![]() After MidnightA Chapter by Shiveon
After Midnight 2K13(May 10) “Happy birthday Y” “Sorry
Y” “But how could you forget X, at least from you I was expecting it at midnight” “I know but..” “You disappointed me X..” High pitch
of voices awakened me, WTF! They are doing at this time. I saw my clock it was
2:30 AM. I saw the smoke it was still greasy that means I have to look up in
the matter. You are thinking Dairy why I do this thing. Here is the answer,
it’s my job, that’s why I meant to be so I prepared myself and took a pen and
without wasting time I chocked myself into thick smoke.. “I set up alarm, but it
didn’t bell.. I’m sorry Y” She didn’t
answered.. S - Some O - One R - Really R - Remember Y- You “But you forgot” “No Y, how could I?”, Something does can be left undone; some words can be left
unsaid; Some feelings can be left unexpressed, But someone as sweet as you can never be left unmissed. “Happy B’day Y” Yeah! Diary
tonight is Y’s Birthday, one in
million. From a long time X was
making the plan that how he will surprise
Y on her birthday, he thought every s**t in his mind. “I will go in front of
her college in night and then I will wish her personally at midnight. There
could be a chance of first kiss” But suddenly
he changed his mind. “Nah it will be too
aggressive and Majnu type thing, leave it. ummm then what should I do?” “I’ll send him a
birthday card through telegram, last Indian telegram” Yeah that
was a good idea; the telegram service was going to end where X lived. So it would be a romantic
thing “But I don’t know how
to send a telegram, f**k!!” “Maybe I should send
her a parcel of chocolates” He thought
several things that he should do this thing, he should do that thing but he
couldn’t reach on a single goal. “F**k them all, a
friendly wish on midnight will be sufficient..” He set an
alarm of 11:55 and slept thinking about
Y that they were making love but he woke up in a sudden. He felt strange
like something was not right there, he looked outside the window, night was
still dark, it’s not time, he put his blanket up but his throat got dried so he
decided to take a glass of water. “I! I! Give me water” “Ammm, f**k you”. I answered in half anesthetise. “F****r” he knew he wouldn’t be given water,
he got up and drink water, in meantime of gulping water he saw upside on wall.. “WTF”, water chocked his throat. It was 2:30. “Oh f**k” he immediately messaged Y. “Happy b’day Y” That’s how
he surprised Y, forgetting her
birthday. It was not his fault; he was too tired of working. He knew her
birthday from the very day of first meet but his alarm betrayed him. “Sorry Y” “It’s ok” “Enjoy your day, and
again, happy birthday” “Thanks X. Now sleep it’s about to sunriseJ” “You also sleep gn” Evening “How was the day???” “As usual..” “Had fun??” “How could I?? You!!” “I’m sorry Y, tell me what you want on your
birthday??” “Nothing” “No. I want to give you
gift, ummm teddy, or chocolates.” “I don’t like teddies” “Strange! I heard girls
like teddies” “Ya, almost all but not
me” “Only Advitiy doesn’t
like teddies” “Very funny..” “Then chocolates??
Don’t tell me you don’t like chocolates” “Yupp, I like but I
don’t want..” “Why? R u okay!!” “Ya but” “No but I’m sending you
a truck of chocolates...” Smile J He thought,
he succeeded in making Y smile. He
always does things that he could get lol or her smiley. But a needle was near
to X’s heart and it was growing
deeper and deeper. ‘P’ “Am I the first one, he
asked himself” He
never wants to be the second. “If Y liked someone before me or loved,
I’ll let her go. I cannot be her true love I always been the second and when P comes before Y...” “Oh f**k, he can’t
imagine what would be scene. “Y would you like to play a game, a
birthday game” “Ya sure..” “Umm let’s play truth.” “Truth???” “Ya we will ask each
other questions and answer them only truth. Only short answers.. okay” “Okay start..” “No ladies first..” “Okiee.” “Was I the first whom
you liked??” “Yes..” “Your turn..” “First crush??” “You. When I came to
know what is crush.”. His heart
suddenly melted. how sweet I’m the first one. I am her first crush. He was not
good looking and was rude also then how?? If she would before him, he would
kiss her but then who is P, Is he
from her college or school?? I have to know. “My turn,” “Ask” “Do you think I’ll
accept your proposal??” “Umm , nopyes..” “What is it??” “Its answer..” “You said, it will be
only truth.” “Yes Y but I really don’t know what you will
do, and I don’t want to know.” “Okay your turn..” “What did you think
when I proposed you...” “Nothing just
obvious..” “Why obvious??
