring at me and I got extremely scared. "Ariel." I whispered. "Yes." "Why is everyone starring at me." "Because you look beautiful." Me, beautiful really? I was not so convinced but then again what did I know about my own looks. We walked through the Lobby which I had thought was the main room. We reached two big doors once opened. I felt as if every ball was nothing this was amazing. People dancing in formation. Golden tables people drinking but I knew it was not wine. We sat at the tables closest. "Your mom never took you to these balls?" "No she was more of a keep to her self kind of lady." "Hmm." Everyone went to the dance floor, which left me and Cassius alone. There was a lot of awkward silence and I did not know what to say. "You want to see something? Cassius asked. "Sure." He grabbed my hand leading us out of the ball room. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." We passed the lobby and headed up some stairs I was still not understanding where all of this was going. We finally reached a door. "Close your eyes." "Why?" I asked. "Just close them." So I did. I could hear him open the door and he lead me in. But it was cold. "Okay open your eyes." He said. I opened them and all I saw was the lights of the city and the stars in the sky. "This is beautiful." I said. "I come here every time I go to the ball." "How often is the ball?" "Every month." "How did you find this?" "You see that red light way across the sky the only red light, I once worked in that building I looked out the window and I saw this place and I always wanted to go to the top." "That's incredible." "That I worked in that building?" "That you saw what you wanted and you just went for it." "Well is that not what should be done?" "It is, its just not most people could find the courage to do it." I turned around and looked at him. "Well I am not like most people." "I have noticed." I smiled. He grabbed my waist and my hand . "Dance with me?" "Do I have a choice?" "No." We both laughed. ''Would I be to forward if I asked you to go out with me?" He asked "Just wait." He looked at me confused. "Why wait?" "Until you know everything about me you might change your mind." I looked down a bit sad that once who knew he would no longer want me. "Know that you are not a vampire that you are but a mere human?" I looked at him. "You know?" "I knew the minute I walked through that door, but I also know that I love you." "Love me but you barley know me." He chuckled. "One thing no one knows about but I only will share with you is that the minute a person looks me in my eye I can see there passed everything that had ever happen to the flashes through my mind in a instant." "What did you learn about me?" "That you are a beautiful, smart funny, talented, sweet loving, and caring women. Most importantly you have a heart of gold." "Yes." He looked at me confused. "What?" "Yes I will go out with you." He smiled picking me up and twirling me around. "I will pick the time and place." We ended up laying on the floor staring at the stars he held his arms around me and I had never felt more safe or secure. I told him basically my life story I figured him seeing was less emotion then hearing it. So I taliked about my family and my school and my sad experiences and all my good ones all the funny moments I had and even the butterflies who I missed dearly. I told him of the guilt I felt around Ariel and Francis. And he understood completely. "Cassius tell me about yourself." "Well everything is rather complicated, and I in do fact believe its because everything was so simple. I lived in times where emotion was not so in depth and we did not really share emotion we really just acted on them. And a family a family was important and it was not the money although that did play a big role but it was the family that made you wealthy. Growing up my father was a Sales man a very fine man. I looked up to him more than any one he showed me how to be a man he taught me how to have drive and go for what you want. But he also disappointed me more than any other he had an affair and left me and my mother. He tried to come back and get me but I loved my mother entirely to much to leave her side. And from that day on my mother was my everything. My sister was too young to understand what was going on so I just said that dad had moved on. Things got better after a while but we had always been known as the broken family. So I guess that is what pushed me to be so successful. I was the biggest sales man at the age of 18. I bought my mom a new house and a new car. Me and my family had it all we through lavishing parties and made acquaintances with the finest people. I was living the dream a dream that would soon end. Before I could turn 19 my mom got sick very sick, and she told me the only thing she wanted out of life was to see her baby boy and her princess live forever. That night we get a knock on the door some guy bites me and my sister and just vanishes. I don't think I have ever felt a pain even remotely close to that. I swear it was as if I had 2 million needles being stuck into my body. After that me and my sister fled and started to travel the world she then met Abigal and Alana. She said I could leave her and go my own way but I never had a reason to go so I stayed. I met Micheal at the ball he and Allison looked so happy I just wanted to know what love was like I wanted to see what falling in love with her was like. He turned out to be a bit of a soul reader himself. We became close. I will admit people think that I am a jerk with no respect for human life but that is not true humans I don't mind, some of there actions is what bothers me." I was completely speechless not knowing what to say. "You said you had no reason to leave?" "Well I think I am staring at a reason right now. And I know that you probably do not have feelings for me but all I can ask of you is your time and I will wait for ever if that is what it takes." "You wont have to wait forever." I smiled and so did he. "We should get back I am sure they are worried by now." "Oh my gosh I forgot all about them they are probably just freaking out." We headed down stairs once we got back it the main room they where all just sitting there with the most fearful look on there face. Ariel ran toward me squeezing the life out of me. "I was so worried, I thought he'd..." She stopped staring at him giving him a grusome stare. "What the hell is your problem where did you take her." Ariel was mad. "Ariel its fine he just to me out for some air." I tryed to calm her down. " Yes I thought she needed some air, we should take our seats we wouldn't