Chapter Seven: A new life A new battle

Chapter Seven: A new life A new battle

A Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann

Roslyn finds out the truth about the Davole's and with this her fate is sealed.

                                                         Francis Point of View (Part 1)

I had felt really tense and a bit angry but I knew I had to control myself I knew who was at risk and what I needed to be, for now. I looked at her as if she was crazy I looked at her as if she was starting to scare me.

"What are you talking about Roslyn. What secret?"

I walked into the house and Roslyn followed I went to the living room and Allison was on the couch worry field her face and I knew that with that everything was going to go down hill. I gestured for her to sit down I didn't even notice she had a folder in her hand I didn't notice the fear and I knew that she knew. I sat down across on the other couch where Allison remained seated. Ariel was coming in when she saw Roslyn her mood stiffened just a bit. And she exam-and the room I could see her realization that something was wrong and she knew it had something to do with Roslyn. She had the most hard face of hate and disgust she sat right next to Allison and I.

"So would some one care to tell me what the separation is about." Ariel was beyond livid Allison held her hand trying to cool her down but it wasn't helping.

"I know you guys secret." Her voice was cracking I could tell she was terrified but all my feelings for her went  out the window the minute I realized she never let anything go.

"Well what are we dear?" Allison said.

"Well... Well you have powers all of you and your moms really old only I don't think shes your mother and I was researching and found pictures of you 100 years ago and I know you guys are...... I know that you all are Vampires." Every stood in  froze position I couldn't believe what I heard. She would try to expose us and we would kill her.

"And now what?" Allison stood up she wasn't mad only protective hiding Ariel and I behind her like a mother bear would do her cubs.

"Nothing I just needed you to know that I knew and well not to be wired around me." We all looked confused.

"You mean your not going to tell anyone about us?" Ariel face softened when she asked the question.

"Of course not I know what that would mean for you guys and I wouldn't do that to any of  you." Allison embraced Roslyn with a big hug!

"You are a good soul child a good soul."

"I'm asking for somethings in return."

"Anything you want dear just request."

"Tell me about who you all really are, how you where changed. Show me your powers up close and personal. Tell me about your lifestyle...." 

"And..." Allison asked.

"Change me!"

"What no!" I yelled.

"It's not up to you!" She replied.

"I don't care your not going to be one of us."

"Francis calm done, Roslyn sweetheart  you can not just want to be a vampire there are many things behind it you know nothing about."

"Well show me teach me I will what ever it takes."

"Lets all just have a seat and go with one thing at a time. You said you want to know about our lives before we changed well start there. Ariel you care to go first?"

"Well I lived a pretty normal life. I was young I was 18. I was alive for the Royal balls and the dresses the corsets and all the fine luxuries life had to offer. The most important thing in life was wealth and marriage. But I was simply fond of one thing and that was dance it is what fulfilled my life and made myself feel complete. I knew that there would be time far after my passing that I would feel at home feel like I had belonged and I didn't want to die before I got to experience the happiness out of dance. I had heard sayings going around town about a mystery man would could give everlasting life within death he had done it to one of our own in town and that was Francis" She glanced down and smiled, then continued on.

"I found Francis he had been changed and I told him what I wanted and I told him the troubles I faced with dying before life had truly began he then introduced to me Micheal who is our 'Father' and he grabbed my hand and he saw something so it would seem. Then he changed me." She looked at me implying it was my turn.

"Well I was like any young man during my time looking to settle down and build a family. I thought I had found the perfect girl but she was only perfectly human. Uhm I didn't ask to be changed. My father was ill and I studied medicine trying to find a cure now I know he had cancer but the thought was far from being discovered. I heard of Micheal while in a bar and sought him out to help my father. When I arrived home to tell my father he (Micheal) was there already. He greeted me and I greeted him he thus shook my hand. But when he did his grip tightened and his eyes narrowed and he released moments later. He examined my father and then took me for drinks. We talked and well he told me he wanted to change me because of what would become of me and yeah he changed me." I didn't want to tell them the full truth because it was not for them to know.

"Being changed is painful it was painful for me." Allison said.

"I felt as if life was being drawn into me."Ariel said.

"It was fate." I whispers.

"When did you guys discover your powers?"

