![]() Chapter five:Who every Davole isA Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann![]() Roslyn is finding out more and more about each one of Francis family members including himself what is reveled is what drives her.![]() Roslyn Point of View I know I was wrong, but I just couldn't stop myself I thought that by going over there would get me my answers. But it just gave me more questions. 'Why do their parents look so young but talk so old? Why are they so closed off? Why did they have no children photos or growing up photos in the house, they looked all unpacked to me? What where they hiding what was he hiding? And my biggest question how did Francis get to the back yard so fast I didn't even see him pass me.' All these thoughts rumbled in my head, and I was more determined then ever to find out what they where hiding. I decided to go to the library and do some digging. As I walk to my car I realized his car wasn't there but I was to stubborn to even put his feelings in to consideration. When I arrived at the library I was more anxious to find out who they where I sat down at the computer. I didn't know what to look for but I figured I'd start with the two names I know. First Francis Davole I remembered his last name because of English class. The class we used to pass notes in I put those memories to the side. As I was searching I slowly began to realize I found nothing. I went to hospital records I found nothing, police records I found nothing. So I decided to look for his sister but the same thing happened to her its like they don't exists but that can't be because I knew them. I thought long and hard trying to remember what the moms name was."Amber...Amy..Allison.. Allison!" I finally remembered I typed her name in and I actually got some what of a hit! My jaw dropped I couldn't believe this couldn't be. It was a very very old photo of a women that looked exactly like Francis mom. She had flown black hair it was slightly curly, you couldn't tell the colors off her eyes but I knew they where golden brown she still looked skinny it was a match. But the date was from the 1850's she had a big corset dress and she looked completely the same. I clicked on the image and a whole sight about her popped up a big head line appeared Magical Allison Davole. It was mind-blowing I just started writing what I read: Magical women , age 26, could move as fast as wind! Stronger than a bear. Sparkles with sun like a star. Could move objects with her mind....... I was just speechless what was she where they all like that where they all magical or was this just an act. I saw Francis appear out of no where then I thought speed. That's all I had but I needed more. I finally arrived home at 6:30 and Francis car still wasn't there I was worried but I was more concerned about what I had found. Tomorrow I would need to see if they possessed these powers she did and lived as long as she has. She hasn't aged she looks young and she should be dead. I got out of my car went inside, "Do you want some dinner honey?" I was hungry but I had more important things on my mind. "No im fine." I stayed in my room the whole night. I had seen speed now all I needed was super strength, sparkling in the sun and moving objects. But how would I get at-least one of them to show it in front of me. Then the idea hit me it would be dangerous but I knew it would be worth it. I got ready for bed and just stared at my ceiling. I had woke up not realizing I had fallen asleep it was time to get ready for school and I was most terrified. I got dressed and headed down stairs. "Whoa whoa." I tripped on a car toy landed right on my but. "Stuart I'm gonna kill you." Stuart was at the top of the stairs laughing when he saw me coming he ran and locked the bathroom door. "Let me in you little twerp how many times do I have to tell you to put up your crap." I was furious I went down stair and grabbed some cereal my mom was playing my favorite artist Passion pit. I always love there songs it made me feel free. "Honey don't want to be late for school." She was right I didn't want to be late. When I arrived at school Ariel's car was already parked, I felt my heart racing and I was terrified. When I got to the gates of the school I stood there and I took a deep breathe exhaled and then went in. I went straight to English I knew that he would be in there not knowing if he was going to give me the silent treatment or a great day. When I got to class there was Ms. Heine but Francis wasn't there. "Ms. Heine was Francis just here?" She gave me a grin that I attempted to ignore. "No dear he is not coming today his mom says he is sick." I felt bad because I know he probably was faking his sickness so he wouldn't have to see me. I felt the tears start to flow done my cheeks so I went to the bathroom. I busted through the doors, the tears stopped flowing my body froze but I was trying to move. In front of me stood Ariel her golden brown hair flowed down her face I never noticed she had greenish black eyes eyes. She was really pretty it made it a bit difficult to be around her. I notice she was giving me a death stare I felt my body clench even tighter then before. "Help I.. I.." She looked at me with a cruel stare field with hate. "Leave my family alone or you will pay." Her eyes where pitch black, my eyes widened with fear and pain soared up my spine I wanted to scream but I couldn't. She then left the room and my body collapsed on the floor as I began to catch my breathe. 