Chapter 8 Preporations

Chapter 8 Preporations

A Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann

Roslyn really finds what she wants and also finds conflict! She is preparing for would could be the worst or the best.

Roslyn Point of View (Part 1)
I woke up kinda lazy I looked at the clock and in was 7:30 a.m. I hated walking up early it just made me all grouchy but I smelled something yummy. I could smell nice fluffy pancakes and eggs maybe some bacon. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and flinched falling on the floor.
"Are you okay in there?" Allison said she sounded worried.
"Yes I'm cool, just tripped."
"Alright well when you finished with your human minuets come and eat."
I felt so stupid I forgot I had dyed my hair. I rubbed my head making sure I wasn't bleeding or anything and I was all good. I actually looked amazing with black hair the more I looked at myself the more I loved it. I brushed my hair, I loved that fact that it was soft like a feather. I ran my hair through it a couple of times and put it in a bun. I didn't want to go down stairs because I was not sure how they would react. But I got enough pride to do it, I walked down the stairs and I could hear a blender while my hands glided on the wooden rail. I walked in the kitchen and all eyes where on me. Ariel was speechless and Francis just looked and smiled. The fact that he wasn't so impressed did hurt a lot. Allison had the biggest eyes and they where just blue, I never noticed that there eyes changed color. I glanced at Micheal I thought he would be mad but he just smiled.
"You look just like I saw you." He said, that made me smile.
"Good-morning have a seat dear?" Allison insisted.
"Good-morning everyone." Ariel got up and handed me a plate with pancakes eggs bacon and a side of orange juice.
"No problem."
"So today you will go off with Francis he will show you around the woods." I didn't want to go I had to think of an excuse.
"Well what are you guys doing? Why don't we have a girls day out?" Allison laughed.
"Well today me and Ariel are going shopping for some clothes of yours."
"But I have clothes."
"Your clothes are a bit modern see when we are among are kind we like to wear dresses and well make up really a poised look."
"Oh well shouldn't I come?" Ariel came next to me.
"No no no Missy now eat your food and when your done Francis and you will go exploring."
Francis got up and excused him self to the restroom and I was glad. I didn't want to see his face I didn't want to be near him. Let alone talk t o him or be with him all day. Why was I being tortured like this and they know our history.I was not ready to face him. I was not ready for this part of being a vampire if it meant him being in the equation. I was so wrapped up in my head that I didn't get to enjoy my food. I washed my plate put it up and went up stairs to get ready. I decided that I was not going to be all fancy I put on a tee and some jeans. i mean why should I give him any reason to look. I didn't want anything to do with him.
"Ughhhhh!" I let out while diving face first into my bed. 'knock knock' I jumped up.
"I am leaving for the woods in 10 see you out there."
I really did not want this why did  I have to fall for him. I just needed time to think and heal time to  just I don't know. When I finally got done getting ready I went down stairs. To the back yard which led to the woods oddly.
"We need to talk. Follow me." Francis said as I walked out the door. He was walking near the woods and I  followed him.
We had been walking for twenty minuets in silence and there was tension I could feel it and the more we didn't talk the more upset I found myself. He finally stopped.
"Look." I cut him off I was now speaking with emotion my mind was gone and my heart was on full effect.
"No! You look I can't believe what you did to me no! I can't believe you hurt me like this! I mean I am not just some dumb toy I am human being and you may not be one but we have feeling and you can't just be an a*s!"
"I'm sorry."
"NO! Your not sorry if you where sorry you wouldn't of done it in the first place! I mean how dumb do you have to be to not know who your in love with!"
"Roslyn that's enough."
"I am fair from done and you don't get to tell  me what is and is not enough you lost that privilege when you feel in love with her. I'm glad your dead cause I might of just killed you myself!"
"That's enough! I said I was sorry and I mean it if you can not find it in your heart to forgive me than that is a burden you, your self will have to live with but I will not sit here and just disrespect me! I did not plan this any of it I was clueless and I was stupid yes I had feelings for you."
"HAD! Pass tense!"
"Why are you yelling?"
"Because I love you and you love her and not fair!" I was crying but then I stopped when i realized what I had said.
"I wish that it was not this difficult I wish I had knew my feelings earlier but I didn't. But Ariel knew and still knows you have feelings for me and she is being nothing but kind to you. You may be mad at me and that is fine you may love me and that is fine. But I love her." Those words they hurt.
"You love her? REALLY! Is this your idea of making things better. I know what will make the whole world better exposing you so you can die with the thought that of her on mind!" He was speechless I walked further in the woods.
I was talking to myself the whole way threw the woods.'I was right he was wrong he was so wrong.He is so dumb but he was sorry but no sorry means nothing. But I was so mean and I threatened his family which would soon be mine how could I be so stupid. They could of killed me but they didn't, I just was in the heat of the moment'. What had I said I didn't mean it I was sorry I was so sorry. I was just mad I was just hurt I didn't think. I wasn't thinking. I had to apologize. I turned around about to go back and he was behind me.
"I...I..." the words wouldn't come out.
"I'M SORRY!" The words finally came out.
"You will never be my family." He turned around and started to walk away.
"I'm sorry! I'm just so confused I feel hurt and betrayed and I feel angry and you just won't love me and I want you to I want you!" I ran towards him grabbing his arm.
"I don't."
"You have to you have to want me I know you do!" I was begging.
"Why must you make this more complicated than it already is why can't you just except what is."
