Sweet Potato,

Sweet Potato,

A Chapter by Jasmine S. Edwards

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The kids confirm that they were at the neighbor’s house and that two orphans had broken into their apartment after Zane left it unlock. There were the bodies the police and Seymour found. Seymour decided to leave the children with the traffickers knowing that she would find them there eventually after making the connection. The captain tells Kenjin that he killed the overseers and evacuate the building before blowing it up. The woman and children were returned to their families or given new homes.

  Carmyne gives Seymour’s necklace to Zane while Apollo gives his to Kalani. Apollo is glad that he finally gets to meet his daughter and being four years old she accepts him for who he-she is. Zane tells his mother that he knows Seymour is his father, he told him. Zane has a tape recording of a conversation they had.

  On it, Seymour reveals his true feelings. Knowing that Kenjin is coming for him now that Stella is dead, he stops injecting himself with the regulator crystal. Being able to think more clearly, he tells his son that he is glad that Carmyne had him and not Stella. He admits that he never loved her knowing that she rather have him dead so she could take over and  he used her as an excuse to hide his true feelings for Carmyne and Apollo; she who was too young and lustful and he who is a man he hated for loving him. When Carmyne chose Apollo over him even after having Seymour’s child, he was heartbroken. But something in him snapped when he found out his best friend, Kenjin betrayed him while he was at war. The aggression effects he suffered didn’t help either. He is ready to face Kenjin to the death for his betrayal to the syndicate and their friendship. He believes that Kenjin will kill him if he really loved Stella and/or he really wants control over the syndicate or he would let him live if he didn’t want control and/or didn’t love Stella. He says that Kenjin is lucky that his father gave him the option of leaving but Seymour knew that the syndicate was waiting for him to return. Kenjin wouldn’t be ruthless and reckless. He would lead the syndicate to a brighter future. He recites the note Stella left behind: “I was set free by an assassin, how fitting. I hope she set you free and you set her free too.” Seymour knows she can never be free with him alive. “So, maybe I should die. That is how Stella and I are alike; our loves will never let us go as long as we are alive.”

  Kenjin thinks back to the day of their duel. The only thing on his mind was Stella’s death and avenging it. He thought he was stronger than Seymour but now he knows he held back. Kenjin sees that he was a true friend and finally grieves over his death. Carmyne remembers that when she closed his eyes a tear was ready to fall; that when she knew he truly loved her. Apollo holds Kalani, Lamar and Lorelei sit at the table while Kenjin, Carmyne and Zane cry.

  In the morning, Carmyne finds Kenjin trying to commit suicide but she stops him in time. She tells him that he needs to go back to the syndicate and handle things the right way; Stella lead him astray by pretending to love him and that Seymour had her killed to save him. He should get back on the right path knowing his true friend died to set him free. Kenjin turns in his badge and bids farewell to his captain. The gang head to a café trying to figure out what to do next. They get up from the table and head their separate ways.

  Lorelei goes off on her own in search for a cure for the crystal effect with help from Edward.  Kenjin returns to his syndicate to take over Seymour’s position and works to find alliance with the other syndicates in order to protect their city from outsiders who will want the crystals. Lamar returns to his wife and child but helps Kenjin from afar. Apollo stays with Carmyne and the children.

Sequence: "Sweet Potato"- Sia

Seymour hates Vicious after finding out he isn't his father. He writes a letter to Kenjin but never sends it. Seeing double, external action, internal feeling: Seymour denies Apollo's advances but embraces him, Seymour throwing Carmyne off of him but cradles her, Seymour taking Crystal away from Apollo but he hoards it, Seymour crying believing he can't be loved but he is angry about Kenjin and Stella relationship, Seymour's assult on Apollo, but he hesitates, taking Carmyne hostage but he makes love to her. Seymour watches over Zane and Kalani as he awaits his fate. He bonds with his son and breaks down crying as Zane hold him to his chest.

© 2014 Jasmine S. Edwards

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Added on March 25, 2014
Last Updated on March 25, 2014


Jasmine S. Edwards
Jasmine S. Edwards

Rochester, NY

College student who loves to write in my free time :) Always looking for inspiration and a good story to read. I write what comes to my mind or my takes on stories unfinished. My smart phone, a pen a.. more..
