![]() As Persistent as MossA Chapter by kpieVincent found himself watching the scene before him in a state of awed rage. The blonde had been perched beside his pool, icy gaze studying the event that played out like a Greek tragedy for the past ten minutes. He'd found himself in a state of unease, clenching his fist as if he were capable of reaching through the haze that covered the liquid pond and halt all activity in the world. Of all the things for that brat to have stuck his nose into, for it to have been this ... "I'll murder that witch." The words were whispered daggers that shot through the darkness towards a target of unknown origin; the usual docile, kind, eyes that watched the world with a rosy tint were as cold as the color the aquamarine's reflected. The blonde's usual coy, playful, demeanor had all but vanished and been replaced with a deadly storm that brewed behind his annoyed expression. The air was stagnant, seeming to shake from the vibrations that were rolling from the man whom watched over the realm. Even the shadows that eyed him closely from the trees, plotting his end, seemed to retreat when he entered such a state. "It seems your will has been twisted." The words were of a deep tenor and came from somewhere beyond the wall of fireflies, in a part of the forest that was vacant of all signs of life. Vincent huffed, audibly annoyed that the being had decided to show his face at such a time; he looked over and watched as a tall shadow stepped forward and aimed itself for his clearing. He seemed to mull over something a moment before the sniper's lips twisted into a satisfied smirk, "I'll have to pay my daughter a visit again this year, Thanny." "Must you still call me that?" As if he'd taken the words as a welcome a man nearly 6'6" entered the sanctuary and looked over at it's master with a bored gaze of onyx. For a God, he was a strange fellow whom one would have mistaken for a human should the spiraling ram horns protruding from either side of his head not been present. The former God of Destruction had a willow like appearance; despite his great height he was built thin and looked to weigh no more than 180 pounds with defined features of an androgynous nature. The dark eyes that sat within his skull held a lazy, calculated, gaze as they watched the blonde to his left and starkly contrasted his paled skin. His hair was like the night that surrounded the grove and its length so vast it hug around his ankles and drug behind him several feet like the great tail of a beast. It was straight, with no defined layers and held bangs that blended with the mass; as such it was simply parted down it's middle to allow it's owner's face to greet the world. Without waiting for invitation the old God loomed over the pool, reaching out a hand to steady himself by means of his brighter counterpart's head. "Of course Thanny. That name of yours doesn't suit you at all." Vincent smiled playfully, ignoring the fact he was being used as a brace for the larger man's weight. Honestly he needed to do something with all of that hair, you could never even make out his body because of it all. "Anyway, you could give me a freebie this year?" "If you want to unravel the universe it should be fine." The man responded without much emotion in his voice, eyes appearing bored as he watched the pool. As blunt and cruel as always; in moments like this he started to understand why this God grated on Cael's nerves. Vincent cleared his throat, tired of the scene and waved his had as if to banish it from his mind. The pool glazed over, returning to the reflection of the twin suns in a instant; finally the new master tilted his head and looked up, a provoking line pulling over his lips as he eyed the hand atop his head. "Cael will be even angrier with you when he smells you in this place." Completely unaffected Thanatos allowed his shoulders to shrug as he redirected his attention to the toying blues watching him. "I could give him something to be angry about indeed." The words, despite their monotone nature were meant to be playful and brought a small smirk across the God's lips. Honestly, this idiot was starting to rub off on him a bit finally ... he wasn't sure if he was worried or relieved about this. The man found himself looking around the trees, as if assessing the presences that lay far beyond watching them in fear. He must admit though, since the blonde had taken over an eerie quiet had claimed these trees. A sense of law, and obedience had been driven into those meant to spend eternity beneath their boughs. He hadn't expected such as this when he'd agreed for the blonde to take his place. "Play a bit, hm? I might pay you in a freebie, you never know." "Sorry, I stopped selling my body over twenty years ago." Vincent laughed, shoving the hand off without taking the words to heart. He'd stood and started pulling on a deep green trench coat in preparation for his outing; honestly he'd been planning to visit Akeno in three days and here he was having to skip out on his family for this. "Don't overstep your bounds." Thanatos sighed in defeat, watching the man ready himself to leave. "There are rules we must play by." Vincent laughed, waving the words off as he started for the northern part of the black forest; he knew about the rules, and he knew these were rules he didn't have an option of breaking. Certain conditions had to be met for the likes of them to raise a hand to change the planet's destiny, and as of yet ... "I'm just