Contraceptives and CatholicsA Story by Knight in ArmorWhy the Catholic Church should reconsider their stance on contraceptivesThe Catholic Church recently became involved in a major lawsuit against the Obama administration regarding a new law that will require employee insurance plans, including those provided by Catholic organizations, to provide contraceptives to employees. The Church objects to this because of a previous policy against contraceptives reestablished in 1968 by Pope Paul VI in his encyclical letter “Humanae Vitae”, despite the majority of the members of the papal commission organized regarding oral contraceptives voting for the Church to allow birth control pills. As Electra Draper of The Denver Post reported in her article “Catholic Church defends birth-control stance amid strong opposition”, Pope Paul VI predicted that four things would happen if birth control was accepted, which are, “Morality would be generally lower; women would be less respected… human bodies would be viewed mechanistically… and governments would impose population control on their people” (Draper, 1.) In fact, many of the issues Pope Paul VI raises as points of contention underscore the need for birth control. The Catholic Church’s policy regarding contraceptives should be updated because it can lead to economic and familial stress, lack of contraceptive use can contribute to higher abortion rates, and it is misogynistic. The Church’s stance against birth control leads to familial and economic stress in that it causes families to have children that they neither want nor can afford. This is most evident in developing countries where contraceptives are not yet widely available. As Diana Hull noted in her article, “Overpopulated and impoverished nations: Can and should the West intervene and if so
how? A Comment on Weld 2012”, published online in Ethics in Science and
Environmental Politics, “Much can be learned from Weld’s descriptions of
escalating poverty, cruelty and loss of life, caused by… Catholic groups,
engaged in a power play that rejects appropriate solutions” ( Similarly, in the Furthermore,
the Church’s policy regarding contraceptives is misogynistic and degrading to
women. It forces a woman to be unable to freely act upon her sexuality. However,
Pope Paul VI claimed otherwise in his letter “Humanae Vitae” when he claimed, “… man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive
methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and… reduce her to being a
mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires…” (Paul, 1.) Pope Paul
VI believed that permitting use of birth control for women would cause men to
become so used to sex without risk of pregnancy that men would begin to forget
that they must love their wives. Pope Paul VI goes on to say that men will, “no
longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and
affection” (Paul, 1.) Pope Paul VI believed that allowing birth control would
cause men to no longer value their lovers. Despite this, many impoverished
nations that do not consider women as equal partners to men have the worst
birth control stances. As Most importantly, the very mandate that the Church so adamantly fights against is meant to help equalize the amounts that men and women pay for health insurance. Women already pay more for health insurance, as Robert Pear notes in his article “Gender Gap Persists in Cost of Health Insurance” in The New York Times, with the fact that “… nonsmoking women often pay more than male smokers of the same age for the same coverage” (Pear, 1.) These price differences do not include maternity care or birth control, as of, “… the extra charge for maternity coverage is $270 a month…” (Pear, 1.) Obama’s mandate will help to reduce the price differences by law, and the inclusion of birth control will also help to reduce how much more women must pay for health insurance. The Catholic Church, though it is trying to protect women, is trying to prevent a law that would drastically decrease the differences between men and women in health care, particularly birth control. If the Church updates their stance on contraceptives, they will help lead to decreased misogyny through the world and more specifically in health care in the United States through a potentially decreased need for abortions and better familial and economic situations every where. Decreasing the problem of unwanted pregnancy for women will help people all around the world. Decreasing the number of abortions, the level of economic stress in third world nations, the level of familial stress around the world, and the amount of misogyny women experience will radically help everyone. Most importantly, the Church’s fight against birth control protects almost no one, as Rachel K. Jones and Joerg Dreweke proved in their study “Countering Conventional Wisdom: New Evidence on Religion and Contraceptive Use”, funded and published by the Guttmacher Institute. Jones and Dreweke found that, “Among all women who have had sex, 99% have ever used a contraceptive method other than natural family planning. This figure is virtually the same, 98%, among sexually experienced Catholic women” (Jones and Dreweke, 4.) The fact that even strongly Catholic women choose to use contraceptives shows how outdated the Catholic Church’s current policy on contraceptives is, and how much good the Church could do by reconsidering the issue of contraceptives. While the Catholic Church may be trying to protect women by banning birth control, they are hindering the lives of all women everywhere with their current policy. Works Cited: Basset, Laura. "Access To Free Birth Control Causes
Abortion Rate To Drop Dramatically: Study." Huffington Post. N.p., 5 Oct.
2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. < rate_n_1942621.html>. Draper, Electra. "Catholic Church defends birth-control stance amid strong opposition." <>. "ENCYCLICAL LETTER HUMANAE VITAE OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF
PAUL VI." < vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae_en.html>. Hull, Diana. "Overpopulated and impoverished nations: Can and should the West intervene and if so how? A Comment on Weld 2012." Inter-Research Science Center. N.p., 26 Apr. 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Jones, Rachel K., and Joerg Dreweke. "Countering Conventional Wisdom: New Evidence on Religion and Contraceptive Use."Guttmacher Institute. N.p., Apr. 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. < Contraceptive-Use.pdf>. Pear, Robert. "Gender Gap Persists in Cost of Health
Insurance." The New York
Times. N.p., 19 Mar. 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. < health-insurance-data-shows.html>. Talbot, Margaret. "Why is the Catholic Church Going to Court?." The New Yorker. N.p., 31 May 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. < the-catholic-Church.html>. © 2013 Knight in Armor |
Added on February 24, 2013 Last Updated on February 24, 2013 Tags: Catholics, church, religion, contraceptives, birth control, Obama, Obamacare, lawsuit, sexism, misogyny AuthorKnight in ArmorGrand Rapids, MIAboutI'm Shining Knight. My profile picture is Marvin the Paranoid Android. I'm afraid that nearly everything else about me is classified information, unless you ask nicely. If you send me a read request, .. more..Writing