"Because I am in love with you."
"No your in love with love your young you don't know what you want you don't know what you need."
"I will do anything."
"ENOUGH! I don't love you I will never love you get that in your mind cause its the truth I love her. And I just realized how much of a terrible person you are. Ariel has been nothing of nice to you she talks about you guys being sisters and how she trusts you. And what do you do what are you doing? Trying to steal me away from her!What type of human are you! Because when I HAD feelings for you she never tried any of this stuff she never tried to steal me away! You are a bad person your an even worse sister!" He stormed of the wind chasing him behind.
He was right how could I be so selfish how could I be so stupid. I sat there for a whole hour just beating myself up about this whole thing. I was wrong I was so wrong and I honestly knew that he wouldn't take me back. I kept going on just pondering on my thoughts. I had been go for some hours now it was dark I decided to head to the house. I had decided a few things one I had to apologize to Francis even if he wouldn't forgive me. I had to tell Ariel everything and apologize to her. I had to make things right with them I had to.... 
I finally got home it took me about an hour I kept getting lost and confused. I walked up and Ariel gave me a really painful hug.
"Your okay! Oh my I was so worried, Francis was mad and you weren't here and he said you took a walk but his scent was way heavier than yours and I am just glad your okay. Shes here!" This made me feel even worse she was worried while I had nearly begged to take the man she loved the man I decided I didn't want I just wanted to be friends.
"Oh my honey come in your freezing I made dinner for you. Are you alright?" Allison said while wrapping a blanket around me.
"Yes I'm fine I really need to speak to Francis. Where is he?
"He's up stairs." Ariel replied, I was walking toward the stairs when Allison grabbed my wrist.
"Give him some time."
"There is not time" I said while going up the stairs. I opened the door and he was just sitting on his bed.
"You didn't knock, what do you have no home training." I ignored his ignorant comment.
"I am sorry you know how you where really sorry then ,well I am beyond sorry I shouldn't tried when I knew it would never happen I am sorry and I am wrong. I am beyond wrong I am not a bad person I just let my feeling get in the way. Its just cause you are the first guy to ever like me and give me the time of day and I never had that and out of now where you leave me you leave me broken and I didn't want to know why and I just I am just broken. I don't know whats going on with me."
I went to the floor he got down grabbed me in his arms and whipped my tears. He just left leaving me there I didn't know what to do it was so, just to much. I got up and went to my room I cried the whole time just wishing my apology was good enough I heard a knock on the door. They just opened and i didn't even bother to look. If it was Allison her comfort wouldn't help if it was Ariel I would cry even more of guilt, and I didn't want Micheal to come because I would thought this changed the future. A hand touched my shoulder turning me around.Francis! It was Francis!
"You are not a bad person you just made a stupid mistake we both have and we can not take them back now so we must move forward. But you need to know that you have to let go and you have to move on I will be your brother now and that's all. I'll forgive you if you forgive me." I nodded my head whipping my tears.
"I forgive you. And I promise I wont ever come between you and Ariel. And I will try to only see you as a brother."
"Okay, now lets go down stairs. And lets keep this between us."
"But" He cut me off.
"Trust me." I nodded and we went down stairs.
I didn't see Allison around but Ariel was sitting on the couch reading. She turned around her face was a bit surprised.
"So everything is okay now?" He went up to her and hugged her.
"Of-course." Francis replied.
"Where is Micheal and Allison?" I asked just now noticing they where both gone.
"Well Allison she is wondering the woods and Micheal he is at work."
"He works with humans?" They both laughed.
"No he works down at the docks the company Waves Water inc. Its an all vampire job they just like lift stuff and put them in boats."
I shrugged I didn't really know what to say and I still felt awkward and guilty about the whole situation still.
"Oh well I am going to go look for Allison I see you guys in a bit." I waved and went to the back.
"Roslyn wait! It is pretty late so be careful and If it get to dark use this to find your way back." Ariel handed me a flashlight that's when I realized she cared so much.
"No problem."
I went off by myself in this woods of mystery and noise I could hear the birds talking in the trees it was really calming I could here the owls! The woods soon became alive and I was totally and completely in love with it I could the rodents on the floor the sound of twigs breaking I could hear a snake hissing. I started to guide my hand on the leaves feeling their rough but soft texture like a finger tip feel almost. But I saw these  eyes well not really eyes more designed wings then anything! It was a butterfly but it glowed it was the most beautiful-est creature I had ever seen. Its wings flapped and I could swear that glittery dust just feel from them so light so graceful. I wanted to touch it I wanted to see it up close and play with her. She was so full of life and hope she was so full of energy and for the moments I just stood there and admired her the whole world went silent. No longer could I hear the birds the owls the snakes the rodent the critters that lied in the darkness only the soft sound of its wings flapping back and forth! I felt as some how we where connected I felt somehow she was mine. She got off the branch ever so slowly dust of color leaving her trail I was amazed I let out my hand. She landed it on it with such love that for the first time everything else in the world didn't matter nothing was important and all I could think about was what i wanted and not what would make others happy. I saw myself as who I could be and who I am. She was softer than skin softer that a cloud softer that cotton candy and with every flap I saw what I wanted what I needed what I desired. 