want a scene." "No we wouldn't." She said with an attitude walking to her seat." Everyone stared at us as we sat down. "Where did you two head off to?" Sephrina asked "Oh no where special." Cassius replied. "I think we should be heading back." Micheal said. Everyone nodded and groaned in agreement. We headed out to the limo, and there was tension in the air. When we where all in the car I could see Ariel and Francis giving Cassius the death stare. The drive was silent and it was very odd. Allison tried to brighten up the mood with some jokes. But the most she would get was small giggles. Luckily the ride to the house was much faster then the ride from it. Every one stepped out and headed for the house. We all sat there just listening to Cassius ans Micheal talk. "So where are you guys headed?" "Well, They are headed off to Vegas." "We figure we go gamble have a little fun?" "I have decided to stay here." Everyone looked at him and he stared at me. "Your not going with me brother?" Sephrina looked hurt. "Princess you found your loves, now I have to pursue mine." she was crying and he was kneeling down grabbing her hands. "But how will you know I am safe, what if I need you to protect me?" She was pleading. "You know where I will be you know where I am. Don't cry princess." I realized that she couldn't cry and it was all sobs. "I would like to show you all something." I said. "What?" Sephrina asked. "In the woods I would like to show you guys something. Would it be to much to ask if all would come?" "No, that wouldn't be a problem." Alana responded. We all headed to the woods I could hear them all behind me. Finally we where in my favorite spot. "Could you all take a step back please, and what ever happens don't yell make sudden movements or come closer." "What is going on?" Abigbal asked. "It is easier to show you than to tell." I sat there I was not nervous but I did miss my dear friends though they where not people I still considered them human. The minute I became completely relaxed I seen my first beautiful butterfly glowing in the dark looking as lovely as possible. She danced around me a bright red she had never been that color but it looked beautiful. The red pixie dust leaving a trail. She then brushed my cheek and I saw it I saw my future. When I opened my eyes a million of them surrounded me some brushing against me others just flowing passed my face. Mine the one I had first ever seen, was leaving I thought something was wrong. Then I realized she was headed near Cassius she landed right on his chest and the red shined brighter. I knew that our fate together was chosen and I was glad that she had helped me see that. She gently bounced off his chest and right back to me. And they all drifted away except for mine. "I will come back in three days tops, promise." The soft wing then brushed my cheek and in an instant she was gone. I stood up and brushed off my dress when I looked up every one was kneeling. I felt so odd. "Please your family you shouldn't kneel." Alana smiled. "Welcome to both of our families!" She gave me a hug and the hug started to seem long. "Alana that's enough." She released me looked at me into my eyes and cut my arm I started to bleed. "No." Ariel yelled. "You are human?" Abigal yelled. Sephrina started to run to me. "No!" Cassius yelled and he through her she hit a tree I could hear a crack. She got up and charged again. "Ahhhhh!" She screamed, Cassius then restrained her. Micheal was now in front of me grabbing my arm. "Are you okay?" I nodded. Abigal and Ariel started fighting. Abigal smacked Ariel sending her in the air. She came back within a blink kick her legs. Abigal was kneeling Ariel grabbed her neck started to twist it. "No, no no no!" I yelled. "Enough!" Micheal screamed while snatching Ariel off of Abigal. "If you can not except Roslyn your future queen for who she is then get out, go away and never come back." Allison demanded. "She will never be my queen a weak human!" Sephrina said getting up walking out of the woods and Alana following. "Abigal come!" Alana demanded. "I will not go against our queen!" "What are you saying. This non sense she is human." "And she just stopped me from being killed. You think if she wouldn't of said no Micheal would have intervened." Alana eyes narrowed. "She is human." "She can be changed." "But she is not changed thus for we are leaving now!"Sephrina yelled. Alana walked to Abligal holding her hand. "Come love, I would rather be a loyalty to our Queen then be the conspiracy." Alana said while holding her hand out to Sephrina. "Brother will you come." "Princess don't do this, she will bring change." "We don't need change! We need fear and pain it will never work ad I wont be apart of something that is bound to fall." "Sephrina!" Alana yelled. Abigal grabbed her arm. "Let her go she will be back." "Ow." Francis was grabbing my arm. "Cassius and you check this out?" He said with a noxious look on his face. "Yes, Alana, Abigal, Ariel, and Francis. Why don't you guys go for a walk." They vanished. "Why did you..." He cut me off. "Lets get you inside." He picked me up and carried me to the house. "Where are Micheal and Allison?" I asked. "They went to go find Sephrina make sure she does not do anything drastic." He got a bondage wrapped it around my arm. "I am sorry, I think you should with your sister." He looked at me grabbing my face. "Why on earth would I do that I love my sister I do but you are my future. I have sacrificed everything for her and now it is time for her to sacrifice for me." I looked into his eyes and I knew I wanted to be with him forever. He leaned in I closed my eyes ready to embrace him I took a deep breathe knowing what was coming. But he just hovered. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't want to move to fast." "I don't think we are moving to fast." "Just let me take you out first, please." "Of course." He took me to my room and kissed me on my forehead and told me goodnight. I laid in bed just thinking of today. How everything would be different tomorrow how everything would change. How Sephrina could try and kill me how she could go against me. How my life was protected by others but I couldn't protect my self. I knew who I was meant to be and I was ready and waiting it was helping nothing. The more I stayed like this the more I would worry I wanted to be changed. But no one would change me. I know my fate I have even seen it but would I be alive to live it.
© 2013 ThoughtsofShyannAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() ThoughtsofShyannCAAboutI just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..Writing