going to have a bit of fun, promise. Besides ..." He stopped at the edge of his clearing, looking over his shoulder with an amused expression that didn't touch the aquamarine's watching the God. They were lined with a cold that would burn, with an agitation that caused them to narrow into slits and his brows to press together like steel bars. A coy laugh escaped and lined the words that followed, "You always say 'Whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.' Right, Thanny?" The onyx gazed appeared amused as it watched the blonde vanish through the buzzing insects and out of sight. The beast found himself chuckling before turning on his heel to head back towards the path he'd taken; he'd found himself an interesting brother. "I see why you took such interest in him, Cael." "Although the lotus root may be cut, its fibered threads are still connected." My Mother told me this once, and it was something I didn't understand. I simply remember feeling lonely, and scared, from both the dreams that came ... Then, without warning, a warmth would envelope me and I would stop crying. Mom ... I think I finally understand what you were telling me. A roar of a waterfall blocked out the chirping of birds and the soft rush of the stream that lead from the massive wonder; it voided the noise one would expect from the surrounding forest like it were a barrier meant to protect the young woman that sat meditating near it's banks. She'd been here for nearly two hours, her blade in her folded lap and her eyes never leaving the space behind her lids; she'd come here looking for something again and ended up basking in the refreshing sound. It was a place she'd found for the first time two years before, and upon laying eyes on it felt as if something clicked into place. She'd felt as if something was here, something important, that she'd forgotten. Since that time she came here when troubled and to this day had not found anything more than a peaceful escape from her own buzzing mind. Then again, maybe that was what she'd been seeking ... maybe that was the treasure she'd been searching for here. "Zhen, you're out here again?" Without opening her eyes the young woman hissed, shoulders tensing as the familiar presence crept from the trees and found her yet again. "You're intruding." He always found her, as if he were able to smell the blood that rushed through her veins and read her mind like a favorite book. It was an unsettling feeling, one that made her shrink back at the thought of ever trying to escape this place. How far would he go to find her again? It was a terrifying thought, especially when he looked over her with those eyes. ... Those eyes. What was with those eyes that held such a sinister nature they were void of all life? Zhen shuddered, attempting to return to her peaceful state of being and block out the rustling that came from the forest to her left. Instead of returning the peace seemed to fly farther away and forced the young woman's eyes open to study the folded leather jacket that served as a bed for her blade. This path ... she was on the right path, wasn't she? The man that appeared from the trees finally sighed, looking no older than the last time he'd been in a forest. Since he'd pinned that blacksmith to the tree and been interrupted. Zane crossed his arms, grey eyes looking out to watch the female with an uninterested air; she was a handful. The man had an aura of calm about him that starkly contrasted he whom reared his head three years before; he seemed to have regained something ... or lost something else. He wandered over, already tugging at the collar of his clothing; it was hot out here. He was dressed in what looked to be a black uniform made of leather. The jacket was fitted and held a folded collar lined with white striping; on it's left lapel was a large insignia made of silver that looked to be hands overflowing with water. Much like his demeanor his hair had changed, grown out a bit to tickle the nape of his neck, and sway in the breeze that finally brushed through the trees. "Noah said you were looking for me?" Zhen sighed in defeat, seeing that there would be no rest until he'd addressed what he'd come here for. Her large eyes lifted and wandered over to inspect the bored 28 year old with annoyance, "I was this morning, and after an hour of searching that pit for you I came up for some air. You vanish when I need you yet come calling on me as if I'm a dog." Her words were cutting, eyes taking on a edge of wariness at the tension that seemed to have spiked in his demeanor. "I have a question." "Out with it then, I only have a few moments before I have to return to the pit." Now he was mocking her, that usual friendly smile playing at his face as if he were fooling someone. This man, every time she was in his company she felt uneasy; it was like the first time she'd met him ... when it felt as if four sets of eyes were watching her instead of two. "Leon Dwyer. He was there as you said he'd be." "Oh?" Something seemed to change in the male's voice for it took on an edge of interest. He smiled, the action still miles away from the grey orbs that watched her closely. "He's quite the character isn't he? Temperamental and obstinate, right?" Zane laughed casually, wandering over to take a seat atop a rock. "Well?" "He's stronger than you mentioned, but his demeanor is different than described." Zhen rolled her eyes, standing finally to hold her blade in her hand; she slammed it into the ground and