Another input: A debate is when a group of people, like ourselves, get into a discussion about a topic, but as alwys emotions get involved. This causes arguments and anger. Yet through suchanger you will discover things about the people you hold dearest to you. Things you never knew before then. Yes, somepeople can take it too far but only when a physical element is brought into the situation. We wouldn't debate something if we didn't want to put a point across. I'll use Hitler as an example. He was victimised by Jews and other foreign residents of Germany. Now in his eyes he was a "War Hero" that should be respected. So when he was thrown to the ground by the German government he was left with nothing. And a fire was ignited when rich Jewish couples would walk past when they had never served in a war or fought the countrys enemies. So he walked into a tavern and spoke to his countrymen, and i'll use a quote from Julius Ceaser, and basically said "Friends Romans, countrymen lend me your ears". He cased a heated debate. But got through to those he wanted on his side and started "the German National Party" and the rest is history. That is what can come out of a heated debate. A result through pain and misery. Even though most hate the man, no-one can say he wasn't an amazing emptional speaker that got millions on his side. Same as "chavs", they just see anyone that isn't them an enemy. Sorry for the extremely long rant. I just wanted to get a point across <--- see!