"Okay I have to go now." I let it fly away gently continued to walk in the woods.
"Allison Allison?" I heard something behind me, I jumped and squealed a bit.
"Oh I am sorry dear I didn't mean to frighten you. What are you doing out its....." She paused her mouth wide open and her eye wide too.
"What? Allison what is it?" I kinda panicked because she was the vampire and she seemed frightened!
"How long has that butterfly been with you?" She finally responded. She started to back up slowly.
I looked to my left and there she was still beautiful as ever but the fact that Allison tried to avoid it made me think it was poisonous.
"I don't know maybe 10, 15 min. Why am I going to die, is it going to hurt me, what is it?"
"No it wont hurt you it is no where near bad .You are life its self! Don't move stay right here." She smiled then vanished.
"Wait where are you going?" I shouted but she was long gone I sat down my legs where a bit tired.
When I noticed the butterfly on my arm just sitting there but she looked different I looked to  my shoulder and I saw two.
"Whoa where did you guys come from!" One flew away but when it came back there where more butterflies than I had ever seen They stared to flow around me and I started to feel alive I started to feel the love I started to feel free and inspired and I just wanted to burst I started to laugh and smile I could each one land on me it felt like a hundred million kisses.
"Do you see whats on her shoulder Do....." Allison looked starstruck.
I stopped laughing and smiling I felt pretty embarrassed but they all stood there mesmerized. The butterflies soared up into the sky came back down and made a circle around me. Then they attacked I could help but laugh it was a million little kisses! In a hurry all fled except for one the first one. She landed on me and seemed sad, I was sad to I couldn't explain it. It was like she was speaking to me like she wanted me to stay with them. I safe with her, like I could trust her. I felt a bit crazy too.
"Don't worry I will come visit soon I promise!" I guess she could understand me because she flew to my cheek brushed her wing against it and flew away!
I didn't know what to say I didn't know what to think. I got up and I just sorta stood there. Ariel knelled and then Allison and then Francis, they all got up at the same time to. I now was more confused then ever what was going on what did this mean. My head was sorta spinning.
"What was that?" I asked so curious.
"You are our Queen!" Francis said so calmly!
"What I'm not I mean not now!"
"But you will be." Allison replied.
"How do you know that?" Ariel smiled and sat down, so did I.
"It is a long story but I will shorten for you. 100 years ago we had a Queen she was beautiful and breathe taking like you She had a heart of gold and she was a wonderful person she brought peace to everyone. For a period of time Vampires and humans coexisted."
"Well she got all the vampires to survive off animals and she got all the humans to feel comfortable. I have now idea what she did but we where at peace for a while." She smiled.
"What happen and how does this relate to me?" I sad look came to her face and I thought she was about to cry.
"Well, some immortals decided they wanted to hunt they needed human blood so they sneaked in the castle and the killed her. We killed everyone who could every recorded or recall the time vampires exist but the children grew up and told 'myths'. That's why vampires are known today."
"Wait what? They killed her where are her guards where are they?"
"She had none every thing was at peace no one knew that was going to happen."
"Where were the butterflies."
"They where coming to get all vampires but by time we got there it was far to late."
"What does this have to do with me?"
"Those where the same butterflies that would surround her when she entered the forest the same ones that would be by her side when she sat on the thrown. The Queen would say they where her choosers that you could not be born into royalty but you where chosen into it and they have never been seen till now! People would love this people have been  waiting for someone to fulfill the thrown! Triumph is here!"
They all smiled they all just smiled and hugged.
"I will only do it under one condition." They looked at me confused.
"You must all be by my side as royal subject!" They smiled Francis gave me the biggest hug.
"My big brother!" 
They all laughed Francis carried me home, we got there pretty fast. We sat in the living room while I told them how I felt about being a human. I told them how I struggled with all of this and how I didn't know what to do. I had been lying to myself the truth was I wanted to live forever and I never had doubts in my mind and I could see they excepted that. I guess me opening up to them made them realize who I am. They did tell me that there are certain things about then I will only find out once I am changed. I respected that because I probably wouldn't trust a human either. We continued on talking but I was really doing all the talking until they realized I needed my sleep. So I went up stairs and I went to sleep!
The next four days I spent most of my time with Francis or Allison. Francis and I where getting along great and I really felt like his sister. The whole being into him thing kinda made me sick. Which was a good thing. Me and Francis spent our days wondering the woods I knew it like the back of my hand. He would give me some alone time with my butterfly friends which I had all named. I loved that alone time worth them it really helped me keep focus. After the woods with Francis I would go to Allison who stayed in the living room she would teach me how to talk like royalty and immortal. She also gave me pointers on how to act even though it was no where near my style I love the hardcore type of act with a splash of class. We had spent all of our time perfecting me and they would alternate there hunting schedule. I enjoyed it when Micheal was home because he prepared me for when his friends come. That was the most terrifying part of it all. We had plan to just fake my immortality buy me contacts and I was already pale so there was no need for help  there. Ariel knew this perfume that masked my scent so much that even Micheal couldn't find me when I tested it out. Everything was going according to plan nothing could go wrong. Tomorrow would be the day of truth and I couldn't wait.