used it much like a tree trunk to lean upon. Green eyes lifting they watched the expression playing the General; he certainly got excited when that name was mentioned, didn't he? "My question for you is about that man. He was prattling on about me remembering something as if I've met him before. He was insistent that I've gone into combat with him ... why?" "Of course you've fought him before. Are you daft?" Zane stared, mildly surprised before breaking into a fit of laughter. "I thought you grasped that much." Frowning lightly the 22 year old watched, eyes never leaving the empty voids of grey watching her with an amused expression. Why did it look as if he were watching a comedy for the fifth time? Like he knew a joke was coming but still feigned amusement because he found it entertaining? "That man killed the voice, correct? I have never seen him before with my own eyes or my minds eye as I sleep; unless you're withholding some information I have never met him before." This was annoying. A sigh, almost exasperated, seemed to escape the male sitting atop the rock. It was as if he'd come to a realization and suddenly felt pity for the woman standing before him, "You really are cute when you look like a confused lamb. My, my ... for you to skew my words so." Grey eyes lifting they seemed toying, as if he were laughing quietly as he pushed his hand through his hair in thought. "I said he was the reason the voice was in pain ... I never said the voice died, darling." She felt her voice catch a moment, eyes large in surprise from the words that had been spoken. This snarky little s**t ... was he playing with her? "What?" Zane laughed again, thoroughly amused at the sight of her before standing and wandering over with a skip in his step. "That man in your dream is very much alive and kicking. You see ... haven't you ever thought about it?" He spoke softly, voice holding a tone of endearment as he reached over and placed his fingers beneath the young woman's chin. "Your memories are memories yes, but seeing as how they began so young how could you have had the time - much less the ability - to know the voice in them at that age?" He tilted her chin upwards, feeling the tension in her form rise the closer he drew. Zane chuckled again, the sound like that of a mother chastising her young. "The voice that bothers you so much ... he was crying out in agony yes, but not from being in any danger. He had something precious taken away, something so important he probably felt as if he were dying. Pitiful creature really ... " Zhen swallowed, green eyes watching the other pair that had slipped within three inches of her own. She felt a chill rush down her spine and an uneasiness settle into her stomach as the question formed upon her tongue and her lips fought to keep it in check. He sounded far too amused as he spat the words. "What are you implying?" The shake of the young woman's voice entertained the 28 year old more, for he tilted his head as if confused. "Leon Dwyer didn't kill that voice, darling. Leon Dwyer killed the next best thing ... he killed you. The memories are from your last life, and I've simply given you the means to avenge your own death." Zhen had found an interest in the ground, for it felt as if another piece had shifted. Something had clicked in as if she'd found something in this hollow finally, after countless times of searching it's waters. So that's why? A face came to mind, one of a man that visited her frequently; one whom suddenly stopped coming without a trace. Her brows knit with frustration, a feeling of betrayal from the half truth she'd been told welling in her gut, "Is that why the blonde man came to visit me then?" The shock of emotion that skipped over the eyes watching her didn't go unnoticed, and caused the uneasiness in her body to intensify. That look there ... disgust? "Did the blonde know one of them? Better yet ... why do you know so much about either of them?" There it was again: disgust. However it was laced with agitation that made itself known by the fingers that still held her chin hostage. They tightened, if only for a moment, as if they wished to lower themselves and encircle her neck. "My, my ... you certainly have gotten bold in your years boy. He'd gut you if he saw you that close to her you know?" This voice. Zane's eyes wrenched around and latched onto the aquamarine's that had appeared from thin air; they were watching from beneath a tree and held a look he knew all too well. Hostility. "Vincent ... I haven't seen you since you were covered in dirt." The words were toying, yet the explosive's expert pulled away from the woman he looked as if he were ready to devour. He crossed his arms, a small smile pulling over his lips, "You certainly look very lively now ..." Joking around about his death? This impudent little ... Vincent simply chuckled, eyes closing as he allowed a bright smile to plaster his face. "Better than ever." "Vincent?" Zhen had taken to watching the man a few feet away, his voice familiar and the color of his hair striking a memory. So, that was the name of the one who visited her once a year? She was confused, and the emotion was embodied in her green gaze that wandered back an forth between the other two. Did these two know one another? It felt as if they did ... yet the harsh blood lust that was seeping from the blonde was causing her to wonder their link. "Do you know each other?" Vincent smiled, his eyes taking on a tender glow as he wandered over