"I will speak for us all, I can feel peoples emotions whether it be toward objects, people,subjects, animals,or weather. Ariel can send pain through some ones body just with a stare but she can also control what they feel sadness happiness hate anything she wants. Francis he can unleash fire from his hands only when his temper is untamed. And my darling husband he could push thought and images in to peoples head make them do anything he wanted make then say anything he wanted and his other talent with his hand well that's one he likes to keep for himself. And we all  got them three days after our change."

Roslyn just sat there taking it all in she seemed calm and peaceful not at all scared frightened or freaked out. But I knew one thing she was not going to be changed it was not right it would ruin everything and I lost hope or sight for what I was told but now that me and Ariel are back talking I see hope.

"So who keeps vampires in line or check or jail for bad vampires." We all laughed. I walked to the shelf looking at the fake photos, I smirked.

"Well the immortal life needs a system right or things would always be crazy and we would have been exposed. In each state there is what could be considered a president and his alliance like 'police men' if you will. They join together every once a month to make sure every thing is in order as a whole and well they just govern there territory and live a life of wealth and power! We don't have rules really we just don't expose ourselves, we don't question or government and we don't draw attention to ourselves that involve cameras or fame. Other than that we are free to do what we will."

"Cool, so whose going to change me?" Allison stood up.

"I will do it but first you and my husband need to talk hell be here at midnight so you should stay the night." Ariel and I looked at Allison as if she had lost her mind. 

"Okay let me go ask my mom and get some stuff." She left she seemed very happy.

"What are we going to do about her?" I asked with worry.

"We don't really have a choice we either change her or kill her." Allison was jut pacing at this point thinking of what we should do or what we needed to do.

"I say we that we change her." Ariel blurted out of now where.

And it got me to thinking if she changes she would ruin what I wanted with Ariel what I had with Ariel she could be the end of us I didn't want that I didn't need that. I walked out of the house going straight to Roslyn'shouse I could smell she was upstairs so I just went to her balcony and went in. She was packing.

"I told my mom I was going over a friends house for a few days." She was shoving clothes in her bag.

"Roslyn me and you we can't  be together." She looked up.

"What do you mean we can't be together I mean I will be one of you."

"I love someone else and..."

"What the hell! You kiss me and tell me all this stuff and you love else! Seriously your a a*s!"

"I'm sorry okay."

"You are always sorry you don't know what you want! What did you fall in love with another human?" I shock my head.

"It's Ariel I love Ariel. I have for a long time and I just thought the void was from my past but the void was her."

"So what I just was feeling that void you where just suing me!"

"No! I did have feelings for you I did but there nothing compared to what I feel for Ariel." She looked crushed but she didn't look heart broken.

"I still want to be changed I won't come between you two.. But don't try to come back to me because I'll never take you back." I realized she liked me but didn't love which was good meant she could forgive me easily and get over me rather quick.

"I do apologize but I know that you will heal and I know that it will take time but just getting your friendship back is all I need."

"What ever I will be at your house in a couple minuets so, leave now I want to be alone." I could hear her crying and it only made me feel terrible I didn't want this to happen. But I would give her the space she needed. 

When I got home I went to me room and I realized every one was in there room acting as if nothing has happened all just anticipating Roslyn's return. I heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in." It was Ariel.

"Hey where did you go off to?"

"I went to tell Roslyn about us."

"You did what?" Her eyes widened.

"Don't worry she was not to upset and she still wants to be changed shes still coming over." She let out a breathe of relief. She laid on the bed and I couldn't stop my self from thinking all the things I wanted right now.

"So what is going on between us."

"I will tell you in 3 months when I take you out to that dinner." I was going to make us official then I knew she was my forever and she had been for along time and I knew that I was courting her tomorrow and thus with that profess my love and merge.

"Why so long?"

"Just trust me." She smiled and gave me a hug. We bot heard the door down stairs open.

Some one was down stairs we all ran like our lives depended on it which it did when we got down there it was Micheal.

"Greetings what have I missed?" Allison gave him kiss and a hug.

"Darling your early. How was your hunt?"

"It was very calming."

'She knows and she asked to be changed." I said.

"So who will change her?"

"I will." Allison said.

