![]() Examination DayA Poem by Ejay![]() Exam fear is an inexorable part of every child's life. This piece is my attempt to channelise the mumbo-jumbo that occurs in my brain . Hope you can relate .![]()
"Beep! Beep! Beep!..."
My ears spring up in terror, My eyes open with a painful shudder. A monstrous fear fondles my head. My muscles communicate : "Darling, stay in bed!" Groggily, I reach the bathroom sink. I see the Examination Monster give me a loathing wink. My hands tremble over the toothpaste tube. For, I just forgot the formula for the volume of a cube. Fearfully, I pull the belt around my white-and-green pinaform I suddenly lose control of my tie. Thirty-two is two raised to the power of four or five? Indices and Algebra plunged into battle, Calculus came for me in full throttle. Geometry and I were betrothed enemies still, while Trigonometry was the Lion, and I, the kill. Breakfast couldn't slide down my throat. My intestines twisted into a kindred knot. Through the window laden with dust, I viewed with dread: My yellow school bus. I shut my eyes . Drowned the butterflies. "You'll be okay..." , my Mommy told. O Lord! What fate do you propose to unfold? In a whirlwind, I reached the Examination hall. With every step forward, my confidence took an epic fall. It was only for three hours. It seemed so ne'er , yet so far. I stitched together my waning threads. Now, I had to make amends. I fought harder than Napoleon. I was valiant like Genghis Khan. I persevered through every inch of the paper. And not once did I feel my hopes taper. "Tringgg! Tringgg! Tringg!" went the school bell. It was such a mellifluous melody that it humbled my atrocious agony. I floated out. I had ended my uphill bout. I had terminated my dreadful foray. Thus, came to an end My Examination Day! © 2017 EjayAuthor's Note
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