Games and Butterfly Knives

Games and Butterfly Knives

A Story by ShyGuyShares

Mike needed help with his addiction and it was his parents that helped him out.


Mike was addicted. He loved playing Games. He played with his friends a lot. There never really was a sure winner whenever they would play. Every time they would play, it would be for fun. Their objective was to always summon the Red Eyes Hungry Dragon " and they were successful every time.


They never played in public because playing Games was illegal. That did not stop Mike and his friends though because they would just play at someone’s house. People new that Mike and his friends were playing Games in someone’s house but no one cared. Mike and his friends were very influential, and besides, everyone seemed to be doing it. So everyone just turned the other cheek.


After awhile, people started to worry about Mike; he would play Games almost everyday, and sometimes, when he had no one to play with, he would play by himself. Mike was obsessed; the Dragon had a grip on him and consumed him with smoke and flames. Mike needed help, and his friends knew it " they just did not know how to help him.


His parents needed to do something, and they needed to do it quick. They panicked; and up until today they don’t know why, but they introduced Mike to the art of spinning a butterfly knife. The parents were the first to actually help Mike with this art. They bought his first pair, and taught him how to use it. They looked at YouTube videos on how people would spin a butterfly knife. There were so many different ways to spin the knife, but after awhile the parents couldn't go through with something so cruel anymore. They were disgusted with themselves and wished they never introduced Mike to the butterfly knife, but Mike was not. Mike was happy his parents introduced him to the butterfly knife. Mike practiced a lot and was determined to properly spin the knife one day.


When that day came, Mike was not addicted to playing Games anymore, and that was the last time Mike ever spun his butterfly knife. It may not have been the ideal way for Mike to stop playing Games, but it worked.

© 2016 ShyGuyShares

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Added on August 19, 2016
Last Updated on August 23, 2016
Tags: Addiction, Gaming, Drugs, Help, Knife, Death



As the name suggests, I'm a shy guy. I prefer to have my identity kept anonymous and I'd like to keep it that way (at least for now). I don't want people to know who I am, all I want them to know is t.. more..
