The Last Words....

The Last Words....

A Poem by Still Hidden

When it ends and there is nothing you can do about it


You can reread them as many times as you want. 

It won’t change the ending to the story. 

It won’t make the story continue. 

It exhausts every part of you. 

If only you could stretch that last sentence out, just a bit longer.....

It could never be long enough.


When you sit there, at that moment, the moment you realize it’s over, paralysis sets in and you turn the page to see a blank slate. 

There are no more words, no more story. It’s just what it is.

A blank page.


You beg, “Please don’t end.” 

But there’s nobody to hear your cries. 

There is nothing you can do. 

It’s time to close the book. The only chance you have to keep the story alive is to reread it over and over again... always hoping for a new ending.

© 2024 Still Hidden

Author's Note

Still Hidden
Just curious how many people out there can relate.

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Added on October 13, 2024
Last Updated on October 14, 2024
Tags: loss, endings, wishing


Still Hidden
Still Hidden

Westchester, NY

Been through a lot. Have many words. Not sure what these words are worth. more..