towards the familiar girl. "Something like that." He reached out and ruffled her hair lightly, looking her over a moment as if checking for any harm that had been done. "You've grown into a woman on me, Zhenny. Sorry to have abandoned you like that, but I had something come up that I had to attend to ... right, Zane?" His tone had changed from kindness to that of anger in the matter of a second as the man tore his gaze from the girl at his side to the black headed male that had retreated a few steps. "Old friends just keep popping up on me lately ..." She didn't understand this undertone, nor did she understand why they were watching one another as if the other were about to jump upon them like a wild animal. What had interested her however, were the words that had been spoken when the blonde made his presence known; she seemed to have grasped them and worked them over in her mind enough to have stirred a bit of hope from her depressed state. "Um ..." Seeing the icy gaze switch to her in a moment, and witnessing the warmth that flooded into them instantly ... it was refreshing. This blonde man ... she could trust this man. Swallowing a moment she pushed down the feeling that seemed to have welled within her chest - the thread that pulled. "Vincent?" She spoke the name as if she were unsure of it's legitimacy, however when he nodded lightly she continued, "Do you know that voice ... the one ..." "I promised him I would watch over you a very long time ago." He'd answered her so fast she'd been unable to finish and felt something click; she'd found something else in this place. Two treasures in one day? She may start asking the Gods if her luck were genuine or if she were dreaming. Swallowing yet again she found herself looking over Zane, watching him as he glared the two of them down. There it was again: disgust. Her brows knit in frustration, anger now rising from his demeanor. "And you? Do you know who that voice is?" The smirk that played the man's lips was all the answer she needed. So, he'd neglected to tell her this much and still insisted the debt she owed him the past year. This little ... Vincent chuckled, clearly amused at the irritation that had come over the bomber. "You could say they both know the sting of betrayal well." "Still as coy as ever I see." The words were venom, thrown from Zane's mouth as if he were reaching his limit of tolerance. "You're to annoy me for an eternity now? I dare say I won't be able to take it ... you were always cruel Vinny, but this is a bit much ... I should get some rest from it at some point." "Sorry, snakes don't get to call me cute names." Vincent smiled, the words that fell from his lips finally taking on an edge of irritation; he appeared to be at his limit as well. "I'm pretty fond of scaly things, but not the types that slink around on their belly without even a backbone to call their own." This seemed to be the point at which the black headed man had heard enough for he hissed out lightly, eyes turning for the woman that had simply watched the exchange in silence. After all the work he'd put into her, that blonde w***e had to show up and stick his nose where it didn't belong eh? He smiled brightly, "I'll see you back down there then, Zhen. I'm tired of flirting with Death." He turned on his heel, waving light before wandering off and vanishing into the trees. That little s**t. Vincent growled, half tempted to reach out his hand and yank the b*****d backwards; if he'd had the authority to kill him now ... The confused set of greens that were studying him seemed to knock the man from his thoughts for he sighed, releasing his anger and laughed lightly. "I can't give you much detail either. I'm sorry, love ... my boss would kill me for meddling in human affairs too much." He ruffled her hair lightly, not giving her a moment to form the question he'd seen spark on her tongue. "I also can't give you any advice about that one but ... you always were able to read people well. Listen to yourself about Zane, okay?" She had started to wonder over the man before her, and what he was. She'd always found it a bit strange that he never looked any older, just as he looked now was as he always had. She had never thought to question him about it, and it looked as if he wouldn't allow her to question it either. "Hey ..." Zhen paused, her mind wandering about the overload of information that had been tossed around her in such a short time. She'd thought the words over countless times, but never had the gall to speak them. What would the outcome be? Would she be even more confused? "Which memories are real? The ones of this me or the ones ..." She knew about the cycle, and the teachings of rebirth in that cycle ... so her own death wasn't as much of a shock as it should have been. The thing that bothered her though ... "You're you. It's extremely rare for humans to remember their past lives, and usually it only happens by a chance of fate. Think of it as a stroke of good will from the Gods; you earned a reward in your past life and we're treating you." The warm hand that had taken place atop her head was heavy, yet it felt comforting. It felt familiar and for a brief moment she felt something pull from the darkness of her mind, something that wanted to be remembered. Zhen laughed lightly, shuddering as a thought popped up as if she'd found a piece of candy in a food drawer. She'd been comforted before by this hand, hadn't she? That's right, Vincent always had comforted her when he