Micheal had lived for seven hundred years he had seen and done it all. He was the calm and loving one out of all of us he was very excepting and had the mind set to rule a world forever. I always thought he could see the future and past with just one touch of the hand. For a very long while people would often and still think he is a famous actor named 'James Franco' they look like twins it is rather funny. Because as years go by we could see how he would have looked if he was human. Micheal is a peaceful guy he hates conflict he likes being in calm environments rather than loud ones.  

"So when is our new daughter arriving dear?" 

"She should be arriving tonight."

"How delightful I would love to speak with her in privacy if it is not to much to ask." We all nodded our heads. 

We went to the living room to talk about what are day was like and waited for Roslyn to come back.

                                                     Roslyn's Point of View (Part 2)
I felt like crying forever but I couldn't plus there where always other guys out there and I am sure there where other vampires. So I would be fine, I whipped my tears and went to my drawer putting some make up on so it didn't look like I had been crying once I packed a my tooth brush and other hygiene stuff I was ready to go. I ran straight to my mom and gave her a kiss and rubbed my little brothers head.

"Bye mom see you Sunday, later booger!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up what happen to the game night at that boys house?"

"It was cancelled bye."

"Roslyn your gonna be gone for more than five days. Why?"

"Mom me and this girl  I mean Sarah are doing a project we have to do it for a week and two days."

"Okay alright bye sweetheart have fun."

"Bye but face!" My brother yelled.

I did't know what would  happen when I got to the door but I knew what I had wanted for my self I knew the life I had wished to live. I had no friends and well I didn't feel like I fit in I could relate to Ariel in that way and that we both care about Francis. I was finally at there door I felt like my life would change the minute I stepped threw the door I would have to see. Ariel opened the door and gave me a hug.

"What are you doing out here in the cold get in here. Look I am so sorry about how I acted before I only acted that way because well you know why and I am sorry about how this all went down but I assure you we will find you a mate. This is going to be so exciting I never had a sister before."

"Yeah it would be nice to have a sister!" She smiled. I didn't notice how full of life she was and how nice she was until now. I guess that's what Francis sees in her.

"Okay follow me and I will take you to your room okay. I will show you all the rooms as we go along." I nodded.

"Where is everyone?"

"Oh they are in the back."

We went up stair and it felt like I was in the wild. The walls had leaves covering them and but in a curvy pattern it was really pretty.

"So that is Micheal and Allison's room this is my room that's Micheal's room the bathroom is down the hall and this is your room." She opened the door. I swear it looked like a hotel room very fancy.

"I told my mom I would be gone for a week and two days is that okay?"

"Of course soon enough you'll be here well with us 24/7." she started to help me unpack.

"Can we find me a vampire fast!" She laughed.

"As soon as you are changed! But I actually wanted to talk about that."

"You don't want me to change?"

"Oh no! That's not it. Its what this means, what your leaving."


"When you change you will never see you family again you'll never hold your mom you wont be able to see your brother any one you talk to at school you wont see any of them we will have to move far away! You'll have to start over not be the center of attention ever again. Are you ready to give up family, friends,center of attention. For this. Will you be able to leave all that you are behind?" I had never thought of these things but none of them mattered but my family.

"Yes I am ready." But I was not sure I could leave my family.

"Well its not up for you to decide."

"What do you mean?"

"Come Micheal wants to speak with you. Micheal will be your father well our father."

She took me back down stairs I noticed that all the fake photos and things where gone I guess they didn't need them anymore. We passed through the kitchen which had the feel of coasting a million dollars but I tried not to be so over dramatic about it. When we got to the back Allison, Francis and Micheal where all sitting there just laughing until they saw me they all smiled. Allison got up and gave me a hug.

"Your back! How long will you be staying?"

"A week and two days." I said a bit overwhelmed by everyone's joy to see me.

"Splendid" Micheal said with a smile. He was really handsome and he looked like this really good actor but I couldn't think of his name.

"Are you guys ready?" Francis asked.

"Where are we going?" I said anxiously.

"Oh um we are going hunting. Micheal will stay here with you so you guys can talk." Ariel then twirled around and ran to Francis pulling his arm. He smiled I had never seen him smile so hard before. They all ran into the dark laughter replacing them.