'Powers' is all I could think. When I got out of the bathroom I saw Francis and Ariel talking. I backed up so they wouldn't see me. "Do you not realize what you've just done." Francis looked pissed. "Are you serious now the stupid girl will keep her mouth shut!" He grabbed her by her arm. "She's not stupid the only stupid one here is you. Only an idiot would put there entire family in danger to spoke a girl." I was happy he defended me and sad I was going to expose him. But I wasn't anymore I just wanted to know the truth. While they where talking I started to admire Francis his flipped up black hair his Johnny Depp look his slim yet muscular body. I was interrupted with yelling. "You gonna get us all caught." Ariel yelled at Francis. And she walked out he followed her. I had a feeling that it was a bad idea but I followed them they where in a vacant parking lot screaming at each other! But Francis face was beyond pissed, "What are you going to do your little girlfriends going to call us out and i'll kill her." Those words hit me and Francis hands released fire toward Ariel dodged it but I couldn't believe it! He screamed at the top of his lungs as fire bolted out of his hands once he stopped he fell to his knees. She stood up and walked toward him and said "You know what will happen, get up i'll take you home." They went back to the school and drove off. My whole day was field with the thought of all I had learned about them. Allison was old but young and could move objects with her mind, Ariel could freeze people and give them pain with her mind, and Francis he could shot fire out of his hands. This all just sounded more crazy the more I played it in my mind. I wasn't so ready to go home so I just decided to go to the cafe on Decker. When I got there I noticed Francis car was parked I wanted to talk to him just to see if he was okay but I couldn't find myself to get out of the car. I seen Francis staring right at me through the cafe window I wasn't scared though until he got up and came outside. He came up to the car and I rolled down the window my hands where shaking like crazy. "What are you doing out here?" He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush. "I just wasn't sure if it was okay between me and you." "I know I said we can't be friends but that doesn't mean we can't talk." He looked at me and I realized he was asking me and not telling. "Well I guess your right." I got out of the car and I hugged him at some point it felt like he was trying to control himself and I didn't get it but I wasn't going to ask. We walked into the cafe and we sat down where he was sitting. "You where sitting by yourself?" I asked him a bit confused. "Eh yes I was I was just waiting for you.." I wanted to ask how did he know I was coming but I really just wanted to spend time with him. I sat down on the booth we now faced each other he just stared at me and I really loved starring at him. We stared at each other for a good ten minutes. We where interrupted by the waitress she cleared her voice and I snapped out of it but Francis continued to stare. "Are you guys ready to order?" "Um I would like a tea please." I looked at Francis waited for him to order. "And for you sir?" I could tell the waitress really wanted to get his attention but then I realized every girl wanted to get his attention. "I am not eating today mam Thank you for the service." "Alright." she said and walked away. I starred at him a bit more he could see I wanted a real conversation. "So how was school today?" I looked at him as if he already knew. "Oh it was nothing special, I ran into your sister in the bathroom." I then looked at him. He clenched the edge of the table the slowly started to release his grasp. "I am so sorry about her she is just so protective, she told me you where having a panic attack and she was telling you things. I told she was being stupid and not helping you breathe was putting you at risk she will apologize tomorrow I am sorry she did that though." I looked at him confused. Panic attack that wasn't a panic attack she did that to me she hurt me. I tried to play it cool. "Oh no its fine I understand. So tell me about your self what is your favorite artist movies, what do you like to do on your sphere time?" He looked at me and