went off and worried her. Green eyes bright she found the watchful blue pair and returned the smile they were beaming, "Thank you, Papa." It was a strange feeling, but even when he'd had done such as this when he visited her growing up ... he always had this Fatherly air. "I'll stick to this path for now, but I'll remember what you said. Despite that one's attitude I promised something, and I'm not the type to break them." Vincent had been silenced by the word of endearment that had rolled from the young woman's mouth. It had caused his breath to catch and tears to taunt his lids as the warmth that blessed her face revealed itself; she'd remembered something. He hadn't heard such a word from her mouth in ... Unable to help himself he snatched the black head into an embrace and sighed. He'd ignored her latter words for a time, thinking them over; he was uneasy about this. That witch was sticking her nose into things and trying to meddle and she'd already planted a seed of hatred. "Promise me something?" The sniper spoke, his voice uneasy as he untangled himself from the young woman and gripped her shoulders protectively. "Don't do anything on impulse, alright? No matter what ... just promise me you'll think before you act?" "I don't quite understand, but I promise." The young woman smiled lightly, lifting her hand to give one of the larger one's clinging to her a squeeze of encouragement. Her companion seemed to understand and released her with a reluctant smile. Zhen thought a moment, eyes wandering back to the jacket that had been forgotten on the ground earlier; she'd continue like this for a while. Finally she reached down and grasped the fabric as if it were a curse, pulling it over her shoulders as if she'd taken on a weight far too heavy for her to bear. The action alone seemed to unsettle the man before her for his eyes instantly locked upon the insignia on her chest and watched it carefully. For some reason, there was a spark of rage that ignited in the eyes ... one large enough for her to notice. "Visit me again soon, promise?" "I will." Vincent spoke with a small smile yet the action hadn't reached his words. They seemed hollow and defeated as he bit his tongue and turned to wander off without as much as a goodbye. He didn't like this at all. The silence recaptured the clearing, the lone roar from the waterfall clearing her mind as if it were a sign as she watched the blonde wander off and vanish into the trees. Why had there been such a look of rage, and fear in him when he'd seen this thing? The green eyes wandered down to study the silver emblem pinned to her chest; she'd always thought the crest to be strange for a military branch, but now she found herself wondering over it's origin. "I wonder what mountains shall move when I finally wake up from this nightmare ..." Her eyes had changed their attention again, fingers digging out a small object from the pocket of her coat to inspect it. It was a signet ring made of finely crafted silver and held a large green gem that much resembled a Moss Agate surrounded by small clear crystals that shone as if they were Diamonds. This ring, she'd been given it when she was seven by the very blonde whom had departed a few moments ago. He'd claimed it was something important then, and after she'd grown a bit and researched she'd understood. It was an Earth Signet - a magical item that one could use to alter the states of soil and rock. Typically they were used in combat for both defensive and offensive purposes by those who used their bodies as weapons. She never used it, but kept it with her by either means of a chain around her neck or her pocket. Many times she'd thought of taking it to a blacksmith and having him rework the item into her blade yet ... The 22 year old sighed, finding herself studying the largest gem as if it held a secret she had yet to crack. It was a pretty stone really ... almost like ... An eerie silence seemed to have even overtaken the girl's thoughts for she swallowed, the sudden tear that had slipped from her left eye and rolled down her cheek freezing her in her place. So this was why. Zhen gasped, slipping to her knees and allowing the forged iron to fall with a clatter beside her as she clung to the piece of jewelry as if it were the most precious thing she owned. A string in the darkness had popped, and a brief moment had come to mind that brought her to a shaking heap. A pain had rolled within her chest and tore at her being. Why couldn't she just see who said such things? Why was it never clearer than a few splashes of color and words that sounded as if they were trying to pull away a shade? A sob rolled out to reach the heavens as if it were searching for someone as the young woman clutched the small item to her chest and fell to rest her forehead against the soil. In the end, she'd been the reason that kind voice was crying ... it was heartbreaking. Because that brute had killed her, she'd ended up causing that kind man so much pain. "Leon Dwyer ... I will still never forgive you." The words were shaking, laced with as much anger as she'd been able to muster. "My resolve hasn't changed." "Oi, give me your hand." "Why in the hell would I give you my hand?!" "You break a lot easier than me, so here take this." "Eh? Isn't this one of the rings Vinny gave you?" "It suits you better; the stone matches your eyes. Besides ... I can protect you when you're out of my sight."
© 2016 kpie |
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