"I guess he really does love her." I whispered.

"She is his soul mate she gives him life. Please have a seat." I sat down I felt comfortable with him he was just so nice and joyful it did seem a bit scary.

"Am I going to be a vampire soon?" He smiled and chuckled a bit.

"Slow down, relax in due time maybe first let us get to know each other. Hello I am Micheal Davole." I wanted him to know I was ready to change.

"I am Roslyn Davole."

"Ahh the name does suit you rather well. Tell me about your self what are you dreams and goals?"

"Well I don't really have any I don't know what I want to do with my life only because this life doesn't intrest me." He looked at me like he was trying to read me.

"May I?" He said while reaching out his hand. I gave him mine and it only took a split second and his eyes turned a light green. He smiled and released my hand. 

"Priceps vitae" He said really lightly.


"You are royalty and loyalty your gift will save us all, mortals and immortals. But we will have the biggest war our kind has ever seen and it will end with sorrow and triumph. We will show you our ways and our skills, our life lessons and..." He paused, he looked worried.

"Whats wrong?"

"Difficulty. But anyways you will have you be strong, pain will come and you must take it keep the love in your heart and let that guide you to your victory!"

"What did you see?"

"I can only tell you one piece to a very large puzzle. Our family which also includes you on a thrown s in royalty praised by all immortals with the exception of some mortals! And you as a high power."

"High power me? How?"

"That is all you must and need to know."

We sat there taking for about two hours he told me about how he was in the wars how he helped stop Hitler. How he danced will Queen Elizabeth. And met some  of the greatest artists of all time. He even told me about his first love and how she was the most beautiful women he had seen before Allison. He told me how this was during a time when African Americans and whites couldn't be together, but he said he didn't care his love for her was deeper than skin. He said that he could never see there fate when he held her hand and he knew that meant she could be his forever .He told me how he had left one night he had to go off for 2 years but he would be back and she promised to wait for her. When he came back he found out she had been hung. That these women  knew about them and they couldn't stand it so they hung her. He killed them all slow and painfully he said he could never love anyone as much as he loved her Allison was his only exception. He told me about the wonders of the world and how Francis, Allison and Ariel where the only people he changed. I was taking it all in like a sponge his life was so open and free and full of everything. That's when I knew that I wanted this I had needed this.

"So you will change me soon?"

"I will not change you Allison will. And she will change you in a year."

"A year!" I yelled. I didn't mean to do that I apologized.

"Yes a year we must not break the time line. Just know that we all will protect you with our lives!" I nodded.

"What will In do until  then?"

"We will teach you how to defend your self how to fight. How to hear things from a far. How to see things from a far. How to read peoples body language. How to speak in presents of a vampire."

"Shouldn't I learn this once I am a vampire?"

"If you learn it now when you are changed those instincts will only enhance. You must not discuss with anyone one what we talked about only that you will be changed in a year that Allison will do it and that we will be teaching  you our ways. Understood?"

"Yes." I yawned .

"You are tired you should go rest."


"Goodnight Roslyn. Sleep well."

I went up stairs and went straight to my room. Laid in the bed and tried not to scream I was so happy I would be a vampire I would run faster then wind I would be royalty I would be immortal. I just started to day dream of all the fun and craziness i would have. I got my I pod and started playing my favorite song dancing and lip sing. 'I take a walk take a walk take a walk.' I stopped wondering when they would get back from hunting. So I decided to go down stairs. They where just getting back.

"How was hunting?" Micheal asked.

"It was wonderful these two tackled a bear and nearly fell of the mountain." She was laughing.

" It wouldn't of been such a struggle if he had just excepted his fate." He said while holding Ariel hand.

"Well I do need to talk to you all about something very important, that does include you Roslyn please join us we are your family." I peeked my head around the corner and walked down I was so embarrassed.

We all sat in the dinning room I didn't understand what was going on and everyone was also confused.

"Well we have complication."

"Complication?" Repeated Francis.

"Yes Cassius and his family will be visiting on Friday."

"What no." "TELL HIM HE CANT COME!" "Send him away!" They where shouting with worry and fear.

"Who is Cassius?"

"He is a family friend of ours." Micheal replied.

