Chapter one: First encouter

Chapter one: First encouter

A Chapter by ThoughtsofShyann

Francis first encounter with Roslyn and the new school.

The smell of a freshly blended blood shake was brought to my attention I had got use to not sleeping but finding ways to pass time was rather difficult. 

"Francis get down here breakfast is ready and you can't be late." As if I could be late I thought to my self I was the fastest runner in the family. 

I hoped off my couch  and got dressed; a blue tee with a leather jacket and some jeans. Just as I was running down stair I bumped into Ariel my "sister" we don't talk much but I don't mind it I like my privacy and I need it. "Good morning thanks for the shake" I said. 
"Wait dear you have to take the car.." I looked at confused. 
"Why I could get there faster on foot." 
"Francis you must blend in." Those words I hated them why should I have to hide who I am but I didn't feel like arguing so I just grabbed the keys and left. Ariel got to the car faster than usual I didn't even catch her. 

We arrived at school it was mid semester and as usual everyone stared I could here them whispering, "He's cute" "who is she" "she's hot" "I wonder if there together?" Ariel and I just smirked at there comments because we could hear every word and they would never know. After meeting the principle we got our schedules.

 First period Ms.Heine English, I actually enjoyed English it was my favorite subject even before I was changed so I thought this should be okay. I realized I was late but it didn't mater I got a note from the office I opened the door and all eyes where on me even the teacher seemed to be starstruck. 

"I'm.." before I could finish my sentence the teacher jumped from her seat.

"Francis..hum Come in. Class this is Francis he will be here for the rest of the semester. Francis welcome to the class! Please sit in any of the vacant seats here is your assignment  if you get lost just raise your hand and I will assist you as soon as possible." I thanked and grabbed a seat in the back because I knew people would stare, but even people occasionally turned around and looked at me. 

It didn't bother me though its there comments that kept me from truly doing my work one in particular. It was a girl sitting on the right side two up from me she didn't say it to any one only to her self "I should talk to him after class." No one ever really talked to me they where either to scared or afraid of disappointment but I was actually a swell guy. I was born in a era where we greeted everyone and carried ourselves with the up most poise. I could here the music playing in the back ground and I had smiled. My flashback was interrupted by my English teacher.
"Sorry Ms. Heine I got sidetracked would it be okay if I where to turn it in at lunch?" She seemed a bit shocked at first and I was confused at what for she showed a slight smile 

"Of course that would  be fine just make sure to put your name on it." I left the room and this sudden aroma hit me like ten pounds of steal my hunting instincts kicked and I turned around with the growl which slowly turned into embarrassment.

 It was that girl to the right two seat up, she was actually really beautiful her dyed read hair  her soft skin but her smell it couldn't breathe because I would be compelled to bite her. 

"Hello" I said with such awkwardness she giggled.

"Hi em I'm Roslyn I just thought I would come introduce myself and ask if you needed help finding classes or something." I could tell she was nervous by the way she stared at her feet and played with her hair, then I realized I had just been staring at her. I snapped back into reality .

"Oh uh sorry um it's nice to meet you Roslyn... Uh yes uh could you help me find this class." I felt so stupid the class was art and I acted like the name was so difficult and my staring probably creep-ed her out. She was smiling 

"what is it?" I said with most curiosity. 

"Oh we have all the same classes is all kind of crazy huh." I just smiled. 

The next two classes I found my self staring at her the whole time and got caught by the teachers numerous times i'd felt very young and childish for it but she was just mesmerizing. It was lunch now it was good this school let kids off campus which meant I got to hunt and I was in the mood for bear. I don't drink human blood only because it makes it slightly easier to be around them. Ariel was already in the car when I got there. 

"Did you run here?" I looked at her with disbelief. 
"No you idiot I'm not stupid I had PE  they let us out early." I had felt kind of bad for accusing her of doing something so irrational I apologized when we arrived in the woods she forgave and we hunted!

 I had felt much better coming back to school on a full stomach, when we arrived my sister looked at me with a smirk I thought to myself oh no what is it. 

"There is a girl out there wait for you!" 

"What are you talking about?" Then I looked at the gates it was Roslyn I'd never been more happy to see someone in my life. I think my sister sensed my excitement because she looked at me with this 'walk don't run' look. I tried my hardest to walk toward and I think I succeeded. 

"Hey I saw you leave and I just decided to wait for you, but if your girlfriends going to walk you to class its cool." I looked at her confused 'girlfriend what girlfriend'. 

"Oh Ariel no that's just my sister she not my girlfriend, thank you for waiting for me it was rather kind of you." We walked to the rest of the classes together when school was over she did not bother to say bye and that truly made my heart sink. When we arrived home a ran fast to my room avoiding any unwanted conversations but I could hear Ariel telling them about the Roslyn. I had never met a creature so beautiful and I couldn't get her off of my mind. I just cant wait for the rest of the school year with her.

© 2013 ThoughtsofShyann

Author's Note

First chapter. be honest

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I haven't read your story in a while so I'm starting over:-) OK I agree it doesn't need to be all one paragraph. I would indent when the scene switches. These are just some friendly suggestions to maybe make the story better:-) you should describe and tell us about there hunt. I feel this chapter may be a but rushed. Describe your man characters a bit more. Your grammar needs some more work but hey I doubt anyone's perfect at grammar:-) this is a good start you just need to tweek it a bit:-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

I Like It! Although I found it a LITTLE(lot) difficult to read, the narrative was entertaining.My only issue with the plot would be 1: She being in ALL of his classes is a little unrealistic, It seemed kinda forced. 2:...Vampires... Buuuuuut It was enjoyable and I cant wait to read more...oh wait I DONT HAVE TO.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I really like the story so far. Honestly, from the grammar and spelling wise, there were a few errors. But the others pretty much covered the areas of what needed to be fix. Otherwise I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Alright, now honestly, from just a quick glance, not reading, it should not all be one paragraph. Two, you could use a couple periods in multiple spaces because some sentences do not go together but yet you kind of put them together. I liked this, but Kejara is right I hope it's not really that twilight thing lol. I like twilight and all but I don't particularly like all the remakes you know what I mean? Great start though I'll read more later!

Posted 11 Years Ago

very good chapter..
Plz tell me it's not "Twilight" style

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love anything that has to deal with supernatural and vampires especially! This is a good beginning:) great job:)!

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on July 27, 2013
Last Updated on October 16, 2013
Tags: Romance




I just always loved writing so I decided to just write about my dreams and thoughts! My name is Shyann as you can tell. I enjoy fiction mystery and Romance. I will try to do as many books as my mind w.. more..