smiled while chuckling. "Well I don't listen to music much but I am in to classical music, I don't watch movies unless I am like invited and that hasn't been in while and well on my sphere time I write, draw, mess with my family." He laughed at the last part. "Mess with your family how?" "I just play jokes on them." "Oh" We spent the rest of the time talking about what we liked and about my self I learned that he is super closed off but he can open up he had a wonderful childhood and well he was actually really normal He liked some sports but he said they where all pretty pointless and had no meaning.He told me about the silly games him and his father use to play and how they use to speak with British accents. I learned that he was better that any guy I had ever known. After a two hour conversation I had forgotten all about his powers and his families secrets it was as if we had been dating. We had walked out of the cafe and I was a bit tired. "I will see you at school?" I asked hoping he would say yes. "Of course." I went home feeling a crazy feeling one I had never felt before I honestly never been so happy and I couldn't stop smiling. When I got home I looked at his house watched him pull in to the drive way when he got out of the car I waved to him and went in the house. I leaned against my door just soaking up what happened like a sponge. Then a knock on the door I opened it and it was Francis. "Eh hello I didn't mean to ask so such notice but my parents wanted to know if you would like to come over for game night on Friday? Its like a day where we go bowling or paint ball fights." "Honey who is at the door?" My mom walked in and the most embarrassing thing came out her mouth. "Oh its a boy O my gosh it a boy!" A smile came to her face. "Mom really?" "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." "Mom! He is not my boyfriend." "Hello Roslyn's mother my name is Francis I was just asking your daughter if she would like to accompany our family on Friday for game night." My mom smiled. "Oh she'll be there." "Mom!" I yelled "What he is cute." "Mom ugh! I am so sorry its her job to embarrass me. Now mom can you please leave." She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Okay well I will tell them you'll be joining us. Goodnight." He gave me a hug! It was always cold but full of love. He left and I felt so embarrassed. I ran straight my room avoiding my moms conversation. I plopped on the bed thinking and I realized I was going to be with his family I was nervous but it did mean I could find out more about his family. I knew what I would do I didn't care what he was when I found out I would love him just as much, I slowly started to drift off. 'Clink, Clink,' "Ugh" I groaned what was that it had been driving me crazy. I got up and noticed some one was on my balcony. "Who is it?" I was beyond terrified. "Its me." My face lit up. Francis I felt my heart race. "Just a minute!" I put my hair down brushed it. I went to the door and opened it. "What are you doing here?" "I couldn't sleep." He laughed. I didn't understand what for. "So you decided to come here. What time is it? "3 I am sorry if I woke you. You can go back to sleep." I grabbed his hand pulled him in the room. "Okay." I laid in the bed and watched him walk around the room. "Do you want me to leave?" I shook my head hoping he knew what I was implying. And he did he walked toward me and smiled. He laid in the bed I put my head on his chest attempted to hear his heart beat but it was a fail. I think I was on the wrong side of his chest. I laid there put the blankets over him because he was cold. He began to stroke my hair and I felt him exhale for the first time. I tried not to make it obvious that I was awake but I sucked at lying and what not. "Why can't you sleep?" He asked so softly. "Why can't you?" He giggled. "Its a family thing." "You guys stay up all night and see who falls asleep first?" "Something like that." "So isn't this way passed breaking your non-friends rule." He laughed and hugged me. "Does that really matter?" "No." "You letting things go would be easier for everyone." "You know I can't do that." "Why not?" "Because I wouldn't be with you if I did." "Your with me now, and you let it go for this moment." "I just can't.' "I.. You don't want to know." "I do" He looked at me with sadness. "No you don't, you don't know what it would me for me my family for you for us." Silence field the room. "What if I found away around it." "I highly doubt that's possible but go to sleep now you are tired sleep." He held me and he was right I was sleepy. "Goodnight Francis." And with that I fell asleep. What he was hiding wasn't going to change my feelings. I loved Francis!
© 2013 ThoughtsofShyannAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() ThoughtsofShyannCAAboutI just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..Writing