"No he is a friend of yours and he is not coming! Send him away you know he will not take this well. He will try to kill her, why would we put her in danger are we not suppose to be protecting her!" Ariel was angry but I could see her fear she was next to me in a blink of an eye. Holding my hand it this was a good feeling.

"I have no choice and maybe if he excepts it then others will to, we need as many people on our side with this."

"But there are others more open minded others."

"Not one with his influence."

"Why do we need his influence?" I asked they all stared.

"Don't be silent tell her." Ariel demanded.

"Ariel calm down." Micheal said while signaling his hand.

"No no! Tell her tell her how she could die tell her how we might not get to be sisters tell her how if any immortal found out she is human they would try and kill her tell her Tell Her!" She yelled, the house was shaking when she stopped yelling it stopped she disappeared.

"Where did she go?" I was terrified.

"I will go make sure shes okay." Francis said while walking up the stairs.

"What was she talking about people are going to try to kill me?"

"Once they know your fate they wont."

"Are you positive?"

"Some will others wont."

"It will be the start of war. You guys could get hurt people could get hurt." Allison came over and hugged me.

"Death is relevant but life is important. We will protect you no one will hurt you dear. I think you have had more than enough for one day go on off to bed."

I did that without a word I laid there in bed just thinking. I could die this week, people could die, my new family could die. Was this all worth it? Did I truly want to live a life that started off  with pain fear and loss. I guess apart of me did and a part of me was ready to face the fate I brought upon myself. If I was going to except my fate then I would have to look it. I went to the bathroom washed my hair and applied the dye. All I could think was this would be a long week and a even longer life I hoped.

© 2013 ThoughtsofShyann

Author's Note

Please review I struggle a bit with part to but managed to make it personal.

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really cool chapter..
Can't wait for more;)))
Well done

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks I will send you a request when I finish
Sorry this took so long I keep getting distracted, also I told you I'd take another half hour before posting it, and I wanted to really point things out. :3 Alright, so another twist from the twilight version is good, but I'm starting to get the sense that Roslyn is Bella again, she's so happy to be changed and unwilling to tell a soul about the Davoles and all. I trust that you will turn it away from the twilight zone like you said. Although this has gotten much better, there are a few sentences that are still kind of thrown together where they could use a comma, or most of the time a period. You have added more detail, which is a good thing, but it could still use a bit more of the other senses besides sight and sound (idk if dialogue is really appealing to the sense of sound, though, so I don't think you have any sound appeals here). The spacing between paragraphs is nice as well for it can help the reader keep his/her place and follow along with the story smoothly. There is a some emotions in this, which helps a reader to connect to characters a little bit more, but I would like to have a bit more emotion in the chapters. Also, it's kind of just telling some things that could be more shown. Sorry, too lazy to get an example, but if you ask I guess I could search for some examples lol I'm sooo lazy. Now back to the review. So I feel like I don't know really anything about the CURRENT Micheal except for what you TOLD me. Also, in the dialogue in the beginning when they are explaining themselves to Roslyn, it just seems so rushed and so unreal, so maybe slow it down a little bit and add maybe a little more detail there, maybe a little more reluctance to tell her, because right now they're just so willing to just tell her everything about them. I know that if I was a vampire I wouldn't be so willing to tell somebody even the tiniest detail about myself, otherwise I would just tell the entire world that I was a vampire. I don't know, maybe that's just me. Did I mention the grammar, which I think has improved quite a bit, but I feel that it could still use a little bit of work. Other than that, this is really good so far. Keep it coming lol. (Well worth the wait, don't you think?)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I was also planning on using more sense in the next one two so well see
Silent Wolf

11 Years Ago

It took me an hour to write that and you only a few minutes to write that! Lol idk jk alright cool.
Silent Wolf

11 Years Ago

lol mk. :3
It shows that you have worked very hard on it. Very nice!


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thanks very much
Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

No problem:)
I think this is a very great chapter:) Well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you very much I worked so hard on this one. Do you get a sense of the charters more in this on.. read more

11 Years Ago

Yes, it was really good:) You get better and better throughout each chapter:)

11 Years Ago

thank you very much

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4 Reviews
Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013
Tags: Romance




I just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..