Elaborate..” “Cheating, short
answer, remember!!” “It has been changed
for this case.. Now tell me why obvious..” “I felt it from your
talking..” “Then why didn’t you
stop me?” “How could I??” “You know Y, you are the only one whom I want to
talk ever..” “Oh X,” “What do you think how
far our relationship will go...” “To the heights of
mountain...we will campaign there” “Lol can we reach??” “Definitely..” J But I don’t like cold.. “Then we will go Thar
desert..” “I don’t like summer
too, I become red in sun.” “Red queen! Then we
will go to rainy forest..” “Queen???” “Okay princess!!!” A sweet
conversation diary, perfect couple, I think so... don’t you think?? “Well Y if you have a time machine which time
you want to go in?? Take your time..” “Childhood” Somehow
answer disappointed him, he thought he will get the time when he met with Y but no offence. All people have
different desires.. “Good. Do you know if I
had a time machine where I would want to go,” “No, tell..” “17 March 2013” “Why??” “The day we talked.” “When your friend
messaged me mistakenly, that was the day??” “Yupp” “I think same X”. J “X, I know you want to know about me.
You have some questions for me you can ask” “Yes I have but how I
can?” “Just ask frankly..” Oh dear Y, you are the sweetest girl I ever
met, you know he will never ask about your past, so you want to let X know about you before going forward
but sorry Y,X is wicked than you think, he know all about you, your past,
present and probably your future too. “Should I tell her that
I know about her and P,” No, it will
ruin your friendship too. His physic mind was making him to go on bad way. If I
would on his place, I will tell her but that’s not my place..so “I know whatever I
want” he wrote the
words after thinking about a while.. “You know, then why you
wrote you have (questions)” He didn’t
answer. He was thinking about Y and P. He has several questions, several
things to ask but he can’t or he won’t. And from Y’s talking, it’s been giving a strong proof that she had a past.
Thinking of her past it was making X
mad and suddenly going on mountain with Y
he landed in divorce court room.. “Should we end it
here?” “I want to be with you X but I want to know more about you
(that u are not like P).if we would
be in same college I would not take that much time that I’m taking now..” “I will again propose
you after 4 years; you have a lot of time.” “It’s not a joke X.” “And I’m not joking..” “I’m not forcing you Y, in mean time if someone else comes
in your life, you are free to go..” “And what about you..” “I’m also free, but I
know there would be none.” “Think again X, after that my time taking will be
ended..” “I have decided. We
will end our here..” “As your wish X. But I don’t want it..” “Have a good life Y.. Its midnight and you are free from
now.. Good bye..” He deleted
his memory from core. For a second he felt relief but slowly emptiness becoming
to ride on him. “A shell without a soul” In this
meantime when Y became his soul, He
didn’t know himself. He wanted to go back to Y and our dear Y took
first step.. She messaged
X on his cell.. “R u insane, why u
deleted your core. I just want to take time, come back. further I’ll talk only
on fb.” “He smiled, fire was on
both side..” “Here I comeback..” “I don’t know what to
say, sometimes you scare me. For a second you pretend happy and other moment
you just ruin all” “I’m a physic..” “So Mr. Physic see our
bond has been made stronger.” “Yuppp” “So what now should we
experience this relationship??” “No” “Why not?” “Cause we are experiencing
it.” J “So X its around 4 and my eyes are becoming
heavy, we will talk tomorrow..okay..” “Okay angel.” “Luv u.” He got
paralysed, can’t breathe, can’t smoke. “How could I? Am I?
Really?” For a while
he forgot to breath. He saw the clock it was showing 4 and ticking continuously,
but he couldn’t hear it. After a period of 1000 years he came to reality, night
was silent but a thunder was in his head... he couldn’t believe on his eyes.. “She does” he screamed very loudly and the dogs
outside the room gave their responses. “Shut up” he cried on his four leg brothers. But I was
too tired so I pulled me back. He did it diary, she loves him and my work is
almost finished. But how long it lasts, we will see. till then gn. © 2014 Shiveon |
Added on May 12, 2014 Last Updated on June 1, 2014 |