© 2013 ThoughtsofShyann

Author's Note

Part 2 coming soon! Tell me what you think?

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This feels a tiny bit rushed, and a lot of spelling errors and grammatical errors, but the butterflies were a beautiful scene. Wish I could have more detail so I could paint a better picture.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

okay thanks
Silent Wolf

11 Years Ago

Welxie! Glad I could help!
⊰ℙℝ⊱ (Personal Request)
Well, let's see. We can go through some spelling and grammar if you like first.

"Allison had the biggest eyes and they [where/were] just blue," (grammar)
"I never noticed that [there/they're] eyes changed color." (homophone)

"Well today me and Ariel are going shopping for some clothes of yours."
This is actually worded curiously. Yours means possessive, and that the subject already exists, which in this case, it doesn't yet. Suggest this be worded instead,
"Well today me and Ariel are going shopping to get some clothes for you."

"... your food and when [your/you're] done Francis and you will go exploring." (homophone)
"[i/I] mean why should I give him any reason to look." (capital possessive)
"We had been walking for twenty [minuets/minutes]" (spelling)
"... sorry if you where sorry you wouldn't [of/have] done it in the first place!" (clarity)
"I mean how dumb do you have to be to not know who [your/you're] in love with!" (homophone)

Phew ! That's all the debugging for now !

As for the story itself, you have quite a bit here. Suggest you break it down to 2-3 chapters. Remove the additional spaces in front since you have true paragraph breaks. Only if you think it looks better, you can change the font size to a little bit larger, perhaps 14-pixels height.

Posted 11 Years Ago

this chapter was great..
I can wait for moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much!

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3 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2013
Last Updated on August 21, 2013
Tags: Suspense




I just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..
